# ==================================================================================================
# --------------- listObjSizes list all objects with their size -- in order --{{{
# RR 20130816 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title Show sizes of R-objects in Memory
#' @description Show sizes of R-objects in Memory
#' @details listObjSizes() returns a list of all objects in memory and lists them in order of
#' increasing size. Object size is reported by the function utils::object.size()
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return List of sizes of R-objects in memory.
#' @note under continuous developement
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @seealso other utility-functions in this R-package
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' if(require("MASS")){
#' data(crabs, package="MASS")
#' print(listObjSizes())
#' }
#' @export
listObjSizes <- function(...) {
# method ............................................. ..
# - use 'object.size'
# input ............................................. ..
# output ............................................. ..
# - names of all objects
obj <- ls(envir=.GlobalEnv)
objsz <- data.frame(name=1, size=1)
for(i in 1:length(obj))
objsz[i, ] <- c(obj[i], utils::object.size(get(obj[i]))[1])
objsz$size <- as.integer(objsz$size)
objsz <- objsz[order(objsz$size, decreasing=FALSE), ]
# END OF FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# --------------- listObjSizes ----------------------------------------------------------------- --
## }}}
# --------------- listObjContrasts list contrasts of all factor attributes --{{{
# RR 20141027 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title Get contrasts of data.frame
#' @description Get the contrasts of all factor variables in a data.frame.
#' @details Get the contrasts of all factor variables in a data.frame.
#' @param d.frame data.frame
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return contrasts of factor variables of data.frame
#' @note under continuous developement
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @seealso other utility-functions in this R-package
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' if(require("MASS")){
#' data(crabs, package="MASS")
#' print(listObjContrasts(crabs))
#' }
#' @export
listObjContrasts <- function(d.frame, ...) {
# method ............................................. ..
# - use 'contrasts'
# input ............................................. ..
# output ............................................. ..
# - contrasts of all factors in data.frame
if(! return("please provide a data frame!")
factor_var <- which(lapply(d.frame, class)=="factor")
if(length(names(factor_var))==0) return("no factors in data frame!")
contrasts <- lapply(d.frame[, names(factor_var)], contrasts)
# END OF FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# --------------- listObjContrasts ------------------------------------------------------------- --
## }}}
# --------------- getContStat get statistics of contingency table --{{{
# RR 20200817 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title Get statistics of contingency table
#' @description Get statistics of contingency table
#' @details utility function for analyzing contingency tables
#' @param d.crosstab contincency table in class 'table
#' @param switchPosNeg switching positive and negative classes
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return statistics of contingency table
#' @note to be refined
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @seealso other utility-functions in this R-package
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' d.crosstab <- matrix(c(65.64, 1.95, 27.81, 4.6), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' colnames(d.crosstab) <- c("true 0", "true 1")
#' rownames(d.crosstab) <- c("fit 0", "fit 1")
#' d.crosstab <- as.table(d.crosstab)
#' getContStat(d.crosstab)
#' @export
getContStat <- function(d.crosstab, switchPosNeg = FALSE, ...) {
# Fawcett_2003, Sing 2005 (and ROCR documentation)
# siehe auch Wikipedia
# true classes | p | n |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -|------------------------|------------------------|-
# Y | True Positives (TP) | False Positives (FP) |
# hypotzesized classes -|------------------------|------------------------|-
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ N | False Negatives (FN) | True Negatives (TN) |
# -|------------------------|------------------------|-
# column totals P N
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^
# Umkehren von Positiven und Negativen Kennungen in Spalten und Reihen ...........................
if (switchPosNeg) {
temp.d.crosstab <- d.crosstab
d.crosstab[2, 2] <- temp.d.crosstab[1, 1]
d.crosstab[1, 1] <- temp.d.crosstab[2, 2]
d.crosstab[1, 2] <- temp.d.crosstab[2, 1]
d.crosstab[2, 1] <- temp.d.crosstab[1, 2]
colnames(d.crosstab) <- rev(colnames(temp.d.crosstab))
rownames(d.crosstab) <- rev(rownames(temp.d.crosstab))
