
Defines functions plotForestDeprecated generateOEdata extrapolateOE restore.oe.var rstudentt cor2cov inv.logit logit

Documented in cor2cov inv.logit logit

logit <- function(x) {  log(x/(1-x))  }

inv.logit <- function(x) {  1/(1+exp(-x)) }

#' Convert a correlation matrix into a covariance matrix
#' @param sigma vector of standard deviations. The order of standard deviations should correspond to the column order in 'cormat'.
#' @param cormat a symmetric numeric correlation matrix
#' @return The covariance matrix
#' @author Thomas Debray <thomas.debray@gmail.com>
#' @export
cor2cov <- function(sigma, cormat) {
  if (length(sigma) != nrow(cormat) & length(sigma) != ncol(cormat)) {
    stop ("Invalid dimensions for 'sigma' and/or 'cormat'")
  # Check if cormat is symmetric
  if (!isSymmetric(cormat)) {
    stop ("The correlation matrix is not symmetric!")
  # Check if the correlation matrix is valid
  if (any(eigen(cormat)$values <= 0 )) {
    stop("The correlation matrix is not positive semidefinite!")
  D <- diag(sigma)
  vmat <- D %*% cormat %*% D

rstudentt <- function(n, mean, sigma, df, lower, upper) {
  #non-truncated student t
  sample <- (rt(n, df = df) * sqrt((sigma**2) * (df-2)/df) + mean)

  # Rejection sampling to ensure the boundaries are met
  count <- 0
  maxcount <- 100
  n.reject <- sum((sample>upper | sample<lower))
  while(n.reject >0 & count < maxcount ) {
    sample[(sample>upper | sample<lower)] <- (rt(n.reject, df=df)*sqrt((sigma**2) * (df-2)/df) + mean)
    n.reject <- sum((sample>upper | sample<lower))
    count <- count+1
  # Use a uniform distribuion for the remaining invalid values
  sample[(sample>upper | sample<lower)] <- (runif(n.reject, min=lower, max=upper))
  # @importFrom tmvtnorm rtmvt
  #sample <- rtmvt(n=n, mean = mean, sigma = sigma, df = df, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  #return (as.numeric(sample))

restore.oe.var <- function(citl, citl.se, Po) {
  nom <- ((Po-1)**2)*((Po**2)+1)*((exp(Po+citl))**2)*(citl.se**2)
  denom <- (Po*(-exp(citl))+Po+exp(citl))**2
  out <- nom/denom

extrapolateOE <- function(Po, Pe, var.Po, t.val, t.ma, N, model="normal/log") {
  Po.new <- 1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val)
  Pe.new <- 1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Pe)/t.val)
  theta <- theta.var <- NA
  if (missing(var.Po)) {
    var.Po <- rep(NA, length(Po))
  if (model=="normal/identity") {
    theta <- Po.new/Pe.new
    # Approximate SE of Kaplan-Meier using binomial distribution
    theta.var.approx1 <- ((t.ma**2)*exp(2*t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val)*Po)/((t.val**2)*N*(1-Po)*(1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Pe)/t.val))**2)
    # Use error variance of Po, which is equal to the error variance of the KM estimate
    theta.var.approx2 <- ((t.ma**2)*exp(2*t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val)*var.Po)/((t.val**2)*((1-Po)**2)*(1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Pe)/t.val))**2)
    theta.var[is.na(var.Po)] <- theta.var.approx1[is.na(var.Po)]
    theta.var[!is.na(var.Po)] <- theta.var.approx2[!is.na(var.Po)]
  } else if (model=="normal/log" | model=="poisson/log") {
    theta <- log(Po.new/Pe.new)
    # Approximate SE of Kaplan-Meier using binomial distribution
    theta.var.approx1 <- ((t.ma**2)*Po*exp(2*t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val))/((t.val**2)*N*(1-Po)*((1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val))**2))
    # Use error variance of Po, which is equal to the error variance of the KM estimate
    theta.var.approx2 <- ((t.ma**2)*exp(2*t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val)*var.Po)/((t.val**2)*((1-Po)**2)*((1-exp(t.ma*log(1-Po)/t.val))**2))
    theta.var[is.na(var.Po)] <- theta.var.approx1[is.na(var.Po)]
    theta.var[!is.na(var.Po)] <- theta.var.approx2[!is.na(var.Po)]
  } else {
    stop ("Scale not implemented")
  out <- cbind(theta, theta.var)

