
Defines functions get.function unlist.listofperf which.1 which.abs.max which.abs.min mrma blockMatrixDiagonal urma logistfirth predictlogistf predictglmer predictGLM getPredictMethod remove.na.obs successive within.sample fixed bootstrap l1o getSE getCoVars getVars coefMultinom getCoefs getStepName getcvName getclName getFoldName centerCovs center

# Internal function for centering
# x numeric vector to be centered in data sets.
# center.in indices of data sets.
center <- function(x, center.in) {
  if (length(center.in) != length(x))
    stop("length(center.in) should match length(x).")
  for (trial in sort(unique(center.in))) {
    selection.id <- center.in == trial
    selection <- x[selection.id]
    x[selection.id] <- selection - mean(selection, na.rm = T)

# Center covariates within clusters
# Centers all except for y.name and cluster.name
# data data.frame
# y.name character, name of outcome variable
# cluster.name character, name of cluster variable.
centerCovs <- function(data, y.name, cluster.name) {
  to.center <- which((!(colnames(data) %in% cluster.name | colnames(data) %in% y.name) ) & sapply(data, is.numeric))
  cluster.vec <- data[ , cluster.name]
  for (col in to.center)
    data[ , col] <- center(data[ , col], center.in = cluster.vec)

# These functions are used for making various names. Any change should be made here, such that
# these functions can also be used to retrieve objects from a list.
# st.u vector. unique indices or names of clusters.
# f numeric. fold index.
# type character. type of cv (just a chosen name)
# data.list list of data sets.
# data data.frame.
# covariate.columns indices of covariate columns.
# All return character.
# getFoldName <- function(st.u, f = NULL, type = NULL)
#   paste(getclName(st.u = st.u), getcvName(f = f, type = type), sep = if (length(f) > 0 || length(type) > 0) ". " else "")

# For l10, fixed and successive, the validation folds are unique. Bootstrap reuses them, and must add an iteration number.
getFoldName <- function(st.u, f = NULL, type = NULL) {
  if (isTRUE(type == "l1o") || isTRUE(type == "leaveOneOut") || isTRUE(type == "fixed") || isTRUE(type == "successive"))
    paste(getclName(st.u = st.u))
    paste(getclName(st.u = st.u), getcvName(f = f, type = type), sep = if (length(f) > 0 || length(type) > 0) ". " else "")

getclName <- function(st.u)
  paste(toString(st.u), sep = " ")

getcvName <- function(f, type = NULL)
  paste(type, f, sep = " ")

getStepName <- function(x)
  paste("s", x, sep = "")

getCoefs  <- function(fit, ...) {
  if (inherits(fit, "multinom"))
    return(coefMultinom(fit, ...))
  if (inherits(fit, c("glmerMod", "lmerMod")))
    return(lme4::fixef(fit, ...))
  else return(coef(fit))
# Needs some work. Should also return some coefficient names.
coefMultinom <- function(fit, ...)

# Perhaps unnecessary:
getVars   <- function(fit, ...) diag(as.matrix(vcov(fit)))
getCoVars <- function(fit, ...) as.matrix(vcov(fit))
getSE     <- function(fit, ...) sqrt(getVars(fit))

### The following functions are for generating the folst.u for the cross-validation in metapred
# st.u Numeric or character vector. Unique names of the strata / clusters.
# k Numeric. Differs per function
#   bootstrap: number of bootstraps
#   fixed: indices of data sets for validation.
#   successive (still a hidden function): Number of validation sets.
#   leaveOneOut = l1o: iecv: internal-external cross-validation of data sets/clusters.
leaveOneOut <- l1o <- function(st.u, ...) {
  st.u <- sort(st.u)
  if (length(st.u) < 2)
    stop("iecv not possible for fewer than 2 strata.")
  indexes <- seq_len(length(st.u))
  out <- list(dev = list(), dev.i = list(), val = as.list(st.u[indexes]), val.i = as.list(indexes))
  for (i in indexes) {
    out$dev[[i]]   <- st.u[-indexes[i]]
    out$dev.i[[i]] <- indexes[-i]