# Berechnung der Kennzahlen ......................................................................
TP <- d.crosstab[1, 1] # True Positives
TN <- d.crosstab[2, 2] # True Negatives
FP <- d.crosstab[1, 2] # False Positives
FN <- d.crosstab[2, 1] # False Negatives
P <- TP + FN # sum of true positives
N <- TN + FP # sum of true negatives
TP_rate <- TP / P # True positive rate -- Hit rate
TN_rate <- TN / N # True negative rate
FP_rate <- FP / N # False positive rate -- Type I error
FN_rate <- FN / P # False negative rate -- Type II error
sensitivity <- TP_rate
specificity <- TN_rate
accuracy <- ( TP + TN ) / ( P + N ) # Korrektklassifikationsrate
error_rate <- ( FP + FN ) / ( P + N ) # Falschklassifikationsrate
precision <- TP / ( TP + FP ) # Genauigkeit
recall <- TP_rate # Trefferquote
ppv <- precision # positive predictive value
npv <- TN / ( TN + FN ) # negative predictive value
Phi <- ( TP * TN - FP * FN ) / sqrt( ( TP + FN ) * ( TN + FP ) * ( TP + FP ) * ( TN + FN ) )
# Yields a number between -1 and 1, with 1 indicating a perfect prediction, 0 indicating a random
# prediction. Values below 0 indicate a worse than random prediction.
f_score <- 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
# Test von Unabhängigkeit ........................................................................
d.test <- chisq.test(d.crosstab)
# d.test$p.value
# Ausgabe der Kennzahlen .........................................................................
print(">>> True positives in position [1, 1] <<<")
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "true positive rate (sensitivity)", TP_rate*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "true negative rate (specificity)", TN_rate*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "false positive rate (type I error)", FP_rate*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "false negative rate (type II error)", FN_rate*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "positive predictive value (ppv)", ppv*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "negative predictive value (npv)", npv*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "error rate", error_rate*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.5f", "correlation (phi)", Phi))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.3f%%", "F-value", f_score*100))
print(sprintf("%-39s %.5f", "p-value (Chi-squared test)", d.test$p.value))
# END OF FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
# --------------- getContStat ------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# --------------- testGranularity Test granularity of attirbutes in data.frame ..{{{
# RR 20200630 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title test granularity of attributes in data.frame
#' @description Compare granularity of whole data.frame and of provided attributes
#' @param, data.frame
#' @param var, vector of attributes in
#' @param verbose, add additional output
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return output describing the granularity
#' @note under continuous developement
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' cat("\nBeispieldaten\n")
#' <- data.frame(a = 1:20,
#' b = rep(1:10, 2),
#' c = letters[1:20],
#' d = rep(letters[1:10], 2))
#' cat("\nBetrachtung eines Attributes\n")
#' var <- c("a")
#' testGranularity( =, var = var)
#' testGranularity( =, var = var, verbose = FALSE)
#' cat("\nBetrachtung eines Attributes\n")
#' var <- c("b")
#' testGranularity( =, var = var)
#' cat("\nBetrachtung von zwei Attributen\n")
#' var <- c("a", "b")
#' testGranularity( =, var = var)
#' cat("\nBetrachtung von drei Attributen\n")
#' var <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
#' testGranularity( =, var = var)
#' cat("\nBetrachtung mit einem Wert NA\n")
#'[16, 3] <- NA
#' var <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
#' testGranularity( =, var = var)
#' cat("\nBeispiel ChickWeight mit einem Attribut\n")
#' var <- c("Chick")
#' testGranularity( = ChickWeight, var = var)
#' cat("\nBeispiel ChickWeight mit zwei Attributen\n")
#' var <- c("Chick", "Diet")
#' testGranularity( = ChickWeight, var = var)
#' cat("\nBeispiel ChickWeight mit drei Attributen\n")
#' var <- c("Chick", "Diet", "Time")
#' testGranularity( = ChickWeight, var = var)
#' @export
testGranularity <- function(, var, verbose = NULL, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# method
# - test granularity of attributes in data.frame
# input
# - = data.frame / data.table
# - var = vector of attributes to test
# - verbose = verbose status TRUE/FALSE/NULL(default)
# output
# - description of granularity of attributes in data.frame
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# detailThreshold -- Schwelle in Anzahl Zeilen wenn bei verbose = NULL von verbose = TRUE auf