generateOEdata <- function(O, E, Po, Po.se, Pe, OE, OE.se, OE.95CI, citl, citl.se, N, 
                           t.ma, t.val, t.extrapolate, pars, verbose) {
  cc.add <- 0.5
  # Derive O or E from OE where possible
  O <- ifelse(is.na(O), OE*E, O)
  O <- ifelse(is.na(O), Po*N, O)
  E <- ifelse(is.na(E), O/OE, E)
  E <- ifelse(is.na(E), Pe*N, E)
  theta.cil <- theta.cul <- rep(NA, length(O))
  # Apply necessary data transformations
  if (pars$model.oe == "normal/identity") {
    #Check if continuitiy corrections are needed
    cc <- which(E==0)
    E[cc] <- E[cc]+cc.add
    N[cc] <- N[cc]+cc.add
    O[cc] <- O[cc]+cc.add
    Po <- ifelse(is.na(Po), O/N, Po)
    Po <- ifelse(is.na(Po), OE*Pe, Po)
    Pe <- ifelse(is.na(Pe), E/N, Pe)
    Pe <- ifelse(is.na(Pe), Po/OE, Pe)
    theta <- OE
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), O/E, theta)
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), Po/Pe, theta)
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), -(exp(citl)*(O/N)-exp(citl)-(O/N)), theta) #derive from CITL
    theta.var <- OE.se**2
    if (pars$level==0.95) {
      theta.cil <- (OE.95CI[,1])
      theta.ciu <- (OE.95CI[,2])
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), ((theta.ciu - theta.cil)/(2*qnorm(0.975)))**2, theta.var) #Derive from 95% CI
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), ((Po.se/Pe)**2), theta.var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), O*(1-Po)/(E**2), theta.var) #BMJ eq 20 (binomial var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), (O/(E**2)), theta.var) #BMJ eq 30 (Poisson var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), (((O/N)**2)+1)*((exp(citl))**2)*(citl.se**2), theta.var)
    #Extrapolate theta 
    if (t.extrapolate & !is.na(t.ma) & class(t.val)=="numeric") {
      if(verbose) message("Extrapolating estimates of the total O:E ratio ...")
      ep <- which(t.val!=t.ma)
      thetaE <- extrapolateOE(Po=Po, Pe=Pe, var.Po=(Po.se**2), t.val=t.val, t.ma=t.ma, N=N, model=pars$model.oe)
      theta[ep] <- thetaE[ep,"theta"]
      theta.var[ep] <- thetaE[ep,"theta.var"]
      t.val[ep] <- t.ma
    } else if (!t.extrapolate & !is.na(t.ma) & class(t.val)=="numeric") {
      if(verbose) message("Omitting studies with improper follow-up times ...")
      theta[t.val!=t.ma] <- NA
      theta.var[t.val!=t.ma] <- NA
  } else if (pars$model.oe == "normal/log" | pars$model.oe == "poisson/log") {
    #Check if continuitiy corrections are needed
    if (pars$model.oe == "normal/log") {
      cc <- which((O==0 | E==0))
    } else if (pars$model.oe == "poisson/log") {
      cc <- which(E==0)
      cc.add <- 1
    E[cc] <- cc.add
    N[cc] <- N[cc]+cc.add
    O[cc] <- O[cc]+cc.add
    Po <- ifelse(is.na(Po), O/N, Po)
    Po <- ifelse(is.na(Po), OE*Pe, Po)
    Pe <- ifelse(is.na(Pe), E/N, Pe)
    Pe <- ifelse(is.na(Pe), Po/OE, Pe)
    theta <- log(OE)
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), log(O/E), theta)
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), log(Po/Pe), theta)
    theta <- ifelse(is.na(theta), log(-(exp(citl)*(O/N)-exp(citl)-(O/N))), theta) #derive from CITL
    theta.var <- (OE.se/theta)**2
    if (pars$level==0.95) {
      theta.cil <- log(OE.95CI[,1])
      theta.ciu <- log(OE.95CI[,2])
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), ((theta.ciu - theta.cil)/(2*qnorm(0.975)))**2, theta.var) #Derive from available 95% CI
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), ((Po.se/Po)**2), theta.var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), (1-Po)/O, theta.var) #BMJ eq 27 (binomial var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var), (1/O), theta.var) #BMJ eq 36 (Poisson var)
    theta.var <- ifelse(is.na(theta.var),  restore.oe.var(citl=citl, citl.se=citl.se, Po=Po), theta.var) #CITL
    #Extrapolate theta 
    if (t.extrapolate & !is.na(t.ma) & class(t.val)=="numeric") {
      if(verbose) message("Extrapolating estimates of the total O:E ratio ...")
      ep <- which(t.val!=t.ma)
      thetaE <- extrapolateOE(Po=Po, Pe=Pe, var.Po=(Po.se**2), t.val=t.val, t.ma=t.ma, N=N, model=pars$model.oe)
      theta[ep] <- thetaE[ep,"theta"]
      theta.var[ep] <- thetaE[ep,"theta.var"]
      t.val[ep] <- t.ma
    } else if (!t.extrapolate & !is.na(t.ma) & class(t.val)=="numeric") {
      if(verbose)message("Omitting studies with improper follow-up times ...")
      theta[t.val!=t.ma] <- NA
      theta.var[t.val!=t.ma] <- NA
  } else {
    stop(paste("No appropriate meta-analysis model defined: '", pars$model.oe, "'", sep=""))
  #Only calculate 95% CI for which no original values were available
  theta.cil[is.na(theta.cil)] <- (theta+qnorm((1-pars$level)/2)*sqrt(theta.var))[is.na(theta.cil)]
  theta.ciu[is.na(theta.ciu)] <- (theta+qnorm((1+pars$level)/2)*sqrt(theta.var))[is.na(theta.ciu)]
  ds <- cbind(theta, sqrt(theta.var), theta.cil, theta.ciu, t.val, F)
  colnames(ds) <- c("theta", "theta.se", "theta.95CIl", "theta.95CIu", "t.val", "cont.corr")
  ds[cc,"cont.corr"] <- T
  ds <- as.data.frame(ds)
  if (pars$model.oe == "poisson/log") {
    Study <- c(1:dim(ds)[1])
    ds <- cbind(Study, ds, O, E, N)

