
Defines functions .calcKnots twApply2DMesh twPlot2D setAlpha

Documented in setAlpha twApply2DMesh twPlot2D

.panel.hist <- function (x, ...){
    usr <- par("usr")
    par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 2))
    h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
    breaks <- h$breaks
    nB <- length(breaks)
    y <- h$counts
    y <- y/max(y)
    rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "grey")

.panel.cor <- function (x, y, ...){
    cr <- cor(x,y)  
    text(x = mean(range(x)), y = mean(range(y)), labels = format(cr, digits = 2), cex=0.8+1.2*abs(cr) )

twPairs <- function (
    ### Pairs-plot with scatterplots in upper part and histogram in diagonal
    x               ##<< numeric matrix
    ,nsample = 200  ##<< maximum number of points in scatterplot, set to NULL to show all rows
    , ...           ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{pairs}}
    ##seealso<< \link{twMisc}
    ##details<< \describe{\item{Further plotting Functionality of package twMisc}{
    ## \itemize{
    ## \item Pairs-plot with scatterplots in upper part and histogram in diagonal: this method 
    ## \item 2D image and contour plots: \code{\link{plot.twApply2DMesh}}
    ## \item 3D scatter and contour plots: \code{plot.twApply3DMesh} has been moved to package twMiscRgl because of package dependencies. 
    ## }
    ## based on pairs.modCost from package FME
    panel.main <- function(x, y, ...) points(x[ii], y[ii], ...)
    if (is.vector(x)) 
        x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (is.null(nsample) || (nrow(x)<nsample) ) 
        ii <- 1:nrow(x)
    else ii <- sample((1:nrow(x)), nsample)
    labels <- colnames(x)
    dots <- list(...)
    dots$diag.panel <- if (is.null(dots$diag.panel)) 
        else dots$diag.panel
    dots$lower.panel <- if (is.null(dots$lower.panel)) 
        else dots$lower.panel
    dots$upper.panel <- if (is.null(dots$upper.panel)) 
        else dots$upper.panel
    dots$gap <- if (is.null(dots$gap)) 
        else dots$gap
    dots$labels <- if (is.null(dots$labels)) 
        else dots$labels
    do.call("pairs", c(alist(x), dots))

.calcKnots <- function(
    ### calculate the knot positions
    x                   ##<< numeric vector of samples
    ,nKnots             ##<< number of knots
        ### method for calulating the knots 
        quantile="quantile"     ##<< \code{\link{cutQuantiles}} for breaks of intervals holding about equal number of points, includes edges (default) 
        ,midquantile="midquantile"  ##<< \code{\link{cutQuantiles}} for midpoints of intervals holding about equal number of points, by excluding the edges the sample is represented better  
        ,all="all"                  ##<< take all the provided xyz coordinates (overwrites nKnots)
        ,equidistant="equidistant") ##<< cover the range of dimension i by \code{nKnots} equidistant points
    r <- range(x)
    knotSpacing <- match.arg(knotSpacing)
    res <- switch(knotSpacing,
        all = x,
        equidistant = seq(r[1], r[2], length.out=nKnots),
        quantile = cutQuantiles(x,g=nKnots-1,onlycuts=TRUE),    # 1 more cuts than intervals
        midquantile = cutQuantiles(x,g=nKnots,onlymeans=TRUE),
        stop(".calcKnots: unknown method of spacing knots."))
    ### numeric vector of positions across the range of x 
attr(.calcKnots,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- rnorm(100)
    tmp <- .calcKnots(x,10)
    abline(v=tmp, col="grey")