# verbose = FALSE umgeschaltet wird
detailThreshold <- 100000
# data.table Syntax wird angewandt, so muss ein data.table Obejkt erstellt werden
# Faktoren in Zeichenattribute umwandeln .........................................................
FactAttr <- names([grep("factor", sapply(, class))]
if (length(FactAttr) > 0) {[, (FactAttr) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = FactAttr]
# Eindeutigkeit ermitteln (inkl. NAs und fehlende Werte) .........................................
t1 <- nrow( # Dimension Datensatz
t2 <- uniqueN([, var, with = FALSE], na.rm = FALSE) # Kombinationen alle Attribute
# Ausgabe overall - Eindeutigkeit ................................................................
if (t1 == t2) {
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "EINDEUTIG in den Attributen"), paste(var, collapse = ", ")))
} else {
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "NICHT eindeutig in den Attributen"), paste(var, collapse = ", ")))
# Ausgabe Details Kombinationen ..................................................................
if ((is.null(verbose) && t1 < detailThreshold) | (!is.null(verbose) && verbose == TRUE)) {
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "Dimension Datensatz"), "--", formatC(t1, big.mark = "'", width = 10, format = "d")))
# NAs weggelassen
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "Kombinationen Attribute ohne NAs"), "--",
formatC(uniqueN([, var, with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE),
big.mark = "'", width = 10, format = "d")))
# NAs als ein Wert mitgezaehlt
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "Kombinationen Attribute mit NAs"), "--",
formatC(t2, big.mark = "'", width = 10, format = "d")))
# NAs weggelassen wenn ein anderer Wert vorhanden, NAs als Wert mitgezaehlt wenn kein anderer
# Wert vorhanden
# if (length(var) == 2) {
# v1All <- unique([, var, with = FALSE])
# v1 <- unique([, var[1], with = FALSE])
# # zweite Spalte hat nicht nur NAs
# # - NAs in zweiter Spalte weglassen und Kombinationen zaehlen
# v1NotOnlyNA <- unique(v1All[![, 2]), ][, 1])
# c1NotOnlyNA <- as.numeric(countDistinct([[, var[1]] %in% v1NotOnlyNA, var])[1])
# # zweite Spalte hat nur NAs
# # - das sind schon alle Kombinationen
# v1OnlyNA <- v1[!v1 %in% v1NotOnlyNA]
# c1OnlyNA <- length(v1OnlyNA)
# print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", "Kombinationen Attribute NAs selektiv"), "--",
# formatC(c1NotOnlyNA + c1OnlyNA, big.mark = "'", width = 10, format = "d")))
# }
# Ausgabe Details Attribute ....................................................................
v <- var[1]
for (v in var)
cD <- countDistinct([, v, with = FALSE])
if (cD[2] == "yes") {
cD[2] <- "ja"
} else {
cD[2] <- "nein"
print(paste(sprintf("%-40s", paste("Kombinationen Attribut", v)), "--",
formatC(as.numeric(cD[1]), big.mark = "'", width = 10, format = "d"),
"-- NAs vorhanden:", cD[2]))
# --------------- testGranularity --------------------------------------------------------------- --
# ENDE DER FUNKTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
# # }}}
# --------------- tableCountPart Table with counts and parts ..{{{
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title Generate table with counts, parts and cumulative parts
#' @description Generate table with counts, parts and cumulative parts. Allow to cut table after
#' predefined length
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param varName name of attribute to list
#' @param anzName column name for counts
#' @param antName column name for parts
#' @param csumName column name for cumulative parts
#' @param ordCol number of column to sort
#' @param ordDir sort order ('asc' for ascending or 'desc' for descending)
#' @param rowLimit number of rows with detailed counts and parts
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return data.frame with computed statistics
#' @note under continuous developement
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' data(mtcars, package = "datasets")
#' str(mtcars)
#' table(mtcars$gear)
#' tableCountPart(x = mtcars$gear
#' , varName = "Gänge"
#' , anzName = "Anzahl"
#' , antName = "Anteil"
#' , csumName = "Anteil kumuliert"
#' , ordCol = 1
#' , ordDir = "desc"
#' , rowLimit = 20
#' )
#' tableCountPart(x = mtcars$carb
#' , varName = "Vergaser"
#' , anzName = "Anzahl"
#' , antName = "Anteil"
#' , csumName = "Anteil kumuliert"
#' , ordCol = 1
#' , ordDir = "asc"
#' , rowLimit = 20
#' )
#' tableCountPart(x = mtcars$carb
#' , varName = "Vergaser"
#' , anzName = "Anzahl"
#' , antName = "Anteil"
#' , csumName = "Anteil kumuliert"
#' , ordCol = 1
#' , ordDir = "asc"
#' , rowLimit = 4
#' )
#' tableCountPart(x = mtcars$carb
#' , varName = "Vergaser"
#' , anzName = "Anzahl"
#' , antName = "Anteil"
#' )
#' @export
tableCountPart <- function(x, varName = "var", anzName = "anz", antName = "ant", csumName = FALSE,
ordCol = 1, ordDir = "asc", rowLimit = FALSE, ...)
