
# +-------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Package:    ternaryplot                                     |
# | Language:   R + roxygen2 inline documentation               |
# | Author(s):  Julien Moeys <Julien.Moeys@@slu.se>             |
# | License:    AGPL3, Affero General Public License version 3  |
# +-------------------------------------------------------------+

# Useful: \code{} \code{\link[]{}} 

# ternaryWindow =================================================

#'Set up World Coordinates for a ternary plot (invisible base plot)
#'Set up World Coordinates for a ternary plot (invisible base plot)
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{ternarySystem} object, as created with 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{createTernarySystem}}, or a single 
#'  \code{character} string. Can be missing.
#'@param x 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} 
#'  containing point ternary data (x-y-x) to be ploted on the graph. 
#'  It should contain the 3 columns names given in \code{s}. Can 
#'  be missing or \code{NULL}.
#'@param scale 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with 3 columns and 2 rows. 
#'  Contains the min and max limits of each of the 3 variables 
#'  (columns = variables, rows = min and max).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'@rdname ternaryWindow-methods
ternaryWindow <- function( 
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        UseMethod( "ternaryWindow", object = character(0) ) 
        UseMethod( "ternaryWindow" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryWindow-methods
#'@method ternaryWindow character
ternaryWindow.character <- function(
 scale = FALSE, 
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem() 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s = s )  
    ternaryWindow( s = s, ... ) 

#'@rdname ternaryWindow-methods
#'@method ternaryWindow ternarySystem
ternaryWindow.ternarySystem <- function(
 scale = FALSE, 
    # Set x if it is missing
    if( missing( "x" ) ){ 
        x <- data.frame(
            "B"    = numeric(0), 
            "L"    = numeric(0), 
            "R"    = numeric(0)  
        colnames( x ) <- blrNames( s = s ) 
    }else if( is.matrix( x ) ){ 
        x <- as.data.frame( x ) 
    }else if( !is.data.frame(x) ){ 
        stop( "'x' can be missing, a data.frame, or a matrix" ) 
    if( is.data.frame( scale ) ){ 
        # Test that the scale is correct
        scale <- ternaryData( s = s, x = scale,  ) 
    }else if( is.logical( scale ) ){ 
        if( scale ){ 
            if( nrow(x) == 0 ){ 
                stop( "'scale' can not be 'TRUE' when 'x' is missing or with 0 rows" ) 
            # Find the optimal isocele triangle around the data
            scale <- .ternaryLims( x = x, s = s ) 
            scale <- s[[ 'scale' ]] 
    ## Convert the scale into a triangular frame
    tpBox <- data.frame( 
        "B"    = c( scale[1,1], scale[2,1], scale[1,1] ), 
        "L"    = c( scale[1,2], scale[1,2], scale[2,2] ), 
        "R"    = c( scale[2,3], scale[1,3], scale[1,3] ), 
        "row.names" = c( "left", "right", "top" ) 
    colnames( tpBox ) <- blrNames( s = s )   
    # Convert the scale to x-y values
    # Create a 90 degree triangle
    .blrClock <- blrClock( s ) 
    s90 <- s 

    if( is.na( .blrClock[2] ) ){ 
        tlrAngles( s90 ) <- c( 45, 45, 90 ) 
    }else if( .blrClock[2] ){ 
        tlrAngles( s90 ) <- c( 45, 90, 45 ) 
        tlrAngles( s90 ) <- c( 45, 45, 90 ) 
    tpBox <- ternary2xy( x = tpBox, s = s90 ) 
    # Draw the plot
        # mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1), # Margins c(bottom, left, top, right)
        pty = "s",                   # Plot region is 'square' (equal ratio)
        xpd = TRUE                   # Plotting can also occur out of the plot
        x    = tpBox[,"x"], 
        y    = tpBox[,"y"], 
        bty  = "n", # no box around, 
        xaxt = "n", # no x axis 
        yaxt = "n", # no y axis 
        type = "n", # no data visible 
        xlab = "",  # no x label
        ylab = "",  # no y label
        xlim = range( tpBox[,"x"] ), # No extra space 
        ylim = range( tpBox[,"y"] )  # No extra space 
    # polygon( x = tpBox[, "x" ], y = tpBox[, "y" ] ) 
    s[[ 'scale' ]] <- scale 
    return( invisible( s ) ) 

# ternaryBox ====================================================

#'Draw a Box around a ternary plot
#'Draw a Box around a ternary plot
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{box}}.
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}}.
#'  You can for instance set \code{border} for the color of the 
#'  box outline, \code{col}, for the fill-color of the box, 
#'  \code{lwd} (outline thickness) or \code{lty} (line-type).
#'  Invisibly returns the graphical element as x-y coordinates or 
#'  a \code{Spatial*} objects (see \code{.plot}).
#'@rdname ternaryBox-methods
ternaryBox <- function( s, ... ){ 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternaryBox)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternaryBox" ) 

# INTERNAL. Converts x-y points to SpatialPolygons.
#   The polygon is closed internally (first value added as last 
#   value)
#'@importFrom sp Polygon
#'@importFrom sp Polygons
#'@importFrom sp SpatialPolygons
.xy2SpatialPolygons <- function( xy ){ 
    if( !identical( xy[1], xy[ nrow( xy ), ] ) ){ 
        xy <- rbind( xy, xy[1,] ) 
    p <- sp::Polygon( coords = xy )
    p <- sp::Polygons( srl = list( p ), ID = 1L )
    p <- sp::SpatialPolygons( Srl = list( p ), pO = 1L ) 
    return( p ) 

#'@rdname ternaryBox-methods
#'@method ternaryBox ternarySystem
ternaryBox.ternarySystem <- function( 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    axis.line.lwd <- getTpPar( "axis.line.lwd" )
    fg            <- par( "fg" )
    scale <- s[[ 'scale' ]]
    ## Convert the scale into a triangular frame
    tpBox <- data.frame( 
        "B"    = c( scale[ 1, 1 ], scale[ 2, 1 ], scale[ 1, 1 ] ), 
        "L"    = c( scale[ 1, 2 ], scale[ 1, 2 ], scale[ 2, 2 ] ), 
        "R"    = c( scale[ 2, 3 ], scale[ 1, 3 ], scale[ 1, 3 ] ), 
        "row.names" = c( "left", "right", "top" ) 
    colnames( tpBox ) <- blrNames( s = s )   
    # Convert the scale to x-y values
    tpBox <- ternary2xy( s = s, x = tpBox ) 
    if( .plot ){ 
        polygon( x = tpBox[, "x" ], y = tpBox[, "y" ], 
            lwd = axis.line.lwd, border = fg, ... )
    out <- tpBox[, c( "x", "y" ) ] 
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ out <- .xy2SpatialPolygons( xy = out ) }
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternaryPoints =================================================

