
Defines functions setSlotCount setCheckLevel setLogLevel setProjectLines getSimplaceDirectories setSimplaceDirectories getDatatypesOfResult getUnitsOfResult resultToDataframe transdf resultToList varmapToList getResult getSimulationIDs setAllSimulationValues setSimulationValues runProject runSimulations initSimplace

Documented in getDatatypesOfResult getResult getSimplaceDirectories getSimulationIDs getUnitsOfResult initSimplace resultToDataframe resultToList runProject runSimulations setAllSimulationValues setCheckLevel setLogLevel setProjectLines setSimplaceDirectories setSimulationValues setSlotCount varmapToList

# Functions to communicate with 'SIMPLACE'
# Provides methods to run Solutions and Projects in 'SIMPLACE' 
# and to retrieve and convert the data 
# @author Gunther Krauss

#' simplace: Interface to use the modelling framework 'SIMPLACE'
#' Interface to interact with the modelling framework 'SIMPLACE' and to
#' parse the results of simulations
#' Package needs a Java Runtime Environment as well as an installation of 'SIMPLACE'. 
#' See \href{https://www.simplace.net/}{www.simplace.net} for more information about 'SIMPLACE'.
#' @author {Gunther Krauss}
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     SimplaceInstallationDir <- "D:/java/simplace/"
#'     SimplaceWorkDir <- "D:/java/simplace/simplace_run/simulation/"
#'     SimplaceOutputDir <-  "D:/java/simplace/simplace_run/output/"
#'     Solution <- "D:/java/simplace/simplace_run/simulation/gk/solution/complete/Complete.sol.xml"
#'     simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#'     openProject(simplace, Solution)
#'     parameter <- list()
#'     parameter$vTempLimit <- 32
#'     simid <- createSimulation(simplace,parameter)
#'     runSimulations(simplace)
#'     result <- getResult(simplace,"DIAGRAM_OUT", simid);
#'     closeProject(simplace)
#'     resultlist <- resultToList(result)
#'     resultframe <- resultToDataframe(result)
#'   }
#' @references \href{https://www.simplace.net/}{www.simplace.net}
#' @docType package
#' @name simplace

########## Some helper definitions for calling/parsing ############

nullObject <- rJava::.jnull(class="java/lang/Object") # java null object
nullString <- rJava::.jnull(class="java/lang/String") # java null string

########## Initialisation ####################

#' Initialisation of Framework
#' Initializes the JVM and creates the SimplaceWrapper object which 
#' is used to interact with Simplace.
#' @param InstallationDir directory where simplace_core, simplace_modules and simplace_run are located
#' @param WorkDir working directory where solutions, projects and data resides (_WORKDIR_)
#' @param OutputDir directory for output (_OUTPUTDIR_)
#' @param ProjectsDir optional directory for project data  (_PROJECTSDIR_)
#' @param DataDir optional directory for data (_DATADIR_)
#' @param additionalClasspaths vector with class paths relative to InstallationDir that are to be added
#' @param javaparameters parameters that are passed to the java virtual machine
#' @param force.init (re)initialize a running JVM, see \code{\link{.jinit}}
#' @returns handle to the SimplaceWrapper object
#' @export
  initSimplace <- function(InstallationDir = findFirstSimplaceInstallation(),
                         WorkDir = paste0(InstallationDir,"simplace_run/simulation/"),
                         OutputDir = paste0(InstallationDir,"simplace_run/output/"),
                         ProjectsDir = nullString, 
                         DataDir = nullString, 
                         additionalClasspaths = c(),
                         javaparameters = getOption("java.parameters"), 
  required_dir <- c("simplace_core","simplace_modules")
  avail_dir <- dir(InstallationDir)
  dir_ok <- length(intersect(avail_dir,required_dir))==length(required_dir)
  libjars <- paste0("simplace_core/lib/",
                       recursive=TRUE, pattern=".jar|.JAR"))
  libjars <- c(libjars, paste0("lib/",
                       recursive=TRUE, pattern=".jar|.JAR")))

  required_jars <- c("simplace_core.jar","simplace_modules.jar")
  avail_jars <- tolower(basename(libjars))
  jars_ok <- length(intersect(avail_jars,required_jars))==length(required_jars)
  required_jar <- c("simplace.jar")
  jar_ok <- length(intersect(avail_jars,required_jar))==length(required_jar)
  if(!(dir_ok | jars_ok | jar_ok)){
    stop(paste0("No simplace installation found in directory '",InstallationDir,"'.
The directory should either contain the folders 
'simplace_core' and 'simplace_modules'
or required .jar files in 'lib' subfolder." ))

  rJava::.jinit(parameters=javaparameters, force.init=force.init) # inits java
  # add the classpaths  
  classpaths = c(
  sapply(classpaths, function(s) rJava::.jaddClassPath(paste(InstallationDir,s,sep="")))  