bs <- bootstrap <- function(st.u, k = NULL, ...) {
  st.u <- sort(st.u)
  if (is.null(k))
    k <- 200
  if (length(st.u) < 2)
    stop("Bootstrapping data sets is impossible for < 2 data sets.")
  dev <- dev.i <- val <- val.i <- list()
  i <- 1
  while (length(dev) < k) {
    indexes <- sample(1:length(st.u), replace = T)
    if (length(unique(indexes)) >= length(st.u))
    dev[[i]] <- st.u[indexes]
    val[[i]] <- st.u[-indexes]
    dev.i[[i]] <- indexes
    val.i[[i]] <- seq_len(length(st.u))[-indexes]
    i <- i + 1
  list(dev = dev, dev.i = dev.i , val = val, val.i = val.i)

fixed <- function(st.u, k = NULL, ...) {
  st.u <- sort(st.u)
  if (length(st.u) < 2)
    stop("Selecting a validation set is impossible for < 2 data sets.")
  if (is.null(k))
    k <- length(st.u)
  indexes <- seq_len(length(st.u))
  list(dev = list(st.u[-k]), dev.i = list(indexes[-k]), val = list(st.u[k]), val.i = list(indexes[k]))

ws <- within.sample <- function(st.u, ...) { # Necessary for testing recalibration functions.
  st.u <- sort(st.u)
  if (length(st.u) < 2)
    stop("Selecting a validation set is impossible for < 2 data sets.")
  indexes <- seq_len(length(st.u))
  list(dev = as.list(st.u[indexes]), dev.i = as.list(indexes), val = as.list(st.u[indexes]), val.i = as.list(indexes))

successive <- function(st.u, k = NULL, ...) {
  st.u <- sort(st.u)
  if (is.null(k)) k <- 1
  k <- as.integer(k)
  if (k < 1) stop("k must be >= 1")
  if (length(st.u) < (k + 1)) stop("Cross-validation requires k + 1 data sets, where k is the number of test sets.")
  out <- list(dev = list(), dev.i = list(), val = list(), val.i = list())
  for (i in seq_len(length(st.u) - k) ) {
    sel <- 1:i
    out$dev.i[[i]] <- sel
    out$dev[[i]] <- st.u[sel]
  for (i in seq_len(length(out$dev)) ) {
    sel <- (i + 1):(i + k)
    out$val.i[[i]] <- sel
    out$val[[i]] <- st.u[sel]

# Remove observations (rows) that have at least one missing value.
# Necessary for metapred(), to ensure that the same observations are used
# df data.frame
# Returns: data.frame
remove.na.obs <- function(df) 
  df[apply(df, 1, function(df) sum(is.na(df))) == 0, ]

# Gets the predict method.
# fit Model fit object.
# two.stage logical. Is the model a two-stage model?
# predFUN Optional function, which is immediately returned
# ... For compatibility only.
getPredictMethod <- function(fit, two.stage = TRUE, predFUN = NULL, ...) {
  # A user written function may be supplied:
  if (!is.null(predFUN)) {
    if (is.function(predFUN)) {
    return(get(as.character(predFUN), mode = "function"))
  # If two-stage, the fit is used only to extract the link function.
  # If one-stage, fit's prediction method may be used.
  if (two.stage) {
    if (any(fit$stratified.fit[[1]]$stratum.class %in% c("logistf")) || inherits(fit, "logistf"))
    if (any(fit$stratified.fit[[1]]$stratum.class %in% c("glm", "lm")) || inherits(fit, c("glm", "lm"))) 
    stop("No prediction method has been implemented for this model type yet for two-stage
         meta-analysis. You may supply one with the predFUN argument.")
  } else {
    if (any(fit$cv[[1]]$stratum.class %in% c("logistf")))
    if (any(fit$cv[[1]]$stratum.class %in% c("glm", "lm")))
    if (any(fit$cv[[1]]$stratum.class %in% c("glmerMod", "lmerMod")))
  # Return default predict function if everything else fails

# Prediction function for two-stage metapred GLM objects
# object glm model fit object
# newdata newdata to predict for, of class "data.frame"
# b vector of coef. Overrides coef of object
# f formula used for selecting relevant variables from newdata. Overrides object
# ... For compatibility only.
# Returns vector of predicted values.
predictGLM <- function(object, newdata, b = NULL, f = NULL, type = "response", ...) {
  if (is.null(b)) b <- coef(object)
  if (is.null(f)) f <- formula(object)
  X <- model.matrix(f2rhsf(stats::as.formula(f)), data = newdata)
  lp <- X %*% b
  if (identical(type, "response")) {
    if (is.null(fam <- family(object)))
  } else if (identical(type, "link"))

predictglmer <- function(object, newdata, b = NULL, f = NULL, type = "response", ...)
  predictGLM(object = object, newdata = newdata, b = b, f = f, type = type, ...)

