# *********************************************************
# *
# * IO-Routines
# *
# *********************************************************
# *********************************************************
# * Graph IO
# *********************************************************
#, name="network", file, type="table")
# arguments:
# network: network to save
# name: name of the network for cytoscape
# file: fiel to save to
# type: table or XGMML format
saveNetwork <- function(network, name="network", file, type=c("table", "XGMML", "sif", "tab", "tgf", "net"))
file <- .cleanFile(file)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "XGMML")
addNode <- XML::addNode
if(is(network, "graphNEL"))
network <- igraph.from.graphNEL(network)
top <- .XGMML.destription(name=name)
print("...adding nodes")
# append nodes
nodes <- .XGMML.nodes(network=network)
top <- XML::append.xmlNode(top, nodes)
print("...adding edges")
# append edges
edges <- .XGMML.edges(network=network)
top <- XML::append.xmlNode(top, edges)
# save to file as xgmml
print("...writing to file")
XML::saveXML(top, file=paste(file, ".xgmml", sep=""), encoding="UTF-8")
if("package:XML" %in% search()){detach("package:XML")}
addNode <- graph::addNode
if(type == "table")
if(is(network, "graphNEL"))
network <- igraph.from.graphNEL(network)
.graph.table(network=network, file=file)
if(type == "sif")
if(is(network, "graphNEL"))
network <- igraph.from.graphNEL(network)
edges <- .graph.sif(network=network, file=file)
.graph.eda(network=network, file=file, edgelist.names=edges)
.graph.noa(network=network, file=file)
if(type == "tab")
if(is(network, "igraph"))
nE <- ecount(network)
network <- simplify(network, remove.multiple = TRUE)
warning("Multiple edges are not allowed for the graphNEL format, they had to be removed")
network <-, filename=file)
if(type == "tgf")
if(is(network, "igraph"))
nE <- ecount(network)
network <- simplify(network, remove.multiple = TRUE)
warning("Multiple edges are not allowed for the graphNEL format, they had to be removed")
network <-
.saveGraph.tgf(graph=network, filename=file)
if(type == "net")
if(is(network, "igraph"))
nE <- ecount(network)
network <- simplify(network, remove.multiple = TRUE)
warning("Multiple edges are not allowed for the graphNEL format, they had to be removed")
network <-, filename=file)
#, na.file, ea.file)
# arguments:
# sif.file: cytoscape sip file
# na.file: cytoscape node attribute file (vector)
# ea.file: cytoscape edge attribute file (vector)
# format: "igraph" or "graphNEL"
# directed: TRUE or FALSE
# values: igraph network
loadNetwork.sif <- function(sif.file, na.file=NULL, ea.file=NULL, format=c("graphNEL", "igraph"), directed=FALSE)
format <- match.arg(format)
print("...loading network")
network <- read.table(file=sif.file, colClasses = "character")
network <- graph.edgelist(as.matrix(network[,-2]), directed=directed)
print("...loading node attributes")
network <- .add.node.attrs(network, na.file)
print("...loading edge attributes")
network <- .add.edge.attrs(network, ea.file)
if(format == "graphNEL")
nE <- ecount(network)
network <- simplify(network, remove.multiple = TRUE)
warning("Multiple edges are not allowed for the graphNEL format, they had to be removed")
network <-
# *** read a Graph from tab delimited edgelist
# <- function(file, header=TRUE, directed=FALSE, format=c("graphNEL", "igraph"))
format <- match.arg(format)
directed <- "directed"
directed <- "undirected"
if(header) sk=1 else sk=0
links <- scan(file, what=list('character', 'character'), sep="\t", skip=sk)
nodes <- unique(c(links[[1]], links[[2]]))
ge <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgemode=directed)
graph <- addEdge(links[[1]], links[[2]], ge, 1)
if(format == "igraph")
graph <- igraph.from.graphNEL(graph)
# internal methods #############################################################
# internal method to add node attributes
.add.node.attrs <- function(network, na.file)
for(i in 1:length(na.file))
# first line
attr <- strsplit(readLines(con=na.file[i], n=1)," ")[[1]][1]
na.input <- read.table(file=na.file[i], skip=1, sep="=", colClasses = "character")
node.attr <- sapply(as.character(na.input[,2]), function(t){substr(t, 2, nchar(t))})
names(node.attr) <- sapply(as.character(na.input[,1]), function(t){substr(t, 1, nchar(t)-1)})
network <- set.vertex.attribute(network, index=V(network), name=attr, value=as.vector(node.attr[V(network)$name]))
