

setMethod("format", "CMAT", function(x, how, enclose, digits, indent,
    paup.block, comments, html.args, ...) {

  # HTML helper methods.
  unhtml <- function(x) safe_labels(x, "html")
  span_class <- function(x, klass, title = klass) {
    hmakeTag("span", unhtml(x), class = klass, title = title)
  div_class <- function(x, klass, title = klass) {
    hmakeTag("div", x, class = klass, title = title)
  html_comment <- function(x) {
    safe_labels(x, "html", comment = TRUE, enclose = FALSE)

  # Header for all formats except HTML.
  phylo_header <- function(how, dims, datatype, comments, charlabels,
      enclose, indent) {
    hennig86_header <- function(dims, datatype, comments) {
      case(datatype, standard = {
          nstates <- "32"
          datatype <- "numeric"
        }, continuous = nstates <- "cont")
      nstates <- sprintf("nstates %s;", nstates)
      datatype <- sprintf("&[%s]", datatype)
      comments <- safe_labels(comments, "hennig", comment = TRUE)
      if (dims[1L] < 4L)
        warning("TNT will not accept less than 4 organisms", call. = FALSE)
      dims <- paste0(rev(dims), collapse = " ")
      c(nstates, "xread", comments, dims, datatype)
    nexus_header <- function(dims, datatype, comments, labels, enclose,
        indent) {
        standard = {
          symbols <- paste0(CHARACTER_STATES, collapse = "")
          symbols <- sprintf('%sformat symbols = "%s";', indent, symbols)
        continuous = {
          symbols <- NULL
          warning("continuous data are not supported by PAUP*")
      if (length(labels)) {
        labels <- safe_labels(labels, format = "nexus", enclose = enclose)
        labels <- paste0(labels, collapse = " ")
        labels <- sprintf("%scharlabels %s;", indent, labels)
      } else
        warning("character labels not found")
      dims <- sprintf("%sdimensions ntax = %i nchar = %i;", indent, dims[1L],
      datatype <- sprintf("%sformat datatype = %s missing = ?;", indent,
      c("#NEXUS", "", safe_labels(comments, "nexus", comment = TRUE), "",
        "begin data;", dims, datatype, symbols, labels,
        sprintf("%smatrix", indent))
      phylip =, epf = paste0(dims, collapse = " "),
      hennig = hennig86_header(dims, datatype, comments),
      nexus = nexus_header(dims, datatype, comments, charlabels, enclose,

  # Convert the matrix to character storage mode (without footer and header).
  # This function must leave row and column names untouched. It adds a
  # 'variability' attribute if necessary.
  to_strings <- function(x, how, number.format, html.args, digits) {

    # functions needed for floating-point data
    format_float <- function(x) sprintf(number.format, x)
    formatted.0 <- format_float(0)
    join_floats_for_hennig86 <- function(x) {
      x <- x[!is.na(x)]
      case(length(x), MISSING_CHAR, format_float(x), {
        sd.x <- format_float(sd(x))
        if (sd.x == formatted.0) # i.e., standard deviation practically zero
          sprintf(" %s-%s", format_float(mean(x)), sd.x)
    floats2html <- function(x) {
      x <- x[!is.na(x)]
      case(length(x), MISSING_CHAR, span_class(format_float(x), "single-real"),
        sprintf("%s &plusmn; %s",
          span_class(format_float(mean(x)), "mean-real"),
          span_class(format_float(sd(x)), "sd-real")))

    # Functions needed for integer data.
    int2states <- function(states, mapping) {
      if (isTRUE(any(states < 1L)))
        stop("only positive integers allowed here")
      states <- mapping[states]
      states[is.na(states)] <- MISSING_CHAR
    uniform <- function(x) {
      if (length(x <- unique.default(x)) > 1L)
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    select_html_mapping <- function(mapping) {
      if (length(mapping)) {
        if (!is.character(mapping))
          stop("'mapping' non-empty but not of mode 'character'")
      } else
    convert_html_states <- function(x, mapping) {
      span_class(int2states(x, mapping), sprintf("state-%i", x))

