
Defines functions width.tvcm weights.tvcm print.splitpath.tvcm splitpath.tvcm resid.tvcm ranef.tvcm summary.tvcm print.prunepath.tvcm prunepath.tvcm prune.tvcm print.tvcm tvcm_print predict.tvcm nobs.tvcm neglogLik2.tvcm logLik.tvcm getCall.tvcm formula.tvcm fitted.tvcm extractAIC.tvcm extract.tvcm depth.tvcm coef.tvcm

Documented in coef.tvcm depth.tvcm extract.tvcm fitted.tvcm formula.tvcm getCall.tvcm logLik.tvcm neglogLik2.tvcm nobs.tvcm predict.tvcm print.tvcm prunepath.tvcm prune.tvcm ranef.tvcm resid.tvcm splitpath.tvcm summary.tvcm weights.tvcm width.tvcm

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:          Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:          rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:            2017-08-19
## Description:
## S3 methods for tvcm objects
## References:
## party:           http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=party
## partykit:        http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=partykit
## Methods:
## coef, coefficients:
## depth:               depth of trees
## extract:
## fitted:
## formula:
## getCall:             extract original call
## logLik:              extract log Likelihood
##                      and partitioning variables
## nobs:                extract the number of observations
## predict:             predict responses (see prediction of 'olmm' class)
## print:               print tvcm objects
## prune:               prune the tree
## ranef:               extract the predicted random effects
## resid, residuals:    extract residuals
## splitpath:           show information of the splitting procedure
## weights:             extract the weights
## width:               width of trees
## Modifications:
## 2017-08-17: delete model.frame method
## 2016-02-16: changed titles for varying coefficients in 'tvcm_print'.
## 2016-01-10: changed 'neglokLik2.tvcm' to allow for subsets
## 2015-08-21: implemented changes to 'tvcm_formula' in 'prune.tvcm'.
## 2014-10-18: added 'depth' and 'width' methods
## 2014-10-14: adapt print.splitpath to new dev-grid structure
## 2014-10-03: add option 'cv' to 'extract.tvcm'
## 2014-09-17: prune.tvcm:
##             - 'keepdev' argument in 'prune.tvcm' dropped (to complicated
##               to explain)
##             - add 'control' argument 
## 2014-09-15: 'tab', 'ntab' and 'otab' are not matrices
## 2014-09-02: added 'prunepath.tvcm' and 'print.prunepath.tvcm' functions
## 2014-09-02: various modifications in 'prune.tvcm' for accelerations:
##             - 'do.call' was replaced by 'eval'
##             - new option 'keepdev' (reuses information of the previous
##               pruning step)
##             - new option 'papply' (even though the accrelation is not
##               as efficient as expected)
## 2014-08-13: modified option 'type = "coef"' of predict.tvcm
##             to deal with multiple components
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

coef.tvcm <- function(object, ...) tvcm_get_estimates(object, ...)

coefficients.tvcm <- coef.tvcm 

depth.tvcm <- function(x, root = FALSE, ...) {
  rval <- sapply(x$info$node, depth, root = root)
  names(rval) <- LETTERS[seq_along(rval)]

extract.tvcm <- function(object, what = c("control", "model", 
                                   "nodes", "sctest", "p.value",
                                   "devgrid", "cv",  "selected", 
                                   "coef", "sd", "var"),
                         steps = NULL, ...) {
    what <- match.arg(what)
    splitpath <- object$info$splitpath
    if (length(splitpath) > 0 && is.null(steps))
        steps <- seq(1L, object$info$nstep)
    rval <- NULL
    sctest <- object$info$control$sctest
    if (what == "control") {
    } else if (what == "sctest" && sctest) {
        rval <- lapply(splitpath[steps], function(x) x$sctest)
    } else if (what == "devgrid" && !is.null(splitpath)) {
        rval <- lapply(splitpath[steps], function(x) x$grid)
    } else if (what == "cv") {
        if (is.null(object$info$cv)) {
            warning("no information on cross-validation")
        } else {
    } else if (what == "model") {
    } else if (what == "selected") {
        rval <-
                   function(node) {
                       if (depth(node) > 0L) {
                           ids <- setdiff(nodeids(node),
                                          nodeids(node, terminal = TRUE))
                           rval <- unlist(
                               nodeapply(node, ids,
                                         function(node) node$split$varid))
                           if (length(rval) > 0L)
                               rval <- unique(colnames(object$data)[rval])
                       } else {
                           rval <- NULL
    } else if (sctest && what == "p.value" && !is.null(splitpath)) {
        rval <- unlist(sapply(splitpath[steps],
                              function(x) {
                                  if (is.null(x$sctest)) return(NA)
                                  rval <- na.omit(unlist(x$sctest))
                                  if (length(rval) == 0) return(NA)
                                  return(min(rval, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else if (what %in% c("coef", "sd", "var")) {
        return(tvcm_get_estimates(object, what = what, ...))   
    } else if (what == "nodes") {

