GramSchmidt <- function(v1, v2, v3, order=1:3) {
A <- rbind(v1, v2, v3)
A <- A[order,]
v1 <- A[1,]
v2 <- A[2,]
v3 <- A[3,]
if (isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(v1), c(0,0,0)))) v1 <- xprod(v2, v3)
v1 <- normalize(v1)
v2 <- v2 - sum(v2*v1)*v1
if (isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(v2), c(0,0,0)))) v2 <- xprod(v3, v1)
v2 <- normalize(v2)
v3 <- v3 - sum(v3*v1)*v1 - sum(v3*v2)*v2
if (isTRUE(all.equal(as.numeric(v3), c(0,0,0)))) v3 <- xprod(v1, v2)
v3 <- normalize(v3)
rbind(v1, v2, v3)[order(order),]
cylinder3d <- function(center, radius = 1, twist = 0, e1 = NULL, e2 = NULL, e3 = NULL,
sides = 8, section = NULL, closed = 0,
rotationMinimizing = is.null(e2) && is.null(e3),
debug = FALSE, keepVars = FALSE) {
force(rotationMinimizing) # Need this since e2 and e3 get changed later
center <- as.matrix([c("x", "y", "z")]))
n <- nrow(center)
inds <- seq_len(n)
if (closed > 0) {
ind0 <- c(n-1-closed, n-closed, inds)
ind1 <- c(n-closed, inds, 1+closed) # nolint
ind2 <- c(inds, 1+closed, 2+closed)
} else {
ind0 <- c(1, 1, inds)
ind1 <- c(1, inds, n) # nolint
ind2 <- c(inds, n, n)
missings <- c(e1=is.null(e1), e2=is.null(e2), e3=is.null(e3))
fixup <- function(coord) {
usable <- apply(coord, 1, function(v) all(is.finite(v)) & (veclen(v) > 0))
if (!any(usable) ) stop(gettextf("No usable coordinate values in '%s'",
deparse(substitute(coord))), domain = NA)
firstgood <- min(which(usable))
inds <- seq_len(n)
if (firstgood > 1) {
coord[inds[inds < firstgood],] <- coord[rep(firstgood,firstgood-1),]
usable[seq_len(firstgood)] <- TRUE
for (i in inds[-1]) inds[i] <- ifelse(usable[i], inds[i], inds[i-1])
if (!is.null(e1)) {
e1 <- as.matrix([c("x", "y", "z")]))
e1 <- e1[rep(seq_len(nrow(e1)), len=n),]
} else
e1 <- (center[ind2,] - center[ind0,])[inds,]
# Fix up degenerate cases by repeating existing ones, or using arbitrary ones
zeros <- rowSums(e1^2) == 0
if (all(zeros)) {
e1[,1] <- 1
zeros <- FALSE
} else if (any(zeros)) {
e1[1,] <- e1[which(!zeros)[1],]
zeros[1] <- FALSE
if (any(zeros)) {
zeros <- which(zeros)
for (i in zeros)
e1[i,] <- e1[i-1,]
if (!is.null(e2)) {
e2 <- as.matrix([c("x", "y", "z")]))
e2 <- e2[rep(seq_len(nrow(e2)), len=n),]
} else
e2 <- (e1[ind2,] - e1[ind0,])[inds,]
# Fix up degenerate e2's similarly, then force different than e1
zeros <- rowSums(e2^2) == 0
if (all(zeros)) {
e2[,2] <- 1
zeros <- FALSE
} else if (any(zeros)) {
e2[1,] <- e2[which(!zeros)[1],]
zeros[1] <- FALSE
if (any(zeros)) {
zeros <- which(zeros)
for (i in zeros)
e2[i,] <- e2[i-1,]
parallel <- sapply(inds, function(i) all(xprod(e1[i,], e2[i,]) == 0))
if (any(parallel)) {
# rotate in the xy plane
e2[parallel,] <- cbind(-e2[parallel,2], e2[parallel,1], e2[parallel,3])
parallel <- sapply(inds, function(i) all(xprod(e1[i,], e2[i,]) == 0))
if (any(parallel)) {
# if any are still parallel, they must be the z axis
e2[parallel,1] <- 1
e2[parallel,3] <- 0
if (!is.null(e3)) {
e3 <- as.matrix([c("x", "y", "z")]))
e3 <- e3[rep(seq_len(nrow(e3)), len=n),]
} else {
e3 <- matrix(NA_real_, n, 3)
for (i in inds) e3[i,] <- xprod(e1[i,], e2[i,])
for (i in inds) {
A <- GramSchmidt(e1[i,], e2[i,], e3[i,], order=order(missings))
e1[i,] <- A[1,]
e2[i,] <- A[2,]
e3[i,] <- A[3,]
e1 <- fixup(e1)
e2 <- fixup(e2)
e3 <- fixup(e3)
