#### Stretches ####
#' Find stretches of clusters
#' Finds stretches or groups of clusters along the genome, where each cluster is
#' within a certain distance of the next. Once stretches have been identified,
#' the average pairwise correlation between all clusters in the stretch is
#' calculated. A typical use case is to look for stretches of enhancers, often
#' refered to as "super enhancers".
#' @param object GRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Clusters, possibly with
#' expression for calculating correlations.
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay holding expression values (if
#' object is a RangedSummarizedExperiment)
#' @param mergeDist integer: Maximum distance between clusters to be merged into
#' stretches.
#' @param minSize integer: Minimum number of clusters in stretches.
#' @param corFun function: Function for calculating correlations. Should behave
#' and produce output similar to cor().
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods or ultimately corFun.
#' @return A GRanges containing stretches with number of clusters and average
#' pairwise correlations calculated. The revmap can be used to retrieve the
#' original clusters (see example below.)
#' @family Spatial functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Calculate TPM values for bidirectional clusters
#' data(exampleBidirectional)
#' BCs <- calcTPM(exampleBidirectional)
#' # Find stretches
#' pearson_stretches <- findStretches(BCs, inputAssay="TPM")
#' # Use Kendall instead of pearson and require bigger stretches
#' kendall_stretches <- findStretches(BCs, inputAssay="TPM",
#' minSize=5, method="kendall")
#' # Use the revmap to get stretches as a GRangesList
#' grl <- extractList(rowRanges(BCs), kendall_stretches$revmap)
#' names(grl) <- names(kendall_stretches)
setGeneric("findStretches", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("findStretches"))
#' @rdname findStretches
setMethod("findStretches", signature = "GRanges",
definition = function(object, mergeDist=10000L, minSize=3L){
# Pre-checks
# Find stretches
stretches <- GenomicRanges::reduce(object,
# Subset to minimum size
stretches <- stretches[elementNROWS(stretches$revmap) >= minSize]
names(stretches) <- as.character(stretches)
# Count number of clusters
stretches$nClusters <- elementNROWS(stretches$revmap)
# Return
#' @rdname findStretches
setMethod("findStretches", signature = "RangedSummarizedExperiment",
definition = function(object, inputAssay, mergeDist=10000L, minSize=3L, corFun=cor, ...){
inputAssay %in% assayNames(object),
message("Finding stretches...")
stretches <- findStretches(rowRanges(object),
message("Calculating correlations...")
# Extract and transpose matrices
aveCors <- extractList(x=assay(object, inputAssay),
aveCors <- endoapply(aveCors, t)
# Calculate pairwise correlations
aveCors <- endoapply(aveCors, corFun, ...)
# Calculate mean (lower part of matrix)
aveCors <- vapply(aveCors,
FUN=function(x) mean(x[lower.tri(x)]),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# Append and remove
stretches$aveCor <- aveCors
message("# Stretch summary:")
message("Number of stretches: ", length(stretches))
message("Total number of clusters inside stretches: ",
sum(stretches$nClusters), " / ", length(object))
message("Minimum clusters: ", min(stretches$nClusters))
message("Maximum clusters: ", max(stretches$nClusters))
message("Minimum width: ", min(width(stretches)))
message("Maximum width: ", max(width(stretches)))
message("Summary of average pairwise correlations: ")
tmp <- utils::capture.output(summary(stretches$aveCor))
# Return
#### Links ####
# Determine orientation
determineOrientation <- function(gi){
# Get positions as midpoint
a <- InteractionSet::anchors(gi)
a <- lapply(a, granges)
a <- lapply(a, resize, width=1, fix="center")
# Switch depending on first strand
o <- ifelse(strand(a$first) == "+",
start(a$first) >= start(a$second),
start(a$first) <= start(a$second))
o <- ifelse(o, "upstream", "downstream")
# Return
# Helper for bpvec
corHelper <- function(ii, m, corFun, ...){
suppressWarnings(lapply(ii, function(i) corFun(x=m[i[1],],
#' Find nearby pairs of clusters and calculate pairwise correlations.
#' Finds all links or pairs of clusters within a certain distance of each other
#' and then calculates the correlation between them. The links found can be
#' restricted to only be between two classes, for example TSSs to enhancers.
#' @param object GRanges or RangedSummarizedExperiment: Clusters, possibly with
#' expression for calculating correlations.
#' @param inputAssay character: Name of assay holding expression values (if
#' object is a RangedSummarizedExperiment)
#' @param maxDist integer: Maximum distance between links.
#' @param directional character: Name of a column in object holding a grouping
#' of the clusters. This must be a factor with two levels. The first level is
#' used as the basis for calculating orientation (see below).
