covMODWT = function(ss.modwt.x, #if these two are the same, the results
ss.modwt.y, #must be identical to varMODWT -- a check
# This routine will calculate the decomposition of the sample (co-)variance
# that is applicable to sampSurf images. It includes...
# -- individual matrix (image) components/contributions
# -- marginal variances for each level and filter type (see below)
# -- totals, scalar variances and surface mean
# This should work on a modwt and mra+modwt list returned from waveslim.
# Note that it is up to the user to determine whether the latter variance
# calculation is applicable (i.e., Haar), as no information about the
# type of wavelet filter is required here.
# The following applies to waveslim v 1.7.5...
# modwt.2d and mra.2d both return a list with levels j=1,...,J including
# the following decomposed matrices...
# LHj = upper left == wavelet-scaling matrices V (horizontal filter)
# HHj = upper right == wavelet-wavelet matrices W (diagonal filter)
# HLj = lower right == scaling-wavelet matrices U (vertical filter)
# At level J, the final "smooth" (scaling-scaling) result is returned in
# LLJ, where J is the last level (e.g., LL5 if J=5).
# Note: All isotropic variances at level J include the LLJ smooth component
# variances, whether totals, summary or image.
# References...
# M&P = D. Mondal and D. B. Percival. 2012. Wavelet variance analysis
# for random fields on a regular lattice. IEEE Transactions on
# Image Processing, 21(2):537-549.
# GPS = M. Geilhufe, D. B. Percival, and H. L. Stern. 2013.
# Two-dimensional wavelet variance estimation with
# application to sea ice sar images. Computers and Geosciences,
# 54:351-360.
# Univariate but still applicable...
# P&M = D. B. Percival & D. Mondal. 2012. A wavelet variance primer. Handbook
# of statistics, Vol. 30, chap. 22.
# Arguments...
# ss.modwt.x = a list as returned from modwt.2d() or mra.wd() with the caveat
# given above about variances -- for the first sampling method
# ss.modwt.y = same for the second sampling method; if it is missing, it will
# be set to ss.modwt.x and the variance will be calculated
# ... = gobbled
# Returns...
# a list with the components described above in...
# -- summary: marginal total variances
# -- image: matrix/image variances
# -- total: surface decomposition totals
#Author... Date: 6-Sept-2016
# Jeffrey H. Gove
# USDA Forest Service
# Northern Research Station
# 271 Mast Road
# Durham, NH 03824
# phone: 603-868-7667 fax: 603-868-7604
# do we have covariance or variance?...
if(missing(ss.modwt.y)) { #if missing, then simple variance
ss.modwt.y = ss.modwt.x #set y==x
isCovariance = FALSE
else {
isCovariance = TRUE
# some checks on the two objects passed...
Js = function(x) #calculate J on the object
return( (length(x) - 1)/3 )
J.x = Js(ss.modwt.x)
J.y = Js(ss.modwt.y)
if(J.x != J.y)
stop('Both objects must have the same number of levels J')
N.x = ncol(ss.modwt.x[[1]])
M.x = nrow(ss.modwt.x[[1]])
N.y = ncol(ss.modwt.y[[1]])
M.y = nrow(ss.modwt.y[[1]])
if(N.x!=N.y || M.x!=M.y)
stop('Dimensions of the MODWT objects are not comparible!')
x.names = names(ss.modwt.x)
y.names = names(ss.modwt.y)
if(!all(x.names == y.names))
stop('Names must be the same for the two list objects!')
# a few common/shared metrics about the surfaces and decomposition levels...
J = J.x
j = 1:J #level index for scale
N = N.x #number of cells in u (x) across columns
M = M.x #and v (y) along rows
NM = N*M #total: ncells() from sampSurf image
w.names = x.names #names of the wavelet matrices j=1:J
#**>Note: The following gives a biased estimate of the wavelet variance because it includes
# all N*M cells; i.e., those with periodic boundary correction. The unbiased
# estimator uses N_j*M_j, which do not include the boundary cells; i.e., it excludes
# these cells from the calculation. See M&P and P&M for more details. However,
# I believe it is okay for the sample variance breakdowns, though not certain.
# In addition, if we use a large enough external buffer that little or nothing
# overlaps with periodic correction, then I don't believe it matters; therefore,
# what we have below should be fine.
# everything is based on this result; it is essentially E[X^2_{u,v}] for each
# decomposition component and includes: all: LHj, HHj, HLj, LLJ, j=1:J,
# and is a list of E[X^2_{u,v}] matrices of the above names at each level,
# where (u,v) is an individual spatial location/cell u=1:N, v=1:M
# See M&P, specifically the "contributions to the sample variance" given on p.542
# and 543, where the last equation in the section is the sample variance
# decomposition when j=j' ==> the scales are the same in each direction: rows
# & columns -- (12) is more general and allows differing (cross-variance) scales
# the energy matrix/image would not include the divisor below; note that it would
# be nice not to divide by NM here, but to do it later with the summary variances,
# but there seems no better place and it would not make that much difference in
# execution time...
#w.var = lapply(ss.modwt, function(x) (x*x)/NM) #over all: LHj, HHj, HLj, LLJ, j=1:J
#over all: LHj, HHj, HLj, LLJ, j=1:J...
w.cov = mapply(function(xx,yy) (xx*yy)/NM, ss.modwt.x, ss.modwt.y, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# LLJ is the final residual/smooth matrix--taking the mean of LLJ gives us the sampSurf mean...