#'Add points to a ternary plot
#'Add points to a ternary plot
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{points}}.
#'@param s  
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param x  
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing ternary data-points.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{points}}.
#'  Invisibly returns the graphical element as x-y coordinates or 
#'  a \code{Spatial*} objects (see \code{.plot}).
#'@rdname ternaryPoints-methods
ternaryPoints <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternaryPoints)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternaryPoints" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryPoints-methods
#'@method ternaryPoints ternarySystem
#'@importFrom sp SpatialPoints
ternaryPoints.ternarySystem <- function( 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    xy <- ternary2xy( s = s, x = x ) 
    if( .plot ){
        points( x = xy[, "x" ], y = xy[, "y" ], ... ) 
    out <- xy[, c( "x", "y" ) ]
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ out <- sp::SpatialPoints( coords = out ) }
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternaryText ===================================================

#' Add Text to a ternary plot
#' Add Text to a ternary plot
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{points}}.
#'@param s  
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object, or a 
#'  character string naming a pre-defined \code{ternarySystem}. 
#'  If missing, set to \code{default}.
#'@param x  
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing ternary data-points, 
#'  coordinates of the text strings to be added on the plot.
#'@param labels  
#'  A vector of character strings, or expressions to be added 
#'  on the triangle plot. See \code{\link[graphics]{text}}.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{text}}.
#'  Invisibly returns the graphical element as x-y coordinates or 
#'  a \code{Spatial*} objects (see \code{.plot}).
#'@rdname ternaryText-methods
ternaryText <- function( s, ... ){  
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternaryText)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternaryText" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryText-methods
#'@method ternaryText ternarySystem
ternaryText.ternarySystem <- function( 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    xy <- ternary2xy( x = x, s = s ) 
    if( .plot ){ 
        text( x = xy[,"x"], y = xy[,"y"], labels = labels, ... ) 
    out <- xy[, c( "x", "y" ) ]
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ out <- SpatialPoints( coords = out ) }
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternarySegments ===============================================

#'Draw a sequence of ternary segments on a triangle plot
#'Draw a sequence of ternary segments on a triangle plot
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{segments}}.
#'@param s  
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object, or a 
#'  character string naming a pre-defined \code{ternarySystem}. 
#'  If missing, set to \code{default}.
#'@param from 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing the ternary 
#'  coordinates of points *from* which to draw.
#'@param to
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing the ternary 
#'  coordinates of points *to* which to draw.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to 
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{segments}}.
#'  Invisibly returns the graphical element as x-y coordinates or 
#'  a \code{Spatial*} objects (see \code{.plot}).
#'@rdname ternarySegments-methods
#'@docType methods
ternarySegments <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternarySegments)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternarySegments" ) 

# Converts x-y segments to sp::SpatialLines
#'@importFrom sp SpatialLines
#'@importFrom sp Lines
#'@importFrom sp Line
.xySegments2SpatialLines <- function( fromXY, toXY ){ 
    coords <- data.frame( 
        "x" = rep( NA_real_, 2 ), 
        "y" = rep( NA_real_, 2 ) ) 
    out <- sp::SpatialLines( lapply( 
        X   = 1:nrow(fromXY), 
        FUN = function(i){ 
            coords[, "x" ] <- c( fromXY[ i, "x" ], toXY[ i, "x" ] ) 
            coords[, "y" ] <- c( fromXY[ i, "y" ], toXY[ i, "y" ] ) 
            return( sp::Lines( list( sp::Line( coords = coords ) ), ID = i ) )
    ) ) 
    return( out )

#'@rdname ternarySegments-methods
#'@method ternarySegments ternarySystem
ternarySegments.ternarySystem <- function( 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    # Check to and from
    if( missing( to ) ){ 
        stop( "'to' is missing" )
    if( class(from) != class(to) ){ 
        stop( "'from' and 'to' must be of the same class (data.frame or matrix)" )
    if( nrow(from) != nrow(to) ){ 
        stop( "'from' and 'to must have the same number of rows" )
    # Fetch coordinate columns:
    .blrNames <- blrNames( s = s ) 
    from <- from[, .blrNames ]  
    to   <- to[, .blrNames ]   
    # Transform the coordinates into x-y values
    fromXY <- ternary2xy( x = from, s = s ) 
    toXY   <- ternary2xy( x = to, s = s ) 
    # Draw the segments
    if( .plot ){ 
            x0  = fromXY[, "x" ], 
            y0  = fromXY[, "y" ], 
            x1  = toXY[, "x" ], 
            y1  = toXY[, "y" ], 
    out <- list( "from" = fromXY, "to" = toXY ) 
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ 
        out <- .xySegments2SpatialLines( fromXY = fromXY, toXY = toXY ) 
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternaryArrows =================================================