twApply2DMesh <- function(
    ### Applying FUN over x-y grid that is adapted to the density of x,y values. 
    x,y=NULL                    ##<< range of x and y ordinate see \code{\link{xy.coords}}.
    ,FUN="+", argsFUN=list()    
    ,dims=20                    ##<< integer vector of length 1 or 2: number of points in each dimension
    ,knotSpacing=c(             ##<< method for calulating the knots 
        midquantile="midquantile"   ##<< \code{\link{cutQuantiles}} for midpoints of intervals holding about equal number of points, by excluding the edges the sample is represented better (default)  
        ,quantile="quantile"        ##<< \code{\link{cutQuantiles}} for breaks of intervals holding about equal number of points, includes edges
        ,all="all"                  ##<< take all the provided xyz coordinates (overwrites dims)
        ,equidistant="equidistant"  ##<< cover the range of dimension i by \code{dims} equidistant points
    ,...                ##<< further arguments passed to FUN
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{plot.twApply2DMesh}}
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{twPairs}}, \link{twMisc}
    ## Note that knotSpacing default is "midquantile",
    ## so x and y do not specify the real coordinates (only with knotSpacing=all),
    ## but \code{dims} coordinates are calculated based on the density 
    ## Note that with "midquantile", the grid does not cover the full range
    ## but the grid spacing is representative of the marginal distributions
    if( length(dims)<2 ) dims <- rep(dims[1],2)
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    if( 0==length(xy$xlab) ) xy$xlab=deparse(substitute(x))
    if( 0==length(xy$ylab) ) xy$ylab=deparse(substitute(y))
    dr <- lapply(xy[1:2],range)
    knotSpacing <- match.arg(knotSpacing)
    if( knotSpacing=="all" )
        dims=rep( length(xy$x),2 )
    grid <- lapply(1:2, function(i){ .calcKnots(xy[[i]], nKnots=dims[i], knotSpacing=knotSpacing) })
    names(grid) <- names(xy)[1:2]
    mydf <- do.call( expand.grid, grid )
    h <- do.call(FUN, c(list(mydf$x,mydf$y),argsFUN,list(...)) )
    #res <- array(h, dim=dims, dimnames=grid)
    res <- array(h, dim=dims, dimnames=list(x=NULL,y=NULL))
    names(dimnames(res)) <- names(grid) <- c(xy$xlab,xy$ylab)
    resList <- list( mesh=do.call(cbind,grid), fval=res, label=label, rangeOrig=lapply(xy[1:2],range))
    class(resList) <- "twApply2DMesh"
    ### list of class twApply2DMesh with itmes \itemize{
    ### \item mesh:matrix with each row one coordinate and two columns corresponding to x and y 
    ### \item fval: the two dimensional array of evaluated function values
    ### \item label: argument label describing fval
    ### \item rangeOrig: list with items x, and y with the range of the original sample
    ### }

