#' @include AllGenerics.R
setValidity("MixtureModel", function(object){
msg <- TRUE
if(length(p(object)) != k(object)){
msg <- "Mixture probability vector must be the same length as k"
msg <- "disagreement of k in hyperparams and model"
msg <- "u-vector must be same length as data"
if(iter(object) != iter(chains(object))){
msg <- "number of iterations not the same between chains and model"
th.len <- prod(dim(theta(object)))
pr.len <- length(object@predictive)
if(th.len != pr.len){
msg <- "predictive slot in current values should have length K x B"
#' @rdname hyperParams-method
#' @aliases hyperParams,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("hyperParams", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@hyperparams)
#' @rdname hyperParams-method
#' @aliases hyperParams<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("hyperParams", c("MixtureModel", "Hyperparameters"),
function(object, value) {
object@hyperparams <- value
setReplaceMethod("batch", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@batch <- value
observed <- function(object) object@data
#' Retrieve standard deviations of each component/batch mean.
#' @examples
#' sigma(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of length K, or a matrix of size B x K, where
#' K is the number of components and B is the number of batches
#' @export
sigma <- function(object) sqrt(sigma2(object))
#' Retrieve overall standard deviation.
#' @examples
#' tau(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of standard deviations
#' @export
tau <- function(object) sqrt(tau2(object))
#' @rdname nu.0-method
#' @aliases nu.0,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("nu.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@nu.0)
#' @rdname sigma2.0-method
#' @aliases sigma2.0,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("sigma2.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@sigma2.0)
sigma.0 <- function(object) sqrt(sigma2.0(object))
#' Retrieve mixture proportions.
#' @examples
#' p(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of length the number of components
#' @export
setMethod("p", "MixtureModel", function(object){
nComp <- function(object) length(p(object))
setMethod("dataMean", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@data.mean)
setMethod("dataPrec", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@data.prec)
setMethod("dataSd", "MixtureModel", function(object) sqrt(1/dataPrec(object)))
##dataMean <- function(object) object@data.mean
##dataPrec <- function(object) object@data.prec
##dataSd <- function(object) sqrt(1/dataPrec(object))
#' @rdname k-method
#' @aliases k,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("k", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@k)
#' @rdname k-method
#' @aliases k<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("k", "MixtureModel",
function(object, value) {
k <- as.integer(value)
hypp <- hyperParams(object)
hypp@k <- k
hypp@alpha <- rep(1, k)
hyperParams(object) <- hypp
object@k <- k
object@pi <- rep(1/k, k)
object@probz <- matrix(0, length(y(object)), k)
object <- startingValues(object)
setReplaceMethod("z", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
##object@z <- factor(value, levels=seq_len(k(object)))
object@z <- value
setReplaceMethod("theta", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@theta <- value
setReplaceMethod("sigma2", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@sigma2 <- value
setReplaceMethod("p", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@pi <- value
setReplaceMethod("nu.0", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@nu.0 <- value
setReplaceMethod("sigma2.0", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@sigma2.0 <- value
#' @rdname chains-method
#' @aliases chains,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("chains", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@mcmc.chains)
setReplaceMethod("chains", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@mcmc.chains <- value
setMethod("show", "MixtureModel", function(object){
cat("An object of class '", class(object), "'\n")
cat(" data: \n")
cat(" n :", length(y(object)), "\n")
cat(" k :", nComp(object), "\n")
cat(" table(z) :", paste(tablez(object), collapse=", "), "\n")
cat(" mix prob (s):", paste(round(p(object), 2), collapse=", "), "\n")
sds <- showSigmas(object)
mns <- showMeans(object)
cat(" sigma (s) :", sds, "\n")
cat(" theta (s) :", mns, "\n")
cat(" sigma2.0 (s):", round(sigma2.0(object), 2), "\n")
cat(" nu.0 (s) :", nu.0(object), "\n")
cat(" logprior(s):", round(logPrior(object), 2), "\n")
cat(" loglik (s) :", round(log_lik(object), 2), "\n")
cat(" log marginal lik (s) :", round(log_lik(object), 2), "\n")
setMethod("show", "SingleBatchModel", function(object){
object <- as(object, "MultiBatchModel")
setMethod("alpha", "MixtureModel", function(object) alpha(hyperParams(object)))
#' @rdname y-method
#' @aliases y,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("y", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@data)
setReplaceMethod("y", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@data <- value
#' @rdname oned-method
#' @aliases oned,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("oned", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@data)