extractAIC.tvcm <- function(fit, scale, k = 2, ...) {
    extractAIC(extract(fit, "model"), scale, k, ...)

fitted.tvcm <- function(object, ...) vcrpart_fitted(object, ...)

formula.tvcm <- function(x, ...) return(x$info$formula$original)

getCall.tvcm <- function(x, ...) return(x$info$call)

logLik.tvcm <- function(object, ...)
    return(logLik(extract(object, "model")))

neglogLik2.tvcm <- function(object, ...)
    return(neglogLik2(extract(object, "model"), ...))

nobs.tvcm <- function(object, ...) nobs(extract(object, "model"), ...)

predict.tvcm <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
                         type = c("link", "response", "prob", "class",
                                  "node", "coef", "ranef"),
                         ranef = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, ...) {
    ## match type
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "prob") type = "response"
    ## resolve conflicts with the 'ranef' argument
    if (!is.null(newdata) && !is.data.frame(newdata))
        stop("'newdata' must be a 'data.frame'")
    if (!is.null(newdata) && is.logical(ranef) && ranef)
        stop("'ranef' should be 'FALSE' or a 'matrix' if 'newdata' is not ",
    if (type == "ranef" & (!is.logical(ranef) | is.logical(ranef) && ranef))
        stop("for 'type = 'ranef'' the argument 'ranef' must be 'FALSE'.")
    if (type == "ranef" & !is.null(newdata))
        stop("prediction for random effect for 'newdata' is not ",
    if (type == "ranef") return(ranef(object$info$model, ...))
    ## the terminal node identifiers
    ids <- lapply(object$info$node, nodeids, terminal = TRUE)
    ## substitute 'newdata' by learning sample
    if (is.null(newdata)) {

        newdata <- object$info$data

    } else {
        ## check levels of 'newdata'
        Terms <- delete.response(terms(object$info$data))
        dropT <- which(!(attr(Terms, "term.labels") %in% colnames(newdata)))
        if (length(dropT) > 0) Terms <- drop.terms(Terms, dropT)
        xlevels <- .getXlevels(attr(object$info$data, "terms"),
        xlevels <- xlevels[names(xlevels) %in%  all.vars(Terms)]
        if (object$info$fit == "olmm") {
            xlevels <- xlevels[names(xlevels) !=
        newdata <-
                Terms, newdata,
                na.action = na.action,
                xlev = xlevels))
        if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
            .checkMFClasses(cl, newdata)
    ## extract node ids
    fitted <- as.data.frame(
        tvcm_get_node(object, newdata, formList = object$info$formula))
    newdata[, names(fitted)] <- fitted
    ## return fitted node ids
    if (type == "node") {
        ## return fitted nodes
    } else if (type == "coef") {
        ## extract individual effects
        what <- list(...)$what
        if (is.null(what)) what <- "coef"
        coef <- extract(object, what)
        fe <- vc <- re <- NULL
        if (length(coef$fe) > 0L)
            fe <- matrix(coef$fe, nrow = nrow(fitted),
                         ncol = length(coef$fe), byrow = TRUE,
                         dimnames = list(rownames(fitted), names(coef$fe)))