#' @param corFun function: Function for calculating pairwise correlations. See
#' notes for supplying custom functions.
#' @param vals character: Statistics extracted from the results produced by
#' corFun. See notes for supplying custom functions.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods or ultimately corFun.
#' @return A GInteractions holding the links, along with the distance between
#' them and correlation estimate and p-value calculated from their expression.
#' If a directional analysis was performed, the two anchors are always
#' connecting members of the two classes and the orientation of the second
#' anchor relative to the first is additionaly calculated (e.g. whether an
#' enhancers is upstream or downstream of the TSS).
#' @family Spatial functions
#' @details A custom function for calculation correlations can be supplied by
#' the user. The output of this function must be a named list or vector of
#' numeric values. The names of the vals to be extracted should be supplied to
#' vals.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(InteractionSet)
#' # Subset to highly expressed unidirectional clusters
#' TCs <- subset(exampleUnidirectional, score > 10)
#' # Find links within a certain distance
#' findLinks(TCs, inputAssay="counts", maxDist=10000L)
#' # To find TSS-to-enhancer type links, first merge the clusters:
#' colData(exampleBidirectional) <- colData(TCs)
#' rowRanges(TCs)$clusterType <- "TSS"
#' rowRanges(exampleBidirectional)$clusterType <- "Enhancer"
#' SE <- combineClusters(TCs, exampleBidirectional, removeIfOverlapping="object1")
#' rowRanges(SE)$clusterType <- factor(rowRanges(SE)$clusterType, levels=c("TSS", "Enhancer"))
#' # Calculate kendall correlations of TPM values:
#' SE <- calcTPM(SE, totalTags="totalTags")
#' findLinks(SE, inputAssay="TPM", maxDist=10000L, directional="clusterType", method="kendall")
setGeneric("findLinks", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("findLinks"))
#' @rdname findLinks
setMethod("findLinks", signature = "GRanges",
definition = function(object, maxDist=10000L, directional=NULL){
# Pre-checks
# Check if supplied factor
directional %in% colnames(mcols(object)),
length(levels(mcols(object)[,directional])) == 2)
# Grouping factor
g <- mcols(object)[,directional]
message("Finding directional links from ",
levels(g)[1], " to ", levels(g)[2], "...")
# Remember original order then split
by_dir <- granges(object)
by_dir$.id <- seq_len(length(by_dir))
by_dir <- split(by_dir, g)
# Find hits only between pairs
hits <- findOverlaps(by_dir[[1]],
# Rebuild with original order
links <- InteractionSet::GInteractions(
anchor1 = by_dir[[1]]$.id[from(hits)],
anchor2 = by_dir[[2]]$.id[to(hits)],
regions = object)
# Determine orientation
links$orientation <- determineOrientation(links)
message("Finding links...")
# Find nearby clusters
hits <- findOverlaps(object,
# Coerce to GI
links <- InteractionSet::GInteractions(anchor1 = from(hits),
anchor2 = to(hits),
regions = object)
# Calculate distance
links$distance <- InteractionSet::pairdist(links, type="gap")
# Return
#' @rdname findLinks
setMethod("findLinks", signature = "RangedSummarizedExperiment",
definition = function(object, inputAssay, maxDist=10000L,
directional=NULL, corFun=stats::cor.test,
vals=c("estimate", "p.value"), ...){
# Pre-checks
inputAssay %in% assayNames(object),
length(vals) >= 1)
# Find links
links <- findLinks(rowRanges(object),
message("Calculating ", length(links), " pairwise correlations...")
# Get pair IDs and matrix
iii <- Pairs(InteractionSet::anchorIds(links, "first"),
InteractionSet::anchorIds(links, "second"))
iii <- zipup(iii)
m <- assay(object, inputAssay)
# Calculate
# linkwise <- lapply(iii, function(i) corFun(x=m[i[1],],
# y=m[i[2],],
# ...))
linkwise <- BiocParallel::bpvec(X=iii,
rm(iii, m)
message("Preparing output...")
# Extract and transpose
linkwise <- vapply(linkwise,
FUN=function(o) unlist(o[vals], use.names=FALSE),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(vals)))
# Extract output, will be either vector or matrix
if(length(vals) == 1){
linkwise <- as.matrix(linkwise)
stop("Could not properly format output:\n",
"Output was neither a vector nor matrix!")
linkwise <- t(linkwise)
colnames(linkwise) <- vals
# Append
mcols(links) <- cbind(mcols(links), linkwise)
message("# Link summary:")
message("Number of links: ", length(links))
message("Summary of pairwise distance: ")
tmp <- utils::capture.output(summary(links$distance))
# Return
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