# run <- 0
run <- 1
# if(run != 1)
# {
# x <- sample_data_med$kanton
# varName <- "Kanton"
# anzName <- "Anzahl Personen"
# antName <- "Anteil Personen"
# csumName <- FALSE
# csumName <- "Anteil Personen kumuliert"
# ordCol <- FALSE
# ordCol <- 1
# ordCol <- 2
# ordDir <- "asc"
# rowLimit <- 20
# }
n_NA <- sum(
x <- x[!]
tt <- table(x)
pt <- prop.table(x = tt)
if(!run == 1) tt
if(!run == 1) pt
tt <- data.frame(tt)
# tt$ord <- 1:nrow(tt)
pt <- data.frame(pt)
if(!run == 1) tt
if(!run == 1) pt
# colnames(tt) <- c(varName, anzName, "ord")
colnames(tt) <- c(varName, anzName)
colnames(pt) <- c(varName, antName)
tt <- merge(tt, pt)
if(!run == 1) tt
# sortieren ---------------------------------------------------
# if(ordCol==FALSE) {
# tt <- tt[order(tt$ord), ]
# } else {
if(ordDir == "asc") {
tt <- tt[order(tt[, ordCol], decreasing = FALSE), ]
} else {
tt <- tt[order(tt[, ordCol], decreasing = TRUE), ]
# }
# tt$ord <- NULL
if(!run == 1) tt
rownames(tt) <- NULL
tt[, 1] <- as.character(tt[, 1])
tt[, 2] <- as.integer(tt[, 2])
# Rest berechnen für eingeschränkte Sicht ---------------------------------------------------
if(rowLimit!=FALSE & rowLimit<nrow(tt)) {
tta <- tt[c(1:rowLimit), ]
restAnz <- length(x)-sum(tta[c(1:rowLimit), 2])
restAnt <- sprintf("%.1f%%", (restAnz * 100) / length(x))
if(!run==1) sum(tta[ , 2])
if(!run==1) length(x)
if(!run==1) tta
if(!run==1) restAnz
if(!run==1) restAnt
# Zahlen formatieren ---------------------------------------------------
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[, csumName] <- cumsum(tt[, antName])
tt[, antName] <- sprintf("%.1f%%", tt[, antName] * 100)
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[, csumName] <- sprintf("%.1f%%", tt[, csumName] * 100)
if(run != 1) tt
# Totalangaben ---------------------------------------------------
if(rowLimit == FALSE) {
if(csumName == FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "")
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "", "")
if(csumName == FALSE & n_NA>0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "")
if(csumName != FALSE & n_NA>0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "", "")
if(rowLimit >= nrow(tt)) {
if(csumName == FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "")
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "", "")
if(csumName == FALSE & n_NA>0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "")
if(csumName != FALSE & n_NA>0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "", "")
if(!run == 1) tt
# Zeile mit Restangaben bei eingeschr. Sicht ---------------------------------------------------
tt <- tt[c(1:rowLimit), ]
if(csumName == FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Rest:", restAnz, restAnt)
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Rest:", restAnz, restAnt, "")
if(csumName == FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "")
if(csumName != FALSE) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Total:", length(x), "", "")
if(csumName == FALSE & n_NA > 0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "")
if(csumName != FALSE & n_NA > 0) tt[nrow(tt) + 1, ] <- c("Anzahl NA:", n_NA, "", "")
if(run != 1) tt
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# --------------- tableCountPart_2d() Table with parts in various representations ..{{{
# Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
#' @title Generate table with counts an parts in various different representations.
#' @description Generate table with counts and parts in various different representations. The
#' differen representations are also du to marginal totals in the different directions.