  # create and return an instance of RSimplaceWrapper class
  rJava::.jnew("net/simplace/sim/wrapper/SimplaceWrapper", WorkDir, OutputDir, ProjectsDir, DataDir)

######################## Call Simplace Methods ######################

#' Opens a Simplace project
#' Initializes a project. The absolute path to a solution file is mandatory. 
#' Project file is optional.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param solution solution file with absolute path or path relative to workdir
#' @param project project file with absolute path or path relative to workdir, can be omitted to run solution only
#' @param parameterList a list with the parameter name as key and parametervalue as value
#' @returns java FWSimsession object 
#' @seealso \code{\link{closeProject}}
#' @export
openProject <- function (simplace, solution, project=nullString, parameterList=NULL)
  wd <- trimws(getSimplaceDirectories(simplace)['_WORKDIR_'],"right","[/\\\\]")
  if(!file.exists(solution)) {
    newsol <- paste0(wd,"/",solution)
      solution <- newsol

  if(is.character(project) && nchar(project)>0) {
    if(!file.exists(project)) {
      newproj <- paste0(wd,"/",project)
        project <- newproj
  paramObject <- parameterListToStringArray(parameterList)
  invisible(rJava::.jcall(simplace, "Lnet/simplace/sim/FWSimSession;", "prepareSession", project, solution, paramObject))

#' Close Project
#' Call to the shutDown method of the simulation.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of closing the simulation project
#' @seealso \code{\link{openProject}}
#' @export
closeProject <- function (simplace)

#' Creates a simulation and substitute parameters
#' Creates a simulation from the opened project and substitutes
#' the values of the parameters given in the parameter list. 
#' Simulation won't be queued by default.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param parameterList a list with the parameter name as key and parametervalue as value
#' @param queue boolean - simulation is added to queue if true, else start new queue 
#' @returns id of the created simulation
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{runSimulations}}, \code{\link{resetSimulationQueue}}
createSimulation <- function (simplace,parameterList=NULL, queue=FALSE) {
  paramObject <- parameterListToStringArray(parameterList)
  id <- rJava::.jcall(simplace,"Lnet/simplace/sim/FWSimSimulation;","createSimulation",paramObject)

#' Run the created simulations
#' Run the created simulations from the queue. If the queue is empty, the
#' last created simulation will be run.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param selectsimulation if true keeps a selected simulation
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of running the simulation
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{createSimulation}}, \code{\link{resetSimulationQueue}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' parameters <- list()
#' parameters$vBaseLUE <- 3.0
#' s1 <- createSimulation(simplace, parameters,queue=TRUE)
#' parameters$vBaseLUE <- 3.2
#' s2 <- createSimulation(simplace, parameters,queue=TRUE)
#' runSimulations(simplace)
#' parameters$vBaseLUE <- 2.8
#' s3 <- createSimulation(simplace, parameters,queue=TRUE)
#' runSimulations(simplace)
#' closeProject(simplace)   }
runSimulations <- function(simplace, selectsimulation=FALSE)
  rJava::.jcall(simplace, "V", "runSimulations", selectsimulation )

#' Clears the list of simulations
#' Simulation list is cleared
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of clearing the simulation list
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{createSimulation}}, \code{\link{runSimulations}}
resetSimulationQueue <- function (simplace) {

#' Runs the opened project
#' Runs the simulation(s) as defined in the solution and project files. 
#' There is no accessible MEMORY output, but one can load the CSV or 
#' database output.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of running opened project
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution, Project)
#' runProject(simplace)
#' closeProject(simplace)   }
runProject <- function(simplace) {

