
Defines functions .onLoad init.restore.point set.restore.point.options get.restore.point.options get.stored.object.list set.storing is.storing restore.point store.objects clone.list clone.environment copy.object can.parse.multi.line is.multi.line restore.point.browser env.console eval.with.error.trace calls.to.trace restore.objects get.stored.dots copy.into.env

Documented in calls.to.trace can.parse.multi.line copy.into.env env.console eval.with.error.trace get.restore.point.options get.stored.dots get.stored.object.list is.storing restore.objects restore.point set.restore.point.options set.storing store.objects

# Debug with the R console by setting restore points.

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {

init.restore.point = function() {
  rpglob$options = list(storing=TRUE,use.restore.point.console = interactive())
  rpglob$OBJECTS.LIST <- list()
rpglob <- new.env()

#' Set global options for restore points
#' @param options a list of options that shall be set. Possible options are listed below
#' @param storing Default=TRUE enable or disable storing of options, setting storing = FALSE basicially turns off debugging via restore points
#' @param use.restore.point.console Default=TRUE. If  FALSE then when options are restored, they are simply copied into the global environment and the R console is directly used for debugging. If TRUE a browser mode will be started instead. It is still possible to parse all R commands into the browser and to use copy and paste. To quit the browser press ESC in the R console. The advantage of the browser is that all objects are stored in a newly generated environment that mimics the environemnt of the original function, i.e. global varariables are not overwritten. Furthermore in the browser mode, one can pass the ... object to other functions, while this does not work in the global environment. The drawback is that on older versions of RStudio the approach might not work and lead to a crash. Try the news, which crashes when it is attempted to parse a command from the console using the parse() command.
#' @export 
set.restore.point.options = function(options=NULL,...) {
  options = c(options,list(...))
  unknown.options = setdiff(names(options),names(get.restore.point.options())) 
  if (length(unknown.options)>0) {
    warning(paste("unknown options", paste(unknown.options, collapse=","),"ignored"))
    options = options[setdiff(names(options),unknown.options)]
  if (!exists("rpglob"))
  if (length(options)>0)
    rpglob$options[names(options)] = options

#' Get global options for restore points
#' @export
get.restore.point.options = function() {
  if (!exists("rpglob"))

#' Retrieves the list of all restore.points with the stored objects
#' @export
get.stored.object.list = function() {

#' Set whether objects shall be stored or not
#' @param store if FALSE don't store objects if restore.point or store.objects is called. May save time. If TRUE (default) turn on storage again.
#' @export
set.storing <- function(storing=TRUE) {

#' Check whether objects currently are stored or not
#' @export
is.storing <- function() {

#' Sets a restore point
#' The function behaves different when called from a function or when called from the global environemnt. When called from a function, it makes a backup copy of all local objects and stores them internally under a key specified by name. When called from the global environment, it restores the previously stored objects by copying them into the global environment. See the package Vignette for an illustration of how this function can facilitate debugging.
#' @param name key under which the objects are stored. For restore points at the beginning of a function, I would suggest the name of that function.
#' @param deep.copy if TRUE (default) try to make deep copies of  objects that are by default copied by reference. Works so far for environments (recursivly) and data.tables. The function will search lists whether they contain reference objects, but for reasons of speed not yet in other containers. E.g. if an evironment is stored in a data.frame, only a shallow copy will be made. Setting deep.copy = FALSE may be useful if storing takes very long and variables that are copied by reference are not used or not modified.
#' @param force store even if set.storing(FALSE) has been called
#' @export
restore.point = function(name,deep.copy = TRUE, force=FALSE,
  dots = eval(substitute(list(...), env = parent.frame())),
  use.restore.point.console = get.restore.point.options()$use.restore.point.console
) {

  envir = sys.frame(-1);
  # restore objects if called from the global environment
  # when called from a function store objects
  restore = identical(.GlobalEnv,envir)  
  if (restore) {
    if (use.restore.point.console) {
    } else {
  } else {
    store.objects(name=name,parent.num=-2, deep.copy=deep.copy, force=force,dots=dots)

