
Defines functions KalmanFilter rLSFilter rLS.IO.Filter ACMfilter mACMfilter

Documented in ACMfilter KalmanFilter rLSFilter rLS.IO.Filter

recursiveFilter <- function (Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                   initSc = .cKinitstep, predSc = .cKpredstep,
                   corrSc = .cKcorrstep,
                   initSr = NULL, predSr = NULL, corrSr = NULL,
                   nsim = 0, seed = NULL, ..., dropRuns = TRUE, 
                   CovRunDep = FALSE, saveOpt = TRUE, dimsCheck = NULL)
# a generalization of the Kalmanfilter
# arguments:
# +  Y               : observations in an array with dimensions qd x runs x tt
#                      (for backward compatibility: or a vector /a matrix in
#                      dimensions qd x tt)
# +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V: Hyper-parameters of the ssm
# +  initSc, predSc, corrSc: (classical) initialization-, prediction-, and 
#                            correction-step function
# +  initSr, predSr, corrSr: (robust) initialization-, prediction-, and 
#                            correction-step function
# +  robustIO: if TRUE indicators are recorded whether prediction step does 
#              clipping
# +  robustAO: if TRUE indicators are recorded whether correction step does 
#              clipping
# +  nsim: if >0 we simulate a bunch of nsim paths (acc. to ideal model) to 
#          get emp. covariances
# +  seed: seed for the simulations
# +  ...: additional arguments for initS, predS, corrS
# +  dropRuns: shall run-dimension be collapsed if it is one?
# +  CovRunDep: logical (default: FALSE), are there different prediction 
#               and filter error covariances for each simulated path, 
#               i.e., 'runs' > 1, as e.g. in the mACMfilter (-> complete 
#               vectorization may not be possible!)
# +  saveOpt: logical (default: TRUE), should the stuff really be saved?
# +  dimsCheck: either 'NULL' (default) or vector [pd, qd, runs, tt] with 
#               correct dimensions
    if (is.null(dimsCheck)) {
        if (is.null(dim(Z)) && length(Z) > 1) 
            stop("Error: Z has to be scalar or matrix!")
        if (!is.null(dim(Z))) qd <- dim(Z)[1]
        else qd <- 1

        pd <- length(a)
        # for backward compatibility
        l0 <- length(dim(Y))
        if (l0 < 3) {
            if (l0 == 0) Y <- array(Y, dim = c(1, 1, length(Y)))
            if (l0 == 2) {
                if (dim(Y)[2] == qd) {
                    Y <- aperm(array(Y, dim = c(dim(Y), 1)), c(1, 3, 2))
                } else {
                    stop("Error: Dimensions of Z and/or Y do not fit!")
        tt <- (dim(Y))[3]
        runs <- (dim(Y))[2]
        if(pd==1) F <- array(F, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
        if(pd==1 && qd==1) Z <- array(Z, dim = c(qd, pd, tt))
        if(pd==1) Q <- array(Q, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
        if(qd==1) V <- array(V, dim = c(qd, qd, tt))
        if(is.matrix(F)) F <- array(F, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
        if(is.matrix(Z)) Z <- array(Z, dim = c(qd, pd, tt))
        if(is.matrix(Q)) Q <- array(Q, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
        if(is.matrix(V)) V <- array(V, dim = c(qd, qd, tt))
    } else {
        pd <- dimsCheck[1]
        qd <- dimsCheck[2]
        runs <- dimsCheck[3]
        tt <- dimsCheck[4]
    WriteRecF <- WriteRecF(CovRunDep)

    saveOpt <- rep(saveOpt, length.out=8)
    if (length(names(saveOpt))==0) {
        names(saveOpt) <- c("KG", "KGr", "Delta", "Deltar", 
                            "DeltaY", "DeltaYr", "IndIO", "IndAO")

