
Defines functions rangeMap.fetch rangeFetch

Documented in rangeFetch rangeMap.fetch

setGeneric("rangeMapFetch", function(object, ...) 					standardGeneric("rangeMapFetch") )

	signature  = "rangeMapFetch", 
		definition = function(object) {
    	#build tableName(s)
		mapNam = paste(object@MAP, object@tableName, sep = "")

		# map variable
		mapvar = sapply(mapNam, function(x)
					setdiff(RMQuery(object@CON, paste("pragma table_info(", x, ")"))$name, object@ID ) )		
		# sql string
		dotid = paste('x', 1:length(mapNam), sep = "")
		mapdat = paste(paste(paste(dotid,mapvar, sep = "."), object@tableName, sep = " as "), collapse = ",")
		sql = paste("SELECT c.x, c.y,", mapdat, 
		"from canvas as c LEFT JOIN",paste(paste(mapNam, dotid, "on c.id = ", dotid, ".id"), collapse = " LEFT JOIN "))

		map = RMQuery(object@CON, sql)
		coordinates(map) = ~ x + y

		p4s = dbReadTable(object@CON, object@PROJ4STRING)[1,1]
		proj4string(map) = CRS(p4s)
		gridded(map) = TRUE
		map = new("SpatialPixelsRangeMap", map, mapvar    = mapvar)
# user level functions 
rangeMap.fetch <- function(con, maps) { 
	if(missing(maps)) maps = RMQuery(con, 'select name from sqlite_master where type = "table" and tbl_name like "MAP_%"')$name

	maps = gsub("MAP_", "", maps)
	x = new("rangeMapFetch", CON = con, tableName = maps)


rangeFetch <- function(rangeMap, bioid) {
		if( nrow(RMQuery(rangeMap@CON, paste("SELECT * from canvas limit 1"))) == 0)
			stop('Empty project!')
		p4s = CRS(dbReadTable(rangeMap@CON, rangeMap@PROJ4STRING)[1,1]) 	# proj4string
		cs2 = RMQuery(rangeMap@CON, "select * from gridsize")[1,1]/2 		# 1/2 grid size
		d = RMQuery(rangeMap@CON, paste("SELECT c.id, c.x, c.y from canvas c join ranges r on c.id = r.id where r.bioid = ", shQuote(bioid) ) )
		if(nrow(d) == 0)	
			stop(paste(dQuote(bioid), 'is not a valid name!'))		
		d = split(d, d$id)
		d = lapply(d, function(z) {
			xi = z$x
			yi = z$y
			x = c(xi-cs2, xi-cs2, xi+cs2, xi+cs2, xi-cs2)
			y = c(yi-cs2, yi+cs2, yi+cs2, yi-cs2, yi-cs2)
			Polygons(list(Polygon(coords=cbind(x, y) )), ID = z$id)
		res = SpatialPolygons(d, proj4string= p4s)

		if(require(rgeos)) {
			res = rgeos::gUnionCascaded(res)
			} else
			 warning('rgeos is not available, adjacent SpatialPolygons cannot be dissolved!')

Try the rangeMapper package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rangeMapper documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.