#' Stores all local objects of the calling environment to be able to restore them later when debugging. Is used by restore.point 
#' @param name key under which the objects are stored, typical the name of the calling function. If name is NULL by default the name of the calling function is chosen
#' @param deep.copy if TRUE (default) variables that are copied by reference (in the moment environments and data.tables)  will be stored as deep copy. May take long for large variables but ensures that the value of the stored variable do not change
#' @param force store even if do.store(FALSE) has been called
#' @param store.if.called.from.global if the function is called from the global environment and store.if.called.from.global FALSE (default) does not store objects when called from the global environment but does nothing instead.
#' @return returns nothing, just called for side effects
#' @export
store.objects = function(name=NULL,parent.num=-1,deep.copy = TRUE, force=FALSE, store.if.called.from.global = FALSE, envir = sys.frame(parent.num), dots = eval(substitute(list(...), env = parent.frame()))
) {
  if (!(is.storing()) & !force) {
	if (sys.nframe() < 2 & !store.if.called.from.global) {
		warning(paste("store.objects(\"",name,"\") ignored since called from global environment."),sep="")

  #envir = sys.frame(parent.num);
  # Assign name of the calling function
  fun.name = all.names(sys.call(parent.num))[1]
  if (is.null(name)) {
  	name = fun.name
  if (force) {
    warning(paste("store.objects called by ", fun.name, " with force!"))
  if (deep.copy) {
    rpglob$copied.ref = NULL
    copied.env = clone.environment(envir,use.copied.ref = TRUE)
  } else {
    copied.env = as.environment(as.list(envir))
  ev.dots <- NULL
  try(ev.dots <- force(dots), silent=TRUE)
  dots <- ev.dots
  if (!is.null(dots)) {
    dots = clone.list(dots)
  attr(copied.env,"dots") <- dots
  rpglob$OBJECTS.LIST[[name]] <- copied.env

clone.list = function(li, use.copied.ref = FALSE) {          
  ret.li = lapply(li,copy.object,use.copied.ref = use.copied.ref)

clone.environment = function(env, use.copied.ref = FALSE) {
  li = eapply(env,copy.object,use.copied.ref = use.copied.ref)

copy.object = function(obj, use.copied.ref = FALSE) {
  #print(paste("missing: ",missing(obj), "class(obj) ", class(obj)))
  # Dealing with missing values
  if (is.name(obj)) {
  oclass =class(obj) 
  # If the objects has already been copied, just return the reference of the copied version, don't create an additional copy
  if (any(oclass %in% c("environment","data.table"))) {
    if (use.copied.ref & !is.null(rpglob$copied.ref)) {
      ind = which(sapply(rpglob$copied.ref[,1],identical,y=obj))
      if (length(ind)>0) {
    if ("environment" %in% oclass) {
      copy = clone.environment(obj,use.copied.ref = use.copied.ref)
    } else if ("data.table" %in% oclass) {
      copy = data.table::copy(obj)
    # Store a copy of the reference
    rpglob$copied.ref = rbind(rpglob$copied.ref,c(obj,copy))
  } else {
    if (is.list(obj) & !(is.data.frame(obj))) {
      copy = clone.list(obj,use.copied.ref = use.copied.ref)
    } else {
      copy = obj

#' Checks whether for the installed R version the function env.console is able to correctly parse R expressions that extend over more than a line
#'  The current implementation of env.console is quite dirty in so far that it parses an error message of the parse() function to check whether a given R expression is assumed to be continued in the next line. That process may not work in R distributions that have error messages that are not in English. The function can.parse.multi.line() tries to check whether that process works or not
#'  @export TRUE
can.parse.multi.line = function() {

# Check whether the supplied code is a multiline input
is.multi.line = function(code) {
  ret = FALSE
    error = function(e) {
      str = as.character(e)
      if (length(grep(": unexpected end of input\n",str,fixed=TRUE))>0)

# Examing a restore point by invoking the browser
restore.point.browser = function(name,was.forced=FALSE) {
  message(paste("restore point",name, ", press ESC to return."))