#' @rdname batch-method
#' @aliases batch,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("batch", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@batch)
#' @rdname z-method
#' @aliases z,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("z", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@z)
setMethod("computePrior", "SingleBatchModel", function(object){
.computeProbZ <- function(object){
pZ <- probz(object)
zz <- as.integer(z(object))
for(j in seq_len(k(object))){
pZ[, j] <- pZ[, j] + as.integer(zz==j)
#' @aliases numberObs,MixtureModel-method
#' @rdname numberObs-method
setMethod("numberObs", "MixtureModel", function(model) length(y(model)))
setReplaceMethod("probz", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@probz <- value
## TODO Dangerous to have accessor do something more than return the value of it
## slot. Further
## probz(object) <- probz(object)
## will not behave as expected
#' @rdname probz-method
#' @aliases probz,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("probz", "MixtureModel", function(object) {
if(iter(object) > 0){
pz <- object@probz/iter(object)
## multipleStarts <- function(object){
## if(k(object)==1) return(object)
## mcmcp <- mcmcParams(object)
## mmod <- replicate(nStarts(mcmcp), SingleBatchModel(y(object), mcmc.params=mcmcp,
## hypp=hyperParams(object), k=k(object)))
## models <- suppressMessages(lapply(mmod, runBurnin))
## lp <- sapply(models, log_lik)
## select <- which.max(lp)
## if(length(select) == 0) stop("No model selected")
## model <- models[[select]]
## if(isSB(object)) return(model)
## ##
## ## initialize batch model
## ##
## bmodel <- MultiBatchModel(data=y(model), batch=batch(object), k=k(object), hypp=hyperParams(object))
## mcmcParams(bmodel, force=TRUE) <- mcmcParams(object)
## theta(bmodel) <- matrix(theta(model), nBatch(object), k(object), byrow=TRUE)
## mu(bmodel) <- theta(model)
## z(bmodel) <- z(model)
## bmodel <- ensureAllComponentsObserved(bmodel)
## zFreq(bmodel) <- as.integer(table(z(bmodel)))
## dataMean(bmodel) <- computeMeans(bmodel)
## dataPrec(bmodel) <- computePrec(bmodel)
## bmodel
## }
selectByLogLik <- function(model.list){
lp <- sapply(model.list, log_lik)
isfin <- is.finite(lp)
isnonzero <- lp != 0
is.candidate <- isfin & isnonzero
stop("Bad starting values.")
lp <- lp[is.candidate]
model.list <- model.list[is.candidate]
select <- which.max(lp)
if(length(select) == 0 ) stop("No model selected")
model <- model.list[[select]]
## multipleStarts2 <- function(object){
## if(k(object)==1) return(object)
## mcmcp <- mcmcParams(object)
## ##
## ##
## if(is(object, "MultiBatchModel")){
## model.list <- replicate(nStarts(mcmcp),
## MultiBatchModel(y(object), mcmc.params=mcmcp,
## hypp=hyperParams(object), k=k(object),
## batch=batch(object)))
## }
## if(is(object, "SingleBatchModel")){
## model.list <- replicate(nStarts(mcmcp),
## SingleBatchModel(y(object), mcmc.params=mcmcp,
## hypp=hyperParams(object), k=k(object)))
## }
## model <- selectByLogLik(model.list)
## model
## }
psParams <- function(warnings=TRUE,
setMethod("isOrdered", "MixtureModel", function(object){
identical(order(theta(object)), seq_along(theta(object)))
setMethod("isOrdered", "MultiBatchModel", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("dataMean", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@data.mean <- value
setReplaceMethod("dataPrec", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@data.prec <- value
setMethod("mu.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) mu.0(hyperParams(object)))
setMethod("mu.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object) object@mu.0)
setMethod("tau2.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) tau2.0(hyperParams(object)))
setMethod("tau2.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object) object@tau2.0)
tau.0 <- function(object) sqrt(tau2.0(object))
#' @rdname eta.0-method
#' @aliases eta.0,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("eta.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) eta.0(hyperParams(object)))
#' @rdname eta.0-method
#' @aliases eta.0,Hyperparameters-method
setMethod("eta.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object) object@eta.0)
#' @rdname m2.0-method
#' @aliases m2.0,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("m2.0", "MixtureModel", function(object) m2.0(hyperParams(object)))
#' @rdname m2.0-method
#' @aliases m2.0,Hyperparameters-method
setMethod("m2.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object) object@m2.0)
setReplaceMethod("eta.0", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
eta.0(hyperParams(object)) <- value
setReplaceMethod("m2.0", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
m2.0(hyperParams(object)) <- value
setReplaceMethod("eta.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object, value){
object@eta.0 <- value
setReplaceMethod("m2.0", "Hyperparameters", function(object, value){
object@m2.0 <- value
## the batch names tend to be much too long
makeUnique <- function(x, nchar=8){
ub <- unique(x)
##names(ub) <- ub
maxchar <- pmin(nchar(ub), nchar)
abbrv <- setNames(make.unique(substr(ub, 1, maxchar)), ub)
#' Calculate the maximum a posteriori estimate of latent variable assignment.