# Prediction function for logistf from the logisf package
# Args same as those of predictGLM()
predictlogistf <- function(object, newdata, b = NULL, f = NULL, type = "response", ...) {
  object$family <- binomial(link = "logit")
  predictGLM(object, newdata, b = b, f = f, type = type)

### NOTE: FOR SOME REASON UNBEKNOWN TO ME logistf() and requirenamespace(logistf) alter
# the functionalities of as.character(), thereby breaking the formula functions of
# this package.
### Note: cal.int does not work with this function. Use bin.cal.int instead.
# normal.int logical Should the intercept be recalibrated, such that Firth's correction
# is removed from it?
logistfirth <- function(formula = attr(data, "formula"), data = parent.frame(), pl = TRUE,
                        alpha = 0.05, control, plcontrol, firth = TRUE, init,
                        plconf = NULL, dataout = TRUE, ...) {
  if(is.null(normal.int <- list(...)$normal.int) ) normal.int <- FALSE
  if(is.null(fallback   <- list(...)$fallback)   ) fallback <- TRUE
  if (fallback && length(f2tl(formula)) < 1) 
    pl <- FALSE
  # Test if optional 'logistf' package is installed
  if (!requireNamespace("logistf", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The package 'logistf' is currently not installed!")
  fit <- logistf::logistf(formula = formula, data = data, pl = pl,
                          alpha = alpha, control = control, plcontrol = plcontrol,
                          firth = firth, init = init,
                          plconf = plconf, dataout = dataout, ...)
  fit$family <- binomial()
  if (normal.int)
  return(recalibrate(fit, newdata = data, f = ~ 1, estFUN = glm, family = binomial))

# Univariate Random Effects Meta-Analysis
# coefficients data.frame or matrix, containing coef
# variances data.frame or matrix, containing variances
# method Method for meta-analysis.
# vcov Ignored. For compatibility only, until a better solution is implemented.
# ... Optional arguments for rma().
#' @importFrom metafor rma
urma <- function(coefficients, variances, method = "DL", vcov = NULL, ...) {
  if (!(is.data.frame(coefficients) || is.matrix(coefficients)) || !(is.data.frame(variances) || is.matrix(variances)) )
    stop("coefficients and variances must both be a data.frame or matrix.")
  if (!identical(dim(coefficients), dim(variances)))
    stop("coefficients and variances must have the same dimensions.")
  meta.b <- meta.se <- meta.tau2 <- meta.ci.lb <- meta.ci.ub <- meta.pi.lb <- meta.pi.ub <-
    meta.se.tau2 <- rep(NA, ncol(coefficients))
  for (col in seq_len(ncol(coefficients))) {
      r <- metafor::rma(coefficients[ , col] , variances[ , col], method = method, ...),
      error = function(e) {
        stop(paste("Error in univariate rma of variable:", names(coefficients)[col], ",as follows:", e))
    meta.b[col]     <- r$beta
    meta.se[col]    <- r$se
    meta.tau2[col]  <- r$tau2
    meta.ci.lb[col] <- r$ci.lb
    meta.ci.ub[col] <- r$ci.ub
    # Warning because this is highly unexpected!
    # rma may change to fixed effects under unknown conditions (probably low sample size/ low number of clusters)
    # checks because otherwise an error is returned.
    if (!identical(r$method, method))
      warning(paste("metafor::rma switched automatically from ", method, " to ", r$method, " method.", sep = ""))
    if (!identical(r$method, "FE")) {
      cr <- metafor::predict.rma(r)
      meta.pi.lb[col] <- cr$cr.lb
      meta.pi.ub[col] <- cr$cr.ub
      meta.se.tau2[col] <- r$se.tau2
  meta.v <- meta.se^2
  names(meta.b) <- names(meta.v) <- names(meta.se) <- names(meta.tau2) <-  names(meta.ci.lb) <- 
    names(meta.ci.ub) <- names(meta.pi.lb) <-  names(meta.pi.ub) <- colnames(coefficients)
  list(coefficients = meta.b, variances = meta.v, se = meta.se, ci.lb = meta.ci.lb, ci.ub = meta.ci.ub,
       tau2 = meta.tau2, se.tau2 = meta.se.tau2, tau = sqrt(meta.tau2), 
       pi.lb = meta.pi.lb, pi.ub = meta.pi.ub, method = r$method)

