
Defines functions `plot.gpd` test.plot.gpd

Documented in test.plot.gpd

`plot.gpd` <-
function(x, main=rep(NULL,4), xlab=rep(NULL,4), nsim=1000, alpha=.05, ... ){
    if ( !missing( main ) ){
        if ( length( main ) != 1 & length( main ) != 4 ){
            stop( "main should have length 1 or 4" )
        else if ( length( main ) == 1 ){ main <- rep( main, 4 ) }
    if (ncol(x$X.phi) == 1 && ncol(x$X.xi) == 1){
        ppgpd( x, main=main[1], xlab=xlab[1], nsim=nsim, alpha=alpha )
        qqgpd( x, main=main[2], xlab=xlab[2], nsim=nsim, alpha=alpha )
        plotrl.gpd( x, main=main[3], xlab=xlab[3], ... )
        hist.gpd( x, main=main[4], xlab=xlab[4] )
    else { # Covariates in the model
        fittedScale <- exp(coef(x)[1:ncol(x$X.phi)] %*% t(x$X.phi))
        fittedShape <- coef(x)[(ncol(x$X.phi) + 1):length(coef(x))] %*% t(x$X.xi)
        x$y <- resid(x)
        x$threshold <- 0
        x$coefficients <- c(0, 0) # phi not sigma, so 0 not 1
        ppgpd( x, main=main[1], xlab=xlab[1], nsim=nsim, alpha=alpha )
        qqgpd( x, main=main[2], xlab=xlab[2], nsim=nsim, alpha=alpha )
        if(ncol(x$X.phi) > 1){
          plot(fittedScale,resid(x),main="Residuals vs Fitted Scale",xlab="Fitted scale",ylab="Residuals")
        if(ncol(x$X.xi) > 1){
          plot(fittedShape,resid(x),main="Residuals vs Fitted Shape",xlab="Fitted shape",ylab="Residuals")


test.plot.gpd <- function(){
  mod <- gpd(rain, th=30, penalty="none")
  res <- plot(mod,main=paste(rep("Figure 4.5 of Coles (2001)",4),
              c("\nProbability plot","\nQuantile Plot","\nReturn Level Plot\n(SCALE IS DAYS NOT YEARS)","\nDensity Plot")), 
  checkEquals(res,NULL,msg="plot.gpd: successful execution")

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