
Defines functions fitKinrespExperiment modelKinrespMic fitKinrespReplicate .tmp.f .fitKinrespReplAll .fitKinExperimentBeta .tmp.f fitKinrespExpAll fitKinrespSuite calcKinrespY calcKinrespQs

Documented in calcKinrespQs calcKinrespY fitKinrespExpAll fitKinrespExperiment fitKinrespReplicate fitKinrespSuite modelKinrespMic

# function for fitting a general three parameter exponential model
# and functions for fitting the kinRespModel with microbial parameters directly

#----------------- fitting microbial parameters directly -----------------
# see fitKinresp_test.R
fitKinrespExperiment <- function(
	### Fit microbial form to several replicated respiration time series
	### of one experiment.
	rde.e			##<< dataset with columns experiment, replicate, resp and time,
	# containing only unlimited growth phase
	# (see \code{\link{getUnlimitedGrowthData.kinrespList}}).
	, repFits		##<< Initial coefficients mumax, x0, and r0 for each replicate
	# (see \code{\link{coefKinresp.kinrespList}}).
	, lambda=0.9	##<< Ratio of growth associated (coupled) specific respiration
	# to total specific respiration. Usually 0.9.
	, YCO2=1.5		##<< Ratio of assimilated carbon per respired carbon (Y/(1-Y)).
	# Usually 1.5.
	, weights=NULL	##<< Variance function. see details
	, start=NULL	##<< Specifying starting values in an alternative way to
	# argument repFits.
	, tmp.names = c("none","x0l","r0l","x0l+r0l","x0l+r0l+mumaxl")	##<< scenarios
	# of random effects
	, showFitErrorMsg=FALSE	##<< if FALSE (standard) then error msg are
	# suppressed when no fit is obtained. This is a common case for the test
	# of variants that include too many random effects.
  ##details<< \describe{\item{Microbial parameters across replicates}{
  ## Microbial parameters can be inferred from fitting against the time
  ## series of respiration
  ## of each replicate separately (\code{\link{fitKinrespReplicate}}.
  ## However, what are then parameters of the population? The average across
  ## replicate parameters will be wrong.
  ## Alternatively, one can first average the measurement across replicates
  ## for each measurement time.
  ## However, the uncertainty of the parameters will be wrong.
  ## A viable solution is to fit a mixed model to all the replicate data.
  ## The micoribal parameters, then are described by a mean value of
  ## the population and a variance across replicates.
  ## Several options of which parameters vary across replicates can be tested.
  ## }}

  ## \describe{\item{Variance function}{
  ## If no weights are given, the measurement errors of the single
  ## observations are assumed to be identical. If measurement errors
  ## increase with the magnitude of the observations, this can be
  ## modeled by power variance function:
  ## \code{weights=\link{varPower}(fixed=delta)},
  ## with delta being a value between 0 (constant expected absolute error)
  ## and 1 (constant expected relative error).
  ## }}

	if (length(unique(rde.e$experiment)) != 1)
		stop("fitKinrespExperiment: found other than 1 unique experiment "
		     , "identifier in argument rde.e")

	if (is.null(start )) {
		if (is.null(repFits) ) stop(
		  "fitKinExperimentSuite: must provide starting values (start) or "
		  , "estimates for each replicate (repFits).")
		tmp.coefs <- subset(repFits, repFits$experiment %in% unique(rde.e$experiment))
		tmp.mumaxl <- mean(log(tmp.coefs[,"mumax"]), na.rm = TRUE)
		tmp.x0l <- mean(log(tmp.coefs[,"x0"]), na.rm = TRUE)
		tmp.r0l <- mean(logit(tmp.coefs[,"r0"]), na.rm = TRUE)
		start = c( tmp.mumaxl, tmp.r0l, tmp.x0l  ) # r0 comes before x0 in coef

