lhs.iso.add: Compute isopleths

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples


Adds isopleth(s) to a LoCoH-hullset object


lhs.iso.add(lhs, id = NULL, k = NULL, r = NULL, a = NULL,
  s = NULL, hs.names = NULL, sort.metric = c("auto",
  hm.expr(names.only = T, desc = F, print = F))[1], iso.levels = c(0.1,
  0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), iso.method = c("pt.quantiles", "hm.vals")[1],
  iso.cap.method = c(">=", "<=")[1],
  scale.iso.levels.to.hm.vals = (iso.method == "hm.vals" &&
  max(iso.levels <= 1)), subset.metric = NULL, subset.vals = NULL,
  allow.gpc = TRUE, sliver_check = TRUE, beep = FALSE,
  status = TRUE, ...)



A LoCoH-hullset object


The id(s) of the hullsets to create isopleths for


The k value of hullsets to create isopleths for


The r value of hullsets to create isopleths for


The a value of hullsets to create isopleths for


The s value of hullsets to create isopleths for


The name(s) of saved hullsets to create isopleths for


The name of a hull metric that will be used to sort the hulls prior to merging into isopleths


A numeric vector of the levels of the isopleths. See details.


The method used to define isopleths. Default is "pt.quantiles" which defines isopleths as containing a quantile of points (e.g., the 0.1th isopleth contains 10% of the points). Can also be "hm.vals", in which case the isopleth level represents not a proportion of points enclosed but a value of the hull metric (e.g., the 0.1 isopleth contains hulls whose hull metric is <= 0.1)


A character object specifying how isopleths defined by proportions of enclosed points will be 'capped'. Ignored when iso.method="hm.vals". See details.


Whether to linearly scale iso.levels (presumed to be 0..1) to the minimum and maximum of the sort.metric value. This is used in conjunction iso.method='hm.vals', to produce isopleths as the aggregation of hulls whose sort.metric value is >= i% of the maximum, where i is the isopleth level. T/F


The name of a hull metric that will be used to create subsets of isopleths


A two-column data frame (or matrix) containing the lower and upper bounds of the hull metric in subset.metric, from which subsets of hulls will be extract for separate isopleth construction. Ignored if subset.metric is not provided. Can also be a character string in the form of "equal intervals, n", or "quantitles, n" where n is the number of strata desired (shorthand versions of these commands are "ei,n" and "q,n" where n is a number). The script will compute the break points either spread equally between the minimum and maximum subset metric value (equal interval) or so an equal number of hulls is in each strata


Allow functions from the gpclib package if the functions from rgeos fail. See details. T/F


Whether to check for and delete slivers in isopleths. See details. T/F


Beep when done. T/F


Show status messages. T/F


Additional auxillary parameters for the hull sort metric


This function creates isopleth(s) for a LoCoH-hullset object. This involves sorting hulls by one of the hull metrics, and then cummulatively unioning them together until a certain level is reached at which point the union is saved as an isopleth. By default, hulls will be sorted according to the area (for k-method) or number of enclosed points (r- and a-methods), producing density isopleths (i.e., utilization distributions).

When iso.method=="pt.quantiles" (the default), isopleths will be defined by the proportion of points they enclose (given in iso.levels). Thus for example the 50% isopleth contains 50% of the total points. The default isopleth levels are 0.15, 0.25, ..., 0.95. To get an isopleth that encloses all points in the dataset, iso.levels must include '1'.

When iso.method=="hm.vals", isopleths will be defined by the value of the hull metrics (provided in iso.levels). So if for example sort.metric="scg.nn.mean" (average speed of all points identified as nearest neighbors), and scg.nn.mean varied from 0.01 to 3.2, the 0.6 isopleth would be the union of all hulls whose average nearest neighbor speed was 0.6 or less. If you would like hulls to be identified by hull metric values, but don't know the range of hull metric values, you can set isopleth levels between 0..1 and set scale.iso.levels.to.hm.vals=TRUE.

By default, isopleths defined by quantiles of enclosed points are 'capped' as the smallest number of progressively unioned hulls that enclose a number of points equal to or greater than the isopleth level. For example, if there are 1000 points in the dataset, the 50% isopleth would be the smallest union of hulls that encloses 500 or more points. Alternately, when iso.cap.method = "<-", the isopleth will be the largest number of hulls which enclose up to but not more than the isopleth level. The actual number of points enclosed by each isopleth is included in the data table for the isopleth (which you can view by setting iso.details=TRUE when calling summary.locoh.lhs).

The hull metric used for sorting must already have been computed. Several hull metrics (e.g., hull area, number of enclosed points) are 'automatically' computed when a hullset is initially generated (see lxy.lhs). Other hull metrics must be created separately with functions such as lhs.ellipses.add and lhs.visit.add. You can use the summary.locoh.lhs function to see which isopleths have been saved in a LoCoH-hullset object.

Hulls are unioned using the gUnion and gUnaryUnion functions from the rgeos package, which in general is very fast. These functions occasionally fail when lines are too close together or there are other topological conditions. This is not a problem with the data, but an inherent limitation of the algorithms / processing. If allow.gpc=TRUE, functions from the gpclib package will be used as backup. If sliver_check=TRUE, isopleths will checked for 'slivers'. Slivers (as used here) refer to polygons or holes with <3 unique nodes. Slivers can be caused by reductions in numeric precision or rounding errors, and are not uncommon.


A LoCoH-hullset object

See Also



# Create 0.5 and 0.95 isopleths. By not specifying the sort.metric, 
# density isopleths will be created by default, with hulls sorted 
# by area (k-method) or number of enclosed points (r and a method)

# lhs <- lhs.iso.add(lhs, iso.levels=c(0.5, 0.95))

# Compute hull metrics for a 24 hour inter-visit gap, then produce isopleths with hulls sorted by
# the number of separate visits (e.g., visitation)
# lhs <- lhs.visit.add(lhs, ivg=3600.24)
# lhs <- lhs.iso.add(lhs, sort.metric="nsv", ivg=3600*24)

tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.