#'Add Arrows to a ternary plot
#'Add Arrows to a ternary plot
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{arrows}}.
#'@param s  
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object, or a 
#'  character string naming a pre-defined \code{ternarySystem}. 
#'  If missing, set to \code{default}.
#'@param from 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing the ternary 
#'  coordinates of points *from* which to draw the arrows.
#'  Each row is an arrow, and the columns must correspond 
#'  to \code{blrNames(s)} (variable names for the bottom, 
#'  left and right axis).
#'@param to
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a 
#'  \code{\link[base]{matrix}} containing the ternary 
#'  coordinates of points *to* which to draw the arrows.
#'  Each row is an arrow, and the columns must correspond 
#'  to \code{blrNames(s)} (variable names for the bottom, 
#'  left and right axis).
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[graphics]{arrows}}.
#'  Invisibly returns the graphical element as x-y coordinates or 
#'  a \code{Spatial*} objects (see \code{.plot}).
#'@rdname ternaryArrows-methods
ternaryArrows <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternaryArrows)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternaryArrows" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryArrows-methods
#'@method ternaryArrows ternarySystem
ternaryArrows.ternarySystem <- function( 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    # Check to and from
    if( missing( to ) ){ 
        stop( "'to' is missing" )
    if( class(from) != class(to) ){ 
        stop( "'from' and 'to' must be of the same class (data.frame or matrix)" )
    if( nrow(from) != nrow(to) ){ 
        stop( "'from' and 'to must have the same number of rows" )
    # Fetch coordinate columns:
    .blrNames <- blrNames( s = s ) 
    from <- from[, .blrNames ]  
    to   <- to[, .blrNames ]   
    # Transform the coordinates into x-y values
    fromXY <- ternary2xy( x = from, s = s ) 
    toXY   <- ternary2xy( x = to, s = s ) 
    # Draw the arrows
    if( .plot ){ 
            x0  = fromXY[, "x" ], 
            y0  = fromXY[, "y" ], 
            x1  = toXY[, "x" ], 
            y1  = toXY[, "y" ], 
    out <- list( "from" = fromXY, "to" = toXY ) 
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ 
        out <- .xySegments2SpatialLines( fromXY = fromXY, toXY = toXY ) 
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# .ternaryGridBase ==============================================

#'INTERNAL. Calculates start- and end-points of grid segments (tick-marks, ...) in ternary coordinates
#'INTERNAL. Calculates start- and end-points of grid segments (tick-marks, ...) in ternary coordinates
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param type
#'  Single character string. If \code{"grid"}, return values 
#'  the grid in a ternary plot, if \code{"ticks"} return values 
#'  for axis' tick-marks and if \code{"tickLabels"} returns 
#'  values for axis' tick-marks' labels.
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'@rdname ternaryGridBase-methods
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryGridBase <- function( 
 type = "grid", 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like .ternaryGridBase)" ) 
    UseMethod( ".ternaryGridBase" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryGridBase-methods
#'@method .ternaryGridBase ternarySystem
.ternaryGridBase.ternarySystem <- function( 
 type = "grid", 
    .blrNames    <- blrNames( s = s )  
    .blrClock    <- blrClock( s )  
    tScale       <- s[[ 'scale' ]] 
    .fracSum     <- fracSum( s = s ) 
    marginSize   <- .nbMargin2diffXY()
    if( type == "ticks" ){ 
        ticksShiftTo <- getTpPar( "ticksShift" ) 
        if( is.na( ticksShiftTo ) ){
            ticksShiftFrom <- (marginSize / .fracSum) * par( "mgp" )[ 3L ] 
            ticksShiftTo   <- 
                ticksShiftFrom + (marginSize / .fracSum) * (-1 * par( "tcl" )) 
    }else if( type == "tickLabels" ){
        ticksShiftTo <- getTpPar( "ticksShift" ) 
        if( is.na( ticksShiftTo ) ){
            ticksShiftFrom <- (marginSize / .fracSum) * par( "mgp" )[ 3L ] 
            ticksShiftTo   <- (marginSize / .fracSum) * par( "mgp" )[ 2L ] 
        ticksShiftFrom <- NA_real_
        ticksShiftTo   <- NA_real_
    # Note: Axis order / index is Bottom -> Left -> Right
    #       This order is cyclic: after Right comes left
    #                             before Bottom, comes Right    
    # Fetch the ticks location:
    bTicks <- lTicks <- rTicks <- getTpPar( "ticksAt" ) * .fracSum 
    # #   For the case where axis orientation is NA
    # at1s  <- bTicks,         # Start values of lines on each side of the triangle
    # at2s  <- 1 - bTicks,     # (Start values) For grid lines: reverse value, for ticks, at + ticks.shift
    # at3s  <- 0,              # (Start values) For grid lines: 0 value, for ticks, 0 - ticks.shift
    # at1e  <- bTicks,         # End values of lines on each side of the triangle
    # at2e  <- 0,              # at.2.e: (End values) logically equal to at.3.s
    # at3e  <- 1 - bTicks,     # at.3.e: (End values) logically equal to at.2.s    
    # Select only the ticks that fit within the scale
    bTicks <- bTicks[ 
        bTicks > tScale[ "min", 1 ] & 
        bTicks < tScale[ "max", 1 ]   
    lTicks <- lTicks[ 
        lTicks > tScale[ "min", 2 ] & 
        lTicks < tScale[ "max", 2 ]   
    rTicks <- rTicks[ 
        rTicks > tScale[ "min", 3 ] & 
        rTicks < tScale[ "max", 3 ]   
    # pre-format the grid-lines of each axis
    bTicks <- data.frame( 
        "B" = bTicks, 
        "L" = rep( NA_real_, length(bTicks) ), 
        "R" = rep( NA_real_, length(bTicks) )
    colnames( bTicks ) <- .blrNames 
    lTicks <- data.frame( 
        "B" = rep( NA_real_, length(lTicks) ), 
        "L" = lTicks, 
        "R" = rep( NA_real_, length(lTicks) )
    colnames( lTicks ) <- .blrNames 
    rTicks <- data.frame( 
        "B" = rep( NA_real_, length(rTicks) ), 
        "L" = rep( NA_real_, length(rTicks) ), 
        "R" = rTicks
    colnames( rTicks ) <- .blrNames 
    # Format as a list
    gridFrom <- gridTo <- list( 
        "B" = bTicks, 
        "L" = lTicks, 
        "R" = rTicks  
    names( gridFrom ) <- .blrNames
    names( gridTo )   <- .blrNames
    # rm( bTicks, lTicks, rTicks )
    ## Calculate the grid-lines coordinates for each axis
    for( ax in 1:3 ){ 
        # Index of previous and next axis 
        if( ax == 1 ){ 
            axPrev <- 3 
            axNext <- 2 
        }else if( ax == 2 ){ 
            axPrev <- 1 
            axNext <- 3 
        }else if( ax == 3 ){ 
            axPrev <- 2 
            axNext <- 1 
        if( !is.na( .blrClock[ ax ] ) ){ 
            # Axis is clockwise
            if( .blrClock[ ax ] ){ 
                nextClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axNext ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axNext ] 
                prevClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axPrev ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axPrev ] 
                # Next axis is not clockwise or is NA
                if( !nextClock ){ 
                    if( type == "grid" ){ # !ticks 
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] 
                        # Start coordinates on next axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # End coordinates on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] 
                        # End coordinate on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] 
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - ticksShiftFrom * .fracSum 
                        # Start coordinates on next axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # End coordinate on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - ticksShiftTo * .fracSum 
                        # End coordinate on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] 
                # Next axis is clockwise too
                    if( type == "grid" ){ # !ticks
                        # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] 
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                        # End coordinates on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] 
                        # End coordinate on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - ticksShiftFrom * .fracSum  
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                        # End coordinates on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - ticksShiftTo * .fracSum  
                        # End coordinate on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
            # Axis is counter-clockwise
                nextClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axNext ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axNext ] 
                prevClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axPrev ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axPrev ] 
                # Next axis is clockwise
                if( nextClock ){ 
                    if( type == "grid" ){ # !ticks
                        # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] 
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                        # End coordinates on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] 
                        # End coordinate on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - ticksShiftFrom * .fracSum  
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                        # End coordinates on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - ticksShiftTo * .fracSum  
                        # End coordinate on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                # Next axis is counter-clockwise too (or NA?)
                    if( type == "grid" ){ # !ticks
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] 
                        # Start coordinates on next axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # End coordinates on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] 
                        # End coordinate on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                        # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - ticksShiftFrom * .fracSum 
                        # Start coordinates on next axis
                        gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridFrom[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                        # End coordinates on next axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - ticksShiftTo * .fracSum 
                        # End coordinate on previous axis
                        gridTo[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                            .fracSum - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                            gridTo[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] 
        }else{  ## axis orientation is NA
            if( type == "grid" ){ # !ticks
                gridFrom[[ ax ]] <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
                    s   = s, #B     L     R
                    ttt = list( "B" = NA,                       "L" = NA,                                   "R" = NA ), 
                    txf = list( "B" = bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ], "L" = .fracSum - bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ],  "R" = 0 ), 
                    ftx = list( "B" = bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ], "L" = 0,                                    "R" = .fracSum - bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ] ), 
                    fff = list( "B" = NA,                       "L" = NA,                                   "R" = NA )   
                gridFrom[[ ax ]] <- as.data.frame( gridFrom[[ ax ]] ) 
                gridTo[[ ax ]] <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
                    s   = s, #B     L     R
                    ttt = list( "B" = NA, "L" = NA,                                  "R" = NA ), 
                    txf = list( "B" = 0,  "L" = .fracSum - bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ], "R" = bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ] ), 
                    ftx = list( "B" = 0,  "L" = bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ],            "R" = .fracSum - bTicks[ .blrNames[ 1 ] ] ), 
                    fff = list( "B" = NA, "L" = NA,                                  "R" = NA )   
                gridTo[[ ax ]] <- as.data.frame( gridTo[[ ax ]] ) 
                colnames( gridFrom[[ ax ]] ) <- .blrNames 
                colnames( gridTo[[ ax ]] )   <- .blrNames 
                gridFrom[[ ax ]] <- data.frame() 
                gridTo[[ ax ]]   <- data.frame() 
    # Format the output
    out <- list( 
        "from" = gridFrom, 
        "to"   = gridTo 
    return( out ) 