#' @examples
#' head(map_z(SingleBatchModelExample))
#' @param object an object of class MixtureModel.
#' @return map estimate of latent variable assignment for each observation
#' @export
map_z <- function(object) {
setMethod("thetac", "MixtureModel", function(object) theta(chains(object)))
setMethod("thetaMean", "MixtureModel", function(object) colMeans(thetac(object)))
setMethod("sigmaMean", "MixtureModel", function(object) colMeans(sigmac(object)))
logLikc <- function(object) log_lik(chains(object))
#' Retrieve standard deviation of each component/batch mean at each iteration of the MCMC.
#' @examples
#' sigmac(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A matrix of size N x K where N is the number of observations
#' and K is the number of components
#' @export
sigmac <- function(object) sigma(chains(object))
#' Retrieve mixture proportions at each iteration of the MCMC.
#' @examples
#' head(pic(MultiBatchModelExample))
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A matrix of size MCMC iterations x Number of components
#' @export
pic <- function(object) p(chains(object))
setMethod("pMean", "MixtureModel", function(object){
#' Retrieve overall mean at each iteration of the MCMC.
#' @examples
#' head(muc(SingleBatchModelExample))
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of length N or matrix of size N x B, where N is the
#' number of observations and B is the number of unique batches.
#' @export
muc <- function(object) mu(chains(object))
#' Retrieve overall mean averaged across MCMC simulations.
#' @examples
#' muMean(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of size 1 or number of batches
#' @export
muMean <- function(object) {
x <- muc(object)
if(is(object, "MultiBatchModel")){
#' Retrieve overall standard deviation at each iteration of the MCMC.
#' @examples
#' tauc(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of length N or matrix of size N x B, where N is the
#' number of observations and B is the number of unique batches.
#' @export
tauc <- function(object) sqrt(tau2(chains(object)))
#' Retrieve overall standard deviation averaged across MCMC simulations.
#' @examples
#' tauMean(SingleBatchModelExample)
#' @param object an object of class MarginalModel or BatchModel
#' @return A vector of size 1 or number of batches
#' @export
tauMean <- function(object){
x <- tauc(object)
if(is(object, "MultiBatchModel")){
#' @rdname modes-method
#' @aliases modes,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("modes", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@modes)
#' @rdname modes-method
#' @aliases modes<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("modes", "MixtureModel", function(object, value) {
object@modes <- value
#' @rdname log_lik-method
#' @aliases log_lik,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("log_lik", "MixtureModel", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("log_lik", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@loglik <- value
argMax <- function(object){
ll <- log_lik(chains(object))
if(length(ll) == 1) return(1)
##lp <- logPrior(chains(object))
##p <- ll+lp
p <- ll
p <- p[is.finite(p)]
if(length(p) == 0){
maxp <- max(p)
which(p == maxp)[1]
setMethod("isSB", "SingleBatchModel", function(object) TRUE)
setMethod("isSB", "MultiBatchModel", function(object) FALSE)
startAtTrueValues <- function(model, truth){
theta(model) <- theta(truth)
sigma2(model) <- sigma2(truth)
p(model) <- p(truth)
z(model) <- z(truth)
mu(model) <- mu(truth)
tau2(model) <- tau2(truth)
dataMean(model) <- computeMeans(model)
dataPrec(model) <- 1/computeVars(model)
zFreq(model) <- as.integer(table(z(model)))
log_lik(model) <- computeLoglik(model)
restartAtChainIndex <- function(model, index){
ch <- chains(model)
nb <- nrow(theta(model))
theta(model) <- matrix(theta(ch)[index, ], nrow=nb)
sigma2(model) <- matrix(sigma2(ch)[index, ], nrow=nb)
p(model) <- p(ch)[index, ]
mu(model) <- mu(ch)[index]
tau2(model) <- tau2(ch)[index]
sigma2.0(model) <- sigma2.0(ch)[index]
nu.0(model) <- nu.0(ch)[index]
zFreq(model) <- as.integer(table(z(model)))
dataMean(model) <- computeMeans(model)
dataPrec(model) <- 1/computeVars(model)
#' @rdname zfreq-method