	#the same rep might occur in several experiment, but random factor should
	#treat it as different, create unqiue rep
	#better use grouped factors
	#rde.e$exprep = paste( rde.e$experiment, rde.e$replicate, sep = "_")
	rde.e$exprep <- with(rde.e, experiment:replicate)[drop = TRUE]
	rde.eg <- groupedData( resp ~ time | experiment/replicate
	                       , data = cbind(rde.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2))
	# as a parameter tmp.names <- c("none","x0l","r0","x0l+r0","x0l+r0+mumaxl")
	tmp.AIC <- structure( rep(NA, length(tmp.names)),names = tmp.names)
	tmp.fits <- list()
				tmp.name <- tmp.names[1]
				tmp.fit1 <- gnls(
					resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
					  exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
					  exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
					, params = list(mumaxl+r0l+x0l~1)
					, start = start
					, weights = weights
					, data = rde.eg
				tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit1
				tmp.AIC[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit1)
			}),silent = !showFitErrorMsg)
	#try various models of random effects in different coefficients
	tmp.name <- "x0l"
	for (tmp.name in tmp.names[-1]) {
		#tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(tmp.name,"~1|experiment/replicate",sep = "")))
		tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(tmp.name,"~1|exprep",sep = "")))
		# not accepted as random formula: tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(tmp.name,"~1|experiment:replicate",sep = "")))
		#tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(experiment = NULL, exprep = ",tmp.name,"~1)",sep = "")))
		#tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(experiment = ",1,"~1, exprep = ",tmp.name,"~1)",sep = "")))
		#tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(experiment = NULL, exprep = ",tmp.name,"~1)",sep = "")))
		if (showFitErrorMsg ) message(tmp.random)
					tmp.fit2 <- nlme(
						resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
						  exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
						  exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
						#include fixed effects for each experiment
						#,fixed = list(mumaxl+r0l+x0l~experiment)
						,fixed = list(mumaxl+r0l+x0l~1)
						,random = tmp.random
						, weights = weights
						, start = start
						# for unbiased estimates of standard error and confidence intervals
						, method = 'REML'
						,data = rde.eg
					tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit2
					tmp.AIC[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit2)
				}),silent = !showFitErrorMsg)
	tmp.random <- tmp.names[ which.min(tmp.AIC)]
	tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[ tmp.random  ]]
		model = tmp.fit
		, random = tmp.random
		, fits = tmp.fits
		, aics = tmp.AIC
	### list with components \describe{
	### \item{model}{best fitting result}
	### \item{random}{best random effects scenario}
	### \item{fits}{fits of all random effects scenarios}
	### \item{aics}{Akaike information criterion for random effects scenarios}
	### }
attr(fitKinrespExperiment,"ex") <- function(){
  # data of one example treament: measurements of several replicates of one soil
  # data(respWutzler10)
  rde <- subset(respWutzler10, suite == "Face" & experiment == 9 )

  # constrain data to unlimited growth phase
  res4 <- kinrespGrowthphaseExperiment(rde, weights = varPower(fixed = 0.5) )
  rde.e <- getUnlimitedGrowthData(res4)
  # fit the mixed model to all replicates
  res5Scen <- fitKinrespExperiment(
    rde.e, coefKinresp(res4,rde.e), weights = varPower(fixed = 0.5)
    ,showFitErrorMsg = TRUE

  # get the best fit parameters of the population

  # examine the random-effects scenarios:
  # Here the lowest AIC suggest that activity state and initial microbial biomass
  # differed between replicates, but maximum growth was the same

  # plot the fits
  #windows(record = TRUE)
  rde.e$fitted <- fitted(res5Scen$model)
  plot( resp ~ time, data = rde.e, col = rde.e$replicate )
  tmp <- by( rde.e, rde.e$replicate, function(rder){
    lines(fitted~time,data = rder, col = as.numeric(rder[1,replicate]))})