# .ternaryTicks =================================================

#'INTERNAL: Draw axis' tick marks on a triangle plot
#'INTERNAL: Draw axis' tick marks on a triangle plot
#'  Ticks colors can be changed via 
#'  \code{\link[graphics]{par}("fg")}
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param side
#'  A vector of integer specifying which side of the plot the axis is to
#'  be drawn on.  The axis is placed as follows: 1=below, 2=left, 3=right (note 
#'  that this differ from \code{\link[graphics]{axis}} where 3=above and 
#'  4=right). Default is to draw axis on the 3 sides.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySegments}}, except \code{col} 
#'  (see details)
#'  Invisibly returns a list of \code{data.frame} 
#'  with the start and end points of the grid segments 
#   for each of the 3 axis.
#'@rdname ternaryTicks-methods
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryTicks <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like .ternaryTicks)" ) 
    UseMethod( ".ternaryTicks" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryTicks-methods
#'@method .ternaryTicks ternarySystem
#'@importFrom sp rbind.SpatialLines
.ternaryTicks.ternarySystem <- function( 
 side = 1:3, 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    # Calculates the tick-marks position
    grTm <- .ternaryGridBase( s = s, type = "ticks" ) 
    # Calculates the tick-marks' labels position
    grTl <- .ternaryGridBase( s = s, type = "tickLabels" ) 
    n <- length( grTm[[ "from" ]] )
    if( !all(side %in% 1:3) ){
        stop( sprintf( 
            "'side' must be a vector of 3 integers (1, 2 or/and 3). Now %s", 
            paste( side, collapse = ", " ) 
        ) ) 
    if( !(n %in% side) ){
        stop( "Internal error in .ternaryTicks.ternarySystem. n and side are inconsistent" )
    #   Prepare output
    out <- outLine <- vector( length = n, mode = "list" ) 
    names( out ) <- c( "B", "L", "R" ) 
    fg            <- par( "fg" ) 
    col.lab       <- par( "col.lab" ) 
    axis.line.lwd <- getTpPar( "axis.line.lwd" )
    #   Chose the right adjustment
    adj1 <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
        s   = s, 
        ttt = c(  -.2,  1.2,  -.2 ), 
        txf = c(   .5,  1.2,  -.2 ), 
        ftx = c(   .5,  1.2,  -.2 ), 
        fff = c(  1.2,  1.2,  -.2 ) 
    adj2 <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
        s   = s, 
        ttt = c(   .5,  .5,  .5 ), 
        txf = c(  1.2,  .5,  .5 ), 
        ftx = c(  1.2,  .5,  .5 ), 
        fff = c(   .5,  .5,  .5 ) 
    .tlrAngle       <- tlrAngles( s = s ) 
    blrLabelAngles  <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
        s   = s, 
        ttt = c(  -.tlrAngle[3],  0,            +.tlrAngle[2] ), 
        txf = c(   0,             NA,           0             ), # instead of +90 NA, 0
        ftx = c(   0,             0,            NA            ), # instead of -90  0, NA 
        fff = c(  +.tlrAngle[2], -.tlrAngle[3], 0             ) 
    # angle   <- c( 
        # #     #                     # TTT       # TXF   # FTX   # FFF   
        # "B" = TT.switch( blr.clock, -tlr.an[3], +90,    -90,    +tlr.an[2]  ), 
        # "L" = TT.switch( blr.clock, +00,        NA,     +00,    -tlr.an[3]  ), 
        # "R" = TT.switch( blr.clock, +tlr.an[2], +00,     NA,    +00         )  
    # )   #
    for( ax in side ){ # 
        # Draw the tick-marks start and segments
        if( nrow( grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]] ) != 0 ){ 
            # ternaryPoints( 
                # x   = grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]], 
                # s   = s )  
            # Prevent tests
            if( .plot ){ 
                oldPar <- tpPar( par = "testRange" )        
                tpPar  <- tpPar( testRange = FALSE ) 
                # Draw the ticks segments
                out[[ ax ]] <- ternarySegments( 
                    from  = grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]], 
                    to    = grTm[[ "to" ]][[ ax ]], 
                    s     = s, 
                    col   = fg, 
                    lwd   = axis.line.lwd, 
                    .plot = .plot, 
                    ... )  
                # Draw the axis line
                outLine[[ ax ]] <- ternarySegments( 
                    from  = grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]][ 1L, , drop = FALSE ], 
                    to    = grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]][ nrow( grTm[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]] ), , drop = FALSE ], 
                    s     = s, 
                    col   = fg, 
                    lwd   = axis.line.lwd, 
                    .plot = .plot, 
                    ... )  
                    x      = grTl[[ "to" ]][[ ax ]], 
                    labels = as.character( grTl[[ "to" ]][[ ax ]][, ax ] ), 
                    s      = s, 
                    # pos  = 2, 
                    adj    = c( adj1[ ax ], adj2[ ax ] ), 
                    srt    = blrLabelAngles[ ax ], 
                    col    = col.lab, 
                    # offset = -5, 
                    ... ) 
                # TO DO: ADD A TEXT LABEL 
                # Set test again
                tpPar( par = oldPar ) 
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ 
        isNull <- unlist( lapply( X = out, FUN = is.null ) )
        out <- do.call( what = "rbind.SpatialLines", 
            args = c( out[ !isNull ], list( "makeUniqueIDs" = TRUE ) ) ) 
        isNull <- unlist( lapply( X = outLine, FUN = is.null ) )
        outLine <- do.call( what = "rbind.SpatialLines", 
            args = c( outLine[ !isNull ], list( "makeUniqueIDs" = TRUE ) ) ) 
        out <- sp::rbind.SpatialLines( out, outLine, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE )
        # spChFIDs( out ) <- c( "B", "L", "R" )[ !isNull ]
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternaryGrid ===================================================