#' @aliases zfreq,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("zFreq", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@zfreq)
setReplaceMethod("zFreq", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
object@zfreq <- value
#' @rdname mcmcParams-method
#' @aliases mcmcParams,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("mcmcParams", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@mcmc.params )
#' @rdname iter-method
#' @aliases iter,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("iter", "MixtureModel", function(object) iter(mcmcParams(object)))
#' @rdname nStarts-method
#' @aliases nStarts,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("nStarts", "MixtureModel", function(object) nStarts(mcmcParams(object)))
#' @rdname nStarts-method
#' @aliases nStarts<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("nStarts", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
mcmcParams(object)@nstarts <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname thin-method
#' @aliases thin,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("thin", "MixtureModel", function(object) thin(mcmcParams(object)))
#' @rdname burnin-method
#' @aliases burnin,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("burnin", "MixtureModel", function(object) burnin(mcmcParams(object)))
setMethod("numBatch", "MixtureModel", function(object) numBatch(chains(object)))
#' @rdname burnin-method
#' @aliases burnin<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("burnin", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
burnin(mcmcParams(object)) <- value
#' @rdname iter-method
#' @aliases iter<-,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("iter", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
mp <- mcmcParams(object)
iter(mp) <- as.integer(value)
mcmcParams(object) <- mp
iter(chains(object)) <- as.integer(value)
#' @rdname logPrior-method
#' @aliases logPrior,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("logPrior", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@logprior)
setReplaceMethod("logPrior", "MixtureModel", function(object, value) {
object@logprior <- value
setMethod("paramUpdates", "MixtureModel", function(x) paramUpdates(mcmcParams(x)))
setReplaceMethod("paramUpdates", "MixtureModel", function(x, value){
paramUpdates(mcmcParams(x)) <- value
nu0c <- function(object) nu.0(chains(object))
sigma20c <- function(object) sigma2.0(chains(object))
#' @rdname mcmcParams-method
#' @aliases mcmcParams,MixtureModel-method
setReplaceMethod("mcmcParams", "MixtureModel", function(object, value){
S <- iter(value)
B <- numBatch(object)
K <- k(object)
if(iter(object) != S){
if(S > iter(object)){
object@mcmc.params <- value
## create a new chain
mcmc_chains <- initialize_mcmc(K, S, B)
} else {
object@mcmc.params <- value
index <- seq_len(S)
mcmc_chains <- chains(object)[index, ]
mcmc_chains@iter <- S
mcmc_chains@B <- B
mcmc_chains@k <- K
chains(object) <- mcmc_chains
## if we've got to this point, it must be safe to update mcmc.params
## (i.e., size of chains is not effected)
object@mcmc.params <- value
#' @rdname mcmcParams-method
#' @aliases mcmcParams,list-method
setReplaceMethod("mcmcParams", "list",
function(object, value){
for(i in seq_along(object)){
mcmcParams(object[[i]]) <- value
setMethod("zChain", "MixtureModel", function(object) chains(object)@z)
mapModel <- function(model){
model2 <- restartAtChainIndex(model, argMax(model))
#' Probabiliistic copy number assigments.
#' Calculate probabilistic copy number assignments using Bayes Rule applied at the MAP estimates of the cluster mean, variance, and class proportion parameters
#' @param model An object of class MixtureModel.
#' @return A matrix of size N x K where N is number of observations and K is the number of components.
#' @export
mapCnProbability <- function(model){
## Cardin et al. : calculate probabilistic copy number assignments
## using Bayes Rule applied at the MAP estimates of the cluster
## mean, variance, and class proportion parameters
map_model <- mapModel(model)
p <- updateMultinomialProb(map_model)
#' @param value a length-one numeric vector indicating how often to save MCMC iterations to the chain. For example, a thin of 10 means that every 10th MCMC simulation is saved to the chain.