#' @param x data vector together with y as alternative to z
#' @param y data vector together with x as alternative to z
#' @param z data.frame as alternative to x and y
#' @param precDigit number of digits for result
#' @param x_prefix prefix for label in x-axis
#' @param y_prefix prefix for label in y-axis
#' @param debug not relevant
#' @param big.mark = thousand separator
#' @param \dots arguments passed to further functions
#' @return data.frame with computed statistics
#' @note under continuous developement
#' @author Roland Rapold
#' @references none
#' @examples
#' str(mtcars)
#' table(mtcars$gear)
#' table(mtcars$carb)
#' precDigit <- 1
#' x <- mtcars$gear # Auspraegungen in Resultat in Reihen
#' y <- mtcars$carb # Auspraegungen in Resultat in Spalten
#' z <-, y))
#' tableCountPart_2d(x = x, y = y, precDigit = 3) [[4]]
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 3)[[4]]
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 1)[[5]]
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 1)[[6]]
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 1)[[7]]
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 0)$abs
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 0)$abs_ant_col
#' tableCountPart_2d(z = z, precDigit = 1)
#' @export
tableCountPart_2d <- function(x = 1, y = 1, z = 1, precDigit = 1, x_prefix = "", y_prefix = "",
debug = 0, big.mark = FALSE, ...)
# precDigit -->> precDigit
if(precDigit != 0) precDigit <- precDigit
# Funktion Beginn ===================================================== ==
# absolute Zahlen ----------------------------------------------------- --
# absolute Zahlen und Chi^2-Test -- abs -- p.value_raw -- p.value -------------------- -- {{{
abs <- z
abs <- round(abs, 0)
if(! abs <-
if(is.null(dim(abs))) abs <-, y))
if(x_prefix != "") rownames(abs) <- paste(x_prefix, rownames(abs))
if(y_prefix != "") colnames(abs) <- paste(y_prefix, colnames(abs))
chitest <- chisq.test(abs)
p.value_raw <- chitest$p.value
p.value <- chitest$p.value
if(! {
p.value <- "< 0.001",
p.value <- sprintf("%.3f", chitest$p.value))
# abs=pim_sd_1
# abs <- cbind(data.frame(rownames(abs)), abs)
# rownames(abs) <- c(1:nrow(abs))
# colnames(abs)[1] <- " "
abs_form <- cbind(rownames(abs), abs)
rownames(abs_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_form)))
colnames(abs_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs")
if(debug==1) print(abs)
if(debug==1) print("abs_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_form)
if(debug==1) print("p.value_raw")
if(debug==1) print(p.value_raw)
if(debug==1) print("p.value")
if(debug==1) if(! print(p.value)
# # }}}
# absolute Zahlen mit Randsummen -- abs_margin_1..3 ---------------------------------- --{{{
x_tot <- apply(abs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum) # Zeilensummen
y_tot <- apply(abs, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) # Spaltensummen
abs_margin_1 <- cbind(abs, x_tot)
colnames(abs_margin_1)[ncol(abs_margin_1)] <- "total"
abs_margin_2 <- rbind(abs, y_tot)
rownames(abs_margin_2)[nrow(abs_margin_2)] <- "total"
abs_margin_3 <- rbind(abs_margin_1, c(y_tot, sum(abs)))
rownames(abs_margin_3)[nrow(abs_margin_3)] <- "total"
abs_margin_form_1 <- cbind(rownames(abs_margin_1), abs_margin_1)
rownames(abs_margin_form_1) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_margin_form_1)))
colnames(abs_margin_form_1)[1] <- " "
abs_margin_form_2 <- cbind(rownames(abs_margin_2), abs_margin_2)
rownames(abs_margin_form_2) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_margin_form_2)))
colnames(abs_margin_form_2)[1] <- " "
abs_margin_form_3 <- cbind(rownames(abs_margin_3), abs_margin_3)
rownames(abs_margin_form_3) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_margin_form_3)))
colnames(abs_margin_form_3)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_1")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_1)
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_2")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_2)
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_3")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_3)
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_form_1")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_form_1)
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_form_2")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_form_2)
if(debug==1) print("abs_margin_form_3")
if(debug==1) print(abs_margin_form_3)
# # }}}
# relative Zahlen ----------------------------------------------------- --
# Anteile nach Total -- ant_tot -- ant_tot_margin_1..3 ------------------- --{{{
ant_tot <- abs / sum(abs)
margin_row <- apply(ant_tot, MARGIN=1, FUN=sum)
margin_col <- apply(ant_tot, MARGIN=2, FUN=sum)
ant_tot_margin_1 <- cbind(ant_tot, margin_row)
colnames(ant_tot_margin_1)[ncol(ant_tot_margin_1)] <- "total"
ant_tot_margin_2 <- rbind(ant_tot, c(margin_col, sum(margin_row)))
rownames(ant_tot_margin_2)[nrow(ant_tot_margin_2)] <- "total"