#'Add Grid to a ternary plot
#'Add Grid to a ternary plot
#'  Grid-line colors can be changed via 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{tpPar}("grid.line.col")}.
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param side
#'  A vector of integer specifying which side of the plot the axis is to
#'  be drawn on.  The axis is placed as follows: 1=below, 2=left, 3=right (note 
#'  that this differ from \code{\link[graphics]{axis}} where 3=above and 
#'  4=right). Default is to draw axis on the 3 sides.
#'@param .plot 
#'  Single logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} if you don't want 
#'  to plot the graphical element and simply returns them as 
#'  x-y coordinates (or \code{Spatial*} objects if \code{sp} is 
#'  set to \code{TRUE} in \code{\link{tpPar}}).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySegments}}, except \code{col} 
#'  (see details)
#'  Invisibly returns a list of \code{data.frame} 
#'  with the start and end points of the grid segments 
#'  for each of the 3 axis.
#'@rdname ternaryGrid-methods
ternaryGrid <- function( s, ... ){ 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        stop( "'s' is missing. Required for low-level plotting commands (like ternaryGrid)" ) 
    UseMethod( "ternaryGrid" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryGrid-methods
#'@method ternaryGrid ternarySystem
#'@importFrom sp rbind.SpatialLines
ternaryGrid.ternarySystem <- function( 
 side = 1:3, 
 .plot = TRUE, 
    # Calculates the tick-marks and grid-segments position
    gr <- .ternaryGridBase( s = s, type = "grid" ) 
    grid.line.col <- getTpPar( "grid.line.col" )
    n <- length( gr[[ "from" ]] ) 
    if( !all(side %in% 1:3) ){
        stop( sprintf( 
            "'side' must be a vector of 3 integers (1, 2 or/and 3). Now %s", 
            paste( side, collapse = ", " ) 
        ) ) 
    if( !(n %in% side) ){
        stop( "Internal error in ternaryGrid.ternarySystem. n and side are inconsistent" )
    #   Prepare output
    out <- vector( length = n, mode = "list" ) 
    names( out ) <- c( "B", "L", "R" ) 
    for( ax in side ){ # 1:n
        if( nrow( gr[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]] ) != 0 ){ 
            # Draw the grid segments
            if( .plot ){ 
                out[[ ax ]] <- ternarySegments( 
                    from  = gr[[ "from" ]][[ ax ]], 
                    to    = gr[[ "to" ]][[ ax ]], 
                    s     = s, 
                    col   = grid.line.col, 
                    .plot = .plot, 
                    ... ) 
    if( getTpPar( "sp" ) ){ 
        isNull <- unlist( lapply( X = out, FUN = is.null ) )
        out <- do.call( what = "rbind.SpatialLines", 
            args = c( out[ !isNull ], list( "makeUniqueIDs" = TRUE ) ) ) 
        # spChFIDs( out ) <- c( "B", "L", "R" )[ !isNull ]
    return( invisible( out ) ) 

# ternaryPlot ===================================================

#'Generic ternary-data plotting
#'Generic ternary-data plotting
#'@param s 
#'  Either a character string naming the ternary classification 
#'  system to be used (if pre-defined) or a  
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param x 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} 
#'  containing point ternary data (x-y-x) to be ploted on the graph. 
#'  It should contain the 3 columns names given in \code{s}. If 
#'  missing, only the ternary classification is drawn.
#'@param scale 
#'  Either a logical value or a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with 
#'  3 columns and 2 rows. If \code{TRUE}, the triangle plot will 
#'  be scaled to fit the data. If \code{FALSE}, no scaling is 
#'  performed, and the full extent triangle plot is drawn. If a 
#'  \code{data.frame}, contains the min and max limits of each 
#'  of the 3 variables (columns = variables, rows = min and max).
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'@example inst/examples/ternaryPlot-example.R
#'@rdname ternaryPlot-methods
ternaryPlot <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        UseMethod( "ternaryPlot", object = character(0) ) 
        UseMethod( "ternaryPlot" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryPlot-methods
#'@method ternaryPlot character
ternaryPlot.character <- function(
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem() 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s = s )  
    ternaryPlot( s = s, ... ) 

