
initZtwDEMCNormal <- function(
	### Generate an initial population of states for \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}.
	thetaPrior		##<< numeric vector (nParm) of point estimate of the mean
	,covarTheta 	##<< numeric matrix (nParm x nParm) the covariance of parameters.
		##<< Alternatively, can be given as vector (nParm) of the diagonal, i.e. variances, if all dimensions are independent
	,nChainPop=4 	##<< number of chains to run
	,nPop=2 		##<< number of independent populations among the chains 
	### number of initial states for each chain
	,m0FiniteFac=1	##<< use a factor smaller than 1 to increase default m0 to account for only a portion of proposal results in finite densities
	### If TRUE, then set last sample of chain 1 to the prior estimate, 
	### which might be already a kind of best estimates by an optimization. 
	# InittwDEMC

	## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
	## \code{\link{calcM0twDEMC}}
	## There are several methods to establish the initial population for a twDEMC run. \itemize{
	## \item{ drawing from a multivariate normal distribution: this method  } 
	## \item{ subsetting the result of a former twDEMC run: \code{\link{initZtwDEMCSub.twDEMC}} or sample matrix \code{\link{initZtwDEMCSub.matrix}}  } 
	## \item{ extending the result of a former twDEMC run to include more parameters: \code{\link{initZtwDEMCExt.twDEMC}}  } 
	## \item{ selecting the N closes points from a sequence of points in parameter space \code{\link{constrainNStack}}  } 
	## \item{ selecting the points inside a confindenc ellipsis in parameter \code{\link{constrainCfStack}}  } 
	## \item{ replacing cases with in initial proposals that yield non-finite density \code{\link{replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens}}  } 
	## \item{ general method for replacing cases in initial proposals \code{\link{replaceZinitCases}}  } 
	#?rmvnorm #in package mvtnorm
	if( 0==length(thetaPrior))
		stop("initZtwDEMCNormal: no parameters given")
	if( 0==length(names(thetaPrior))){ 
		warning("initZtwDEMCNormal: no names of parameters provided")
		names(thetaPrior) <- paste("theta",1:length(thetaPrior),sep="") 
	nChains <- nChainPop*nPop
	Zinit <- if( length(thetaPrior)==1 ){
		abind( lapply( 1:nChains, function(i){ matrix(rnorm( m0, mean=thetaPrior, sd=covarTheta), dimnames=list(NULL,names(thetaPrior)) ) }), along=3 )
		if( is.matrix(covarTheta))
			abind( lapply( 1:nChains, function(i){ rmvnorm( m0, mean=thetaPrior, sigma=covarTheta ) }), along=3 )
			# independent dimenstions, can sample each from rnorm
			abind( lapply( 1:nChains, function(i){
						sapply( seq_along(thetaPrior), function(iComp){
								rnorm(m0, mean=thetaPrior[iComp], sd=covarTheta[iComp])
					}), along=3 )
	# Set the last sample of chain 1 to the prior estimate, which might be already a kind of best estimates by an optimization.
	if( doIncludePrior )
		Zinit[m0,,1 ] <- thetaPrior
	dimnames(Zinit) = list(steps=NULL,parms=names(thetaPrior),chains=NULL)
	attr(Zinit,"nPop") <- nPop
	### a matrix of number of parameters by number of individuals (m0 x d x Npop), with d dimension of theta
attr(initZtwDEMCNormal,"ex") <- function(){
	attach( twLinreg1 )
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, diag(sdTheta^2), nChainPop=.nChainPop, nPop=.nPop)
	all.equal( c(calcM0twDEMC(.nPar,.nChainPop), .nPar, .nChainPop*.nPop), dim(Zinit) )

calcM0twDEMC <- function(
	### Calculate appropriate number of cases for initializing twDEMC.
	nPar,		##<< the number of parameters to estimate
	nChainPop 	##<< the number of chains per population 
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	##details<< see terBraak 2006 and 2008
	res <- max(4,ceiling((8*nPar)/nChainPop))
	### length of each chain so that each population is initialized with 8*nPar cases 