setMethodS3("plot","twApply2DMesh", function( 
    ### Creating an image or contour plot of a three-dimensional array.
    x                           ##<< object of class twApply2DMesh, a result of \code{\link{twApply2DMesh}}
    ,zlab=NULL                  ##<< label of the color key
    , ...                       ##<< further arguments passed to \code{\link{twPlot2D}} 
    # plot.twApply2DMesh
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{twPairs}}, \link{twMisc}
    #dn <- sapply( dimnames(x), as.numeric )
    if( 0==length(zlab)) zlab=x$label
    if( 0==length(xlim)) xlim=x$rangeOrig$x
    if( 0==length(ylim)) ylim=x$rangeOrig$y
attr(plot.twApply2DMesh,"ex") <- function(){
    #Example: Nested contours of mixture of three bi-variate normal densities
    nmix3 <- function(x, y, m, s) {
        0.4 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, m, s)  +
            0.3 * dnorm(x, -m, s) * dnorm(y, -m, s)  +
            0.3 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, -1.5 * m, s) 
    f <- function(x,y) nmix3(x,y,.5,.5)
    n <- 50
    x <- rnorm(n,.5,.7)
    yy <- rnorm(n,.5,.8)
    plot( tmp <- twApply2DMesh(x,yy,f,dims=30,label="density"))
    plot( tmp, contour=TRUE)
twPlot2D <- function(
    ### Creating an image or contour plot of a three-dimensional array.
    x,y=NULL        ##<< locations of grid lines at which the values in z are measured. These must be in ascending order. By default, equally spaced values from 0 to 1 are used. If x is a list, its components x$x and x$y are used for x and y, respectively. If the list has component z this is used for z.
    ,z=NULL         ##<< a matrix containing the values to be plotted (NAs are allowed). Note that x can be used instead of z for convenience.                      
    , xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, zlab=NULL   ##<< labels, default to variable names or column names in x
    , key.title, key.axes, axes=TRUE, las = 1   ##<< see \code{\link{filled.contour}}
    , contour=FALSE             ##<< if TRUE then \code{\link{filled.contour}} is used for plotting. Otherwisee \code{\link{image}}
    , col= rev(heat.colors(20)) ##<< colors for using image
    #, color.palette=function(n){rev(heat.colors(n))}  ##<< colors for using filled.contour
    , ...                                ##<< further arguments passed to \code{\link{filled.contour}} or \code{\link{image}} 
        ## # such as \code{ key.title=title(sub="Log-Like-\nlihood\n"), color.palette=function(n){rev(heat.colors(n))} }
        ## # or for image \code{col=rev(heat.colors(20))}
    # plot.twApply2DMesh
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{twPairs}}, \link{twMisc}
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y)
    if( 0==length(xy$xlab) ) xy$xlab=deparse(substitute(x))
    if( 0==length(xy$ylab) ) xy$ylab=deparse(substitute(y))
    if( 0==length(xlab) ) xlab=xy$xlab
    if( 0==length(ylab) ) ylab=xy$ylab
    if( (0==length(zlab)) & (0<length(z)) )  zlab=deparse(substitute(z))
    par.orig <- par(c("mar", "las", "mfrow"))
    if( contour ){
        if (missing(key.title)) 
            filled.contour( xy$x, xy$y, z, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, key.title=title(sub=zlab,line=1), ... )
            filled.contour( xy$x, xy$y, z, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ... )
        mar.orig <- par.orig$mar
        zlim <- range(z, na.rm=TRUE)
        levels <- seq( zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out=length(col)+1 )
        w <- (3 + mar.orig[2L]) * par("csi") * 2.54
        layout(matrix(c(2, 1), ncol = 2L), widths = c(1, lcm(w)))
        par(las = las)
        mar <- mar.orig
        mar[4L] <- mar[2L]
        mar[2L] <- 1
        par(mar = mar)
        plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = zlim, xaxs = "i",    yaxs = "i")
        rect(0, levels[-length(levels)], 1, levels[-1L], col = col, border=NA) #"gray80"
        if (missing(key.axes)) {
            if (axes) axis(4)
        } else key.axes
        if (!missing(key.title)) key.title else
            if( 0<length(zlab) ) title(sub=zlab, line=1)
        mar <- mar.orig
        mar[4L] <- 1
        par(mar = mar)
        #image(xs,ys,res, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, breaks=levels, col=col )
        image(xy$x, xy$y,z, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, breaks=levels, col=col, ... )
attr(twPlot2D,"ex") <- function(){
    nmix3 <- function(x, y, m, s) {
        0.4 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, m, s)  +
            0.3 * dnorm(x, -m, s) * dnorm(y, -m, s)  +
            0.3 * dnorm(x, m, s) * dnorm(y, -1.5 * m, s) 
    f <- function(x,y) nmix3(x,y,.5,.5)
    n <- 30
    x <- sort(rnorm(n,.5,.7))
    y <- sort(rnorm(n,.5,.8))
    tmp <- twApply2DMesh(x,y,f,knotSpacing="all")
    twPlot2D( tmp$mesh,z=tmp$fval,zlab="density")

setAlpha <- function(
    ### Setting a new alpha value (0..1 transparency) for color
    cols        ##<< vector of colors
    ,alpha=0.8  ##<< new alpha-Value    
    tmp <- col2rgb(cols)
    rgb( tmp[1,], tmp[2,], tmp[3,], alpha=alpha, maxColorValue = 255)
    ### vector of colors

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twMisc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 p.m.