
Defines functions ABneutral

Documented in ABneutral

#' Run Model with no selection (ABneutral)
#' This model assumes that heritable gains and losses in cytosine methylation are selectively neutral.
#' @param pedigree.data pedigree data.
#' @param p0uu initial proportion of unmethylated cytosines.
#' @param eqp equilibrium proportion of unmethylated cytosines.
#' @param eqp.weight weight assigned to equilibrium function.
#' @param Nstarts iterations for non linear LSQ optimization.
#' @param out.dir output directory.
#' @param out.name output file name.
#' @import optimx
#' @import expm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return ABneutral RData file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Get some toy data
#' inFile <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/dm/","output.rds", package="AlphaBeta"))
#' pedigree <- inFile$Pdata
#' p0uu_in <- inFile$tmpp0
#' eqp.weight <- 1
#' Nstarts <- 2
#' out.name <- "CG_global_estimates_ABneutral"
#' out <- ABneutral(pedigree.data = pedigree,
#'                   p0uu=p0uu_in,
#'                   eqp=p0uu_in,
#'                   eqp.weight=eqp.weight,
#'                   Nstarts=Nstarts,
#'                   out.dir=getwd(),
#'                   out.name=out.name)
#' summary(out)

ABneutral<-function(pedigree.data, p0uu, eqp, eqp.weight, Nstarts, out.dir, out.name)

##### Defining the divergence function
    divergence <- function(pedigree, p0mm, p0um, p0uu, param)

    ## Initializing parameters
    PrMM <- p0mm
    PrUM <- p0um
    PrUU <- p0uu
    alpha <- param[1]
    bet <- param[2]
    weight <- param[3]

	## State probabilities at G0; first element = PrUU, second element = PrUM, third element = PrMM
    svGzero   <- c(PrUU, (weight)*PrMM, (1-weight)*PrMM)

	## Defining the generation (or transition) matrix
	  Genmatrix <- matrix(c((1-alpha)^2, 2*(1-alpha)*alpha, alpha^2,
							1/4*(bet + 1 - alpha)^2, 1/2*(bet + 1 - alpha)*(alpha + 1 - bet), 1/4*(alpha + 1 - bet)^2,
							bet^2, 2*(1-bet)*bet, (1-bet)^2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

	## Calculating theoretical divergence for every observed pair in 'pedigree.txt'

		  for (p in seq_len(NROW(pedigree)))

			## Define state vectors for t1,t2 and t0 from pedigree using matrix multiplications from library(expm)
			svt0      <- t(svGzero)  %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,1]))
			svt1.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
			svt2.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
			svt1.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
			svt2.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
			svt1.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
			svt2.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))

			## Conditional divergences
			dt1t2.MM  <- 1/2*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,2] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,1] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,3] +
								svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,3]  + svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,1])

			dt1t2.UM  <- 1/2*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,2] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,1] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,3] +
								svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,3] +  svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,1])

			dt1t2.UU  <- 1/2*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,2] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,1] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,3] +
								svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,3] + svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,1])

			## Total (weighted) divergence
			Dt1t2[p]<- svt0[,1]*dt1t2.UU + svt0[,2]*dt1t2.UM + svt0[,3]*dt1t2.MM


	  # Pr(UU) at equilibrium given alpha and beta
	  puuinf.est<- (bet* ((1-bet)^2 - (1-alpha)^2 -1))/((alpha + bet)*((alpha + bet -1)^2 - 2))
	  divout<-list(puuinf.est, Dt1t2)



		###### Defining the Least Square function to be minimized
		###### Note the equilibrium constraint, which can be made as small as desired.

		  sum((pedigree[,4] - param_int[4] - divergence(pedigree, p0mm, p0um, p0uu, param_int[1:3])[[2]])^2) +
		    eqp.weight*nrow(pedigree)*((divergence(pedigree, p0mm, p0um, p0uu, param_int[1:3])[[1]]- eqp)^2)

		###### Calculating the initial proportions
		###### We always assume that:
		# 1. p0mm is larger than actually observed. This means if p0um is available from measurements,
		#    we will just add it to p0mm.
		# 2. As a consequence of (1.) we also assume that p0um = 0.


		if(is.null(p0uu ==TRUE | is.null(eqp)==TRUE))
		{stop("Both eqp value AND p0uu have to be supplied")}

		if(sum(c(p0mm, p0um, p0uu), na.rm =TRUE) != 1)
		{stop("The initial state probabilities don't sum to 1")}

##### Initializing

		for (s in seq_len(Nstarts))
			## Draw random starting values
			alpha.start  <-10^(runif(1, log10(10^-9), log10(10^-2)))
			beta.start   <-10^(runif(1, log10(10^-9), log10(10^-2)))
	    weight.start <-runif(1,0,0.1)
	    intercept.start <-runif(1,0,max(pedigree[,4]))
			param_int0 = c(alpha.start, beta.start, weight.start, intercept.start)