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("initZtwDEMCSub","matrix", function(
	### generates an appropriate initial sample of parameter vectors for twDEMC from subsampling a matrix
	x					##<< the mcmc matrix to subsample (nCases x nParms) 
	,vars=colnames(x)	##<< which variables to keep
	,nChainPop=4		##<< number of chains per population
	,nPop=1 			##<< number of populations
	,m0=calcM0twDEMC(length(unique(vars)),nChainPop) ##<< number of required cases for initialization
	# initZtwDEMCSub.matrix
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	nChains <- nChainPop*nPop
	rrc <- lapply(1:nChains, function(iChain){ sample.int( nrow(x), m0, replace=TRUE)} )
	res <- abind( lapply( rrc, function(rr){ x[rr,vars ,drop=FALSE] } ),rev.along=0 )
	dimnames(res) <- list( steps=NULL, parms=vars, chains=NULL )
	attr(res,"nPop") <- nPop
	### an array of dimension suitable for Zinit for twDEMCBlockInt
attr(initZtwDEMCSub.matrix,"ex") <- function(){
	attach( twLinreg1 )
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, diag(sdTheta^2), nChainPop=.nChainPop, nPop=.nPop)
	ss <- do.call( rbind, twMisc::twListArrDim( Zinit))	#stack the chains 
	ZinitSub <- initZtwDEMCSub(ss, nChainPop=.nChainPop, nPop=.nPop)

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("initZtwDEMCSub","twDEMC", function(
	### generates an appropriate initial sample of parameter vectors for twDEMC from subsampling a previous result
	vtwdemc	##<< the twDEMC list to subsample 
	,...	## other parameters passed to initZtwDEMCSub.default, e.g. m0 
	,vars=colnames(vtwdemc$parms)	##<< which variables to keep
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	Zinit1 <- stackChains(vtwdemc)[,-(1:getNBlocks(vtwdemc))]	#one big chain

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("initZtwDEMCExt","matrix", function( 
	### subsampling and extending twDEMC with new variables
	Zinit1		##<< the matrix to subsample (nCases x nParms)
	,thetaPrior		##<< numeric vector: mu of multivariate gaussian prior distribtuion 
	,covarTheta		##<< numeric vector: sigma of multivariate gaussian prior distrbituion 
	,m0=calcM0twDEMC(length(thetaPrior), nChainPop)
		### number of required cases 
	# initZtwDEMCExt
	## the variables in thetaPrior that are part of vtwdemc are subsampled
	## the other variables are drawn from prior distribution
	## assuming no correlations between variables present and absent in vtwdemc and 
	if( is.null(names(thetaPrior)) )
		stop("initZtwDEMCExtDEMCzsp: thetaPrior provided without names attribute")
	#mapping index thetaPrior to column index in pss1
	pssInd <- as.numeric(lapply( 1:length(thetaPrior), function(i){ which( names(thetaPrior)[i] == colnames(Zinit1))}))
	mcPars <- which( !is.na(pssInd) )   
	extPars <- (1:length(thetaPrior))[ -mcPars ]
	nChain <- nChainPop*nPop
	Zinit <- array(NA, dim=c( m0, length(thetaPrior), nChain) )
	if( length(mcPars) > 0 ){
		iSteps <- sample(1:nrow(Zinit1), m0, replace=TRUE)
		ZinitMc <- abind( lapply( 1:nChain, function(i){ Zinit1[iSteps, pssInd[mcPars], drop=FALSE ] }), along=3 )
		Zinit[,mcPars,] <-  ZinitMc
	if( length(extPars) > 0){
		ZinitZtwDEMCExt <- initZtwDEMCNormal( thetaPrior[extPars], covarTheta[extPars,extPars,drop=FALSE], nChainPop=nChainPop, nPop=nPop,m0=m0 )
		Zinit[,extPars,] <- ZinitZtwDEMCExt
	dimnames(Zinit) <- list( steps=NULL, parms=names(thetaPrior),  chains=NULL ) 
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("initZtwDEMCExt","twDEMC", function( 
	 ### subsampling and extending twDEMC with new variables
	vtwdemc	##<< the twDEMC list to subsample 
	,...		##<< e.g. m0
	,thetaPrior	##<< numeric vector: mu of multivariate gaussian prior distribtuion 
	,covarTheta		##<< numeric vector: sigma of multivariate gaussian prior distrbituion 
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	Zinit1 <- stackChains(vtwdemc)[,-(1:getNBlocks(vtwdemc))]	#one big chain
	initZtwDEMCExt.matrix( Zinit1, thetaPrior=thetaPrior, covarTheta=covarTheta, nChainPop=nChainPop, nPop=nPop, ... )

constrainNStack <- function( 
	### Subsetting a sequence of parameter vectors. Keeps only the n cases in pss1 that are closest to thetaPrior.
	pss1, 					##<< numeric matrix: the stack to constrain, see details 
	thetaPrior,				##<< the point in parameter spcae for which to select the closest values 
	n=nrow(pss1)%/%4, 		##<< the number of rows in output, defaults to 1/4 of nrow(pss1)
	vars=names(thetaPrior), ##<< names or indices to constrain thetaPrior and invCovarTheta
	invCovarTheta=if( 0<length(thetaPrior)) solve(cov(pss1[,names(thetaPrior[vars]),drop=FALSE])) else numeric(0),
		### the inverse of the covaraince matrix for thetaPrior, defaults to inverse of sample covariance
	returnAlpha=FALSE 		##<< switch to return also significance level
	# constrainNStack