  # Generate environment in which the console shall be called
  enclos.env=.GlobalEnv # may store an enclosing environment instead
  env <- new.env(parent=enclos.env)
  # Populate environment with stored variables
  # Get ... from original function
  dots = get.stored.dots(name)

  env.console(env=env,dots=dots, startup.message=NULL)

#' Emulates an R console that evaluates expressions in the specified environement env. You return to the standard R console by pressing ESC
#' @param The environment in which expressions shall be evaluated. If not specified then a new environment with the given parent.env is created.
#' @param If env is not specified the parent environemnt in which the new environment shall be created
#' @param dots a list that contains values for the ellipsies ... that will be used if you call other functions like fun(...) from within the console. You can access the values inside the console by typing list(...)
#' @param prompt The prompt that shall be shown in the emulated console. Default = ": "
#' @return Returns nothing since the function must be stopped by pressing ESC.
#' @export
env.console = function(env = new.env(parent=parent.env), parent.env = parent.frame(), dots=NULL,prompt=": ", startup.message = "Press ESC to return to standard R console") {
  parse.fun <- function(...) {
    .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prev.code = ""
    .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prompt = .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$normal.prompt
    while(TRUE) {
      # Read 1 line of code
      .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$code = paste(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prev.code,readline(prompt=.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prompt),sep="")

      # Skip empty lines and comments
      .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$stripped.code = gsub(" ","",.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$code,fixed=TRUE)
      if (nchar(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$stripped.code)==0)
      if (substring((.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$stripped.code),1,1)=="#")
      .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$multi.line = FALSE
      # Try to parse the code 
      .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr = tryCatch(
        error = function(e) {
          str = as.character(e)
          if (length(grep(": unexpected end of input\n",str,fixed=TRUE))>0) {
          } else {
            if (length(str)>0)
      # A multiline expression need to continue parsing before evaluating
      if (.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$multi.line) {
        .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prev.code = paste(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$code, "\n")
        .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prompt = "+ "
      } else {
        .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prompt = .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$normal.prompt
        .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$prev.code = ""
      # Check if input shall be stopped
      .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$fun.name <- tryCatch({
        .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$fun.name <- as.character(as.call((.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr))[[1]][[1]])
        error = function(e) {
      # Check if a function like restore.point or source was called that stops the
      # console
      if (.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$fun.name %in% .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$stop.functions) {
        return(list(fun.name=.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$fun.name, expr=.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr))
      # Try to evaluate the expression
          if (!is.null(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr)) {
            .CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr.out <- capture.output(eval(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr))
            if (length(.CONSOLE.INTERNAL$expr.out)>0) {
        }, remove.early.calls = 7),
        error = function(e) {
          str = conditionMessage(e)
          if (substring(str,1,35)=="Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos):")
            str = paste("Error:",substring(str,36),sep="")
          if (length(str)>0) {
            message(str, appendLF=FALSE)
  dots = c(dots)
  env$.CONSOLE.INTERNAL = list(prompt=prompt, normal.prompt=prompt, stop.functions = c("restore.point","env.console","source"))

  environment(parse.fun) <- env
  if (!is.null(startup.message))
  if (!is.null(dots)) {
    ret = do.call(parse.fun,dots)
  } else {
    ret = parse.fun()

  # Call the expression that should be called in the global environment
  if(!is.null(ret)) {
    if (ret$fun.name=="source") {
      message("Stop debugger because new file is sourced")
    eval(ret$expr, envir=.GlobalEnv)

#' Evals the expression such that if an error is encountered a traceback is added to the error message.
#' This function is mostly useful within a tryCatch clause 
#' Adapted from code in tools:::.try_quietly
#' as suggested by Kurt Hornik in the following message
#' https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2005-September/034546.html
#' @param expr the expression to be evaluated
#' @param max.lines as in traceback()
#' @param error.string.fun a function(e,tb) that takes as arguments an error e and a string vector tb of the stack trace resulting from a call to calls.to.trace() and returns a string with the extended error message
#' @return If no error occurs the value of expr, otherwise an error is thrown with an error message that contains the stack trace of the error.
#' @export
eval.with.error.trace = function(expr, max.lines=4, remove.early.calls =  0,
    error.string.fun = function(e,tb) {
      if (length(tb)>0) {
        paste0(as.character(e),"\nCall sequence:\n", paste(tb,collapse = "\n"),"\n")
      } else {
) {
      error = {
        function(e) invokeRestart("grmbl", e, sys.calls())
    grmbl = function(e, calls) {
      n <- length(sys.calls())
      calls <- calls[-seq.int(length.out = n - 1L)]
      remove = pmax(2,length(calls)-remove.early.calls):length(calls)
      calls <- rev(calls)[-c(1L,2L, remove)]
      if (length(calls)>0) {
        tb <- calls.to.trace(calls)
        stop(error.string.fun(e,tb), call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop(error.string.fun(e,tb=NULL), call. = FALSE)

