
Defines functions cdhit_ccdb cdhit

Documented in cdhit cdhit_ccdb

#' R interface to CDHIT/CDHITest
#' CDHIT is a greedy algorithm to cluster amino acid or DNA sequences based on a
#' minimum identity.
#' By default, in this package it is configured perform ungapped, global
#' alignments with no clipping at start or end.
#' The `identity` is the number of identical characters in alignment
#' divided by the full length of the shorter sequence.
#' Set `s` < 1 to change the minimum coverage of the shorter sequence, which
#' will allow clipping at start or end.
#' Changing `G` = 0 changes the meaning of the `identity` to be the number of
#' identical characters in the alignment divided by the length of the alignment.
#' In this case, you must also set the alignment coverage controls `aL`, `AL`, `aS`, `AS`.
#' CDHit is by Fu, Niu, Zhu, Wu and Li (2012).  The R interface is originally by
#' Thomas Lin Pedersen and was transcribed here because it is not exported from
#' the package FindMyFriends, which is orphaned.
#' @param seqs \code{AAseq} or \code{DNAseq}
#' @param identity minimum proportion identity
#' @param kmerSize word size.  If NULL, it will be chosen automatically based on
#' the identity.
#' You may need to lower it below 5 for AAseq with identity less than .7.
#' @param min_length Minimum length for sequences to be clustered.  An error if
#' something smaller is passed.
#' @param s fraction of shorter sequence covered by alignment.
#' @param showProgress show a status bar
#' @param only_index if TRUE only return the integer cluster indices, otherwise
#' return a tibble.
#' @param ... other arguments that can be passed to cdhit, see
#' https://github.com/weizhongli/cdhit/wiki/3.-User's-Guide#CDHIT for details.
#' These will override any default values.
#' @useDynLib CellaRepertorium
#' @return vector of \code{integer} of length \code{seqs} providing the cluster
#' ID for each sequence, or a `tibble`.  See details.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble data_frame
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate filter
# needed for https://github.com/Lobz/facilitation/issues/1?
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @examples
#' fasta_path = system.file('extdata', 'demo.fasta', package='CellaRepertorium')
#' aaseq = Biostrings::readAAStringSet(fasta_path)
#' # 100% identity, global alignment
#' cdhit(aaseq, identity = 1, only_index = TRUE)[1:10]
#' # 100% identity, local alignment with no padding of endpoints
#' cdhit(aaseq,identity = 1, G = 0, aL = 1, aS = 1,  only_index = TRUE)[1:10]
#' # 100% identity, local alignment with .9 padding of endpoints
#' cdhit(aaseq,identity = 1, G = 0, aL = .9, aS = .9,  only_index = TRUE)[1:10]
#' # a tibble
#' tbl = cdhit(aaseq, identity = 1, G = 0, aL = .9, aS = .9, only_index = FALSE)
cdhit = function(seqs, identity = NULL, kmerSize = NULL, min_length = 6, s = 1,
                 only_index = FALSE, showProgress = interactive(), ...) {
    if(any(width(seqs) < min_length)) stop("Some sequences shorter than `min_length`;
                                           remove these or decrease min_length")
    name = 'CD-Hit'
    uopts = list(...)
    options = list()
    options$i <- tempfile()
    options$s = s
    writeXStringSet(seqs, options$i)
    type = switch(
        AAStringSet = 'cdhitC',
        DNAStringSet = 'cdhitestC',
        stop('seqs must be either AAStringSet or DNAStringSet')
    if(type == 'cdhitestC'){ #DNA
        kmerSize = case_when(identity < .8 ~ 4, identity < .85 ~ 5,
                             identity < .88 ~ 6, identity < .9 ~ 7,
                             identity < .95 ~ 9, identity < 1 ~ 10, TRUE ~ 11)
        options = c(options, list(ap = 1, r = 0))
    } else{
        kmerSize = 5
    options$n = kmerSize
    options$c = identity
    options$l = min_length - 1
    options = c(uopts, options)
    options = options[!duplicated(names(options))]
    options = lapply(options, as.character)
    if(type == 'cdhitC'){
        seq_cluster_index = cdhitC(options, name, showProgress) + 1
    } else{
        seq_cluster_index = cdhitestC(options, name, showProgress) + 1
    if(only_index) return(seq_cluster_index)
    tibble::tibble(query_name = names(seqs), seq = as.character(seqs),
                   cluster_idx = seq_cluster_index) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(cluster_idx) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(n_cluster = dplyr::n()) %>% ungroup()

##' Use [cdhit()] to cluster a [ContigCellDB()]
##' @param ccdb An object of class [ContigCellDB()]
##' @param sequence_key `character` naming the column in the `contig_tbl` containing the sequence to be clustered
##' @param type one of 'DNA' or 'AA'
##' @param cluster_pk `character` specifying key, and name for the clustering.
##' @return [ContigCellDB()]
##' @inheritDotParams cdhit -seqs -only_index
##' @export
##' @seealso [cdhit()]
##' @examples
##' data(ccdb_ex)
##' res = cdhit_ccdb(ccdb_ex, 'cdr3_nt', type = 'DNA',
##' cluster_name = 'DNA97', identity = .965, min_length = 12, G = 1)
##' res$cluster_tbl
##' res$contig_tbl
##' res$cluster_pk
cdhit_ccdb = function(ccdb, sequence_key, type = c('DNA', 'AA'),
                      cluster_pk = 'cluster_idx', ...){
    seqs = ccdb$contig_tbl[[sequence_key]]
    if(length(seqs) < 1) stop("No sequences were provided")
    type = match.arg(type, c('DNA', 'AA'))
    if(type == 'DNA'){
        seqset = DNAStringSet(seqs)
    } else {
        seqset = AAStringSet(seqs)
    cluster_idx = cdhit(seqset, ..., only_index = TRUE)
    contig_tbl = ccdb$contig_tbl
    contig_tbl[[cluster_pk]] = cluster_idx
    cluster_tbl = as_tibble(unique(contig_tbl[cluster_pk]))
    replace_cluster_tbl(ccdb, cluster_tbl, contig_tbl, cluster_pk = cluster_pk)

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CellaRepertorium documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:48 p.m.