	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	## \code{\link{constrainCfStack}}
	## pss1 is a matrix with columns corresponding to variables 
	## and rows corresponding to cases. 
	## It is typicalla the result of \code{\link{stackChains.twDEMC}}
	if( !(n < nrow(pss1)) ){
		warning("constrainNStack: number of rows in pss1 is not greater than n, returning full pss1")
		return( pss1)
	tmp.ind <- if( 0<length(thetaPrior)){
		if( !(all(names(thetaPrior[vars]) %in% colnames(pss1))) ){
			stop("constrainNStack: all components of thetaPrior[vars] must be in colnames(pss1)")
		.invCovarTheta <- if( is.null(colnames(invCovarTheta)) | is.null(rownames(invCovarTheta)) ){
			.lv <- length(vars)
			if( !identical( c(.lv,.lv), dim(invCovarTheta)) )
				stop("supplied invCovarTheta without dimensions and nonmatching dimensions")
			if( !all(vars %in% colnames(invCovarTheta)) | !all(vars %in% rownames(invCovarTheta)) )
				stop("supplied invCovarTheta with dimnames not including all names of thetaPrior")
		# calculate the distance and order by that
		tmp.d <- sapply(vars, function(var){ pss1[,var] - (thetaPrior[var])})
		#plot( tmp.d[,1], tmp.d[,2] )
		if( length(vars) > 1) 
			tmp.mahalanobis <- apply( tmp.d, 1, function(tmp.d){ t(tmp.d) %*% .invCovarTheta %*% tmp.d })
			tmp.mahalanobis = tmp.d^2 * 1/var(pss1[,vars]) 
		tmp.ind <- order(tmp.mahalanobis)[1:n]
		# no thetaPrior given: just subsample
		tmp.ind <- sample.int(nrow(pss1),n) 
	psc <- pss1[ tmp.ind, ]
	if( returnAlpha){
		tmp.alpha <- if( 0 < length(thetaPrior)){
			# calculate the corresponding alpha (p) of the confidence ellipsis
			# see http://www.stat.psu.edu/online/development/stat505/05_multnorm/04_multnorm_geom.html
			tmp.maxdist = tmp.mahalanobis[tmp.ind[n] ]
			tmp.alpha = pchisq( q=tmp.maxdist, df=length(vars) )
		}else 1
		list( res=psc, alpha=tmp.alpha)
	### pss1[closestValues,]
	### if returnAlpha=TRUE then a list is returned with \describe{ 
	### \item{res}{ value as above }
	### \item{alpha}{ the significance level of the corresponding confidence ellipsis }} 

constrainCfStack <- function( 
	### Subsetting a sequence of parameter vectors. Keeps only the the cases in pss1 that are inside a confidence ellipsis around thetaPrior.
	pss1, 			##<< numeric matrix: the stack to constrain, see details 
	thetaPrior,	##<< the point in parameter spcae for which to select the closest values 
	alpha=0.95, ##<< the conficence range of the ellipsis 
	vars=names(thetaPrior), ##<< names or indices to constrain thetaPrior and invCovarTheta
	invCovarTheta=if(0<length(thetaPrior)) solve(cov(pss1[,vars,drop=FALSE])) else numeric(0)
	### the inverse of the covaraince matrix for thetaPrior, defaults to inverse of sample covariance
	# constrainCfStack
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	## \code{\link{constrainNStack}}
	if( 0==length(thetaPrior)) return( pss1 )	# if no thetaPrior is given, just return the original matrix 
	if( !(all(names(thetaPrior[vars]) %in% colnames(pss1))) ){
		stop("constrainNStack: all components of thetaPrior[vars] must be in colnames(pss1)")
	.invCovarTheta <- if( is.null(colnames(invCovarTheta)) | is.null(rownames(invCovarTheta)) ){
			.lv <- length(vars)
			if( !identical( c(.lv,.lv), dim(invCovarTheta)) )
				stop("supplied invCovarTheta without dimensions and nonmatching dimensions")
			if( !all(vars %in% colnames(invCovarTheta)) | !all(vars %in% rownames(invCovarTheta)) )
				stop("supplied invCovarTheta with dimnames not including all names of thetaPrior")
	#first remove all values outside the 95% confidence ellipsis
	# see http://www.stat.psu.edu/online/development/stat505/05_multnorm/04_multnorm_geom.html
	tmp.d <- sapply(vars, function(var){ pss1[,var] - (thetaPrior[var])})
	tmp.mahalanobis <- apply( tmp.d, 1, function(tmp.d){ t(tmp.d) %*% .invCovarTheta %*% tmp.d })
	tmp.chisq = qchisq( p=alpha, df=length(vars) )
	psc <- pss1[ tmp.mahalanobis < tmp.chisq, ]
	if( nrow(psc) < 10 )
		stop(paste("constrained too strong, selected nRows=",nrow(psc)))
	### pss1[ withinConfidenceInterval, ]	