        if (!is.null(coef$vc)) {
            for (pid in 1:length(coef$vc)) {
                if (ncol(coef$vc[[pid]]) > 0L) {
                    vcPid <- lapply(fitted[, pid],
                                        coef$vc[[pid]][as.character(x), ])
                    vcPid <- matrix(
                        unlist(vcPid), nrow = nrow(fitted), byrow = TRUE)
                    rownames(vcPid) <- rownames(fitted)
                    colnames(vcPid) <- colnames(coef$vc[[pid]])
                    vc <- cbind(vc, vcPid)
        if (length(coef$re) > 0L)
            re <- matrix(coef$re, nrow = nrow(fitted),
                         ncol = length(coef$re), byrow = TRUE,
                         dimnames = list(rownames(fitted), names(coef$re)))
        rval <- cbind(fe, vc)
        terms <- unique(colnames(rval))
        rval <-
            sapply(terms, function(x)
                rowSums(rval[, colnames(rval) == x, drop = FALSE],
                        na.rm = TRUE))
        vcparm <- unique(unlist(tvcm_get_vcparm(object)))
        parm <- union(colnames(rval), vcparm)
        if (length(misC <- setdiff(parm, colnames(rval))) > 0L) {
            cn <- c(colnames(rval), misC)
            rval <- cbind(rval, matrix(0, nrow(rval), length(misC)))
            colnames(rval) <- cn
        rval <- cbind(rval, re)
        rownames(rval) <- rownames(fitted)     
    } else {
        ## call predict of fitting function
        return(predict(object$info$model, newdata = newdata,
                       type = type, ranef = ranef,
                       na.action = na.action, ...))

tvcm_print <- function(x, type = c("print", "summary"),
                       etalab = c("int", "char", "eta"), ...) {

  type <- match.arg(type)
  etalab <- match.arg(etalab)
  coef <- extract(x, "coef")
  sd <- extract(x, "sd")
  yLevs <- if (x$info$fit == "olmm") levels(x$info$model$y) else NULL
  cat(x$info$title, "\n")
  cat("  Family:", x$info$family$family, x$info$family$link, "\n")
  cat(" Formula:", deparse(x$info$formula$original, 500L)[1L], "\n")  
  if (length(str <- deparseCall(x$info$call$data)) > 0L)
    cat("    Data:", str, "\n")
  if (length(str <- deparseCall(x$info$call$subset)) > 0L)
    cat("  Subset:", str, "\n")
  if (x$info$control$sctest)
    cat(paste("   Tests: alpha = ", format(x$info$control$alpha, ...),
              if (x$info$control$bonferroni) ", nodewise Bonferroni corrected\n",
              sep = ""))
  if (length(coef$re) > 0L) {
    cat("\nRandom Effects:\n")
    VarCorr <- VarCorr(extract(x, "model"))
    if (x$info$fit == "olmm") {
      VarCorr <- olmm_rename(VarCorr, yLevs, x$info$family, etalab)
      print.VarCorr.olmm(VarCorr, ...)
    } else {
  if (length(coef$fe) > 0L) {
    cat("\nFixed Effects:\n")
    if (type == "print") {
      coefMat <- matrix(coef$fe, 1)
      colnames(coefMat) <- names(coef$fe) 
    } else {
      coefMat <- cbind("Estimate" = coef$fe,
                       "Std. Error" = sd$fe,
                       "z value" = coef$fe / sd$fe)
    if (x$info$fit == "olmm")
      coefMat <- olmm_rename(coefMat, yLevs, x$info$family, etalab)
    print(coefMat, ...)

  terminal_panel <- function(node, partid) {
    rval <- function(node) {
        nid <- as.character(id_node(node))
        if (nrow(coef$vc[[partid]]) > 0L) {
            if (type == "print") {
                coefMat <- matrix(coef$vc[[partid]][nid, ], 1)
                colnames(coefMat) <- colnames(coef$vc[[partid]])
            } else {
                coefMat <- cbind("Estimate" = coef$vc[[partid]][nid, ],
                                 "Std. Error" = sd$vc[[partid]][nid, ],
                                 "z value" = coef$vc[[partid]][nid, ] / sd$vc[[partid]][nid, ])
                rownames(coefMat) <- colnames(coef$vc[[partid]])
            if (x$info$fit == "olmm")
                coefMat <- olmm_rename(coefMat, yLevs, x$info$family, etalab)
            return(c("", unlist(strsplit(formatMatrix(coefMat, ...), "\n"))))
        } else {
  class(terminal_panel) <- "grapcon_generator"

  vcLabs <- tvcm_print_vclabs(x$info$formula, TRUE)