#' @rdname thin-method
#' @aliases thin<-,MixtureModel,numeric-method
setReplaceMethod("thin", c("MixtureModel", "numeric"), function(object, value){
mp <- mcmcParams(object)
mp@thin <- as.integer(value)
mcmcParams(object) <- mp
#' @rdname mcmcParams-method
#' @aliases mcmcParams,list-method
setMethod("mcmcParams", "list", function(object){
#' @aliases label_switch,MixtureModel-method
#' @rdname label_switch
setMethod("label_switch", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@label_switch)
setReplaceMethod("label_switch", c("MixtureModel", "logical"),
function(object, value){
object@label_switch <- value
#' @aliases marginal_lik,MixtureModel-method
#' @rdname marginal_lik
setMethod("marginal_lik", "MixtureModel", function(object){
#' @aliases marginal_lik<-,MixtureModel,numeric-method
#' @param value scalar for marginal likelihood
#' @rdname marginal_lik
setReplaceMethod("marginal_lik", c("MixtureModel", "numeric"),
function(object, value){
object@marginal_lik <- value
## #' @rdname tile-functions
## #' @aliases upSample,MultiBatchModel-method
## setMethod("upSample", "MultiBatchModel", function(model, tiles){
## tile.sum <- tileSummaries(tiles)
## ##stopifnot(all.equal(y(model), tile.sum$avgLRR))
## key <- match(tiles$tile, tile.sum$tile)
## model2 <- model
## y(model2) <- tiles$logratio
## probs <- probz(model)
## probs2 <- probs[key, , drop=FALSE]
## probz(model2) <- probs2 * (iter(model) - 1)
## z(model2) <- z(model)[key]
## batch(model2) <- tiles$batch
## model2
## })
dst <- dlocScale_t
#' Restore model of down-sampled to original dimension.
#' @examples
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(dplyr)
#' set.seed(123)
#' k <- 3
#' nbatch <- 3
#' means <- matrix(c(-1.2, -1, -0.8, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.8, 1, 1.2),
#' nbatch, k, byrow = FALSE)
#' sds <- matrix(0.1, nbatch, k)
#' N <- 1500
#' truth <- simulateBatchData(N = N,
#' batch = rep(letters[1:3],
#' length.out = N),
#' theta = means,
#' sds = sds,
#' p = c(1/5, 1/3, 1 - 1/3 - 1/5))
#' ##
#' ## Make a tibble: required plate, plate.index, batch_orig
#' ##
#' <- tibble(medians=y(truth),
#' plate=batch(truth),
#' batch_orig=as.character(batch(truth))) %>%
#' mutate(plate.index=as.integer(factor(plate, levels=unique(plate))))
#' ## Below, we down-sample to 500 observations
#' ## Required: batch_orig, batch_index
#' <- downSample(, size=500)
#' ##
#' ## Required: a mapping from plate to batch
#' ##
#' select <- dplyr::select
#' summarize <- dplyr::summarize
#' plate.mapping <- %>%
#' select(c(plate, batch_index)) %>%
#' group_by(plate) %>%
#' summarize(batch_index=unique(batch_index))
#' ## Fit a model as per usual to the down-sampled data
#' mp <- McmcParams(iter=200, burnin=10)
#' hp <- HyperparametersMultiBatch(k=3)
#' model <- MultiBatchModel2($medians,
#' mp=mp,
#' hp=hp)
#' model <- posteriorSimulation(model)
#' ##
#' ## Add the batching used for the down-sampled data to the full data
#' ##
#' full.data2 <- left_join(, plate.mapping, by="plate")
#' ##
#' ## Estimate probabilities for each individual in the full data
#' ##
#' model.full <- upSample2(full.data2, model)
#' @param a \code{data.frame} containing the original data (not downsampled) with the batch labels stored with colname \code{batch_orig} and the median-summarized data stored in column \code{medians}
#' @param model model fit to the down-sampled data
#' @param up_sample logical. If TRUE, model is restored to the original dimension.