    IndIO <- NULL
    IndAO <- NULL
    St0s <- St1s <- NULL
    robust <- !(is.null(initSr) && is.null(predSr) && is.null(corrSr))
    Xf  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt + 1))
    Xp  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt))
    St0 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
    St1 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
    if (saveOpt["KG"]) KG  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, qd, tt))
    else KG <- NULL
    if (saveOpt["Delta"]) Delta  <- array(0, dim = c(qd, qd, tt))
    else Delta <- NULL
    if (saveOpt["DeltaY"]) DeltaY  <- array(0, dim = c(qd, runs, tt))
    else DeltaY <- NULL
    if (nsim) {
        if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
        if (is.null(seed))
            RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
        else {
            R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
            RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
            on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    } else {
        RNGstate <- NULL
    if (robust) {
        Xrf <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt + 1))
        Xrp <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt))
        if (!CovRunDep) {
            Str0 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
            Str1 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
            if (saveOpt["KGr"]) KGr  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, qd, tt))
            else KGr <- NULL
            if (saveOpt["Deltar"]) Deltar <- array(0, dim = c(qd, qd, tt))
            else Deltar <- NULL
        } else {  
            Str0 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, runs, tt + 1))
            Str1 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, runs, tt))
            if (saveOpt["KGr"]) KGr  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, qd, runs, tt))
            else KGr <- NULL
            if (saveOpt["Deltar"]) Deltar <- array(0, dim = c(qd, qd, runs, tt))
            else Deltar <- NULL
        if (saveOpt["DeltaYr"]) DeltaYr  <- array(0, dim = c(qd, runs, tt))
        else DeltaYr <- NULL
    if (!is.null(predSr) && saveOpt["IndIO"])
        IndIO <- matrix(FALSE, runs, tt)
    if (!is.null(corrSr) && saveOpt["IndAO"]) 
        IndAO <- matrix(FALSE, runs, tt)
    ini <- initSc(a, S, i = 0, ...)
    x0 <- ini$x0
    S0 <- ini$S0
    Xf[, , 1] <- ini$x0
    St0[, , 1] <- ini$S0
    if (robust) {
        if (nsim) {
            Xs <- t(mvrnorm(nsim, a, S))
            St0s <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))
            St1s <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))
        if (!is.null(initSr)) {
            inir <- initSr(a, S, i = 0, ...)
            xr0 <- inir$x0
            Sr0 <- inir$S0
            rob0 <- inir$rob
        } else {
            xr0 <- x0
            Sr0 <- S0
            rob0 <- NULL
        Xrf[, , 1] <- xr0
        Str0 <- WriteRecF(Str0, Sr0, 1, opt=TRUE)    # Str0[, , 1] <- Sr0
        rob0L <- list(rob0)
    } else {
        Xrf <- NULL
        Xrp <- NULL
        Str0 <- NULL
        Str1 <- NULL
        KGr <- NULL
        Deltar <- NULL
        DeltaYr <- NULL
        rob0L <- NULL
        rob1L <- NULL
    for (i in (1:tt)) {

        F0 <- matrix(F[, , i], nrow = pd, ncol = pd)
        Q0 <- matrix(Q[, , i], nrow = pd, ncol = pd)
        ps <- predSc(x0 = x0, S0 = S0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i, ...)
        x1 <- matrix(ps$x1, nrow = pd, ncol = runs)
        S1 <- ps$S1
        Xp[, , i] <- x1
        St1[, , i] <- S1
        if (robust) {
            if (!is.null(predSr)) {
                psr <- predSr(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i,
                              ..., rob0 = rob0)
                if (saveOpt["IndIO"]) IndIO[, i] <- as.logical(psr$Ind)
                if (nsim) {
                    vs <- t(mvrnorm(nsim, a*0, Q0))
                    Xs <- F0 %*% Xs + vs
                    xr1s <- predSr(x0 = xr0s, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i,
                                   ..., rob0 = rob0)$x1
                    St1s[, , i] <- cov(t(xr1s))
            } else {
                psr <- predSc(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i, ...)
                if (nsim) {
                    vs <- t(mvrnorm(nsim, a*0, Q0))
                    Xs <- F %*% Xs + vs
                    xr1s <- predSc(x0 = xr0s, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i,
                    St1s[, , i] <- cov(t(xr1s))
            xr1 <- psr$x1
            Sr1 <- psr$S1
            rob1 <- psr$rob1
            Xrp[, , i] <- xr1
            Str1 <- WriteRecF(Str1, Sr1, i, opt=TRUE)    # Str1[, , i] <- Sr1
            if (i==1) rob1L <- list(rob1)
            else rob1L[[i]] <- rob1
        Z0 <- matrix(Z[, , i], nrow = qd, ncol = pd)
        V0 <- matrix(V[, , i], nrow = qd, ncol = qd)
        Y0 <- matrix(Y[, , i], nrow = qd, ncol = runs)