#'@rdname ternaryPlot-methods
#'@method ternaryPlot ternarySystem
ternaryPlot.ternarySystem <- function( 
 x = NULL, 
 scale = FALSE, 
    testRange <- getTpPar( par = "testRange" ) 
    testSum   <- getTpPar( par = "testSum" ) 
    # Plot something:
    ternaryWindow( s = s ) 
    ternaryBox( s = s, col = getTpPar( "plot.bg" ) ) 
    ternaryAxis( s = s ) 
    # .ternaryTicks( s = s ) 
    ternaryGrid( s = s ) 
    ternaryBox( s = s ) 
    # .ternaryAxisArrows( s = s ) 
    if( is.null( x ) ){ x <- data.frame() } 
    if( nrow( x ) >= 1 ){ 
        message( "Method (data.frame,ternarySystem) not implemented yet" ) 
    return( invisible( s ) ) 

# .ternaryLims ===================================================

#'INTERNAL: Find optimal axis limits for a ternary plot.
#'INTERNAL: Find optimal axis limits for a ternary plot.
#'@param s 
#'  Either a character string naming the ternary classification 
#'  system to be used (if pre-defined) or a  
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}}, instead of \code{x}.
#'@param x 
#'  A \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} 
#'  containing point ternary data (x-y-x) to be ploted on the graph. 
#'  It should contain the 3 columns names given in \code{s};
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'  Returns a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} with 3 columns (bottom, 
#'  left and right variables) and 2 rows: the minimun value and the 
#'  maximum value of each variable.
#'@rdname ternaryLims-methods
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryLims <- function( 
    if( missing( s ) ){ 
        UseMethod( ".ternaryLims", object = character(0) ) 
        UseMethod( ".ternaryLims" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryLims-methods
#'@method .ternaryLims character
.ternaryLims.character <- function(
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem() 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s = s )  
    .ternaryLims( s = s, ... ) 

#'@rdname ternaryLims-methods
#'@method .ternaryLims ternarySystem
.ternaryLims.ternarySystem <- function( 
    # Fetch the variable names
    .blrNames <- blrNames( s = s )  
    # Extract the variables
    x <- x[, .blrNames ] 
    # x <- data.frame( "B" = runif(10,1,2), "L" = runif(10,1,2), "R" = runif(10,1,2) )
    # Find the minimum and maximum of each of the 3 axis
    blrMin <- apply( X = x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min ) 
    blrMax <- apply( X = x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = max ) 
    # Round the values to the nearest upper / lower value
    # NB: only works because values are positive
    blrMin <- floor( x = blrMin * 10 ) / 10 
    blrMax <- ceiling( x = blrMax * 10 ) / 10 
    # Find the range of values
    blrRange <- blrMin - blrMax
    # Difference between axis range and max axis range
    blrRangeDiff <- max(blrRange) - blrRange 
    # Correct the min and max to obtain equilateral triangle
    blrMin <- blrMin - blrRangeDiff 
    blrMax <- blrMax + blrRangeDiff 
    rm( blrRange, blrRangeDiff ) 
    blrLims <- as.data.frame( rbind( blrMin, blrMax ) )
    rownames( blrLims ) <- c("min","max") 
    colnames( blrLims ) <- .blrNames 
    # all( unlist( lapply( X = 1:3, FUN = function(X){ all(x[,X] >= blrLims[1,X]) } ) ) )  
    # all( unlist( lapply( X = 1:3, FUN = function(X){ all(x[,X] <= blrLims[2,X]) } ) ) ) 
    return( blrLims )

# .ternaryClockSwitch ============================================ 

#'INTERNAL. Fetch a pre-defined ternary classification system
#'INTERNAL. Fetch a pre-defined ternary classification system
#'@param s 
#'  Single character string. Name of the ternary classification to 
#'  be fetched.
#'@param ttt 
#'  Value returned if s clock is TTT
#'@param txf 
#'  Value returned if s clock is TXF
#'@param ftx 
#'  Value returned if s clock is FTX
#'@param fff 
#'  Value returned if s clock is FFF
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@rdname ternaryClockSwitch 
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryClockSwitch <- function( 
    if( is.character( s ) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s )
    .blrClock <- blrClock( s )
    if( identical( .blrClock, c( TRUE,  TRUE,  TRUE ) ) ){ 
        out <- ttt 
    }else if( identical( .blrClock, c( TRUE,  NA,    FALSE ) ) ){ 
        out <- txf 
    }else if( identical( .blrClock, c( FALSE, TRUE,  NA ) ) ){ 
        out <- ftx 
    }else if( identical( .blrClock, c( FALSE, FALSE, FALSE ) ) ){ 
        out <- fff 
        stop( "unknown value for blrClock( s ): %s", 
            paste( .blrClock, collapse = ", " )  ) 
    return( out ) 