#' Changes values of the current simulation
#' Sets values of arbitrary SimVariables in a simplace simulation.
#' Useful if you want to couple simplace with another simulation 
#' and interchange values daily.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param parameterList a list with the parameter name as key and parametervalue as value
#' @param simulationNumber number of simulation in the queue whose parameters should be set (default first simulation)
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of changing parameters in the current simulation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' for(i in 1:365)
#' {
#'   param <- list(vBaseLUE=3.0 + i/2000)
#'   setSimulationValues(simplace,param)
#'   stepSimulation(simplace)
#' }
#' }
setSimulationValues <- function(simplace, parameterList=NULL, simulationNumber = 1) {
  paramObject <- parameterListToStringArray(parameterList)
  rJava::.jcall(simplace,"V","setSimulationValues", as.integer(simulationNumber-1), paramObject)

#' Changes values of the all simulations in queue
#' Sets values of arbitrary SimVariables in a simplace simulation.
#' Useful if you want to couple simplace with another simulation 
#' and interchange values daily.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param parameterLists a list of parameter lists for each simulation
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of changing parameters in all simulations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' for(i in 1:365)
#' {
#'   params <- list()
#'   params[[1]] <- list(vBaseLUE=3.0 + i/2000)
#'   params[[2]] <- list(vBaseLUE=3.0 - i/2000)
#'   setAllSimulationValues(simplace,params)
#'   stepAllSimulations(simplace)
#' }
#' }
setAllSimulationValues <- function(simplace, parameterLists=NULL) {
  paramObject <- parameterListsToStringArray(parameterLists)

#' Run simulation stepwise
#' Performs \code{count} steps of the simulation and returns the values from 
#' the actual variable map. Can be called consecutively.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param count number of steps to be performed
#' @param filter vector of the variable names to be included in the result. If not set, all variables are returned
#' @param parameterList list of parameter values indexed by parameter name
#' @param simulationNumber number of simulation in the queue that should be run stepwise (default first simulation)
#' @returns handle to the data container which has to be processed afterwards
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' createSimulation(simplace)
#' vm <- stepSimulation(simplace,count=22)
#' vm_s <- stepSimulation(simplace,filter=c("CURRENT.DATE","LintulBiomass.sWSO"),count=18)
#' closeProject(simplace)   }
stepSimulation <- function (simplace, count=1, filter=NULL, parameterList=NULL, simulationNumber = 1)
  returntype = "Lnet/simplace/sim/wrapper/DataContainer;"
  withFilter = ("character" %in% class(filter) && length(filter)>0)
  withParameter = ("list" %in% class(parameterList) && length(parameterList)>0)
  simnr = as.integer(simulationNumber-1)
  cnt = as.integer(count)
  if (withParameter) {
    paramObject = parameterListToStringArray(parameterList)
    if (withFilter) {
      rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepSpecific", simnr, paramObject, filter, cnt)
    } else {
      rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepSpecific", simnr, paramObject, cnt)
  } else {
    if (withFilter) {
      rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepSpecific", simnr, filter, cnt)
    } else {
      rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepSpecific", simnr, cnt)

#' Run all simulations in queue stepwise
#' Performs \code{count} steps of the simulation and returns the values from 
#' the actual variable map. Can be called consecutively.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param count number of steps to be performed
#' @param filter vector of the variable names to be included in the result. If not set, all variables are returned
#' @param parameterLists a list of parameter lists for each simulation 
#' @returns handle to an array of data containers which has to be processed afterwards
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' createSimulation(simplace)
#' vm <- stepAllSimulations(simplace,count=22)
#' vm_s <- stepAllSimulations(simplace,filter=c("CURRENT.DATE","LintulBiomass.sWSO"),count=18)
#' closeProject(simplace)   }
stepAllSimulations <- function (simplace, count=1, filter=NULL, parameterLists=NULL)
  result <- NULL
  returntype = "[Lnet/simplace/sim/wrapper/DataContainer;"
  withFilter = ("character" %in% class(filter) && length(filter)>0)
  withParameter = ("list" %in% class(parameterLists) && length(parameterLists)>0)
  cnt = as.integer(count)
  if (withParameter) {
    paramObject <- parameterListsToStringArray(parameterLists)
    if (withFilter) {
      result <- rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepAll", paramObject, filter, cnt)
    } else {
      result <- rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepAll", paramObject, cnt)
  } else {
    if (withFilter) {
      result <- rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepAll", filter, cnt)
    } else {
      result <- rJava::.jcall(simplace, returntype, "stepAll", cnt)