        cs <- corrSc(y = Y0, x1 = x1, S1 = S1, Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ...)
        x0 <- cs$x0
        S0 <- cs$S0
        Xf[, , i + 1] <- x0
        St0[, , i + 1] <- S0
        if (saveOpt["KG"]) KG[, , i] <- cs$K
        if (saveOpt["Delta"]) Delta[, , i] <- cs$Delta
        if (saveOpt["DeltaY"]) DeltaY[, , i] <- cs$DeltaY
        if (robust) {
            if (!is.null(corrSr)) {
                csr <- corrSr(y = Y0, x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1,
                              Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ..., rob1 = rob1)
                if (saveOpt["IndAO"]) IndAO[, i]  <- as.logical(csr$Ind)
                if (nsim) {
                    es <- t(mvrnorm(nsim, Y[, 1]*0, V0))
                    Ys <- Z0 %*% Xs + es
                    xr0s <- corrSr(y = Ys, x1 = xr1s, S1 = Sr1,
                                   Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ..., rob1 = rob1)$x0
                    St0s[, , i] <- cov(t(xr0s))
            } else {
                csr <- corrSc(y = Y0, x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1, Z = Z0, V = V0,
                              i = i, ...)
                if (nsim) {
                    es <- t(mvrnorm(nsim, Y[, 1]*0, V0))
                    Ys <- Z0 %*% Xs + es
                    xr0s <- corrSc(y = Ys, x1 = xr1s, S1 = Sr1,
                                   Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ...)$x0
                    St0s[, , i] <- cov(t(xr0s))
            xr0 <- csr$x0
            Sr0 <- csr$S0
            rob0 <- csr$rob0
            Xrf[, , i + 1] <- xr0
            Str0 <- WriteRecF(Str0, Sr0, i+1, opt=TRUE)
            KGr <- WriteRecF(KGr, csr$K, i, opt=saveOpt["KGr"])
            Deltar <- WriteRecF(Deltar, csr$Delta, i, opt=saveOpt["Deltar"])
            # Str0[, , i + 1] <- Sr0
            # KGr[, , i] <- csr$K
            # Deltar[, , i] <- csr$Delta
            if (saveOpt["DeltaYr"]) DeltaYr[, , i] <- csr$DeltaY
            rob0L[[i + 1]] <- rob0

    if ((runs==1)&&(dropRuns)) {
        Xf <- matrix(Xf, pd, tt+1)
        Xp <- matrix(Xp, pd, tt)
        if (!is.null(Xrp)) {
            Xrf <- matrix(Xrf, pd, tt+1)
            Xrp <- matrix(Xrp, pd, tt)
            IndIO <- as.logical(IndIO)
            IndAO <- as.logical(IndAO)
    list(Xf = Xf, Xp = Xp, Xrf = Xrf, Xrp = Xrp,
         S0 = St0, S1 = St1, KG = KG, Delta = Delta,
         DeltaY = DeltaY,
         Sr0 = Str0, Sr1 = Str1,
         KGr = KGr, Deltar = Deltar, DeltaYr = DeltaYr,
         IndIO = IndIO, IndAO = IndAO,
         rob0L = rob0L, rob1L = rob1L,
         nsim = nsim, RNGstate = RNGstate,
         St0s = St0s, St1s = St1s)

# simple wrappers:

KalmanFilter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, dropRuns = TRUE)#
# +  Y               :observations
# +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V:Hyper-parameters of the ssm
{recursiveFilter(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, dropRuns = dropRuns)}

rLSFilter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, b, norm = EuclideanNorm, dropRuns = TRUE)#
# +  Y               :observations
# +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V:Hyper-parameters of the ssm
# +  b               :clipping height
{recursiveFilter(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                 initSc = .cKinitstep, predSc = .cKpredstep,
                 corrSc = .cKcorrstep,
                 #initSr=NULL, predSr=NULL,
                 initSr = .cKinitstep, predSr = .cKpredstep,
                 corrSr = .rLScorrstep, b = b, norm = norm, dropRuns = dropRuns)}

