API for BioNet
Routines for the functional analysis of biological networks

Global functions
.XGMML.destription Source code
.XGMML.edges Source code
.XGMML.nodes Source code
.add.edge.attrs Source code
.add.node.attrs Source code
.affyID2ppiID Source code
.cleanFile Source code
.fbumnLL Source code
.fpLL Source code
.getPathScore Source code
.graph.eda Source code
.graph.noa Source code
.graph.sif Source code
.graph.table Source code
.pbum.solve Source code
.saveGraph.net Source code
.saveGraph.tab Source code
.saveGraph.tgf Source code
.subNetwork0 Source code
.subNetwork1 Source code
BioNet Man page
BioNet-package Man page
aggrPvals Man page Source code
bumOptim Man page Source code
compareNetworks Man page Source code
consensusScores Man page Source code
fbum Man page Source code
fbumLL Man page Source code
fdrThreshold Man page Source code
fitBumModel Man page
getCompScores Man page Source code
getEdgeList Man page
hist.bum Man page Source code
largestComp Man page Source code
largestScoreComp Man page Source code
loadNetwork.sif Man page Source code
loadNetwork.tab Man page Source code
makeNetwork Man page Source code
mapByVar Man page Source code
permutateNodes Man page Source code
piUpper Man page Source code
plot.bum Man page Source code
plot3dModule Man page
plotLLSurface Man page Source code
plotModule Man page
print.bum Man page Source code
pvaluesExample Man page
readHeinzGraph Man page Source code
readHeinzTree Man page Source code
resamplingPvalues Man page Source code
rmSelfLoops Man page Source code
runFastHeinz Man page Source code
runHeinz Man page
save3dModule Man page
saveNetwork Man page Source code
scanFDR Man page Source code
scoreFunction Man page Source code
scoreNodes Man page Source code
scoreOffset Man page Source code
sortedEdgeList Man page Source code
subNetwork Man page Source code
summary.bum Man page Source code
writeHeinz Man page Source code
writeHeinzEdges Man page Source code
writeHeinzNodes Man page Source code
BioNet documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:48 p.m.