# .ternaryAxisArrowsBase ========================================

#'INTERNAL. Calculates arrows segments start and end for ternary 
#'  axis labels 
#'INTERNAL. Calculates arrows segments start and end for ternary 
#'  axis labels 
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'@rdname ternaryAxisArrowsBase-methods
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryAxisArrowsBase <- function( s, ... ){  
    UseMethod( ".ternaryAxisArrowsBase" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryAxisArrowsBase-methods
#'@method .ternaryAxisArrowsBase ternarySystem
.ternaryAxisArrowsBase.ternarySystem <- function( 
    .blrNames     <- blrNames( s = s )  
    .blrClock     <- blrClock( s )  
    tScale        <- s[[ 'scale' ]] 
    .fracSum      <- fracSum( s = s ) 
    arrowsShift   <- getTpPar( "arrowsShift" ) 
    arrowsCoords  <- getTpPar( "arrowsCoords" ) 
    if( any( is.na( arrowsShift ) ) ){
        #   Note: also set in .ternaryAxisArrows
        arrowsHeight <- getTpPar( "arrowsHeight" ) 
        mgp          <- par( "mgp" )
        arrowsShift <- (.nbMargin2diffXY() / .fracSum) * 
            c( mgp[ 1L ] - arrowsHeight, mgp[ 1L ] ) 
    #   Note: Axis order / index is Bottom -> Left -> Right
    #   This order is cyclic: after Right comes left
    #   before Bottom, comes Right    
    #   Min and max extent of each axis
    bAxisRange <- c( tScale[ "min", 1 ], tScale[ "max", 1 ] ) 
    bAxisRange[3] <- diff( bAxisRange ) # Width
    lAxisRange <- c( tScale[ "min", 2 ], tScale[ "max", 2 ] ) 
    lAxisRange[3] <- diff( lAxisRange ) # Width
    rAxisRange <- c( tScale[ "min", 3 ], tScale[ "max", 3 ] ) 
    rAxisRange[3] <- diff( rAxisRange ) # Width
    #   Pre-format a quadrilateral polygon on which the 
    #   axis arrows and arrow labels will be drawn
    #   Note: the arrow will be drawn on vertices 1 -> 2 -> 
    #   3. Point 4 is for anchoring the axis label
    bArrows <- data.frame( 
        "B" = c( 
            bAxisRange[1] + bAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 1 ], 
            bAxisRange[1] + bAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 2 ], 
            bAxisRange[1] + bAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 3 ], 
            bAxisRange[1] + bAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 4 ] 
        "L" = rep( NA_real_, 4 ), 
        "R" = rep( NA_real_, 4 )
    colnames( bArrows ) <- .blrNames 
    lArrows <- data.frame( 
        "B" = rep( NA_real_, 4 ), 
        "L" = c( 
            lAxisRange[1] + lAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 1 ], 
            lAxisRange[1] + lAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 2 ], 
            lAxisRange[1] + lAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 3 ], 
            lAxisRange[1] + lAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 4 ] 
        "R" = rep( NA_real_, 4 )
    colnames( lArrows ) <- .blrNames 
    rArrows <- data.frame( 
        "B" = rep( NA_real_, 4 ), 
        "L" = rep( NA_real_, 4 ), 
        "R" = c( 
            rAxisRange[1] + rAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 1 ], 
            rAxisRange[1] + rAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 2 ], 
            rAxisRange[1] + rAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 3 ], 
            rAxisRange[1] + rAxisRange[3] * arrowsCoords[ 4 ] 
    colnames( rArrows ) <- .blrNames 
    # Format as a list
    arroQuad <- list( # arroTo <- 
        "B" = bArrows, 
        "L" = lArrows, 
        "R" = rArrows  
    names( arroQuad ) <- .blrNames
    # names( arroTo )   <- .blrNames
    # rm( bArrows, lArrows, rArrows )
    ## Calculate the grid-lines coordinates for each axis
    for( ax in 1:3 ){ 
        # Index of previous and next axis 
        if( ax == 1 ){ 
            axPrev <- 3 
            axNext <- 2 
        }else if( ax == 2 ){ 
            axPrev <- 1 
            axNext <- 3 
        }else if( ax == 3 ){ 
            axPrev <- 2 
            axNext <- 1 
        if( !is.na( .blrClock[ ax ] ) ){ 
            # Axis is clockwise
            if( .blrClock[ ax ] ){ 
                nextClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axNext ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axNext ] 
                prevClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axPrev ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axPrev ] 
                # Next axis is not clockwise or is NA
                if( !nextClock ){ 
                    # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - 
                        arrowsShift[ c( 2, 2, 1, 2 ) ] * .fracSum 
                    # Start coordinates on next axis
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                        .fracSum - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
                # Next axis is clockwise too
                    # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - 
                        arrowsShift[ c( 2, 2, 1, 2 ) ] * .fracSum 
                    # Start coordinates on previous axis
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                        .fracSum - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
            # Axis is counter-clockwise
                nextClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axNext ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axNext ] 
                prevClock <- ifelse( 
                    is.na( .blrClock[ axPrev ] ), 
                    .blrClock[ axPrev ] 
                # Next axis is clockwise
                if( nextClock ){ 
                    # Start coordinates on next axis is 0 or min
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- tScale[ "min", axNext ] - 
                        arrowsShift[ c( 2, 2, 1, 2 )] * .fracSum 
                    # Start coordinates on previous axis
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- 
                        .fracSum - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ]
                # Next axis is counter-clockwise too (or NA?)
                    # Start coordinates on previous axis is 0 or min
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ] <- tScale[ "min", axPrev ] - 
                        arrowsShift[ c( 2, 2, 1, 2 )] * .fracSum 
                    # Start coordinates on next axis
                    arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axNext ] <- 
                        .fracSum - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, ax ] - 
                        arroQuad[[ ax ]][, axPrev ]
        }else{  ## axis orientation is NA
            # arroQuad[[ ax ]] <- data.frame() 
            arroQuad[[ ax ]] <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
                s   = s, #B     L     R
                ttt = list( 
                    "B" = rep( NA, 4 ), 
                    "L" = rep( NA, 4 ),
                    "R" = rep( NA, 4 ) ), 
                txf = list( 
                    "B" = c( NA, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 1 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2 ), 
                    "L" = c( NA, -arrowsShift[ 2 ],               -arrowsShift[ 1 ],               -arrowsShift[ 2 ] ), 
                    "R" = c( NA, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 1 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2 ) ), 
                ftx = list( 
                    "B" = c( NA, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 1 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2 ), 
                    "L" = c( NA, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 1 ]/2, .fracSum/2 + arrowsShift[ 2 ]/2 ), 
                    "R" = c( NA, -arrowsShift[ 2 ],               -arrowsShift[ 1 ],               -arrowsShift[ 2 ] ) ), 
                fff = list( 
                    "B" = rep( NA, 4 ), 
                    "L" = rep( NA, 4 ),
                    "R" = rep( NA, 4 ) )   
            arroQuad[[ ax ]] <- as.data.frame( arroQuad[[ ax ]] ) 
            colnames( arroQuad[[ ax ]] ) <- .blrNames
    # Format the output
    # out <- list( 
        # "from" = arroQuad, 
        # "to"   = arroTo 
    # )   
    return( arroQuad ) 