ant_tot_margin_3 <- rbind(ant_tot_margin_1, c(margin_col, sum(margin_row)))
rownames(ant_tot_margin_3)[nrow(ant_tot_margin_3)] <- "total"
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_tot))
ant_tot[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_tot[, i]*100)
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_tot_margin_1))
ant_tot_margin_1[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_tot_margin_1[, i]*100)
ant_tot_margin_3[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_tot_margin_3[, i]*100)
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_tot_margin_2))
ant_tot_margin_2[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_tot_margin_2[, i]*100)
ant_tot_form <- cbind(rownames(ant_tot), ant_tot)
rownames(ant_tot_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_tot_form)))
colnames(ant_tot_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_form")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_form)
ant_tot_margin_form_1 <- cbind(rownames(ant_tot_margin_1), ant_tot_margin_1)
rownames(ant_tot_margin_form_1) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_tot_margin_form_1)))
colnames(ant_tot_margin_form_1)[1] <- " "
ant_tot_margin_form_2 <- cbind(rownames(ant_tot_margin_2), ant_tot_margin_2)
rownames(ant_tot_margin_form_2) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_tot_margin_form_2)))
colnames(ant_tot_margin_form_2)[1] <- " "
ant_tot_margin_form_3 <- cbind(rownames(ant_tot_margin_3), ant_tot_margin_3)
rownames(ant_tot_margin_form_3) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_tot_margin_form_3)))
colnames(ant_tot_margin_form_3)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_1")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_1)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_2")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_2)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_3")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_3)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_form_1")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_form_1)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_form_2")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_form_2)
if(debug==1) print("ant_tot_margin_form_3")
if(debug==1) print(ant_tot_margin_form_3)
# # }}}
# Anteile nach Zeilen -- ant_row -- ant_row_margin ------------------------ --{{{
ant_row <- abs
for(i in 1:ncol(abs))
ant_row[, i] <- abs[, i] / x_tot
margin_row <- apply(ant_row, MARGIN=1, FUN=sum)
margin_col <- apply(ant_row, MARGIN=2, FUN=sum)
ant_row_margin <- cbind(ant_row, margin_row)
colnames(ant_row_margin)[ncol(ant_row_margin)] <- "total"
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_row))
ant_row[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_row[, i]*100)
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_row_margin))
ant_row_margin[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_row_margin[, i]*100)
ant_row_form <- cbind(rownames(ant_row), ant_row)
rownames(ant_row_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_row_form)))
colnames(ant_row_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_row")
if(debug==1) print(ant_row)
if(debug==1) print("ant_row_form")
if(debug==1) print(ant_row_form)
ant_row_margin_form <- cbind(rownames(ant_row_margin), ant_row_margin)
rownames(ant_row_margin_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_row_margin_form)))
colnames(ant_row_margin_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_row_margin")
if(debug==1) print(ant_row_margin)
if(debug==1) print("ant_row_margin_form")
if(debug==1) print(ant_row_margin_form)
# # }}}
# Anteile nach Spalten -- ant_col -- ant_col_margin ------------------------ --{{{
ant_col <- abs
for(i in 1:nrow(abs))
ant_col[i, ] <- abs[i, ] / y_tot
margin_row <- apply(ant_col, MARGIN=1, FUN=sum)
margin_col <- apply(ant_col, MARGIN=2, FUN=sum)
ant_col_margin <- rbind(ant_col, margin_col)
rownames(ant_col_margin)[nrow(ant_col_margin)] <- "total"
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_col))
ant_col[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_col[, i]*100)
for(i in 1:ncol(ant_col_margin))
ant_col_margin[, i] <- sprintf(paste("%.", precDigit, "f%%", sep=""), ant_col_margin[, i]*100)
ant_col_form <- cbind(rownames(ant_col), ant_col)
rownames(ant_col_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_col_form)))
colnames(ant_col_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_col")
if(debug==1) print(ant_col)
if(debug==1) print("ant_col_form")
if(debug==1) print(ant_col_form)
ant_col_margin_form <- cbind(rownames(ant_col_margin), ant_col_margin)
rownames(ant_col_margin_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(ant_col_margin_form)))
colnames(ant_col_margin_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("ant_col_margin")
if(debug==1) print(ant_col_margin)
if(debug==1) print("ant_col_margin_form")
if(debug==1) print(ant_col_margin_form)