#' @export
upSample2 <- function(,
model, ## the downsampled model
model2 <- useModes(model)
## if we do not upSample, we should be able to recover the original probabilities$ix <- seq_len(nrow( <-[order($batch_index), ]
y(model2) <-$medians
if(length(unique_batch(batch(model))) > 1) {
batch(model2) <-$batch_index
} else batch(model2) <- rep(1L, nrow(
model2@u <- rchisq(length(y(model2)), df=dfr(model))
thetas <- theta(model2)
sigmas <- sigma(model2)
if(!is.matrix(thetas)) {
thetas <- matrix(thetas, nrow=1)
sigmas <- matrix(sigmas, nrow=1)
p.comp <- p(model2)
df <- dfr(model2)
pooled <- class(model) %in% c("SingleBatchPooled", "MultiBatchPooled")
K <- seq_len(k(model2))
##B <- unique($batch_index)
B <- unique_batch(batch(model2))
pz <- matrix(NA, length(y(model2)), max(K))
for(b in B){
j <- which(batch(model2) == b)
m <- thetas[b, ]
ss <- sigmas[b]
} else {
ss <- sigmas[b, ]
yy <- y(model2)[j]
for(k in K){
temp <- p.comp[k] * dst(yy, df=df, mu=m[k], sigma=ss)
} else {
temp <- p.comp[k] * dst(yy, df=df, mu=m[k], sigma=ss[k])
pz[j, k] <- temp
pz2 <- pz/rowSums(pz)
## the probz slot expects a frequency
freq <- pz2 * (iter(model) - 1)
freq2 <- matrix(as.integer(freq), nrow=nrow(freq), ncol=ncol(freq))
probz(model2) <- freq2
## update z's
z(model2) <- z_multibatch_pvar(model2)
z(model2) <- update_z(model2)
## #' @rdname tile-functions
## #' @aliases upSample,MixtureModel-method
## setMethod("upSample", "MixtureModel", function(model, tiles){
## tile.sum <- tileSummaries(tiles)
## ##stopifnot(all.equal(y(model), tile.sum$avgLRR, tolerance=0.1, scale=1))
## key <- match(tiles$tile, tile.sum$tile)
## model2 <- model
## y(model2) <- tiles$logratio
## probs <- probz(model)
## probs2 <- probs[key, , drop=FALSE]
## probz(model2) <- probs2 * (iter(model) - 1)
## z(model2) <- z(model)[key]
## batch(model2) <- tiles$batch
## model2
## })
setMethod("u", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@u )
#' Accessor for degrees of freedom
#' @rdname dfr-method
#' @aliases dfr,MixtureModel-method
setMethod("dfr", "MixtureModel", function(object) object@hyperparams@dfr )
#' @aliases dfr,MixtureModel,numeric-method
#' @param value scalar providing degrees of freedom for t-distribution
#' @rdname dfr-method
setReplaceMethod("dfr", c("MixtureModel", "numeric"),
function(object, value) {
object@hyperparams@dfr <- value
object@u <- rchisq(length(y(object)), value)
## i can be logical or numeric
setMethod("[", c("MixtureModel", "logical"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE){
x@data <- oned(x)[i]
x@z <- z(x)[i]
x@probz <- x@probz[i, , drop=FALSE]
x@zfreq <- as.integer(table(z(x)))
x@batch <- batch(x)[i]
x@batchElements <- as.integer(table(batch(x)))
setMethod("[", c("MixtureModel", "numeric"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE){
x@data <- oned(x)[i]
x@z <- z(x)[i]
x@probz <- x@probz[i, , drop=FALSE]
x@zfreq <- as.integer(table(z(x)))
x@batch <- batch(x)[i]
x@batchElements <- as.integer(table(batch(x)))
setMethod("useModes", "MixtureModel", function(object){
m2 <- object
theta(m2) <- modes(object)[["theta"]]
sigma2(m2) <- modes(object)[["sigma2"]]
tau2(m2) <- modes(object)[["tau2"]]
nu.0(m2) <- modes(object)[["nu0"]]
sigma2.0(m2) <- modes(object)[["sigma2.0"]]
p(m2) <- modes(object)[["mixprob"]]
zFreq(m2) <- as.integer(modes(object)[["zfreq"]])
log_lik(m2) <- modes(object)[["loglik"]]
logPrior(m2) <- modes(object)[["logprior"]]
## update z using the modal values from above
z(m2) <- updateZ(m2)
setMethod("compute_marginal_lik", "MixtureModel", function(object, params){
## evaluate marginal likelihood. Relax default conditions
params <- mlParams(root=1/2,
ml <- tryCatch(marginalLikelihood(object, params),
warning=function(w) NULL)
marginal_lik(object) <- ml
message(" marginal likelihood: ", round(marginal_lik(object), 2))
} else {
##warning("Unable to compute marginal likelihood")
message("Unable to compute marginal likelihood")
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