locoh.lxy: Class for location data

Description Details See Also


Data class for locations with associated dates, nearest neighbor info, parameters for a random walk null model, and assorted meta-data


An object of class locoh.lxy is a list containing a series of point locations and ancillary variables that go with those locations (e.g., time stamps, point IDs, animal IDs). These items are bundled together and 'ready to go' as inputs into T-LoCoH functions. The benefits of bundling all of the objects related to a set of point locations in a single list object includes:

In code examples, objects of class locoh.lxy are often indicated by a 'lxy' suffix, and functions that are designed to work on LoCoH-xy objects typically start with 'lxy'.

For a complete description of the data structure, see the vignette T-LoCoH Data Classes.

See Also

xyt.lxy, lxy.proj.add, lxy.repair, lxy.subset, lxy.merge, lxy.exp.csv, lxy.exp.kml, lxy.exp.shp, move.lxy

tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.