
### Knox test for space-time interaction
### Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/.

knox <- function (dt, ds, eps.t, eps.s, simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 999, ...)
    stopifnot(length(dt) == length(ds))
    if (isSymmetric.matrix(dt) || isSymmetric.matrix(ds))
        warning("symmetric input matrix detected; use 'lower.tri'?")

    ## logical vectors indicating which pairs are close in time and space
    closeInTime <- if (is.logical(dt)) {
    } else {
        stopifnot(is.numeric(dt), isScalar(eps.t))
        dt <= eps.t
    closeInSpace <- if (is.logical(ds)) {
    } else {
        stopifnot(is.numeric(ds), isScalar(eps.s))
        ds <= eps.s

    ## manually build the contingency table (table() with factor() is too slow)
    .lab <- c("close", "not close")
    knoxtab <- array(
        tabulate(4L - closeInTime - 2L*closeInSpace, nbins = 4L),
        dim = c(2L, 2L),
        dimnames = list(
            dt = if (is.logical(dt)) .lab else paste(c("<=", " >"), eps.t),
            ds = if (is.logical(ds)) .lab else paste(c("<=", " >"), eps.s)
    class(knoxtab) <- "table"

    ## expected number of close pairs in the absence of spatio-temporal interaction
    npairs <- sum(knoxtab)
    expected <- sum(knoxtab[1L,]) / npairs * sum(knoxtab[,1L])
    ##<- this order of terms avoids integer overflow
    ## test statistic is the number of spatio-temporally close pairs
    METHOD <- "Knox test"
    STATISTIC <- knoxtab[1L]

    ## determine statistical significance
    pval_Poisson <- ppois(STATISTIC, expected, lower.tail = FALSE)
    PVAL <- if (simulate.p.value) { # Monte Carlo permutation approach
        B <- as.integer(B)
        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with simulated p-value")
        PARAMETER <- setNames(B, "B")
        permstats <- plapply(X = integer(B), FUN = function (...)
            sum(closeInSpace & closeInTime[sample.int(npairs)]), ...)
        structure(mean(c(STATISTIC, permstats, recursive = TRUE) >= STATISTIC),
                  Poisson = pval_Poisson)
    } else {
        METHOD <- paste(METHOD, "with Poisson approximation")
        PARAMETER <- setNames(expected, "lambda")

    ## return test results
        list(method = METHOD,
             data.name = paste("dt =", deparse(substitute(dt)),
                               "and ds =", deparse(substitute(ds))),
             statistic = setNames(STATISTIC, "number of close pairs"),
             parameter = PARAMETER, p.value = PVAL, alternative = "greater",
             null.value = setNames(expected, "number"),
             permstats = if (simulate.p.value) {
                 unlist(permstats, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
             table = knoxtab),
        class = c("knox", "htest")

print.knox <- function (x, ...)
    ## first print by the default method for class "htest"

    ## then also output the contingency table
    cat("contingency table:\n")

plot.knox <- function (x, ...)
    if (is.null(permstats <- x[["permstats"]])) {
        stop("this plot-method is for a permutation-based Knox test")
    defaultArgs <- list(
        permstats = permstats,
        xmarks = setNames(c(x[["null.value"]], x[["statistic"]]),
            c("expected", "observed")),
        xlab = "number of close pairs"
    do.call("permtestplot", modifyList(defaultArgs, list(...)))

xtable.knox <- function (x, caption = NULL, label = NULL,
                         align = paste0("r|rr", if (!is.null(sumlabel)) "|r"),
                         digits = 0, display = NULL, ...,
                         sumlabel = "$\\sum$")
    tab <- x$table
    if (!is.null(sumlabel)) {
        FUN <- setNames(list(sum), sumlabel)
        tab <- addmargins(tab, FUN = FUN, quiet = TRUE)
    xtable(tab, caption = caption, label = label, align = align,
           digits = digits, display = display, ...)

toLatex.knox <- function (object, dnn = names(dimnames(object$table)),
                          hline.after = NULL, sanitize.text.function = NULL, ...)
    xtab <- xtable(object, ...)
    if (is.null(hline.after))
        hline.after <- unique(c(-1,0,2,nrow(xtab)))
    if (is.null(sanitize.text.function))
        sanitize.text.function <- function (x)
            gsub("<=", "$\\le$", gsub(">", "$>$", x, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
    res <- toLatex.xtable(xtab, hline.after = hline.after,
                          sanitize.text.function = sanitize.text.function, ...)
    if (is.null(dnn)) {
    } else {
        stopifnot(length(dnn) == 2)
        headeridx <- grep("&", res, fixed = TRUE)[1L]
        res[headeridx] <- paste0(dnn[1L], res[headeridx])
        res <- append(res, paste0(" & \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{", dnn[2L], "} & \\\\"),
                      after = headeridx - 1L)
        class(res) <- "Latex"

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surveillance documentation built on July 14, 2024, 3 p.m.