    variability <- NULL

      list = {
          integer = {
            from.integer <- TRUE
            x[] <- lapply(x, uniform)
            if (how == "html") {
              mapping <- select_html_mapping(html.args$character.states)
              variability <- ifelse(is_constant(x, digits = digits,
                  strict = FALSE),
                ifelse(is_constant(x, digits = digits, strict = TRUE),
                  "constant", "uninformative"), "informative")
              x[] <- lapply(x, convert_html_states, mapping)
              x[] <- lapply(x, paste, collapse = L(html.args$multiple.sep))
            } else {
              x[] <- lapply(x, int2states, CHARACTER_STATES)
              convert <- case(how,
                epf =,
                phylip = function(x) if (length(x) > 1L)
                nexus = function(x) if (length(x) > 1L)
                  sprintf("(%s)", paste0(x, collapse = ""))
                hennig = function(x) if (length(x) > 1L)
                  sprintf("[%s]", paste0(x, collapse = ""))
              x[] <- lapply(x, convert)
          double = {
              hennig = {
                #x[] <- ranging(c(x), fac = 65)
                x[] <- lapply(x, join_floats_for_hennig86)
              html = {
                variability <- ifelse(is_constant(x, digits = digits,
                  strict = FALSE), ifelse(is_constant(x, digits = digits,
                  strict = TRUE), "constant", "uninformative"), "informative")
                x[] <- lapply(x, floats2html)
            from.integer <- FALSE
        storage.mode(x) <- "character"
      integer = {
        if (how == "html") {
          mapping <- select_html_mapping(html.args$character.states)
          variability <- is_constant(x, strict = TRUE, digits = digits)
          variability <- ifelse(variability, "constant", "informative")
          x[] <- convert_html_states(x, mapping)
        } else
          x[] <- int2states(x, CHARACTER_STATES)
        from.integer <- TRUE
      double = {
        from.integer <- FALSE
        switch(EXPR = how,
          #hennig = x <- ranging(x, fac = 65),
          html = {
            variability <- is_constant(x, strict = TRUE, digits = digits)
            variability <- ifelse(variability, "constant", "informative")
        x[] <- ifelse(is.na(x), MISSING_CHAR, format_float(x))
        if (how != "html")
          x[] <- sprintf(" %s", x)

    x <- as(x, "matrix")
    attr(x, "variability") <- variability
    attr(x, "from.integer") <- from.integer

  # Useful default settings for PAUP*.
  paup_cmds <- function() c(
    "set torder=left tcompress taxlabels=full outroot=monophyl autoclose;",
    "set maxtrees=1000 increase=auto autoinc=1000 storetreewts storebrlens;",
    "set rootmethod=midpoint warnroot=no;",
    "defaults nj bionj breakties=random;",
    "defaults upgma bionj breakties=random;",
    "defaults hsearch start=stepwise addseq=random randomize=addseq swap=tbr;",
    "default hsearch multrees steepest=no;",
    "defaults bootstrap grpfreq=no;",
    "defaults contree grpfreq=no;",
    "defaults savedist triangle=both;",
    "defaults describetrees labelnode=no;",
    "dset negbrlen=setzero dcollapse missdist=ignore;",
    "pset opt=minf collapse=minbrlen mstaxa=uncertain;"

  # Footer for all formats except HTML.
  phylo_footer <- function(how, indent, paup.block) {
    nexus_footer <- function(indent, paup.block) {
      if (paup.block) {
        block <- paste0(indent, paup_cmds())
        block <- c("begin paup;", block, "end;", "")
      } else
        block <- NULL
      typeset <- sprintf("%stypeset * default = ord : all;", indent)
      typeset <- c("begin assumptions;", typeset, "end;", "")
      c(sprintf("%s;", indent), "end;", "", typeset, block)
      epf =, phylip = NULL,
      hennig = c(";", "ccode - .;", "procedure /;"),
      nexus = nexus_footer(indent, paup.block)