#' Lists IDs of the performed simulations
#' Returns a vector with the IDs of the simulations. IDs are required to
#' get the output of the simulations.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object
#' @returns character vector with the IDs
#' @export
getSimulationIDs <- function(simplace)
  rJava::.jcall(simplace, "[S", "getSimulationIDs")

#' Fetch output from a simulation
#' The output is a JavaObject containing the variable names, 
#' data types, units and the values. Output can be converted
#' with \code{\link{resultToList}} or \code{\link{resultToDataframe}}
#' to R objects. Only MEMORY outputs are accessible. For CSV or 
#' database outputs you have to read the data by generic methods.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param outputId id of the output. Only MEMORY outputs are accessible.
#' @param simulationId id of the simulation
#' @returns handle to the data container which has to be processed afterwards
#' @export
getResult <- function(simplace, outputId, simulationId = nullString)
  rJava::.jcall(simplace,"Lnet/simplace/sim/wrapper/DataContainer;","getResult",outputId, simulationId);

############# Convert Java Objects to R #################

#' Converts a list of named parameters to a java string array
#' @param parameterList list of parameter values indexed by parameter name
#' @returns a java object of type Object[n][2]
#' @keywords internal
parameterListToStringArray <- function (parameterList) 
  if(!is.null(parameterList) && length(parameterList)>0)
    objlist <- vector("list",length(parameterList));    # creates an empty list
    names <- names(parameterList)    # get the keys
    for(i in 1:length(parameterList))
      name <-  rJava::.jnew("java/lang/String",names[[i]])   # key
      if(length(parameterList[[i]])==1) {
        value <- rJava::.jnew("java/lang/String",toString(parameterList[[i]]))  
      } else {
        value <- rJava::.jarray(parameterList[[i]])
      objlist[[i]] <-rJava::.jarray(c(name, value))   # add array entry = {key, value}
    rJava::.jcast(rJava::.jarray(objlist),"[[Ljava/lang/Object;") # convert list to java array and cast it to Object[][]

#' Converts a list of named parameters to a java string array
#' @param parameterLists list of parameter list (values indexed by parameter name)
#' @returns a java object of type Object[k][n][2]
#' @keywords internal
parameterListsToStringArray <- function (parameterLists) 
  if(!is.null(parameterLists) && length(parameterLists)>0)
    objlist <- vector("list",length(parameterLists));
    for(i in seq_along(parameterLists))
      objlist[[i]] = parameterListToStringArray(parameterLists[[i]])


#' Converts the varmap to a list
#' Converts the varMap to a list. All elements are converted to appropriate
#' R objects. Arrays are expanded to vectors by default.
#' @param varmap the varMap returned by \code{\link{stepSimulation}}
#' @param expand if \code{TRUE} expand array objects to vector.
#' @returns list with parameter name as key and parameter value as value
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' createSimulation(simplace)
#' varmap <- stepSimulation(simplace,count=22)
#' closeProject(simplace)   
#' varlist <- varmapToList(varmap)
#' varlist$startdate - 365
#' varlist$LintulBiomass.sWSO}
varmapToList <- function(varmap,expand=TRUE)
  headerarray <- rJava::.jcall(varmap,"[S","getHeaderStrings")
  types <- getDatatypesOfResult(varmap)
  units <- getUnitsOfResult(varmap)
  data <- rJava::.jcall(varmap,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","getDataObjects")
    for(i in (1:length(headerarray)))
        data[[i]] <- NA
      else if (types[i]=="DOUBLEARRAY" || types[i]=="INTARRAY")
        data[[i]] <-rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE)
      else if (types[i]=="DATE")
        data[[i]] <- as.Date(rJava::.jcall(data[[i]],"S","toString"))   
        data[[i]] <- rJava::.jsimplify(data[[i]])
  names(data) <- headerarray
  attr(data,"units") <- units
  attr(data,"datatypes") <- types