  # estimated microbial coefficients
  (pars <- kinrespParDist(res5Scen$model))
  # plot the density of r0 and density summaries
  iPar = "r0"
  xGrid <- seq( pars[iPar,"cf025"]*0.8, pars[iPar,"cf975"]*1.2, length.out = 80)
  #fx <- dlnorm(xGrid, mean = pars[iPar,"mu"],sd = pars[iPar,"sigma"])
  fx <- dlogitnorm(xGrid, mu = pars[iPar,"mu"],sigma = pars[iPar,"sigma"])
  plot( fx ~ xGrid, type = "l", xlab = iPar, ylab = "density" )
  abline(v = pars[iPar,c("mle","median","mean","cf025","cf975")]
         , col = c("red","green","blue","gray","gray"))

modelKinrespMic <- function(
	### Calculate respiration for time, using microbial parameters
	,param			##<< named numeric vector ("x0","r0","mumax")
	, lambda = 0.9	##<< Ratio of growth associated (coupled) specific
	# respiration to total specific respiration. Usually 0.9.
	, YCO2 = 1.5		##<< Ratio of assimilated carbon per respired carbon.
	# Usually 1.5.
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}
	#param["x0"]*(1-param["r0"])*(1/lambda-1)*param["mumax"]/YCO2 +
	#param["x0"]*param["r0"]*1/lambda*param["mumax"]/YCO2 * exp( param["mumax"] *
	### \code{x0*(1-r0)*(1/lambda-1)*mumax/YCO2 + x0*r0*1/lambda*mumax/YCO2 *
	### exp(mumax*time)}

fitKinrespReplicate <- function(
	### Fitting the kinResp microbial model to time series of one replicate.
	rder.e			##<< Respiration dataset containing columns
	# replicate, resp and time, constrained to unlimited growth phase.
	, lambda = 0.9
	, YCO2 = 1.5
	, start = NULL
	, weights = NULL
	# fitKinrespRepl

	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}, \code{\link{coefKinresp.default}}

	## If the microbial explicit form did not fit, then the beta fit is returned.
	## The beta fit itself might not contain beta0, because it was constrained to 1.

	if (length(unique(rder.e$replicate)) != 1)
		stop("fitKinrespExperiment: found other than 1 unique replicate "
		     , "identifier in argument rder.e")

	if (is.null(start) ) {
		#obtain the starting values from linear fit of the beta model form
		start.beta <- coef(lm(log(rder.e$resp-0.99*min(rder.e$resp)) ~ rder.e$time))
		tmp.beta = structure(
			c(beta0 = 0.99*min(rder.e$resp)
			  ,beta1 = exp(start.beta[1]),beta2 = start.beta[2])
			,names = paste("beta",0:2,sep = "")
		#tmp.beta <- coef(fitExpModel(x = rder.e$time, y = rder.e$resp))
		start <- calcKinrespCoef(tmp.beta, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2)
	# replace starting values by logarithm
	#start.log <- coefKinrespLogStart(start)
	start.norm <- coefKinrespNormStart(start)
	tmp.fit <- try({
			#tmp.fit <- gnls( resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-r0)*(1/lambda-1)*mumax/YCO2 +
			#exp(x0l)*r0*1/lambda*mumax/YCO2 * exp( mumax * time)
			tmp.fit <- gnls(
			  resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
			    exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
			    exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
				#, params = mumax+r0+x0l~1
				, params = mumaxl+r0l+x0l~1
				, start = start.norm
				, weights = weights
				, data = cbind(rder.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2)
			#tmp.r0 <- logit(coef(tmp.fit)["r0l"])
	# fall back one, use start parameters of beta-Fit
	if (inherits(tmp.fit,"try-error" )) {
		tmp.beta <- coefKinrespBeta(coef(tmp <- fitKinrespBetaReplicate(
		  x = rder.e$time, y = rder.e$resp)))
		start <- calcKinrespCoef(
		  tmp.beta, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2, cf95 = confint(tmp))
		#start.log <- coefKinrespLogStart(start)
		start.norm <- coefKinrespNormStart(start)
		tmp.fit <- try(
			if (start.norm["r0"] == 1) {
					# if r0 > 1 refit with constraining r0 to 1
					tmp.fit <- gnls(
					  resp ~ exp(x0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 * exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
						, params = mumaxl+x0l~1	#without r0 that will be fixed to 1
						, start = start.norm[c(1,3)]
						, weights = weights
						, data = cbind(rder.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2, r0 = 1)
					attr(tmp.fit,"r0") <- 1
					attr(tmp.fit,"class") <- c("kinresp",class(tmp.fit))
					  resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
					    exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
					    exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
						, params = mumaxl+r0l+x0l~1
						, start = start.norm
						, weights = weights
						, data = cbind(rder.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2)
		# fall back two, deliver the beta model
		if (inherits(tmp.fit,"try-error" )) {
			tmp.fit <- tmp