replaceZinitCases <- function( 
	### Replaces states of Zinit by sampling the other states that are marked good.
	Zinit, ##<< initial states of the form required by \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} 
	boMat ##<< boolean matrix specifying good cases with rows cases and columns chains. If it is a vector, then matrix is constructed using last dimension as the number of chains 
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	## \code{\link{replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens}}

	if( is.vector(boMat))
		boMat <- matrix(boMat, ncol=dim(Zinit)[3])
	## Samples for the first half of chains are sampled from good cases of the second half of chains.
	## Samples for the second half of chains are sampled from good cases of first half of chains.
	tmp.nChains <- dim(Zinit)[3]
	if( !identical(dim(Zinit)[c(1,3)], dim(boMat)) )
		stop("dimensions of Zinti and boMat do not match")
	if( !is.logical(boMat) )
		stop("boMat is not a logical matrix")
	goodCases <- which( boMat, arr.ind=TRUE )
	goodCases1 <- goodCases[ goodCases[,2] <= tmp.nChains/2, ,drop=FALSE]	#non-missing values of first half
	goodCases2 <- goodCases[ goodCases[,2] > tmp.nChains/2, ,drop=FALSE]	#non-missing values of second half
	badCases <- which( !boMat, arr.ind=TRUE )
	badCases1 <- badCases[ badCases[,2] <= tmp.nChains/2, ,drop=FALSE] #missing values of the first half
	badCases2 <- badCases[ badCases[,2] > tmp.nChains/2, ,drop=FALSE] #missing values of the second half
	#replace non-finite yielding states of first halv by sampling the good cases rows of the second half
	tmp.j = sample( 1:nrow(goodCases2), nrow(badCases1), replace=TRUE )
	for( i in seq(along.with=badCases1[,1]) )	Zinit[badCases1[i,1], , badCases1[i,2] ] = Zinit[goodCases2[tmp.j[i],1], , goodCases2[tmp.j[i],2]  ]
	#replace non-finite yielding states of second halv by sampling the good cases rows of the first half
	tmp.j1 = sample( 1:nrow(goodCases1), nrow(badCases2), replace=TRUE )
	for( i in seq(along.with=badCases2[,1]) )	Zinit[badCases2[i,1], , badCases2[i,2] ] = Zinit[goodCases1[tmp.j1[i],1], , goodCases1[tmp.j1[i],2]  ]
	### Zinit, with several cols (parameter vectors) replaced by other cols

replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens <- function( 
	### Replaces states of Zinit that yield non-finite rLogDen by sampling other states.
	Zinit, ##<< initial states see InitDEMCzsp 
	logDen ##<< numeric matrix (nCases x nChains): calculated logDensitys for all the states in Zinit. If it is a vector then it is reshaped.  
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	## \code{\link{replaceZinitCases}}
	## In order for twDEMC to start up effectively, it is important that chains start from values, where the logDensity is finite
	bo <- is.finite(logDen)
	dim(bo) <- dim(Zinit)[c(1,3)]		# steps x chains
	replaceZinitCases( Zinit, bo )
	### Zinit, with several cols (parameter vectors) replaced by other cols
attr(replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens,"ex") <- function(){
	attach( twLinreg1 )
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, diag(4*sdTheta^2), nChainPop=8, nPop=2)
	res <- res0 <- twCalcLogDenPar(logDenGaussian, stackChains(Zinit) # chains stack to calculate in parallel
		,fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		,obs=obs				### vector of data to compare with
		,invCovar=invCovar,		### the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	res[res < -30] <- NA
	resM <- matrix(res, ncol=dim(Zinit)[3] ) # restacking to chains work because it is the last dimension
	Zinit2 <- replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens(Zinit, resM)
	Zinit3 <- replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDens(Zinit, res)
	res2 <- twCalcLogDenPar(logDenGaussian, stackChains(Zinit2) # chains stack to calculate in parallel
		,fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		,obs=obs			### vector of data to compare with
		,invCovar=invCovar,		### the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	d2 <- density(res2)
	lines( d2$x, d2$y * max(density(res0)$y)/max(d2$y), col="blue")