# .ternaryAxisArrows ============================================

#' INTERNAL: Draw axis' arrows and arrows' label marks on a 
#'  triangle plot
#' INTERNAL: Draw axis' arrows and arrows' label marks on a 
#'  triangle plot
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{\link[ternaryplot]{ternarySystem}} object.
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'  Invisibly returns a list of \code{data.frame} 
#'  with the start and end points of the arrows segments 
#   for each of the 3 axis.
#'@rdname ternaryAxisArrows-methods
#'@keywords internal
.ternaryAxisArrows <- function( s, ... ){  
    UseMethod( ".ternaryAxisArrows" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryAxisArrows-methods
#'@method .ternaryAxisArrows ternarySystem
.ternaryAxisArrows.ternarySystem <- function( 
    # Calculates the tick-marks and grid-segments position
    gr <- .ternaryAxisArrowsBase( s = s ) 
    .tlrAngle       <- tlrAngles( s = s ) 
    blrLabelAngles  <- c( 0, .tlrAngle[2], .tlrAngle[3] ) 
    # Change sign for the case when blrClock(s) is not TRUE NA FALSE
    if( !is.na( blrClock(s)[2] ) ){ 
        blrLabelAngles[3] <- -blrLabelAngles[3]
    pr <- tpPar( par = c( "arrowsBreak", "arrowsShift", "axis.line.lwd", "arrowsHeight" ) ) 
    .par <- par()
    arrowsBreak   <- pr$"arrowsBreak" 
    arrowsShift   <- pr$"arrowsShift" 
    fg            <- .par[[ "fg" ]] # par( "fg" )
    axis.line.lwd <- pr$"axis.line.lwd"
    col.lab       <- .par[[ "col.lab" ]] # par( "col.lab" )
    .fracSum      <- fracSum( s = s )
    if( any( is.na( arrowsShift ) ) ){
        #   Note: also set in .ternaryAxisArrowsBase
        arrowsHeight <- pr$"arrowsHeight"
        mgp          <- .par[[ "mgp" ]]
        arrowsShift <- (.nbMargin2diffXY() / .fracSum) * 
            c( mgp[ 1L ] - arrowsHeight, mgp[ 1L ] ) 
        # print( arrowsShift ) 
    #   Chose the right adjustment
    adj1 <- .ternaryClockSwitch( 
        s   = s, 
        ttt = c(  1,  0,     0    ), 
        txf = c(  1,  1.15,  0    ), 
        ftx = c(  0,  0,    -0.15 ), 
        fff = c(  0,  1,     1    ) 
    for( ax in 1:length( gr ) ){ 
        # Draw the tick-marks start and segments
        if( nrow( gr[[ ax ]] ) != 0 ){ 
            # Prevent tests
            oldPar <- tpPar( par = "testRange" ) 
            tpPar  <- tpPar( testRange = FALSE ) 
            # ternaryPoints( 
                # x   = gr[[ ax ]], 
                # s   = s, 
                # col = "blue" )  
            if( !any( is.na( gr[[ ax ]][ 1, ] ) ) ){ 
                if( arrowsBreak ){ 
                        from = gr[[ ax ]][ 1, ], 
                        to   = gr[[ ax ]][ 2, ], 
                        s    = s, 
                        col  = fg, 
                        lwd  = axis.line.lwd, 
                        ... ) 
                        from   = gr[[ ax ]][ 1, ], 
                        to     = gr[[ ax ]][ 2, ], 
                        s      = s, 
                        col    = fg, 
                        lwd    = axis.line.lwd, 
                        length = diff( arrowsShift ), 
                        ... ) 
            # Draw the arrows' 2nd segments
            if( arrowsBreak ){ 
                    from   = gr[[ ax ]][ 2, ], 
                    to     = gr[[ ax ]][ 3, ], 
                    s      = s, 
                    col    = fg, 
                    lwd    = axis.line.lwd, 
                    length = diff( arrowsShift ), 
                    ... ) 
            # Add the axis / arrows labels
            # ternaryPoints( 
                # x      = gr[[ ax ]][ 4, ], 
                # s      = s, 
                # col    = "red", 
                # ... ) 
                x      = gr[[ ax ]][ 4, ], 
                labels = s[[ 'ternaryVariables' ]][[ 'blrLabels' ]][ ax ], 
                s      = s, 
                # pos  = 2, 
                adj    = c( adj1[ ax ], .5 ), 
                srt    = blrLabelAngles[ ax ], 
                col    = col.lab, 
                ... ) 
            # Set test again
            tpPar( par = oldPar )
    return( invisible( gr ) ) 

# ternaryAxis ==================================================

#'Add axis to a ternary plot (axis lines, ticks, labels, titles and arrows)
#'Add axis to a ternary plot (axis lines, ticks, labels, titles and arrows)
#'@param s 
#'  A \code{ternarySystem} object, as created with 
#'  \code{\link[ternaryplot]{createTernarySystem}}, or a single 
#'  \code{character} string. Can be missing.
#'@param side
#'  A vector of integer specifying which side of the plot the axis is to
#'  be drawn on.  The axis is placed as follows: 1=below, 2=left, 3=right (note 
#'  that this differ from \code{\link[graphics]{axis}} where 3=above and 
#'  4=right). Default is to draw axis on the 3 sides.
#'@param tick
#'  A logical value specifying whether tickmarks and an axis line
#'  should be drawn.
#'@param arrow
#'  A logical value specifying whether axis' arrows should be drawn.
#'@param \dots
#'  Additional parameters passed to specific methods.
#'@rdname ternaryAxis-methods
ternaryAxis <- function( 
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        UseMethod( "ternaryAxis", object = character(0) ) 
        UseMethod( "ternaryAxis" ) 

#'@rdname ternaryAxis-methods
#'@method ternaryAxis character
ternaryAxis.character <- function(
    if( missing(s) ){ 
        s <- getTernarySystem() 
        s <- getTernarySystem( s = s )  
    ternaryAxis( s = s, ... ) 

#'@rdname ternaryAxis-methods
#'@method ternaryAxis ternarySystem
ternaryAxis.ternarySystem <- function(
 side = 1:3,
 tick = TRUE,
 arrow = TRUE,
 # tickLabel = TRUE, 
 # axisTitle = TRUE, 
    .ternaryTicks( s = s ) 
    # ternaryGrid( s = s ) 
    # ternaryBox( s = s ) 
    .ternaryAxisArrows( s = s ) 

Try the ternaryplot package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ternaryplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 p.m.