
Defines functions sections sections.logical sections.character map_files map_files.character map_filenames map_filenames.character clean_filenames clean_filenames.character

Documented in clean_filenames clean_filenames.character map_filenames map_filenames.character map_files map_files.character sections sections.character sections.logical

sections <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("sections")

sections.logical <- function(x, include = TRUE, ...) {
  runs <- function(x) {
    unlist(mapply(FUN = rep.int, x = seq_along(x), times = x, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
  prepare_sections <- function(x) {
    if (prepend <- !x[1L])
      x <- c(TRUE, x)
    if (append <- x[length(x)])
      x <- c(x, FALSE)
    x <- matrix(cumsum(rle(x)$lengths), ncol = 2L, byrow = TRUE)
    x <- runs(x[, 2L] - x[, 1L] + 1L)
    if (prepend)
      x <- x[-1L]
    if (append)
      x <- x[-length(x)]
  if (!length(x))
    return(structure(.Data = factor(ordered = TRUE), names = names(x)))
  if (anyNA(x))
    stop("'x' must not contain NA values")
  if (is.na(L(include))) {
    result <- rle(x)$lengths
    if (length(result) %% 2L != 0L)
      stop("data do not comprise pairs of runs of distinct values")
    result <- runs(colSums(matrix(result, 2L)))
  } else {
    result <- integer(length(x))
    true.runs <- x & c(x[-1L] == x[-length(x)], FALSE)
    result[!true.runs] <- prepare_sections(x[!true.runs])
    if (include)
      result[true.runs] <- NA_integer_
      result[x] <- NA_integer_
  structure(.Data = as.ordered(result), names = names(x))

sections.character <- function(x, pattern, invert = FALSE, include = TRUE,
    perl = TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.character(pattern)) {
    found <- grepl(pattern = pattern, x = x, perl = perl, ...)
    if (L(invert))
      found <- !found
    split.default(x, sections(found, include))
  } else if (is.numeric(pattern)) {
    if (identical(pattern <- as.integer(pattern), 1L))
      return(strsplit(x, "", TRUE))
    pattern <- sprintf("(.{%i,%i})", pattern, pattern)
    strsplit(gsub(pattern, "\\1\a", x, FALSE, TRUE), "\a", TRUE)
  } else
    stop("'pattern' must be a character or numeric scalar")

map_files <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("map_files")

map_files.character <- function(x, mapfun, ..., .attr = ".filename",
    .encoding = "", .sep = NULL, .warn = FALSE) {
  doit <- function(filename) tryCatch({
    add_attr <- function(x) {
      attr(x, .attr) <- filename
    connection <- file(description = filename, encoding = .encoding)
    x <- readLines(con = connection, warn = .warn)
    if (is.null(y <- mapfun(add_attr(x), ...))) # shortcut
      return(list(FALSE, ""))
    if (optional.output) {
      attributes(y) <- NULL
      if (identical(x, y))
        return(list(FALSE, ""))
    if (!is.character(y))
      stop("applying 'matchfun' did not yield a character vector")
    writeLines(text = y, con = filename, sep = sep)
    list(TRUE, "")
  }, error = function(e) list(NA, conditionMessage(e)))
      optional.output <- TRUE
      if (grepl("windows", Sys.info()[["sysname"]], TRUE, TRUE))
        sep <- "\r\n"
        sep <- "\n"
      optional.output <- FALSE
      sep <- .sep
    stop("'.sep' must be of length 0 or 1")
  mapfun <- match.fun(mapfun)
  if (!length(x))
    return(structure(.Data = logical(), names = character(),
      errors = character()))
  result <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, doit))
  structure(.Data = unlist(result[, 1L]), names = x,
    errors = unlist(result[, 2L]))

map_filenames <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("map_filenames")

map_filenames.character <- function(x, out.ext, append = "", out.dir = ".",
    groups = 1L, assort = c("lst", "rlst", "ext", "rext", "grp", "rgrp"),
    normalize = TRUE, ...) {

  file_ext <- function(x) sub(".*\\.", "", x, FALSE, TRUE)

  assort_files <- function(files, ngrp, how) {
    all_pairs <- function(x, n = length(x)) {
      if (n < 2L)
        stop("cannot create pairs from less than two items")
      n <- seq_len(n)
      n <- do.call(rbind, mapply(FUN = cbind, USE.NAMES = FALSE,
        SIMPLIFY = FALSE, X = n[-1L], Y = lapply(n[-1L] - 1L, seq_len)))
      cbind(x[n[, 2L]], x[n[, 1L]])
    do_split <- function(files, ngrp) {
      cnt <- sort.int(table(ext <- file_ext(files)), NULL, NA, TRUE)
      if (!all(cnt[seq_len(ngrp)] == sum(cnt) * (ngrp - 1L) / ngrp))
        stop("except for one group all file names must have the same extension")
      if (length(cnt) > ngrp) {
        grps <- names(cnt)[seq_len(ngrp)]
        repl <- "_"
        while (repl %in% grps)
          repl <- paste0(repl, repl)
        ext[!ext %in% grps] <- repl
        grps <- c(grps, repl)
      } else {
        grps <- names(cnt)
      do.call(cbind, split.default(files, factor(ext, grps)))
    if (ngrp < 0L)
    if (ngrp == 1L)
    if (length(files) %% ngrp)
      stop("need number of file names divisible by ", ngrp,
        " but got ", length(files))
      ext = do_split(files, ngrp),
      rext = do_split(files, ngrp)[, seq.int(ngrp, 1L), drop = FALSE],
      lst = matrix(files, length(files) / ngrp, ngrp, FALSE),
      rlst = matrix(files, length(files) / ngrp, ngrp, FALSE)[,
        seq.int(ngrp, 1L), drop = FALSE],
      grp = matrix(files, length(files) / ngrp, ngrp, TRUE),
      rgrp = matrix(files, length(files) / ngrp, ngrp, TRUE)[,
        seq.int(ngrp, 1L), drop = FALSE]