.tmp.f <- function(rder.e){
	(tmp.m <- fitKinrespReplicate(rder.e))
	plot(rder.e$resp ~ rder.e$time)
	(tmp.mb <- fitExpModel(x = rder.e$time, y = rder.e$resp))
	lines( modelKinrespBeta(rder.e$time,tmp.beta) ~ rder.e$time )
	lines( modelKinrespMic(rder.e$time,tmp.start) ~ rder.e$time, col = "red" )

#------------ fitting all replicates
.fitKinrespReplAll <- function(
	### Invoking \code{\link{fitKinrespRepl}} for each experiment within the suite.
	rd.e			##<< constrained data series
	, lambda = 0.9
	, YCO2 = 1.5
	, weights = NULL
	# fitKinrespReplAll
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}

	coefRep <- data.frame()
	mRep <- list()
	i_exp <- "Ek_15_27"
	i_exp <- "17"
	for (i_exp in as.character(unique(rd.e$experiment))) {
		rde.e <- subset( rd.e, rd.e$experiment == i_exp )
		i_rep <- "22"
		i_rep <- "1"
		for (i_rep in as.character(unique(rde.e$replicate))) {
			rder.e <- subset( rde.e, replicate == i_rep)
			tmp.m <- fitKinrespReplicate(
			  rder.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2, weights = weights)
			mRep[[ paste(i_exp,i_rep,sep = "_") ]] <- tmp.m
			tmp.coef <- coefKinresp(coef(tmp.m))
			coefRep <- rbind( data.frame(
			  exp = i_exp, rep = i_rep, as.list(tmp.coef)), coefRep )
	list( m = mRep, coef = coefRep)
	###	list( m identifier of "idExp_idRep", coef: data.frame with each
	###	row one replicate,
	### columns exp, rep, \code{\link{coefKinresp(tmp.m)}}

#------------- entire experiment: mixed model to beta model ---------
.fitKinExperimentBeta <- function(
	### Fit an exponential equation to the data of the experiment
	### (each series constrained to unlimited growth phase).
	, weights = NULL
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}