#' Convert result to list
#' Converts all scalar output columns to appropriate R lists. Columns containing
#' arrays are left unchanged, unless expand is TRUE. 
#' @param result handle to the data container returned by \code{\link{getResult}}
#' @param expand if true columns with arrays are partially expanded
#' @param from start of the result range, if to/from are not set, full result is returned
#' @param to end of the result range, if to/from are not set, full result is returned
#' @returns list with output columns
#' @seealso \code{\link{resultToDataframe}} returns the scalar output columns as \code{\link{data.frame}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' parameter <- list(vTempLimit = 32)
#' simid <- createSimulation(simplace,parameter)
#' runSimulations(simplace)
#' closeProject(simplace)
#' result <- getResult(simplace,"DIAGRAM_OUT", simid);
#' resultlist <- resultToList(result)
#' resultlist$CURRENT.DATE}
resultToList <-function(result,expand=FALSE,from=NULL,to=NULL) {
  headerarray <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getHeaderStrings")
  types <- getDatatypesOfResult(result)
  units <- getUnitsOfResult(result)
  if(!is.null(from) && !is.null(to) && to>=from && from >=0)
    data <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","getDataObjects",as.integer(from),as.integer(to))
    data <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","getDataObjects")
  for(i in (1:length(headerarray)))
      data[[i]] <- NA
    else if (expand & types[i]=="INTARRAY")
      data[[i]] <-rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Integer;")
      data[[i]] <-lapply(data[[i]],function(a)rJava::.jevalArray(a, simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Integer;"))
    else if (expand & types[i]=="DOUBLEARRAY")
      data[[i]] <-rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Double;")
      data[[i]] <-lapply(data[[i]],function(a)rJava::.jevalArray(a, simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Double;"))
    else if (expand & types[i]=="CHARARRAY")
      data[[i]] <-rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Object;")
      data[[i]] <-lapply(data[[i]],function(a)rJava::.jevalArray(a, simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature=NULL))
    else if (types[i]=="DATE")
      data[[i]] <- as.Date(rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/String;")) 
    else if(types[i]=="DOUBLE")
      data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Double;")
    else if(types[i]=="INT")
      data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Integer;")
    else if(types[i]=="CHAR")
      data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/String;")
    else if(types[i]=="BOOLEAN")
      data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Boolean;")
  names(data) <- headerarray
  attr(data,"units") <- units
  attr(data,"datatypes") <- types

transdf <- function(l, n) {
    d <- as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(l)))
    names(d) <- gsub("V",paste0(n,"_"),names(d))
  else {
    d <- data.frame(l)

#' Convert result to dataframe
#' All scalar output columns are transformed to appropriate R objects
#' and then glued together in a dataframe. Array outputs columns are ignored.
#' @param result handle to the data container returned by \code{\link{getResult}}
#' @param expand if true columns with arrays are partially expanded
#' @param from start of the result range, if to/from are not set, full result is returned
#' @param to end of the result range, if to/from are not set, full result is returned
#' @returns data.frame with scalar output columns
#' @seealso \code{\link{resultToList}} returns the output columns as list
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' simplace <- initSimplace(SimplaceInstallationDir,SimplaceWorkDir,SimplaceOutputDir)
#' openProject(simplace, Solution)
#' parameter <- list(vTempLimit = 32)
#' simid <- createSimulation(simplace,parameter)
#' runSimulations(simplace)
#' result <- getResult(simplace,"DIAGRAM_OUT", simid);
#' closeProject(simplace)
#' resultframe <- resultToDataframe(result)
#' resultframe[3,]}
resultToDataframe <- function(result,expand=FALSE, from=NULL,to=NULL) {
    oheaderarray <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getHeaderStrings")
    otypes <- getDatatypesOfResult(result)
    ounits <- getUnitsOfResult(result)
    if(!is.null(from) && !is.null(to) && to>=from && from >=0)
      odata <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","getDataObjects",as.integer(from),as.integer(to))
      odata <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[Ljava/lang/Object;","getDataObjects")
    index <- (otypes!="DOUBLEARRAY" & otypes!="INTARRAY" & otypes!="CHARARRAY")
    headerarray <- oheaderarray[index]
    types <- otypes[index]
    units <- ounits[index]
    data <- odata[index]
    for(i in (1:length(headerarray)))
        data[[i]] <- NA
      else if (types[i]=="DATE")
        data[[i]] <- as.Date(rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/String;"))
      else if(types[i]=="DOUBLE")
        data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Double;")
      else if(types[i]=="INT")
        data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Integer;")
      else if(types[i]=="CHAR")
        data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/String;")
      else if(types[i]=="BOOLEAN")
        data[[i]] <- rJava::.jevalArray(data[[i]],simplify=TRUE,rawJNIRefSignature="[Ljava/lang/Boolean;")
    data <- do.call(cbind.data.frame,data)
    attr(data,"units") <- units
    attr(data,"datatypes") <- types
  else {
    reslist <- resultToList(result,TRUE,from=from,to=to)
    data<-do.call(cbind,lapply(names(reslist),function(n)transdf(reslist[[n]], n)))
    attr(data,"units") <- attr(reslist,"units")
    attr(data,"datatypes") <- attr(reslist, "datatypes")