#' @author Thomas Debray <thomas.debray@gmail.com>
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom graphics plot axis polygon points lines box abline strheight segments text
plotForestDeprecated <- function(vmasum, xlab, refline, ...) {
  inv.logit <- function(x) {1/(1+exp(-x)) }
  if (!is.null(vmasum$rma)) {
    # Forest plot
    if (vmasum$model=="normal/logit") {
      metafor::forest(vmasum$rma, transf=inv.logit, xlab=xlab, addcred=T, refline=refline, ...)
    } else if (vmasum$model == "normal/log") {
      metafor::forest(vmasum$rma, transf=exp, xlab=xlab, addcred=T, refline=refline,...)
    } else if (vmasum$model=="normal/identity") {
      metafor::forest(vmasum$rma, transf=NULL, xlab=xlab, addcred=T, refline=refline, ...)
    } else {
      stop ("Invalid meta-analysis model!")
  } else {
    col <- c("black", "gray50")
    border <- "black"
    lty <- c("solid", "dotted", "solid")
    cex <- 0.8
    efac <- 1
    efac <- rep(efac, 2)
    par.usr <- par("usr")
    height <- par.usr[4] - par.usr[3]
    k <- dim(vmasum$data)[1]
    slab <- c(as.character(vmasum$slab), "RE Model")
    yi <- vmasum$data[,"theta"]
    ci.lb <- vmasum$data[,"theta.95CIl"]
    ci.ub <- vmasum$data[,"theta.95CIu"]
    if (vmasum$model=="normal/logit") {
      xlim <- c(-0.5, 1.5)
      yi <- sapply(yi, inv.logit)
      ci.lb <- sapply(ci.lb, inv.logit)
      ci.ub <- sapply(ci.ub, inv.logit)
      refline <- NA
    } else if (vmasum$model == "normal/log" | vmasum$model == "poisson/log") {
      yi <- sapply(yi, exp)
      ci.lb <- sapply(ci.lb, exp)
      ci.ub <- sapply(ci.ub, exp)
      refline <- 1
      plot.multp.l <- 1.2
      plot.multp.r <- 1.2
      rng <- max(ci.ub, na.rm = TRUE) - min(ci.lb, na.rm = TRUE)
      xlim <- c(min(ci.lb, na.rm = TRUE) - rng * plot.multp.l, 
                max(ci.ub, na.rm = TRUE) + rng * plot.multp.r)
      xlim <- round(xlim, 2)
    ylim <- c(-1.5, k + 3)
    #Add the meta-analysis summary to the results
    #Note that no transormations are needed here, as summaries are always presented on original scale
    b <- vmasum$results["estimate"]
    yi <- c(yi, b)
    b.ci.lb <- vmasum$results["95CIl"]
    b.ci.ub <- vmasum$results["95CIu"]
    b.cr.lb <- vmasum$results["95PIl"]
    b.cr.ub <- vmasum$results["95PIu"]
    ci.lb <- c(ci.lb, b.ci.lb)
    ci.ub <- c(ci.ub, b.ci.ub)
    rows <- c(seq(k,1),-1)
    annotext <- round(cbind(yi, ci.lb, ci.ub), 2)
    annotext <- matrix(apply(annotext, 2, format, nsmall = 2), ncol = 3)
    annotext <- paste(annotext[,1], "[", annotext[,2], ",", annotext[,3], "]")
    par.mar <- par("mar")