# internal function to add edge attributes
.add.edge.attrs <- function(network, ea.file)
for(i in 1:length(ea.file))
# first line
attr <- strsplit(readLines(con=ea.file[i], n=1)," ")[[1]][1]
ea.input <- read.table(file=ea.file[i], skip=1, sep="=", colClasses = "character") <- sapply(as.character(ea.input[,1]), function(t){substr(t, 1, nchar(t)-1)}) <- sub("\\s\\([a-z\\s0-9]+\\)\\s", " ",
edge.attr <- sapply(as.character(ea.input[,2]), function(t){substr(t, 2, nchar(t))})
names(edge.attr) <-
edgelist <- get.edgelist(network)
edgelist1 <- paste(edgelist[,1], edgelist[,2], sep=" ")
edgelist2 <- paste(edgelist[,2], edgelist[,1], sep=" ")
value1 <- as.vector(edge.attr[edgelist1])
value2 <- as.vector(edge.attr[edgelist2])
value1[which(] <- value2[which(]
network <- set.edge.attribute(network, index=E(network), name=attr, value=value1)
# internal method to save the graph in table format
.graph.table <- function(network, file)
# create vertex attributes
attrib <- list.vertex.attributes(network)
node.attribs <- matrix(data=NA, ncol=length(attrib), nrow=length(V(network)))
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
node.attribs[,i] <- get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i])
node.attribs <- cbind(V(network)$name, node.attribs)
colnames(node.attribs) <- c("id", attrib)
write.table(node.attribs, file=paste(file, "_n.txt", sep=""), row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
attrib <- list.edge.attributes(network)
edge.attribs <- matrix(data=NA, ncol=length(attrib), nrow=length(E(network)))
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
edge.attribs[,i] <- get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i])
edgelist.names <- get.edgelist(network, names=TRUE)
edge.attribs <- cbind(edgelist.names, edge.attribs)
colnames(edge.attribs) <- c("nodeA", "nodeB", attrib)
write.table(edge.attribs, file=paste(file, "_e.txt", sep=""), row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
# internal function to write cytoscape .sif file
.graph.sif <- function(network, file)
edgelist.names <- get.edgelist(network, names=TRUE)
edgelist.names <- cbind(edgelist.names[,1], rep("pp", length(E(network))), edgelist.names[,2])
write.table(edgelist.names, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, file=paste(file, ".sif", sep=""), sep="\t", quote=FALSE)
# internal method to write cytoscape node attribute files
.graph.noa <- function(network, file)
attrib <- list.vertex.attributes(network)
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
type <- "String"
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
type <- "Integer"
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
type <- "Double"
noa <- cbind(V(network)$name, rep("=", length(V(network))), get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))
first.line <- paste(attrib[i], " (class=java.lang.", type, ")", sep="")
write(first.line, file=paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".NA", sep=""), ncolumns = 1, append=FALSE, sep=" ")
write.table(noa, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file=paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".NA", sep=""), sep=" ", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE)
# internal method to write cytoscape edge attribute files
.graph.eda <- function(network, file, edgelist.names)
attrib <- list.edge.attributes(network)
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
type <- "String"
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
type <- "Integer"
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
type <- "Double"
eda <- cbind(cbind(edgelist.names[,1], rep("(pp)", length(E(network))), edgelist.names[,3]), rep("=", length(E(network))), get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))
first.line <- paste(attrib[i], " (class=java.lang.", type, ")", sep="")
write(first.line, file=paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".EA", sep=""), ncolumns=1, append=FALSE, sep =" ")
write.table(eda, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, file=paste(file, "_", attrib[i], ".EA", sep=""), sep=" ", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE)
# internal method to create the first part of the XGMML-file, description
.XGMML.destription <- function(name)
# create top node
# top part of xml
top <- XML::xmlNode("graph", attrs = c(label=name, "xmlns:dc"="", "xmlns:xlink"="", "xmlns:rdf"="", "xmlns:cy"="", xmlns=""))