  for (pid in seq_along(coef$vc)) {
    cat(paste("\nVarying Coefficient ", LETTERS[pid],
              ": ", vcLabs[pid], "\n", sep = ""))
    x$node <- x$info$node[[pid]]
    print.party(x, terminal_panel = terminal_panel,
                tp_args = list(partid = pid))
    ## 2015-10-10: no more necessary???
    ## if (depth(x$info$node[[pid]]) == 0L && length(coef$vc[[pid]]) > 0L) {
    ##   if (type == "print") {
    ##     coefMat <- coef$vc[[pid]]
    ##   } else {
    ##     coefMat <- cbind("Estimate" = coef$vc[[pid]],
    ##                      "Std. Error" = as.double(sd$vc[[pid]]),
    ##                      "z value" = as.double(coef$vc[[pid]] / sd$vc[[pid]]))
    ##   }
    ##   print(coefMat, ...)
    ## }
  ## print footer
  if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(attr(x$data, "na.action")))) 
    cat(paste("\n(", mess, ")\n", sep = ""))

print.tvcm <- function(x, ...)
  tvcm_print(x, type = "print", ...)

prune.tvcm <- function(tree, cp = NULL, alpha = NULL, maxstep = NULL,
                       terminal = NULL, original = FALSE, ...) {
    mc <- match.call()
    ## checking arguments  
    tunepar <- c(!is.null(cp),
    if (sum(tunepar) < 1L) stop("no tuning parameter specified.")
    if (sum(tunepar) > 1L) stop("only one tuning parameter is allowed.")
    tunepar <- c("cp", "alpha", "maxstep", "terminal")[tunepar]
    if (tunepar == "cp") {
        stopifnot(is.numeric(cp) && length(cp) == 1L)
    } else if (tunepar == "alpha") {
        if (!tree$info$control$sctest) {
            warning("'alpha' is not a tuning parameter for 'tree'.")
            alpha <- NULL
        stopifnot(is.numeric(alpha) && length(alpha) == 1L &&
                  alpha >= 0.0 && alpha <= 1.0)
    } else if (tunepar == "maxstep") {   
        stopifnot(is.numeric(maxstep) && length(maxstep) == 1L &&
                  maxstep >= 0L)
    } else if (tunepar == "terminal") {
        errMess <- paste("'terminal' must be a list with ",
                         length(tree$info$node), "elements.")
        if (!is.list(terminal)) {
            if (is.numeric(terminal) && length(tree$info$node) == 1L) {
                terminal <- list(terminal)
            } else {
        if (is.list(terminal)) {
            if (length(terminal) != length(tree$info$node))
            if (!all(sapply(terminal, function(x) is.null(x) |
                stop("the elements of 'terminal' must be 'NULL' or ",
            terminal <- lapply(terminal, as.integer)
    refit <- function(tree) {
        ## extract new formula
        env <- environment()
        formList <- tree$info$formula
        vcRoot <- sapply(tree$info$node, width) == 1L
        ff <- tvcm_formula(formList, vcRoot, tree$info$family, env)
        ## overwrite node predictors
        data <- tree$info$data
             paste("Node", LETTERS[seq_along(tree$info$node)], sep = "")] <-
            tvcm_get_node(tree, tree$data, TRUE,
                          tree$fitted[,"(weights)"], formList)
        ## refit model
        call <- list(name = as.name(tree$info$fit),
                     formula = quote(ff$full),
                     data = quote(data),
                     family = quote(tree$info$family),
                     weights = tree$fitted[,"(weights)"])
        call[names(tree$info$dotargs)] <- tree$info$dotargs
        mode(call) <- "call"
        tree$info$model <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call), TRUE))
        ## check if the refitting failed
        if (inherits(tree$info$model, "try-error"))
            stop("tree model fitting failed.")
        ## heavy terms
        if (inherits(tree$info$model, "glm")) {
            attr(attr(tree$info$model$model, "terms"), ".Environment") <-
            environment(tree$info$model$formula) <- NULL
            attr(tree$info$model$terms, ".Environment") <- NULL
        ## update control
        tree$info$control <-
                                 tree$info$model, formList, vcRoot)
    ## get the original tree
    if (original && !identical(tree$info$node, tree$info$grownode)) {
        tree$node <- tree$info$grownode[[1L]]
        tree$info$node <- tree$info$grownode
        tree <- refit(tree)         
    if (tunepar %in% c("alpha", "maxstep", "terminal")) {
        ## prune the tree structure
        node <- tvcm_prune_node(tree, alpha, maxstep, terminal)
        ## refit the model if something has changed
        if (!identical(node, tree$info$node)) {
            ## attach nodes
            tree$node <- node[[1L]]
            tree$info$node <- node
            ## refit the model
            tree <- refit(tree)     
    } else if (tunepar == "cp") {
        ## prune as long as there remain 'weak' links   
        run <- 1L; step <- 0L;
        cols <- c("part", "node", "loss", "npar", "nsplit", "dev")
        evalcols <- c("loss", "npar", "nsplit")
        prunepath <- list()
        while (run > 0) {
            run <- 0 ; step <- step + 1L;
            ncollapse <- NULL
            ids <- lapply(tree$info$node, function(node) {
                setdiff(nodeids(node), nodeids(node, terminal = TRUE))
            ids00 <- lapply(seq_along(tree$info$node),