  prepare_basename <- function(infiles) {
    join <- function(x) apply(X = x, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = paste0, collapse = "_")
    infiles[] <- basename(infiles)
    x <- sub("\\.[^.]*(\\.(gz|xz|bz2|lzma))?$", "", infiles, TRUE, TRUE)
    dim(x) <- dim(infiles)
    x <- x[, !apply(matrix(apply(x, 1L, duplicated.default), ncol(x)), 1L, all),
      drop = FALSE]
    if (!anyDuplicated.default(result <- join(x)))
    for (i in rev.default(seq_len(ncol(x))))
      for (fun in list(file_ext, identity)) {
        x[, i] <- fun(infiles[, i])
        if (!anyDuplicated.default(result <- join(x)))
    stop("file names yield duplicate base names")

  prepare_filename <- function(base, out.ext, append, out.dir) {
    file.path(out.dir, paste0(base, append, ".", out.ext))

  if (!length(x))
    stop("empty 'x' argument")
  if (!length(out.ext))
    stop("empty 'out.ext' argument")
  LL(groups, normalize)
  if (!length(append))
    append <- ""
  if (!length(out.dir))
    out.dir <- ""

  files <- assort_files(x, groups, match.arg(assort))
  colnames(files) <- sprintf("Infile%i", seq.int(ncol(files)))
  ok <- nzchar(out.dir <- rep_len(out.dir, nrow(files)))
  if (normalize) {
    files[] <- normalizePath(files)
    if (any(ok))
      out.dir[ok] <- normalizePath(out.dir[ok])
  if (!all(ok))
    out.dir[!ok] <- dirname(files[!ok, 1L])

  append <- rep_len(append, length(out.ext))
  ok <- nzchar(append)
  append[ok] <- paste0("_", append[ok])
  if (is.null(names(out.ext)))
    names(out.ext) <- out.ext
  if (any(names(out.ext) %in% colnames(files)))
    stop("duplicate column names -- use (other) names of 'out.ext'")

  files <- cbind(files, do.call(cbind, mapply(FUN = prepare_filename,
    MoreArgs = list(base = prepare_basename(files), out.dir = out.dir),
    out.ext = out.ext, append = append, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
  ok <- seq.int(1L, ncol(files) - length(out.ext))
  if (any(bad <- files[, ok] %in% files[, -ok]))
    stop("file '", files[, ok][bad][1L], "' and its output file are identical")
  if (anyDuplicated.default(files[, !ok]))
    stop("duplicated output file names")

clean_filenames <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("clean_filenames")

clean_filenames.character <- function(x, overwrite = FALSE, demo = FALSE,
    empty.tmpl = "__EMPTY__%05i__", ...) {
  empty.idx <- 0L
  clean_parts <- function(x) {
    x <- gsub("[^\\w-]+", "_", x, FALSE, TRUE)
    x <- gsub("_*-_*", "-", x, FALSE, TRUE)
    x <- gsub("-+", "-", gsub("_+", "_", x, FALSE, TRUE), FALSE, TRUE)
    x <- sub("[_-]+$", "", sub("^[_-]+", "", x, FALSE, TRUE), FALSE, TRUE)
    x <- x[nzchar(x)]
    if (!length(x))
      x <- sprintf(empty.tmpl, empty.idx <<- empty.idx + 1L)
  clean_basenames <- function(x) {
    x <- lapply(strsplit(x, ".", TRUE), clean_parts)
    unlist(lapply(X = x, FUN = paste0, collapse = "."), FALSE, FALSE)
  LL(overwrite, demo, empty.tmpl)
  x <- unique.default(as.character(x))
  if (any(bad <- !nzchar(x))) {
    warning("removing invalid empty file name")
    x <- x[!bad]
  result <- clean_basenames(basename(x))
  result <- ifelse(dirname(x) == ".", result, file.path(dirname(x), result))
  different <- result != x
  result <- structure(.Data = result[different], names = x[different])
  if (!overwrite) {
    result <- result[!duplicated(result)]
    result <- result[!file.exists(result)]
  if (demo)
    message(listing(result, header = "Attempted renamings:"))
    result <- result[file.rename(names(result), result)]

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