##just a synonym for AO/SO robust filter
rLS.AO.Filter <- rLSFilter

## IO robust filter
rLS.IO.Filter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, b, norm = EuclideanNorm,
                          dropRuns = TRUE)#
# +  Y               :observations
# +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V:Hyper-parameters of the ssm
# +  b               :clipping height
{recursiveFilter(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                 initSc = .cKinitstep, predSc = .cKpredstep,
                 corrSc = .cKcorrstep,
                 #initSr=NULL, predSr=NULL,
                 initSr = .cKinitstep, predSr = .cKpredstep,
                 corrSr = .rLS.IO.corrstep, b = b, norm = norm, dropRuns = dropRuns)}

ACMfilter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, s0, psi, apsi, bpsi, cpsi, flag, dropRuns = TRUE)#
# +  Y               :observations
# +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V:Hyper-parameters of the ssm
# +  b               :clippingheight
##  Y=x ... observed time series
##  a=m0 ... unconditional mean
##  S=Cx ... covariance matrix
##  F=Phi ... design matrix of state equation
##  Q ... covariance matrix of state innovation process
##  Z=H ... observation matrix
##  V ... covariance matrix of observation noise
##  s0 ... scale of nominal Gaussian component of additive noise
##  psi ... influence function to be used (default: Hampel's psi function,
##          only that is available at the moment)
##  apsi, bpsi, cpsi ... tuning constants for Hampel's psi-function
##              (default: a=b=2.5, c=5.0)
##  flag ... character, if "weights" (default), use psi(t)/t to calculate
##           the weights; if "deriv", use psi'(t)
{ recursiveFilter(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                 initSc = .cKinitstep, predSc = .cKpredstep,
                 corrSc = .cKcorrstep,
                 initSr = .cKinitstep, predSr = .ACMpredstep,
                 corrSr = .ACMcorrstep, s0=s0, psi=psi,
                 apsi=2.5, bpsi=2.5, cpsi=5.0, flag=flag, dropRuns = dropRuns)}
##  R-function: ACMfilter - approximate conditional-mean filtering
##  author: Bernhard Spangl
##  version: 1.0 (2006-05-21)

##  Paramters:
##  Y=x ... observed time series
##  a=m0 ... unconditional mean
##  S=Cx ... covariance matrix
##  F=Phi ... design matrix of state equation
##  Q ... covariance matrix of state innovation process
##  Z=H ... observation matrix
##  V ... covariance matrix of observation noise
##  s0 ... scale of nominal Gaussian component of additive noise
##  psi ... influence function to be used (default: Hampel's psi function,
##          only that is available at the moment)
##  a, b, c ... tuning constants for Hampel's psi-function
##              (defaul: a=b=2.5, c=5.0)
##  flag ... character, if "weights" (default), use psi(t)/t to calculate
##           the weights; if "deriv", use psi'(t)

mACMfilter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                       psi=mvpsiHampel, apsi=2.5, bpsi=2.5, cpsi=5.0,
                       flag="deriv", dropRuns = TRUE)
##  R-function: mACMfilter - approximate conditional-mean filtering
##  author: Bernhard Spangl
##  version: 0.2 (2008-03-31)

##  Paramters:
##  Y ... observed vector-valued time series
##        (column-wise, matrix: q rows, number of columns equal to time points)
##  a ... unconditional mean vector (formerly: m0)
##  S ... covariance matrix (formerly: Cx)
##  F ... design matrix of state equation (formerly: Phi)
##  Q ... covariance matrix of state innovation process
##  Z ... observation matrix (formerly: H)
##  V ... covariance matrix of observation noise (formerly: R)
##  psi ... influence function to be used (default: Hampel's psi function,
##          only that is available at the moment)
##  apsi, bpsi, cpsi ... tuning constants for Hampel's psi-function
##                       (default: a=b=2.5, c=5.0)
##  flag ... character, weight matrix to be used in correction step,
##           if "deriv" (default), Jacobian matrix of multivariate analogue
##           of Hampel's psi-function is used (only default is available
##           at the moment)

    recursiveFilter(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
                initSc=.cKinitstep, predSc=.cKpredstep, corrSc=.cKcorrstep,
                initSr=.cKinitstep, predSr=.cKpredstep, corrSr=.mACMcorrstep,
                psi, apsi, bpsi, cpsi, flag, dropRuns = dropRuns)

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