# # }}}
# Absole und relative Zahlen mischen ----------------------------------------------------- --
# Anteile nach Total -- abs_ant_tot -------------------------------------- --{{{
# Obsolete Fassung ..................................................... ..
if (0==1) {
abs_ant_tot <- abs[1, ]
abs_ant_tot[2, ] <- ant_tot[1, ]
for(i in 2:nrow(abs))
abs_ant_tot[2*i-1, ] <- abs[i, ]
abs_ant_tot[2*i , ] <- ant_tot[i, ]
# Leerzeilen hinzufügen ..................................................... ..
abs_temp <- abs
abs_ant_tot <- rbind(abs_temp[1, ], c(rep(" ", ncol(abs_temp))))
abs_ant_tot <-
for(i in 2:nrow(abs_temp)) {
abs_ant_tot <- rbind(abs_ant_tot, abs_temp[i, ])
abs_ant_tot <- rbind(abs_ant_tot, c(rep(" ", ncol(abs_temp))))
# Leerspalten hinzufügen .................................................... ..
abs_temp <- abs_ant_tot
abs_ant_tot <-[, 1], c(rep(" ", nrow(abs_temp)))))
for(i in 2:ncol(abs_temp)) {
abs_ant_tot <- cbind(abs_ant_tot, abs_temp[, i])
abs_ant_tot <- cbind(abs_ant_tot, c(rep(" ", nrow(abs_temp))))
# Anteilwerte hinzufügen .................................................... ..
for(i in 1:nrow(ant_tot)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(ant_tot)) {
abs_ant_tot[2*i, 2*j] <- ant_tot[i, j]
# Spaltennamen hinzufügen ........................................ ..
colnames(abs_ant_tot) <- c(1:ncol(abs_ant_tot))
colnames(abs_ant_tot)[c(seq(1, (ncol(abs_ant_tot)-1), 2))] <- colnames(abs)
colnames(abs_ant_tot)[seq(2, (ncol(abs_ant_tot)), 2)] <- " "
# Formatierte Variante erstellen ........................................ ..
abs_ant_tot_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_tot), abs_ant_tot)
colnames(abs_ant_tot_form)[1] <- " "
abs_ant_tot_form[seq(1, (nrow(abs_ant_tot_form)-1), 2), 1] <- rownames(abs)
abs_ant_tot_form[seq(2, (nrow(abs_ant_tot_form)), 2), 1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_form)
# # }}}
# Anteile nach Total pl. Zeilen/Spalten -- abs_ant_tot_col/row/row_col----------------------- -- {{{
abs_ant_tot_col <- abs_ant_tot
for(i in 1:nrow(ant_col)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(ant_col)) {
abs_ant_tot_col[2*i, 2*j-1] <- ant_col[i, j]
# abs_ant_tot_col
abs_ant_tot_row <- abs_ant_tot
for(i in 1:nrow(ant_row)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(ant_row)) {
abs_ant_tot_row[2*i-1, 2*j] <- ant_row[i, j]
# abs_ant_tot_row
abs_ant_tot_row_col <- abs_ant_tot_row
for(i in 1:nrow(ant_col)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(ant_col)) {
abs_ant_tot_row_col[2*i, 2*j-1] <- ant_col[i, j]
# abs_ant_tot_row_col
abs_ant_tot_col_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_tot_col), abs_ant_tot_col)
rownames(abs_ant_tot_col_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_tot_col_form)))
colnames(abs_ant_tot_col_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_col")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_col)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_col_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_col_form)
abs_ant_tot_row_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_tot_row), abs_ant_tot_row)
rownames(abs_ant_tot_row_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_tot_row_form)))
colnames(abs_ant_tot_row_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_row")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_row)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_row_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_row_form)
abs_ant_tot_row_col_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_tot_row_col), abs_ant_tot_row_col)
rownames(abs_ant_tot_row_col_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_tot_row_col_form)))
colnames(abs_ant_tot_row_col_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_row_col")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_row_col)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_tot_row_col_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_tot_row_col_form)
# }}}
# Anteile nach Zeilen -- abs_ant_row -- abs_ant_row_margin ---------------- --{{{
margin_row_abs <- apply(abs, MARGIN=1, FUN=sum)
margin_row_ant <- rep("100%", length(margin_row_abs))
abs_ant_row <-[, 1], ant_row[, 1]))