#' Get the units of the result variables
#' Get the units of each variable (i.e. data column) in a 
#' human readable format.
#' The output is a named character vector, where each element is named
#' by the variables name.
#' @param result handle to the data container returned by \code{\link{getResult}}
#' @returns named character vector with the units
#' @export
getUnitsOfResult <- function(result)
  units <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getHeaderUnits")
  names(units) <-  rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getHeaderStrings")

#' Get the datatypes of the result variables
#' Get the datatypes of each variable (i.e. data column).
#' The output is a named character vector, where each element is named
#' by the variables name.
#' @param result handle to the data container returned by \code{\link{getResult}}
#' @returns named character vector with the datatypes
#' @export
getDatatypesOfResult <- function(result)
  types <- rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getTypeStrings")
  names(types) <-  rJava::.jcall(result,"[S","getHeaderStrings")

############# Additional functions ################

#' Set working-, output-, projects- and data-directory
#' One can specify all or only some of the directories. 
#' Only the directories specified will be set. 
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param WorkDir working directory where solutions, projects and data resides (_WORKDIR_)
#' @param OutputDir directory for output (_OUTPUTDIR_)
#' @param ProjectsDir optional directory for project data  (_PROJECTSDIR_)
#' @param DataDir optional directory for data (_DATADIR_)
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of setting framework directories
#' @seealso \code{\link{getSimplaceDirectories}}
#' @export
setSimplaceDirectories <- function(simplace ,WorkDir = nullString, OutputDir = nullString, ProjectsDir = nullString, DataDir = nullString)
  rJava::.jcall(simplace,"V","setDirectories", WorkDir, OutputDir, ProjectsDir, DataDir)
#' Get the directories (work-, output-, projects- and data-dir)
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @returns character vector with the directories
#' @seealso \code{\link{setSimplaceDirectories}}
#' @export
getSimplaceDirectories <- function(simplace)
  res <- rJava::.jcall(simplace,"[S","getDirectories")
  names(res)<-c('_WORKDIR_', '_OUTPUTDIR_', '_PROJECTSDIR_', '_DATADIR_')

#' Sets the lines of the project data files that should be used
#' when running a project.
#' You have to call the function after \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' but before \code{\link{openProject}}.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param lines either a vector of integers or a string of numbers separated by commas
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of selecting project to be run
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' setProjectLines(simplace, "1,3,6,9-17,33")
#' setProjectLines(simplace, c(1,2,3,9:17,33))}
setProjectLines <- function(simplace, lines)
    rJava::.jcall(simplace,"V","setProjectLines",as.character(Reduce(function(x,y) paste(x,y,sep=","),lines)))

#' Sets the log level of the framework
#' Sets the level of logger output - FATAL is least verbose,
#' TRACE most verbose. You have to call \code{\link{initSimplace}} first.
#' @param level is a string with possible values: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of setting the log level
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' setLogLevel("INFO")}
setLogLevel <- function(level)
  lg <- rJava::.jnew("net/simplace/core/logging/Logger")
  lgl <- switch(level,

#' Sets the check level of the framework
#' Sets the check level. OFF does no check at all, STRICT the most severe.
#' You have to call \code{\link{initSimplace}} first.
#' @param simplace handle to the SimplaceWrapper object returned by \code{\link{initSimplace}}
#' @param level is a string with possible values: "CUSTOM,"STRICT","INTENSE","LAZY","OFF","ONLY"
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of setting the check level
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' setCheckLevel(simplace, "STRICT")}
setCheckLevel <- function(simplace, level)

#' Sets number of used CPUs
#' Sets the number of processors that are used parallel.
#' The function can be used only after \code{\link{initSimplace}} has been
#' called.
#' @param count number of processors
#' @returns No return value, called for the side effect of setting the number of processors used for simulation runs
#' @export
setSlotCount <- function(count) {

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simplace documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 3:03 p.m.