replaceZinitNonFiniteLogDensLastStep <- function( 
	### Replaces states of last step, i.e. column of Zinit that yield non-finite rLogDen by sampling other states.
	Zinit 			##<< initial states see InitDEMCzsp
	,fLogDen 		##<< the logDen Function
	,nPop=1			##<< number of populations. States are only choosen from same population
	,iStep=nrow(Zinit)	##<< the step for which to replace nonfinite yielding parameters.
	,maxSteps=16	##<< maximum number of iterations (when last row was replaced by another row yielding non-finite loglik)
	,...			##<< arguments to \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}}
	## \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}
	res <- twCalcLogDenPar( fLogDen, t(adrop(Zinit[iStep,,,drop=FALSE],2)), ... )
	rLogDen <- res$logDen
	logDenComp <- res$logDenComp
	iNonfinite <- which( !is.finite(rLogDen) )	# chains yielding non-finite logLik 
	nReplace <- length(iNonfinite)
	if( nReplace>0 ){ 
		# matrix finLogDen (nCase,nChain) markes the states which we do not want to sample again by FALSE
		dimZinit <- dim(Zinit)
		finLogDen <- matrix( TRUE, nrow=dimZinit[1], ncol=dimZinit[3] )
		finLogDen[iStep,] <- FALSE	#do not choose replacements from this step
		# make sure to sample a state from same population
		chainsPops <- matrix( 1:dimZinit[3], ncol=nPop )	# (nChainInPop x nPop)
		nChainPop <- nrow(chainsPops)
		rChain <- integer(nReplace)
		rStep <- integer(nReplace)
		while( (nReplace>0) & i<=maxSteps ){
			for( j in 1:nReplace){
				iPop <- ((iNonfinite[j]-1)%/%nChainPop)+1
				chainsPop <- chainsPops[,iPop]
				rChain[j] <- sample(  chainsPop, 1 )
				stepsPop <- which( finLogDen[,rChain[j] ] )
				rStep[j] <- sample(stepsPop , 1 )
				Zinit[iStep,, iNonfinite[j] ] <- Zinit[rStep[j],,rChain[j] ]
				finLogDen[rStep[j],rChain[j] ] <- FALSE		#do not sample those states again
			res <- twCalcLogDenPar( fLogDen, t(adrop(Zinit[iStep,,iNonfinite,drop=FALSE],2)), ... ) 
			rLogDen[iNonfinite] <- res$logDen
			logDenComp[iNonfinite,] <- res$logDenComp
			iNonfinite <- which( !is.finite(rLogDen) )
			nReplace <- length(iNonfinite)
		if( nReplace > 0 )
			warning("could not replace all non-finite states in row.")
	##value<< list with components
	list( ##describe<< 
		Zinit=Zinit					##<< argument \code{Zinit} with some states in last row replaced by other states from Zinit.
		, rLogDen=rLogDen			##<< numeric vector: results of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}} for last row for all chains
		, logDenComp=logDenComp		##<< numeric matrix: results of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}} for last row for all chains
	) ##end<<

.twDEMCStackToChains <- function(
	x			##<< numeric matrix (nStep x nParm)
	, nChain	##<< number of chains
	# if nRow(x) is not a multiple of nChain, then last rows are skipped.
	nCases <- nrow(x) %/% nChain
	resL <- lapply((1:nChain)-1, function(iChain0){
			x[nCases*iChain0 + (1:nCases), ,drop=FALSE]
	### list of subsets (by rows)
attr(.twDEMCStackToChains,"ex") <- function(){
	x <- matrix( 1:16, ncol=2, dimnames=list(step=NULL,parms=c("a","b")))
	tmp <- abind(.twDEMCStackToChains(x, 2), 3) 

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twDEMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m.