	tmp.fit.e <- .fitExpModelConstr(rde.e$time,rde.e$resp, weights = weights)
	rde.e <- groupedData( resp ~ time | replicate, data = rde.e)
	start = list(fixed = coef(tmp.fit.e))
	if (is.null(start$fixed$beta0) ) {
		#fit beta0 fixed to 0
		tmp.names <- c("none","beta1","beta2"
		tmp.aic <- structure(
		  c(AIC(tmp.fit.e),rep(Inf,length(tmp.names) - 1)), names = tmp.names)
		tmp.fits <- list("none" = tmp.fit.e)
		tmp.name <- tmp.names[2]
		for (tmp.name in tmp.names[-1] ) {
			tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(tmp.name,"~1",sep = "")))
				tmp.fit2.e <- nlme(
					resp ~ beta1 * exp( beta2 * time)
					,fixed = beta1+beta2~1
					,random = tmp.random
					, start = start
					, method = 'REML'	# for unbiased estimates of standard error and confidence intervals
					,data = rde.e
			},silent = TRUE)
			tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit2.e
			tmp.aic[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit2.e)
	} else {# three parameter model
		startlog <- start; startlog$fixed$beta0 <- NULL
		startlog$fixed$beta0l <- log(start$fixed$beta0)
		# for this case allow full correlations of the parameters, do not work
		# with pdDiag etc
		tmp.names <- c("none","beta0l","beta1","beta2"
		tmp.aic <- structure(
		  c(AIC(tmp.fit.e),rep(Inf,length(tmp.names) - 1)), names = tmp.names)
		tmp.fits <- list("none" = tmp.fit.e)
		tmp.name <- tmp.names[2]
		for (tmp.name in tmp.names[-1] ) {
			tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(tmp.name,"~1",sep = "")))
				tmp.fit2.e <- nlme(
					resp ~ log(beta0l) + beta1 * exp( beta2 * time)
					,fixed = beta0l+beta1+beta2~1
					,random = tmp.random
					, start = 	#starting values from gnls
					  # for unbiased estimates of standard error and confidence intervals
					, method = 'REML'
					,data = rde.e
				tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit2.e
				tmp.aic[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit2.e)
		tmp.f <- function(){
			#tmp.names <- c("none","beta0","beta1","beta2","beta0+beta1","beta0+beta1_cor","beta0+beta1_corf","beta0+beta2","beta0+beta1+beta2","beta0+beta1+beta2_cor","beta0+beta1+beta2_corf")
			tmp.aic <- structure(
			  c(AIC(tmp.fit.e),AIC(tmp.fit2.e),rep(Inf,length(tmp.names) - 2))
			  , names = tmp.names)
			tmp.fits <- list("none" = tmp.fit.e, "beta0" = tmp.fit2.e)

			  tmp.fits$beta1 <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = beta1~1)
			  tmp.aic["beta1"] <- AIC(tmp.fits$beta1)
			  }, silent = TRUE)
			  tmp.fits$beta2 <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = beta2~1)
			  tmp.aic["beta2"] <- AIC(tmp.fits$beta2)
			  }, silent = TRUE)
			tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[names(tmp.aic)[ which.min(tmp.aic)] ]]

			#from now in increasing order so that most complex sucessful fit
			#overwrites the previous one

			#try({ tmp.fits[["beta0+beta2"]] <- tmp.fit <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = pdDiag(beta0+beta2~1)); tmp.aic["beta0+beta2"] <- AIC(tmp.fit) },silent = TRUE)
			#try({ tmp.fits[["beta0+beta2_cor"]] <- tmp.fit <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = pdSymm(beta0+beta2~1)); tmp.aic["beta0+beta2_cor"] <- AIC(tmp.fit) },silent = TRUE)
			#try({ tmp.fits[["beta1+beta2"]] <- tmp.fit <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = pdDiag(beta1+beta2~1)); tmp.aic["beta1+beta2"] <- AIC(tmp.fit) },silent = TRUE)
			#try({ tmp.fits[["beta1+beta2_cor"]] <- tmp.fit <- update( tmp.fit2.e, random = pdSymm(beta1+beta2~1)); tmp.aic["beta1+beta2_cor"] <- AIC(tmp.fit) },silent = TRUE)

			# check on random in initial activity
			  tmp.fits[["beta0+beta1_cor"]] <- tmp.fit <- update(
			    tmp.fit2.e, random = pdSymm(beta0+beta1~1))
			  tmp.aic["beta0+beta1_cor"] <- AIC(tmp.fit) - 2
			  },silent = TRUE) #corr parameter of nearly-1 is always due to state