#' Transforms a list returned by sys.calls into a vector of strings that looks like a result of traceback()
#' @param calls a list of calls, e.g. returned by sys.calls
#' @param max.lines as in traceback()
#' @return a character vector with one element for each call formated in a similar fashion as traceback() does
#' @export
calls.to.trace = function(calls,max.lines=4) {
  x <- lapply(calls, deparse)
  n <- length(x)
  if (n == 0L) 
    str = paste("No traceback", "\n")
  else {
    str = character(n)
    for (i in 1L:n) {
      label <- paste0(n - i + 1L, ": ")
      m <- length(x[[i]])
      if (!is.null(srcref <- attr(x[[i]], "srcref"))) {
        srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
        x[[i]][m] <- paste0(x[[i]][m], " at ", basename(srcfile$filename), 
                            "#", srcref[1L])
      if (m > 1) 
        label <- c(label, rep(substr("          ", 1L, 
                                     nchar(label, type = "w")), m - 1L))
      if (is.numeric(max.lines) && max.lines > 0L && max.lines < 
            m) {
        str[i] = paste0(paste0(paste0(label[1L:max.lines], x[[i]][1L:max.lines]), 
                               collapse = "\n"),
                        paste("\n",label[max.lines + 1L], " ...\n"))
      else str[i] = paste0(paste0(label, x[[i]]), collapse = "\n")

#' Restore stored objects by copying them into the specified environment. Is used by restore.point
#' @param name name under which the variables have been stored
#' @param dest environment into which the stored variables shall be copied. By default the global environment.
#' @param was.forced flag whether storage of objects was forced. If FALSE (default) a warning is shown if restore.objects is called and is.storing()==FALSE, since probably no objects have been stored.
#' @return returns nothing but automatically copies the stored variables into the global environment
#' @export
restore.objects = function(name, dest=globalenv(), was.forced=FALSE) {
  if ((!is.storing()) & (!was.forced)) 
    warning("is.storing() == FALSE\nPossible objects were not correctly stored. Call set.storing(TRUE) to enable storing.")
  env =   rpglob$OBJECTS.LIST[[name]]

  if (is.null(env)) {
    stop(paste0("No objects stored under name ", name))
  # Clone stored environment in order to guarantee that the restore point can be used several times even if reference objects are used
  rpglob$copied.ref = NULL
  cenv = clone.environment(env,use.copied.ref = TRUE)
  # Copy the stored objects into the enviornment specified by dest (usually the global environment)
  #message(paste("Dest Environment: ", paste(ls(envir=dest),collapse=",")))
  message(paste("Restored: ", paste(ls(envir=cenv),collapse=",")))

#' Returns the ellipsis (...) that has been stored in restore.point name as a list
#' @export
get.stored.dots = function(name) {
  env  = rpglob$OBJECTS.LIST[[name]]
  dots = attributes(env)$dots
  if (length(dots)>0)
    dots = clone.list(dots)


#' Copies all members of a list or environment into an environment
#' @param source a list or environment from which objects are copied
#' @param the enviroenment into which objects shall be copied
#' @param names optionally a vector of names that shall be copied. If null all objects are copied
#' @param exclude optionally a vector of names that shall not be copied
#' @export
copy.into.env = function(source=sys.frame(sys.parent(1)),dest=sys.frame(sys.parent(1)),names = NULL, exclude=NULL) {

  if (is.null(names)) {
    if (is.environment(source)) {
      names = ls(envir=source)
    } else {
      names = names(source)
  names = setdiff(names,exclude)
  if (is.environment(source)) {
    for (na in names) {
      assign(na,get(na,envir=source), envir=dest)
  } else if (is.list(source)) {
    for (na in names) {
      assign(na,source[[na]], envir=dest)

Try the restorepoint package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

restorepoint documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:39 p.m.