    par.mar.adj <- par.mar - c(0, 3, 1, 1)
    par.mar.adj[par.mar.adj < 0] <- 0
    par(mar = par.mar.adj)
    on.exit(par(mar = par.mar))
    plot(NA, NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab="", xlab=xlab, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", xaxs = "i", bty = "n", ...)
    par.usr <- par("usr")
    height <- par.usr[4] - par.usr[3]
    lheight <- strheight("O")
    cex.adj <- ifelse(k * lheight > height * 0.8, height/(1.25 * k * lheight), 1)
    cex <- par("cex") * cex.adj
    for (i in 1:k) {
      points(yi[i], rows[i], pch = 15, ...)
      segments(ci.lb[i], rows[i], ci.ub[i], rows[i], ...)
      segments(ci.lb[i], rows[i] - (height/150) * cex * 
                 efac[1], ci.lb[i], rows[i] + (height/150) * cex * 
                 efac[1], ...)
      segments(ci.ub[i], rows[i] - (height/150) * cex * 
                 efac[1], ci.ub[i], rows[i] + (height/150) * cex * 
                 efac[1], ...)
    text(xlim[1], rows, slab, pos = 4, cex = cex, ...)
    text(x = xlim[2], rows, labels = annotext, pos = 2, cex = cex, ...)
    # Add prediction interval
    segments(b.cr.lb, -1, b.cr.ub, -1, lty = lty[2], col = col[2], ...)
    segments(b.cr.lb, -1 - (height/150) * cex * efac[1], 
             b.cr.lb, -1 + (height/150) * cex * efac[1], 
             col = col[2], ...)
    segments(b.cr.ub, -1 - (height/150) * cex * efac[1], 
             b.cr.ub, -1 + (height/150) * cex * efac[1], 
             col = col[2], ...)
    # Add diamond for summary estimate
    polygon(x = c(b.ci.lb, b, b.ci.ub, b), y = c(-1, -1 + 
                                                   (height/100) * cex * efac[2], -1, -1 - (height/100) * 
                                                   cex * efac[2]), col = col[1], border = border, ...)
    # Add refline
    if (is.numeric(refline)) {
      segments(refline, ylim[1] - 5, refline, ylim[2] - 2, lty = "dotted", ...)
    # Add separation line between forest plot and meta-analysis results
    abline(h = 0, lty = 1, ...)
    # Add separation line on top of the figure
    abline(h = ylim[2] - 2, lty = lty[3], ...)
    if (vmasum$model == "normal/logit") {
      axis(side = 1, at = c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1), labels = c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), cex.axis = 1, ...)
    } else if (vmasum$model == "normal/log" | vmasum$model == "poisson/log") {
      axis(side = 1, at = c(0:ceiling(max(exp(vmasum$data[,"theta.95CIu"]), na.rm=T))), labels = c(0:ceiling(max(exp(vmasum$data[,"theta.95CIu"]), na.rm=T))), cex.axis = 1, ...)

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