if (rotationMinimizing) {
# Keep e1 and the first entries in e2 and e3,
# modify the rest according to Wang et al (2008).
t <- e1
r <- e2
s <- e3
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
v1 <- center[i+1,] - center[i,]
c1 <- sum(v1^2)
rL <- r[i,] - (2/c1)*sum(v1*r[i,])*v1
tL <- t[i,] - (2/c1)*sum(v1*t[i,])*v1
v2 <- t[i+1,] - tL
c2 <- sum(v2^2)
r[i+1,] <- rL - (2/c2)*sum(v2*rL)*v2
s[i+1,] <- xprod(t[i+1,], r[i+1,])
e2 <- r
e3 <- s
radius <- rep(radius, len=n)
twist <- rep(twist, len=n)
if (debug) {
for (i in inds) {
col=rep(c("red", "green", "blue"), each=2))
text3d(center, texts=inds)
if (closed > 0) {
n <- n - closed + 1
if (isTRUE(all.equal(e1[1,], e1[n,]))) {
# Need to match starting and ending e2 as
# well.
angle <- atan2(sum(xprod(e2[1,], e2[n,])*e1[1,]),
twist <- twist + (twist[n] - twist[1] - angle)*(seq_len(n) - 1)/(n-1)
if (is.null(section)) {
theta <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=sides+1)[-1]
section <- cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0)
} else
sides <- nrow(section)
vertices <- matrix(0, 3, sides*n)
indices <- matrix(0, 4, sides*(n-1))
if (ncol(section) == 2)
section <- cbind(section, 0)
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
transform <- rbind(e3[i,], e2[i,], e1[i,])
p <- rotate3d(section, twist[i], 0,0,1)
p <- radius[i] * p %*% transform
p[,1] <- p[,1] + center[i,"x"]
p[,2] <- p[,2] + center[i,"y"]
p[,3] <- p[,3] + center[i,"z"]
vertices[,(i-1)*sides+seq_len(sides)] <- t(p)
for (j in seq_len(sides))
indices[, (i-1)*sides + j] <- (c(0,0,1,1) + j) %% sides + 1 +
c((i-1)*sides, i*sides, i*sides, (i-1)*sides)
transform <- rbind(e3[n,], e2[n,], e1[n,])
p <- rotate3d(section, twist[n], 0,0,1)
p <- radius[n] * p %*% transform
p[,1] <- p[,1] + center[n,"x"]
p[,2] <- p[,2] + center[n,"y"]
p[,3] <- p[,3] + center[n,"z"]
vertices[,(n-1)*sides+seq_len(sides)] <- t(p)
# Add end cap at start
if (closed < 0) {
vertices <- cbind(vertices, center[1,])
triangles <- rbind(ncol(vertices), seq_len(sides), c(2:sides, 1))
# Add end cap at end
if (closed < -1) {
vertices <- cbind(vertices, center[n,])
triangles <- cbind(triangles, rbind(ncol(vertices), c(2:sides, 1) + (n-1)*sides,
seq_len(sides) + (n-1)*sides))
result <- qmesh3d(vertices, indices, homogeneous=FALSE)
if (closed > 0) { # Look for repeated vertices, and edit the links
nv <- ncol(result$vb)
for (i in seq_len(sides)) {
dupe <- which(apply(result$vb[,(nv-sides+1):nv,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, result$vb[,i]))))+nv-sides
for (j in dupe) {
f <- result$ib == j
result$ib[f] <- i
} else if (closed < 0)
result$it <- triangles
if (keepVars)
attr(result, "vars") <- environment()
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