			# check on additional effect of
						#allow correlation between beta0 and beta1 but beta2 independent
						tmp.fits[["beta0+beta1+beta2_cor"]] <- tmp.fit <- update(
						  tmp.fit2.e, random = pdBlocked(
						    list(beta0+beta1~1,beta2~1),pdClass = c("pdSymm","pdDiag"))
						tmp.aic["beta0+beta1+beta2_cor"] <- AIC(tmp.fit)
					},silent = TRUE)
		}#tmp.f of more complicated covariance matrices
	}# else omit beta0l
	tmp.random <- names(tmp.aic)[ which.min(tmp.aic)]
	tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[ tmp.random ]]
	### list with entries
		fit = tmp.fit	    ##<< the fit with the lowest AIC may be of
		# class gnls or nlme
		,fits = tmp.fits	##<< List of results of all the variants of
		# inclusion of random effects.
		, aics = tmp.aic	##<< Akaike Information criterion for fits,
		# information on errors, on some replicates

.tmp.f <- function(rd.e){
	i_exp <- 31
	i_exp <- "Ul_6_46"
	rde.e <- subset( rd.e, experiment == i_exp )	#entire experiment
	plot(rde.e$resp ~ rde.e$time, pch = 19 + match(
	i_rep <- "15"
	rder.e <- subset( rde.e, replicate == i_rep)
	plot(rder.e$resp ~ rder.e$time, pch = 19 + match(

	tmp.m <- fitKinrespReplicate( rder.e )

	subset(rde.e, resp < 2)

	  rde.e$resp[order(rde.e$time)]~rde.e$time[order(rde.e$time)], col = "blue")
	  , col = "red")

#---------------- fitting the mixed model to microbial parameters

fitKinrespExpAll <- function(
	### Invoking fitKinrespExp for each experiment within the suite.
	rd.e			  ##<< dataset with columns suite, experiment, replicate,
	# resp and time, containing only unlimited growth phase.
	, repFits		##<< Initial coefficients mumax, x0, and r0 for each replicate
	, lambda = 0.9
	, YCO2 = 1.5
	, weights = NULL
	# fitKinrespExpAll
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}

	coefExp <- data.frame()
	mExp <- list()
	#i_exp <- "Ek_15_27"
	#i_exp <- "17"
	i_exp <- "3"
	for (i_exp in as.character(unique(rd.e$experiment))) {
		rde.e <- subset( rd.e, rd.e$experiment == i_exp )
		tmp.m <- fitKinrespExperiment(
		  rde.e, repFits, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2, weights = weights)$m
		mExp[[ paste(i_exp,sep = "_") ]] <- tmp.m
		tmp.coef <- coefKinresp(fixef(tmp.m))
		coefExp <- rbind( data.frame(exp = I(i_exp), as.list(tmp.coef)),coefExp )
	list( m = mExp, coef = coefExp)

fitKinrespSuite <- function(
	### Fit microbial form the entire suite.
	, repFits
	, lambda = 0.9
	, YCO2 = 1.5
	, weights = NULL
	, start = NULL
	, tmp.names = c("none","x0l","r0l","x0l+r0l","x0l+r0l+mumaxl")
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}

	# XXTodo random effect for each experiment instead of one across all
	# parameters
	#   rds.e: dataset with columns experiment, replicate, resp and time,
	#   containing only exponential growth phase
	#   repFits: coefficients mumax, x0, and r0 for each replicate (columns exp)
	# purpose: estimate the common parameter in the error model
	# return:
	#	fit: the fit with the lowest AIC may be of class gnls or nlme
	#	aics: informaiton on errors, on various form of inclusion of random effects

	if (is.null(start )) {
		if (is.null(repFits) ) stop(
		  "fitKinrespExpSuite: must provide starting values (start) or "
		  , "estimates for each replicate (repFits).")
		# take the means of all the replicates as starting values
		tmp.exp <- (repFits$experiment)[drop = TRUE]
		tmp.mumaxl <- tapply(log(repFits[,"mumax"]),tmp.exp,mean, na.rm = TRUE)
		tmp.x0l <- tapply(log(repFits[,"x0"]),tmp.exp,mean, na.rm = TRUE)
		tmp.r0l <- tapply(logit(repFits[,"r0"]),tmp.exp,mean, na.rm = TRUE)
		start = c( tmp.mumaxl, tmp.r0l, tmp.x0l  ) # r0 comes before x0 in coef