			## Initializing

			message("Progress: ", counter/Nstarts, "\n")

						opt.out  <- suppressWarnings(optimx(par = param_int0, fn = LSE_intercept, method=optim.method))
						PrMMinf <- (alphafinal* ((1-alphafinal)^2 - (1-betfinal)^2 -1))/((alphafinal + betfinal)*((alphafinal + betfinal -1)^2 - 2))
						PrUMinf <- (4*alphafinal*betfinal*(alphafinal + betfinal -2))/((alphafinal + betfinal)*((alphafinal + betfinal -1)^2 -2))
						PrUUinf <- (betfinal* ((1-betfinal)^2 - (1-alphafinal)^2 -1))/((alphafinal + betfinal)*((alphafinal + betfinal -1)^2 - 2))
						opt.out <-cbind(opt.out, PrMMinf, PrUMinf, PrUUinf, alpha.start, beta.start, weight.start, intercept.start)
						final[[s]]<- opt.out
		} # End of Nstarts loop

    final <- do.call("rbind", final)
    colnames(final)[1:4]<-c("alpha", "beta", "weight", "intercept")
    colnames(final)[13:15]<-c("PrMMinf", "PrUMinf", "PrUUinf")

##### Calculating the least square of the first part of the minimized function

	 for (l in seq_len(NROW(final)))
			  PrMM <- p0mm
			  PrUM <- p0um
	      PrUU <- p0uu
			  alpha  <- final[l, "alpha"]
			  bet    <- final[l, "beta"]
			  weight <- final[l, "weight"]

			## State probabilities at G0; first element = PrUU, second element = PrUM, third element = PrMM
			  svGzero   <- c(PrUU, (weight)*PrMM, (1-weight)*PrMM)

			  ## Defining the generation (or transition) matrix
			  Genmatrix <- matrix(c((1-alpha)^2, 2*(1-alpha)*alpha, alpha^2,
									1/4*(bet + 1 - alpha)^2, 1/2*(bet + 1 - alpha)*(alpha + 1 - bet), 1/4*(alpha + 1 - bet)^2,
									bet^2, 2*(1-bet)*bet, (1-bet)^2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

			  ## Calculating theoretical divergence for every observed pair in 'pedigree.txt'

				  for (p in seq_len(NROW(pedigree)))

					## Define state vectors for t1,t2 and t0 from pedigree using matrix multiplications from library(expm)
					svt0      <- t(svGzero)  %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))

					## Conditional divergences
					dt1t2.MM  <- 1/2*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,2] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,1] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,3] +
										svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,3]  + svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,1])

					dt1t2.UM  <- 1/2*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,2] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,1] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,3] +
										svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,3] +  svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,1])

					dt1t2.UU  <- 1/2*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,2] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,1] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,3] +
										svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,3] + svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,1])

					## Total (weighted) divergence
					Dt1t2[p]<- svt0[,1]*dt1t2.UU + svt0[,2]*dt1t2.UM + svt0[,3]*dt1t2.MM


			 ## Calculating the least square part
			 lsqpart[l]<-sum((pedigree[,4] - intercept - Dt1t2)^2)

	 final<-cbind(final, lsqpart)
	 index.1<-which(final["alpha"] > 0 & final["beta"] > 0 & final["intercept"] > 0 & final[,"weight"] > 0, final["convcode"] == 0)
	 #index.1<-which(final["alpha"] > 0 & final["beta"] > 0 & final["intercept"] > 0)
	 index.2<-setdiff(seq_len(NROW(final)) , index.1)

##### Calculting the predicted values based on the 'best' model (i.e. that with the lowest least square)
	 #cat("Caution: Calculating predicted divergence based on lowest LSQ model: check the biology!", "\n")
	 PrMM <- p0mm
	 PrUM <- p0um
	 PrUU <- p0uu
	 alpha  <- final.1[1, "alpha"]
	 bet    <- final.1[1, "beta"]
	 weight <- final.1[1, "weight"]

	 ## State probabilities at G0; first element = PrUU, second element = PrUM, third element = PrMM
	 svGzero   <- c(PrUU, (weight)*PrMM, (1-weight)*PrMM)

			  ## Defining the generation (or transition) matrix
			  Genmatrix <- matrix(c((1-alpha)^2, 2*(1-alpha)*alpha, alpha^2,
									1/4*(bet + 1 - alpha)^2, 1/2*(bet + 1 - alpha)*(alpha + 1 - bet), 1/4*(alpha + 1 - bet)^2,
									bet^2, 2*(1-bet)*bet, (1-bet)^2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

			  ## Calculating theoretical divergence for every observed pair in 'pedigree.txt'

				  for (p in seq_len(NROW(pedigree)))

					## Define state vectors for t1,t2 and t0 from pedigree using matrix multiplications from library(expm)
					svt0      <- t(svGzero)  %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt1.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,2] - pedigree[p,1]))
					svt2.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree[p,3] - pedigree[p,1]))