top <- XML::append.xmlNode(top, XML::xmlNode("att", attrs=c(name="documentVersion", value="1.1")))
d <- XML::xmlNode("rdf:Description", attrs=c("rdf:about"=""))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:type", "Protein-Protein Interaction"))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:description", "N/A"))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:identifier", "N/A"))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:date", Sys.time()))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:title", name))
d <- XML::append.xmlNode(d, XML::xmlNode("dc:format", "BioNet-Cytoscape-XGMML"))
c <- XML::xmlNode("att", attrs=c(name="networkMetadata"), XML::xmlNode("rdf:RDF", d))
top <- XML::append.xmlNode(top, c)
# internal method for the addition of nodes to xml
.XGMML.nodes <- function(network)
# create node-nodes
c.node <- rep("node", length(V(network)))
nodes <- lapply(c.node, XML::xmlNode)
# create node attributes
attrib <- list.vertex.attributes(network)
node.attribs <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(attrib), ncol=length(V(network)))
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
type <- "string"
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
type <- "integer"
if(is(get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
type <- "real"
node.attribs[i,] =paste("att type=", "\"", type, "\"", " name=", "\"", attrib[i], "\"", " value=", "\"", get.vertex.attribute(network, attrib[i]), "\"", sep="")
node.attribs <- matrix(lapply(node.attribs, XML::xmlNode), nrow = length(attrib), ncol = length(V(network)))
V(network)$name <- as.character(V(network))
node.label <- V(network)$name <- as.vector(V(network))
# append node attributes
for(i in 1:length(V(network)))
nodes[[i]] <- XML::addAttributes(nodes[[i]], label = node.label[i],[i])
nodes[[i]] <- XML::append.xmlNode(nodes[[i]], node.attribs[,i])
# internal method for the addition of edges to XGMML
.XGMML.edges <- function(network)
# create edge-nodes
c.edge <- rep("edge", length(E(network)))
edges <- lapply(c.edge, XML::xmlNode)
edgelist.names <- get.edgelist(network, names=TRUE)
edgelist.names <- paste(edgelist.names[,1], edgelist.names[,2], sep=" (pp) ")
edgelist.ids <- get.edgelist(network, names=FALSE)
# create edge attributes
attrib <- list.edge.attributes(network)
edge.attribs <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(attrib), ncol=length(E(network)))
for(i in 1:length(attrib))
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "character")
type <- "string"
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "integer")
type <- "integer"
if(is(get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]))[1] == "numeric")
type <- "real"
edge.attribs[i,] <- paste("att type=", "\"", type, "\"", " name=", "\"", attrib[i], "\"", " value=", "\"", get.edge.attribute(network, attrib[i]), "\"", sep="")
edge.attribs <- matrix(lapply(edge.attribs, XML::xmlNode), nrow=length(attrib), ncol=length(E(network)))
# append edge attributes
for(i in 1:length(E(network)))
edges[[i]] <- XML::addAttributes(edges[[i]], label=edgelist.names[i], source=edgelist.ids[i,1], target=edgelist.ids[i,2])
edges[[i]] <- XML::append.xmlNode(edges[[i]], c(edge.attribs[,i]))
# *** save graph to simple .tgf format
.saveGraph.tgf <- function(graph, filename)
write.table(nodes(graph), file=filename, col.names=F, quote=F)
write("\n#\n", append=T, file=filename)
ew <- eWV(graph, edgeMatrix(graph), sep=" ")
write(names(ew), file=paste(filename, ".tgf", sep=""), append=T)
# *** save Graph in .net (Pajek) format
# <- function(graph, filename)
n <- length(nodes(graph));
write(paste("*Vertices ", n), file=filename);
write.table(dQuote(nodes(graph)), file=filename, col.names=F, quote=F, append=T)
write("*Arcs", append=T, file=filename);
else write("*Edges", append=T, file=filename);
ew <- eWV(graph, edgeMatrix(graph), sep=" ")
write(names(ew), file=paste(filename, ".net", sep=""), append=T)
# ***
# <- function(graph, filename)
en <- edgeNames(graph);
x <- gsub("\\~", "\t", en);
cat(x, file=paste(filename, ".txt", sep=""), sep="\n");
.cleanFile = function(file)
file.vector <- unlist(strsplit(file, "\\."))
if(file.vector[length(file.vector)] %in% c("txt", "sif", "tab", "XGMML", "tgf", "NOA", "EDA", "xgmml", "eda", "noa", "net", "pdf"))
file.vector <- file.vector[-length(file.vector)]
file <- paste(file.vector, collapse=".")
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