LL.x = ss.modwt.x[[grep('LL', w.names)]] #LL == scaling-scaling average matrix at J
LL.y = ss.modwt.y[[grep('LL', w.names)]] #LL == scaling-scaling average matrix at J
LL.mean.x = mean(LL.x) #a scalar
LL.mean.y = mean(LL.y) #a scalar
#LL.mean = LL.mean.x * LL.mean.y #for sample covariance
LL.wcov = w.cov[[grep('LL', w.names)]] #an NxM matrix
LL.var = sum(LL.wcov) #scalar E[LL^2]
# calculate the (anisotropic) variances for different filters at all levels
# summing over the (u,v) -- the results are a vector -- these are the
# marginal component wavelet variances...
LH.wcov = w.cov[grep('LH', w.names)] #LH matrices
LH.var = sapply(LH.wcov, function(x) sum(x)) #i.e., E[LH^2]
HL.wcov = w.cov[grep('HL', w.names)] #HL matrices
HL.var = sapply(HL.wcov, function(x) sum(x)) #i.e., E[HL^2]
HH.wcov = w.cov[grep('HH', w.names)] #HH matrices
HH.var = sapply(HH.wcov, function(x) sum(x)) #i.e., E[HH^2]
# this computes the marginal isotropic "sample variance" vector from the above
# and includes the smooth component at the Jth level...
iso.var = LH.var + HL.var + HH.var
iso.var[[J]] = iso.var[[J]] + LL.var #add in the trend variance component for last level
names(iso.var) = paste('iso', j, sep='') #otherwise names are LH_j
# a list of simple vectors...
summary = list(LH.var = LH.var, HL.var = HL.var, HH.var = HH.var,
iso.var = iso.var)
# The surface variance should be equal to the sum of the "sample variances"
# (including the smooth, LLJ) minus the squared mean: (coefficients^2) - mean^2
# i.e., E[X^2] - E[X]^2, where the X are the different decomposition coefficients;
# this is (12) [diagonal: j==j'] in Mondal & Percival (2012); this will be equal
# (very close) to the sampSurf variance in ss@surfStats$var...
# The same idea for a covariance: E[XY] - E[X]E[Y]...
modwt.var = sum(iso.var) - LL.mean.x * LL.mean.y #== LL.mean^2 for variance
# a list of scalar totals variances, including the surface mean from the decomposition...
total = list(LL.mean = LL.mean.x,
LL.var = LL.var,
modwt.var = modwt.var
total$LL.mean.y = LL.mean.y
# the isotropic spatial surface variance matrices for each level, j=1:J;
# note that the smooth variance is included here as with both iso.var and
# isoSurf.var for level J..
Iso.var = vector('list', J)
for(i in j) {
Iso.var[[i]] = LH.wcov[[i]] + HL.wcov[[i]] + HH.wcov[[i]]
Iso.var[[J]] = Iso.var[[J]] + LL.wcov #include LLJ at level J
names(Iso.var) = paste('iso', j, sep='')
# lastly, the cumulative isotropic spatial surface variance matrix over all levels,
# the sum of this matrix will also equal the total surface variance in modwt.var
# as above when we subtract ss@surfStats$mean^2 off the sum since it includes
# the smooth component; however, subtracting the LL.mean^2 may drive many of
# the (u,v) variance components in the matrix negative because their
# individual contribution to the variance is very small comparatively; so
# for now, we leave this off; i.e., the sample variance image + LL.mean^2...
isoSurf.var = matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol=N) #==> modwt.var = sum(isoSurf.var) - LL.mean^2
for( i in j)
isoSurf.var = isoSurf.var + Iso.var[[i]] #LL.wcov is already in Iso.var[[J]]
# a list of list of variance matrices at each level...
image = list(LH.var = LH.wcov, #list of matrices j=1:J
HL.var = HL.wcov, #list of matrices j=1:J
HH.var = HH.wcov, #list of matrices j=1:J
LL.var = LL.wcov, #a matrix: j=J
iso.var = Iso.var, #list of matrices j=1:J
isoSurf.var = isoSurf.var #single cumulative matrix level J
return(invisible(list(isCovariance = isCovariance,
summary = summary,
total = total,
image = image
} #covMODWT
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