	#the same rep might occur in several experiment, but random factor should
	#treat it as differnt, create unqiue rep
	#better use grouped factors
	#rds.e$exprep = paste( rds.e$experiment, rds.e$replicate, sep = "_")
	rds.e$exprep <- with(rds.e, experiment:replicate)[drop = TRUE]
	rds.eg <- groupedData(
	  resp ~ time | experiment/replicate
	  , data = cbind(rds.e, lambda = lambda, YCO2 = YCO2))
	# as a parameter tmp.names <- c("none","x0l","r0","x0l+r0","x0l+r0+mumaxl")
	tmp.AIC <- structure( rep(NA, length(tmp.names)),names = tmp.names)
	tmp.fits <- list()
		tmp.name <- tmp.names[1]
		tmp.fit1 <- gnls(
				resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
				  exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
				  exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
				, params = list(mumaxl+r0l+x0l~experiment)
				, start = start
				, weights = weights
				, data = rds.eg
				, control = gnlsControl(nlsTol = 0.1)
		tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit1
		tmp.AIC[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit1)
	#try various models of random effects in different coefficients
	tmp.name <- "x0l"
	for (tmp.name in tmp.names[-1]) {
		tmp.random <- eval(parse(text = paste(
		  tmp.name,"~experiment|exprep",sep = "")))
			tmp.fit2 <- nlme(
					resp ~ exp(x0l)*(1-invlogit(r0l))*(1/lambda-1)*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 +
					  exp(x0l)*invlogit(r0l)*1/lambda*exp(mumaxl)/YCO2 *
					  exp( exp(mumaxl) * time)
					#include fixed effects for each experiment
					,fixed = list(mumaxl+r0l+x0l~experiment)
					,random = tmp.random
					, weights  = weights
					, start = start
					# for unbiased estimates of standard error and confidence intervals
					, method = 'REML'
					,data = rds.eg
			tmp.fits[[tmp.name]] <- tmp.fit2
			tmp.AIC[tmp.name] <- AIC(tmp.fit2)
	tmp.random <- tmp.names[ which.min(tmp.AIC)]
	tmp.fit <- tmp.fits[[ tmp.random  ]]
	list( m = tmp.fit, random = tmp.random, fits = tmp.fits, aics = tmp.AIC )

#-------- converting the respiraiton specific outputs to maximum uptake
# rates and biomass yields
calcKinrespY <- function(
	### Convert yield biomass/respiration to biomass/consumed substrate.
	YCO2 = 1.5
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}
  (tmp.Y <- 1 - 1/(1 + YCO2))

calcKinrespQs <- function(
	### Calculate respiration components.
	, YCO2 = 1.5		##<< Yield per respired CO2
	, lambda = 0.9
	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}
  # maximum uncoupled specific respiration Q' = uncoupled uptake
	tmp.Qu = (1/lambda - 1)*mumax/YCO2
	tmp.QT = 1/lambda*mumax/YCO2 # Total specific respiration Q_T
	tmp.Y <- calcKinrespY(YCO2)
	# maximum substrate uptake for coupled respiration
	tmp.Q = (tmp.QT - tmp.Qu)/(1 - tmp.Y)
		Q = tmp.Q			##<< maximum substrate uptake for coupled respiration
		, Qu = tmp.Qu		##<< maximum uncoupled specific respiration
		# Q' = uncoupled uptake
		, QT = tmp.QT		##<< Total specific respiration Q_T
		, Y = tmp.Y		##<< Yield: biomass/consumed substrate
	### list with components \describe{
	### \item{Q}{maximum substrate uptake for coupled respiration}
	### \item{Qu}{maximum uncoupled specific respiration Q' = uncoupled uptake}
	### \item{QT}{Total specific respiration Q_T}
	### \item{Y}{Yield: biomass/consumed substrate}
	### }

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twKinresp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:47 p.m.