  # HTML construction after generation of a matrix in character mode (which
  # also contains HTML tags)
  make_html <- function(x, title, html.args, ...) {

    headline <- function(headline, title) {
      headline <- unlist(headline)
      if (length(headline <- headline[nzchar(headline)]))
        from.user <- TRUE
      else {
        headline <- title
        from.user <- !attr(headline, opm_string())
      if (length(headline)) {
        headline <- div_class(unhtml(headline), "headline")
        if (from.user)
          headline <- c(html_comment("user-defined headline(s)"), headline)

    user_sections <- function(x) {
      if (!length(x))
      names(x) <- sprintf("user-%sed-section", names(x))
      c(html_comment(sprintf("%ss", names(x)[1L])), list2html(x))

    table_legend <- function(organisms, html.args, from.integer) {

      style <- sprintf("%%s%s%%s", unhtml(L(html.args$legend.sep.1)))
      collapse <- unhtml(L(html.args$legend.sep.2))

      legend <- span_class(organisms, "organism-name")
      names(legend) <- span_class(seq_along(organisms), "organism-index")
      legend <- listing(legend, style = style, collapse = collapse)

      if (length(html.args$organisms.start))
        legend <- paste(span_class(html.args$organisms.start,
          "organism-list-head"), legend, collapse = "")

      if (from.integer)
        if (length(m <- html.args$character.states)) {
          m <- span_class(m, sprintf("state-%i", seq_along(m)))
          m <- structure(.Data = span_class(names(html.args$character.states),
            "character-state-name"), names = m)
          m <- listing(m, style = style, collapse = collapse)
          start <- html.args$states.start
          if (length(start <- start[nzchar(start)]))
            m <- paste(span_class(start, "character-state-list-head"), m,
              collapse = "")
          legend <- c(legend, m)
        } else
          warning("character states not indicated")

      if (L(html.args$legend.dot))
        legend <- paste0(legend, ".")

      div_class(legend, "table-legend")

    html_table <- function(x, html.args, ...) {
      if (is.null(colnames(x)))
        stop("missing character labels (column names)")
      if (length(variability <- attr(x, "variability")) != ncol(x))
      if (L(html.args$no.html))
        colnames(x) <- unhtml(colnames(x))
      if (L(html.args$greek.letters))
        colnames(x) <- substrate_info(colnames(x), "html")
      colnames(x) <- div_class(colnames(x), variability)
      colnames(x) <- div_class(colnames(x), "character-name")
      x[] <- t(apply(x, 1L, div_class, variability))
      x[] <- div_class(x, "measured-character-states")
      rownames(x) <- span_class(seq_len(nrow(x)), "organism-index")
      c("<div class=\"main-table\">", hwrite(x = t(x), page = NULL,
        table.summary = html.args$table.summary, div = FALSE, ...), "</div>")

      html_head(title, html.args$css.file,
        html.args[names(html.args) == "meta"], html.args$embed.css),
      headline(html.args[names(html.args) == "headline"], title),
      user_sections(html.args[names(html.args) == "prepend"]),
      table_legend(rownames(x), html.args, attr(x, "from.integer")),
      user_sections(html.args[names(html.args) == "insert"]),
      html_table(x, html.args, ...),
      user_sections(html.args[names(html.args) == "append"]),

  LL(enclose, digits, indent, paup.block)
  how <- match.arg(how, PHYLO_FORMATS)
  indent <- paste0(rep_len(" ", indent), collapse = "")

  x <- to_strings(x, how, sprintf("%%%i.%if", digits + 3L, digits), html.args)

  if (!length(comments <- comments[nzchar(comments)])) {
    comments <- sprintf("Characters exported by %s",
      paste0(opm_string(version = TRUE), collapse = " version "))
    attr(comments, opm_string()) <- TRUE
  } else
    attr(comments, opm_string()) <- FALSE

  if (how == "html")
    return(make_html(x = x, title = comments, html.args = html.args, ...))

  if (is.null(labels <- rownames(x)))
    stop("missing organism labels (row names)")
  labels <- safe_labels(labels, format = how, enclose = enclose, pad = TRUE)
  if (dups <- anyDuplicated(labels))
    stop(sprintf("duplicated organism label (row name) '%s'", labels[dups]))
  datatype <- if (grepl("^\\s+", x[1L], FALSE, TRUE))
    phylo_header(how, dim(x), datatype, comments, colnames(x),
      enclose, indent),
    paste(labels, apply(x, 1L, paste, collapse = ""), sep = "\t"),
    phylo_footer(how, indent, paup.block)

}, sealed = SEALED)

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opm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.