# Multivariate Random Effects Meta-Analysis # Old function, see new function below.
# coefficients data.frame or matrix, containing coef
# vcov vcov as in vcov(stratified.fit)
# variances IGNORED.
# TBI: method Method for meta-analysis.
# TBI: ... Optional arguments for mvmeta().
# #' @importFrom mvmeta mvmeta
# mrma <- function(coefficients, vcov, variances, ...) {
#   # Test if optional 'mvmeta' package is installed
#   if (!requireNamespace("mvmeta", quietly = TRUE))
#     stop("The package 'mvmeta' is currently not installed.")
#   # mvmeta assumes a differnt form for vcov when nvar = 1.
#   one_var <- identical(dim(coefficients)[2], 1L)
#   if (one_var)
#     vcov <- as.matrix(vcov)
#   # fit   
#   ma.fit <- mvmeta::mvmeta(as.matrix(coefficients), S = vcov)
#   # Rename, as mvmeta changes the names.
#   vcov <- ma.fit$vcov
#   colnames(vcov) <- row.names(vcov) <- colnames(coefficients)
#   if (one_var)
#     coefficients <- ma.fit$coefficients[1]
#   else
#     coefficients <- ma.fit$coefficients[1,] # [1,] to coerce to vector with names.
#   # Return
#   list(coefficients = coefficients, 
#        variances = diag(vcov),
#        se = sqrt(diag(vcov)),
#        vcov = vcov,
#        psi = ma.fit$Psi)
# }

# What is this?
blockMatrixDiagonal <- function(...){  
  matrixList <- list(...)
  if(is.list(matrixList[[1]])) matrixList <- matrixList[[1]]
  dimensions<-sapply(matrixList,FUN=function(x) dim(x)[1])
  for(k in 1:length(dimensions)){

## vcov is a 3-dimensional array, where [,,i] indicates the within-study covariance of study i
mrma <- function(coefficients, vcov, variances,  ...) {
  meta.method <- "REML" # Method for meta-analysis
  # Test if we are dealing with multivariate data
  if (class(coefficients) == "numeric") {
    coefficients <- data.frame(y=coefficients)
  if (ncol(coefficients)==1) {
    S = data.frame(S=vcov)
    return(urma(coefficients = coefficients, variances = S, method = meta.method))
  # In rma.mv, we need to supply a stacked version of all coefficients, together with a grouping variable
  yi <- as.vector(t(coefficients))
  # Outcome indicator
  group <- rep(NA, length(yi))
  for (i in 1:ncol(coefficients)) {
    group[seq(i,length(yi), by=ncol(coefficients))] <- colnames(coefficients)[i]
  # specify order of the levels to ensure that the coefficient output is in the same order as their input
  group <- factor(group, levels = colnames(coefficients))
  # Study indicator
  study <- rep(NA, length(yi))
  for (i in 1:dim(vcov)[3]) {
    study[(((i-1)*ncol(coefficients))+1):(i*ncol(coefficients))] <- rep(i,ncol(coefficients))
  rma_dat <- data.frame(yi = yi, group = group, study = study)
  # Build the block matrix of within-study variances
  ws_var <- list()
  for (i in 1:dim(vcov)[3]) {
    ws_var[[i]] <- vcov[,,i]
  S <- blockMatrixDiagonal(ws_var)
  ma.fit <- rma.mv(yi = yi, V = S, mods = ~ -1+group, random = ~ group|study, data = rma_dat,
                   struct= "UN", method = meta.method)
  out <- list(coefficients = ma.fit$beta[,1], # [,1] to coerce to vector with names.
              variances = diag(ma.fit$vb), # The estimated variances of the fixed effects
              se = sqrt(diag(ma.fit$vb)), # The estimated SEs of the fixed effects
              vcov = ma.fit$vb,
              psi = ma.fit$tau2)

which.abs.min <- function(x) 

which.abs.max <- function(x)

which.1 <- function(x)
  which.abs.min(x - 1)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method unlist   listofperf
#' @export
unlist.listofperf <- function(x, ...) 
  sapply(x, `[[`, 1)

# Safe way of getting a function. 
# For some reason, this function can find functions that match.fun cannot.
# x function or character name thereof
# Returns function or error.
get.function <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.function(x))
    return(get(as.character(x), mode = "function"))

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