Man pages for move
Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data

angleangle information from a track or track stack a Data Frame
brownian.bridge.dynCreates a DBBMM object
brownian.motion.variance.dynCalculates the dynamic brownian motion variance
burstBursting a track
burstIdReturns burstId
citationsExtract the citation of a Move or MoveStack object
contourContour plot
coordinatesExtract the track coordinates from a Move/MoveStack object
DBBMM-classThe DBBMM class
DBBMMStack-classThe DBBMMStack class
dBGBvariance-classClass to store the orthogonal and parallel variance
dBMvarianceTmp-classdBMvarianceTmp class
distancedistance information from a track or track stack
dynBGBdynBGB class
dynBGB-methodsCalculation of the dynamic Bivariate Gausian Bridge
dynBGBvariance-methodscalculate variance for a track using a running window
equalProjChecks projections for being equal
fishersA MoveStack
getMotionVarianceReturns the estimated motion variance
getMovebankCreates an URL to download Data from Movebank
getMovebankAnimalsAnimals, tags and IDs in a Movebank study
getMovebankDataDownload data from Movebank
getMovebankIDStudy ID
getMovebankSensorAttributesAvailable sensor attributes
getMovebankSensorsInformation about Movebank sensors
getMovebankStudiesAll studies on Movebank
getMovebankStudyReturns study information
getVolumeUDModify a UD raster
hrBootstrapCalculates and plot the Minimum Convex Polygon for a track
idDataFunctions for dealing with the idData
interpolateTimeInterpolate a trajectory
leroyGPS track data from a fisher
linesPlotting a track as lines
moveCreate a Move object
move2adeConvert a Move or MoveStack object to adehabitat compatible...
movebankLoginLogin into Movebank
MovebankLogin-classThe MovebankLogin class
MoveBurst-classMoveBurst class
Move-classThe Move class
move-packageAn overview of the functions in this package
moveStackCreating a MoveStack
MoveStack-classThe MoveStack class
n.indivExtract the number of individuals of a Move or MoveStack...
n.locsExtract the number of locations of a Move or MoveStack object
outerProbabilityCalculates the probabilities at the edges of a raster
plotPlotting track or raster
plotBurstsPlotting the centroids of a track
pointsPlotting the points of a track
rasterExtract raster from DBBMM
raster2contourConvert raster to contour lines
rickyGPS track data from a fisher
searchMovebankStudiesSearch for a study
seglengthCalculates the segment length of a track
sensorExtract the sensor of a Move or MoveStack object
showShow a Move object
speedspeed information from a track or track stack
splitSplitting a MoveStack
spTransformTransform Move object projection method
subsetReturns a single object from a MoveStack
summaryA summary of a DBBMM or DBBMMStack, Move or MoveStack object
timetime information from a track or track stack
time.lagCalculates the time lags between the coordinates
timeLagCalculates the time lags between the coordinates
timestampsExtract the timestamps of a Move or MoveStack object
trackIdReturns trackId
turnAngleGcCalculates turning angles on great circle tracks
UD-classThe UD class
udDataDynamic brownian bridges
unUsedRecordsCreates unused records data
unUsedRecords-class.unUsedRecords and .unUsedRecordsStack class
move documentation built on Jan. 16, 2017, 2:22 a.m.