
Defines functions checkClipGeoInputs checkClipExtentInputs clipByMasks getPolygonMaskLevelB checkOutput clipSpDataByExtentLevelB getPolygonMaskLevel2A clipSpDataByExtentLevel2A createAttributesWithinGroup

#'@import sp

createAttributesWithinGroup = function(h5, newFile, group="/") {
  for (attr in hdf5r::list.attributes(h5[[group]])) {
    hdf5r::h5attr(newFile[[group]], attr) = hdf5r::h5attr(h5[[group]], attr)

clipSpDataByExtentLevel2A = function(spData, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
  masks = lapply(spData, function(x) {
    masks2 = lapply(x, function(y) {
      mask = y$longitude_lowest >= xmin &
        y$longitude_lowest <= xmax &
        y$latitude_highest >= ymin &
        y$latitude_highest <= ymax &
        y$longitude_highest >= xmin &
        y$longitude_highest <= xmax &
        y$latitude_lowest >= ymin &
        y$latitude_lowest <= ymax

      mask[!stats::complete.cases(mask)] = FALSE
      return ((1:length(y$longitude_lowest))[mask])
    return (masks2)
  if(all(sapply(masks, function(x) sum(sapply(x, length)))==0)){
    stop("The clipping ROI does not intersect with the data!")
  return (masks)

getPolygonMaskLevel2A = function(spData, masks, polygon_spdf, split_by) {
  message("Intersecting with polygon...")
  pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(masks), style = 3)
  progress = 0
  polygon_masks = list()

  if (is.null(split_by)) {
    masknames = ""
  } else {
    masknames = unique(paste0(polygon_spdf@data[[split_by]]))

  for (m in masknames) {
    polygon_masks[[m]] = list()

  for (beam in names(masks)) {
    masks2 = masks[[beam]]

    for (i in 1:length(masks2)) {
      mask = masks2[[i]]
      if (length(mask) == 0) next

      spDataMasked = spData[[beam]][[i]][mask,]
      points = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=matrix(c(spDataMasked$longitude_highest, spDataMasked$latitude_highest), ncol=2),
                                          data=data.frame(id=mask), proj4string = polygon_spdf@proj4string)
      pts = suppressPackageStartupMessages(raster::intersect(points, polygon_spdf))

      mask_name = names(masks2)[i]
      if (ncol(pts@data) == 2) {
        split_by2 = 2
      } else {
        split_by2 = split_by
      if (is.null(split_by)) {
        polygon_masks[[1]][[beam]][[mask_name]] = pts@data[,1]
      } else {
        for (pol_id in as.character(unique(pts@data[split_by2])[,1])) {
          polygon_masks[[pol_id]][[beam]][[mask_name]] = pts[(pts@data[split_by2] == pol_id)[,1],]@data[,1]

      progress = progress + 1
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, progress)
      polygon_masks, function(x) {
        res=sapply(x, function(y) sum(sapply(y, length)))
    stop("The clipping polygon does not intersect with the data!")
  return (polygon_masks)

clipSpDataByExtentLevelB = function(spData, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
  masks = lapply(spData, function(x) {
    mask = x$longitude_bin0 >= xmin &
      x$longitude_bin0 <= xmax &
      x$latitude_bin0 >= ymin &
      x$latitude_bin0 <= ymax &
      x$longitude_lastbin >= xmin &
      x$longitude_lastbin <= xmax &
      x$latitude_lastbin >= ymin &
      x$latitude_lastbin <= ymax

    mask[!stats::complete.cases(mask)] = FALSE
    return ((1:length(x$longitude_bin0))[mask])
  if (all(sapply(masks, length)==0)) {
    stop("The clipping ROI does not intersect with the data!")
  return (masks)

checkOutput = function(output) {
  if (output == "") {
    output = tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
  output = fs::path_ext_set(output, "h5")
  return (output)

getPolygonMaskLevelB = function(spData, masks, polygon_spdf, split_by) {
  message("Intersecting with polygons...")
  pb = utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(masks), style = 3)
  progress = 0
  polygon_masks = list()

  if (is.null(split_by)) {
    masknames = ""
  } else {
    masknames = unique(paste0(polygon_spdf@data[[split_by]]))
  for (m in masknames) {
    polygon_masks[[m]] = list()

  for (beam in names(masks)) {
    mask = masks[[beam]]

    if (length(mask) == 0) next

    spDataMasked = spData[[beam]][mask,]
    points = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=matrix(c(spDataMasked$longitude_bin0, spDataMasked$latitude_bin0), ncol=2),
                                        data=data.frame(idrownames=mask), proj4string = polygon_spdf@proj4string)
    pts = suppressPackageStartupMessages(raster::intersect(points, polygon_spdf))
    if (ncol(pts@data) == 2) {
      split_by2 = 2
    } else {
      split_by2 = split_by
    if (is.null(split_by)) {
      polygon_masks[[1]][[beam]] = pts@data[,1]
    } else {
      for (pol_id in unique(as.character(paste0(pts@data[[split_by2]])))) {

        polygon_masks[[pol_id]][[beam]] = pts[pts@data[[split_by2]] == pol_id,]@data[,1]

    progress = progress + 1
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, progress)

  if (all(sapply(polygon_masks, length)==0)) {
    stop("The polygon does not intersect with the data!")
  return (polygon_masks)

clipByMasks = function(h5file, polygon_masks, output, split_by, clipFun) {
  message("Writing new HDF5 files...")
  results = list()
  i = 0
  len_masks = length(polygon_masks)
  for (pol_idx in 1:length(polygon_masks)) {
    pol_id = names(polygon_masks)[pol_idx]
    i = i + 1
    message(sprintf("Writing %s='%s': %d of %d", split_by, pol_id, i, len_masks))
    output2 = gsub("\\.h5$", paste0("_", pol_id,".h5"), output)
    results[[pol_id]] = clipFun(h5file,
                                masks = polygon_masks[[pol_idx]],
                                output = output2)

  return (results)

checkClipExtentInputs = function(obj, className, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) {
  criterias = list()
  criterias[paste0("Object is not from class", className)] = class(obj) == className
  criterias = c(criterias, list(
    "xmin is not numeric" = class(xmin) == "numeric",
    "xmax is not numeric" = class(xmax) == "numeric",
    "ymin is not numeric" = class(ymin) == "numeric",
    "ymax is not numeric" = class(ymax) == "numeric"
  do.call(stopifnotMessage, criterias)

checkClipGeoInputs = function(obj, className, polygon_spdf, split_by) {
  criterias = list()
  criterias[paste0("Object is not from class", className)] = class(obj) == className
  criterias = c(criterias, list(
    "polygon_spdf is not a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" = class(polygon_spdf) == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame",
    "split_by is not a valid attribute of polygon_spdf" = is.null(split_by) || split_by %in% colnames(polygon_spdf@data)
  do.call(stopifnotMessage, criterias)

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rGEDI documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 3:01 p.m.