                            function(pid) {
            ## 'call' to evaluate the collapses        
            prStatCall <- list(name = as.name(tree$info$control$papply),
                               X = quote(subs),
                               FUN = quote(prStat))
            prStatCall[names(tree$info$control$papply.args)] <-
            mode(prStatCall) <- "call"
            ntab <- matrix(, length(unlist(ids)), length(cols))
            colnames(ntab) <- cols
            ntab[, "part"] <-
                rep(seq_along(tree$info$node), sapply(ids, length))
            ntab[, "node"] <- unlist(ids)
            ntab[, "loss"] <- rep.int(Inf, length(unlist(ids)))
            if (nrow(ntab) > 0L) {
                if (step > 1L) {
                    ## search for the parents of the previously selecte node
                    spart <- otab[ocollapse, "part"]
                    snode <- otab[ocollapse, "node"]
                    root <- 1L
                    npath <- c(root); opath <- c(root);
                    while (root != snode) {
                        nkids <-
                                           function(kids) kids$id)))
                        okids <- unlist(
                            nodeapply(tree$info$node[[spart]], nkids,
                                      function(node) node$info$id$last))
                        kidkids <- nodeapply(
                            tree$info$node[[spart]], nkids, nodeids)
                        kid <- sapply(kidkids, function(x) snode %in% x)
                        root <- nkids[kid]
                        if (root != snode) {
                            npath <- c(npath, nkids[kid])
                            opath <- c(opath, okids[kid])
                    ## insert results of parent models
                    ntab[ntab[, "node"] %in% npath & ntab[, "part"] ==
                         spart, evalcols] <-
                        otab[otab[, "node"] %in% opath & otab[, "part"] ==
                             spart, evalcols]
            loss0 <- tree$info$control$lossfun(tree)
            npar0 <- extractAIC(tree)[1L]
            nsplit0 <- sum(sapply(tree$info$node, width) - 1L)
            subs <- which(is.infinite(ntab[, "loss"]))
            if (length(subs) > 0L) {
                ## re-estimate all models which collapse each on inner node
                prStat <- function(i) {
                    term <- lapply(
                        function(pid) {
                            if (pid == ntab[i, "part"])
                                return(ntab[i, "node"])
                    prTree <- try(prune(tree, terminal = term,
                                        papply = lapply), TRUE)
                    if (!inherits(prTree, "try-error"))
                                 sum(sapply(prTree$info$node, width) - 1L)))
                    return(c(Inf, NA, NA))
                stat <- eval(prStatCall)
                ntab[subs, evalcols] <- t(sapply(stat, function(x) x))
            if (nrow(ntab) > 0L) {
                if (any(ntab[, "loss"] < Inf)) {
                    ## minimum dfsplit such that the smaller model
                    ## improves the fit
                    ntab[, "dev"] <-
                        (ntab[, "loss"] - loss0) /
                            npar0, tree$info$control$dfpar,
                            nsplit0, tree$info$control$dfsplit) -
                             ntab[, "npar"], tree$info$control$dfpar,
                             ntab[, "nsplit"], tree$info$control$dfsplit))
                    ## prune selected inner node
                    if (any(ntab[, "dev"] <= cp)) {
                        ncollapse <- which(!is.na(ntab[, "dev"]) &
                                           !is.nan(ntab[, "dev"]) &
                                           ntab[, "dev"] ==
                                           min(ntab[, "dev"]))
                        if (length(ncollapse) > 1L)
                            ncollapse <- sample(ncollapse, 1L)
                        if (length(ncollapse) > 0L) {
                            term <- lapply(
                                function(pid) {
                                    if (pid == ntab[ncollapse, "part"])
                                        return(ntab[ncollapse, "node"])
                            tree <- prune(tree, terminal = term)
                            run <- 1
                    otab <- ntab
                    ocollapse <- ncollapse
                } else {
                    stop("fitting of nested models failed.")
            ## create a 'data.frame' for the 'prunepath' method
            tab <- matrix(c(NA, NA, loss0, npar0, nsplit0, NA),
                          ncol = length(cols),
                          dimnames = list("<none>", cols))
            if (nrow(ntab) > 0L) {
                ntab[, "node"] <- unlist(ids00)
                rownames(ntab) <-
                    seq(1L, nrow(ntab), length.out = nrow(ntab))
                tab <- rbind(tab, ntab)
            prunepath[[step]] <- list(step = step, tab = tab)
        tree$info$prunepath <- prunepath
    ## return pruned model  

