lxy.amin.add: Finds the value of a such that p percent of points are a...

Description Usage Arguments Details


Finds the value of a such that p percent of points are a nearest neighbor for at least one hull


lxy.amin.add(lxy, id = NULL, s = NULL, ptp = 0.98, nnn = 2,
  prec = NULL, max.iter = 20, status = TRUE)



A LoCoH-xy object


The id value(s) to analyze. If NULL all ids will be used.


Value(s) for the s term in the time-scaled-distance equation for point-to-point distance


The proportion of total points that should be a nearest neighbor for at least one hull (0..1]


The minimum number of nearest neighbors each point should have (can pass a vector of several values)


A numeric value in map units to which the value of 'a' will be found.


The maximum number of iterations to try to get within prec of the minimum value


Show messages, T/F


This function finds the value of 'a' (within a specified threshhold prec) such that the proportion ptp of all points will be a nearest neighbor for at least one hull. This value of 'a' is intended to be a reasonable lower bound for a home range that includes as many points as desired, but minimizes areas where the individual was not observed. This assumes that duplicate points will be offset by a random amount when creating hullset(s).

If no value of prec is passed, it will default to one-half of the median step legnth of the entire dataset if timestamps are present. If timestamps are not present, it will use the median non-zero nearest neighbor distance for the entire dataset.

Note that the value of 'a' such that ptp of points are nearest neighbors does not mean that ptp points are enclosed. Points can be enclosed by hulls that are not a nearest neighbor of any hull parent point.

tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.