rownames(abs_ant_row) <- rownames(abs)
colnames(abs_ant_row)[1] <- colnames(abs)[1]
colnames(abs_ant_row)[2] <- " "
for(i in 2:ncol(abs)){
abs_ant_row <- cbind(abs_ant_row, abs[, i])
colnames(abs_ant_row)[ncol(abs_ant_row)] <- colnames(abs)[i]
abs_ant_row <- cbind(abs_ant_row, ant_row[, i])
colnames(abs_ant_row)[ncol(abs_ant_row)] <- " "
abs_ant_row_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_row), abs_ant_row)
rownames(abs_ant_row_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_row_form)))
colnames(abs_ant_row_form)[1] <- " "
abs_ant_row_margin <- cbind(abs_ant_row, margin_row_abs)
colnames(abs_ant_row_margin)[ncol(abs_ant_row_margin)] <- "total"
abs_ant_row_margin <- cbind(abs_ant_row_margin, margin_row_ant)
colnames(abs_ant_row_margin)[ncol(abs_ant_row_margin)] <- "total"
abs_ant_row_margin_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_row_margin), abs_ant_row_margin)
rownames(abs_ant_row_margin_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_row_margin_form)))
colnames(abs_ant_row_margin_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_row")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_row)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_row_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_row_form)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_row_margin")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_row_margin)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_row_margin_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_row_margin_form)
# # }}}
# Anteile nach Spalten -- abs_ant_col -------------------------------------- --{{{
abs_ant_col <- abs[1, ]
abs_ant_col[2, ] <- ant_col[1, ]
for(i in 2:nrow(abs)){
abs_ant_col[2*i-1, ] <- abs[i, ]
abs_ant_col[2*i , ] <- ant_col[i, ]
abs_ant_col_form <- cbind(rownames(abs_ant_col), abs_ant_col)
rownames(abs_ant_col_form) <- as.character(c(1:nrow(abs_ant_col_form)))
abs_ant_col_form[seq(2, nrow(abs_ant_col_form), 2), 1] <- " "
colnames(abs_ant_col_form)[1] <- " "
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_col")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_col)
if(debug==1) print("abs_ant_col_form")
if(debug==1) print(abs_ant_col_form)
# # }}}
# Nomenklatur Resultat ----------------------------------------------------- --
# abs Absolutwerte ( Summen, Anzahlen )
# ant_tot Anteile ueber ganze Matrix
# ant_row Anteile ueber Zeilen
# ant_col Anteile ueber Spalten
# margin_1 Randsummen von Zeilen
# margin_2 Randsummen von Spalten
# margin_3 Randsummen von Zeilen und Spalten und Total
obj_list <-c("abs_margin_form_2", "abs_margin_form_3")
obj_list <-c("abs_ant_row_margin_form")
# obj_list <-c("abs_form", "p.value", "p.value_raw", ...)
obj_list <-c("abs_form",
"abs_margin_form_1", "abs_margin_form_2", "abs_margin_form_3",
"ant_tot_margin_form_1", "ant_tot_margin_form_2", "ant_tot_margin_form_3",
"ant_row_form", "ant_col_form",
"abs_ant_tot_form", "abs_ant_tot_col_form", "abs_ant_tot_row_form",
"abs_ant_tot_row_col_form", "abs_ant_row_form", "abs_ant_row_margin_form", "abs_ant_col_form")
# big.mark <- "'"
# browser()
if(big.mark!=FALSE & is.character(big.mark)) {
for(o in obj_list)
# t <- abs_ant_row_margin_form
# i <- 16
t <- get(o)
for(i in 1:ncol(t))
if(class(t[, i])=="integer") t[, i] <- format(t[, i], big.mark=big.mark)
assign(o, t)
return(list(abs = abs_form
, p.value = ifelse(, NA, p.value)
, p.value_raw = p.value_raw
, abs_margin_1 = abs_margin_form_1
, abs_margin_2 = abs_margin_form_2
, abs_margin_3 = abs_margin_form_3
, ant_tot = ant_tot_form
, ant_tot_margin_1 = ant_tot_margin_form_1
, ant_tot_margin_2 = ant_tot_margin_form_2
, ant_tot_margin_3 = ant_tot_margin_form_3
, ant_row = ant_row_form
, ant_col = ant_col_form
, abs_ant_tot = abs_ant_tot_form
, abs_ant_tot_col = abs_ant_tot_col_form
, abs_ant_tot_row = abs_ant_tot_row_form
, abs_ant_tot_row_col = abs_ant_tot_row_col_form
, abs_ant_row = abs_ant_row_form
, abs_ant_row_margin = abs_ant_row_margin_form
, abs_ant_col = abs_ant_col_form
# Funktion Ende ===================================================== ==
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
# }}}
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