					## Conditional divergences
					dt1t2.MM  <- 1/2*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,2] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,1] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,3] +
										svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,3]  + svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,1])

					dt1t2.UM  <- 1/2*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,2] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,1] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,3] +
										svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,3] +  svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,1])

					dt1t2.UU  <- 1/2*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,2] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,1] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,3] +
										svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,3] + svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,1])

					## Total (weighted) divergence
					Dt1t2[p]<- svt0[,1]*dt1t2.UU + svt0[,2]*dt1t2.UM + svt0[,3]*dt1t2.MM


			 ## Calculating the least square part
			 Residual<-(pedigree[,4] - intercept - Dt1t2)

    ##### Augmenting pedigree
    delta.t<-pedigree[,2] + pedigree[,3] - 2*pedigree[,1]
    pedigree<-cbind(pedigree, delta.t, Dt1t2 + intercept, Residual)
    colnames(pedigree)[c(4,5,6,7)]<-c("div.obs", "delta.t","div.pred", "residual")

    ##### Making info about settings
    info<-c("p0mm", "p0um", "p0uu", "eqp", "eqp.weight", "Nstarts", "optim.method")
    info2<-c(p0mm, p0um, p0uu, eqp, eqp.weight, Nstarts, optim.method)
    info.out<-data.frame(info, info2)
    colnames(info.out)<-c("Para", "Setting")

###### Generating theoretical fit

			## Reading in pedigree

			## Reading in parameter estimates
			est <-final.1
			alpha <-as.numeric(est[1,1])

			## Reading initial state vector
			time1<- seq(1,max(c(pedigree[,2], pedigree[,3])))
			time2<- seq(1,max(c(pedigree[,2], pedigree[,3])))
			#time0<- rep(min(pedigree[,1]), nrow(time.out))
			time0<- rep(0, nrow(time.out))
			pedigree.new<-cbind(pedigree.new, c(pedigree.new[,2] + pedigree.new[,3] - 2*pedigree.new[,1]))
			pedigree.new<-pedigree.new[!duplicated(pedigree.new[,4]), ]

			## State probabilities at G0; first element = PrUU, second element = PrUM, third element = PrMM
			svGzero   <- c(PrUU, PrMM*weight, (1-weight)*PrMM)


							## Defining the generation (or transition) matrix
							Genmatrix <- matrix(c((1-alphafinal)^2, 2*(1-alphafinal)*alphafinal, alphafinal^2,
												   1/4*(betfinal + 1 - alphafinal)^2, 1/2*(betfinal + 1 - alphafinal)*(alphafinal + 1 - betfinal),
												   1/4*(alphafinal + 1 - betfinal)^2,
												   betfinal^2, 2*(1-betfinal)*betfinal, (1-betfinal)^2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

							## Calculating theoretical divergence for every observed pair in 'pedigree.txt'

								for (p in seq_len(NROW(pedigree.new)))

									## Define state vectors for t1,t2 and t0 from pedigree using matrix multiplications from library(expm)
									svt0      <- t(svGzero)  %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt1.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,2] - pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt2.MM   <- t(c(0,0,1)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,3] - pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt1.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,2] - pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt2.UM   <- t(c(0,1,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,3] - pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt1.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,2] - pedigree.new[p,1]))
									svt2.UU   <- t(c(1,0,0)) %*% ((Genmatrix)%^% as.numeric(pedigree.new[p,3] - pedigree.new[p,1]))

									## Conditional divergences
									dt1t2.MM  <- 1/2*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,2] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,1] + svt1.MM[,2] * svt2.MM[,3] +
												 svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.MM[,1] * svt2.MM[,3]  + svt1.MM[,3] * svt2.MM[,1])

									dt1t2.UM  <- 1/2*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,2] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,1] + svt1.UM[,2] * svt2.UM[,3] +
									             svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UM[,1] * svt2.UM[,3] +  svt1.UM[,3] * svt2.UM[,1])

									dt1t2.UU  <- 1/2*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,2] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,1] + svt1.UU[,2] * svt2.UU[,3] +
									             svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,2]) + 1*(svt1.UU[,1] * svt2.UU[,3] + svt1.UU[,3] * svt2.UU[,1])

									## Total (weighted) divergence
									Dt1t2[p]<- svt0[,1]*dt1t2.UU + svt0[,2]*dt1t2.UM + svt0[,3]*dt1t2.MM


			pedigree.new<-cbind(pedigree.new, Dt1t2+interceptfinal, c(pedigree.new[,2] + pedigree.new[,3] - 2*pedigree.new[,1]))
			colnames(pedigree.new)<-c("time0", "time1", "time2", "div.sim", "delta.t")


    abfree.out<-list(final.1, final.2, pedigree, info.out, model, pedigree.new)
    names(abfree.out)<-c("estimates", "estimates.flagged", "pedigree", "settings", "model", "for.fit.plot")

    ## Ouputting result datasets
    dput(abfree.out, paste0(out.dir,"/", out.name, ".Rdata", sep=""))

} #End of function

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AlphaBeta documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m.