prunepath.tvcm <- function(tree, steps = 1L, ...) {
  steps <- intersect(steps, seq_along(tree$info$prunepath))
  rval <- tree$info$prunepath[steps]
  rval <- lapply(rval, function(x) {
    x$tab <- as.data.frame(x$tab)
    x$tab$part <- LETTERS[x$tab$part]
  class(rval) <- "prunepath.tvcm"

print.prunepath.tvcm <- function(x, na.print = "", ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    if (!is.null(x[[i]])) {
      if (i != 1L) cat("\n")
      cat("Step:", x[[i]]$step, "\n")
      print(as.matrix(x[[i]]$tab), na.print = na.print, quote = FALSE, ...)

summary.tvcm <- function(object, ...)
  tvcm_print(object, type = "summary", ...)

ranef.tvcm <- function(object, ...)
  return(ranef(object$info$model, ...))

resid.tvcm <- function(object, ...)
  return(resid(object = object$info$model, ...))

residuals.tvcm <- resid.tvcm

splitpath.tvcm <- function(tree, steps = 1L,
                           details = FALSE, ...) {

    steps <- intersect(steps, seq_along(tree$info$splitpath))
    rval <- tree$info$splitpath[steps]
    if (!details) {
        for (i in seq_along(steps)) {
            rval[[i]]$sctest <- NULL
            rval[[i]]$grid <- NULL
    class(rval) <- "splitpath.tvcm"

print.splitpath.tvcm <- function(x, ...) {  
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    if (i != 1L) cat("\n")
    cat("Step:", x[[i]]$step)
    if (is.null(unlist(x[[i]]$varid))) {
      cat(" (no splitting processed)\n")
    } else {
      cat("\n\nSelected Split:")
      cat("\nPartition:", LETTERS[x[[i]]$partid])
      cat("\nNode:", x[[i]]$node)
      cat("\nVariable:", x[[i]]$var)
      cat("\nCutpoint: ")
      cat(paste("{",paste(x[[i]]$cutpoint, collapse = "}, {"), "}", sep = ""))
    if (!is.null(x[[i]]$sctest)) {
      cat("\nCoefficient Constancy Tests (p-value):\n")
      for (pid in seq_along(x[[i]]$sctest)) {
        cat(paste("\nPartition ", LETTERS[pid], ":\n", sep = ""))
        print(as.data.frame(x[[i]]$sctest[[pid]]), ...)
    } else cat("\n")
    if (!is.null(x[[i]]$grid)) {
      cat("\nLoss Reduction Statistics:")
      for (pid in seq_along(x[[i]]$grid)) {
        for (nid in seq_along(x[[i]]$grid[[pid]])) {
          for (vid in seq_along(x[[i]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]])) {
            if (is.null(x[[i]]$sctest) | !is.null(x[[i]]$sctest) &&
                any(x[[i]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]] > -Inf)) {
              cat("\nPartition:", LETTERS[pid],
                  "Node:", sub("Node", "",names(x[[i]]$grid[[pid]])[nid]),
                  "Variable:", names(x[[i]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]])[vid], "\n")
                            "dev" = x[[i]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]],
                            "npar" = x[[i]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[3L]])), ...)

weights.tvcm <- function(object, ...) {
  weights(extract(object, "model"))

width.tvcm <- function(x, ...) {
  rval <- sapply(x$info$node, width)
  names(rval) <- LETTERS[seq_along(rval)]

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vcrpart documentation built on July 16, 2024, 3:02 a.m.