
Defines functions depecheCoFunction

# This function is used by depeche
# The reason this level of complexity is needed is to handle both single-run
# depeche and dual-run depeche. In the latter case, this function is called
# multiple times.
# "Unique" parameters
# inDataFrameScaled: the scaled version of inDataFrame. See initial part of
# depeche function for details.
# firstClusterNumber: this defines if the first number for the cluster
# definitions.
# plotDir: should a directory be created? In practice, FALSE for single
# depeche and TRUE for the second part of dual depeche.
# For information on the other parameters, see depeche.
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @importFrom graphics box
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line ggtitle xlab ylab ylim ggsave
#' @importFrom dplyr sample_n
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram order.dendrogram hclust dist
#' @useDynLib DepecheR
depecheCoFunction <- function(inDataFrameScaled, samplingSubset, 
                              firstClusterNumber = 1,
                              plotDir, penalties, sampleSize,
                              selectionSampleSize, k, minARIImprovement,
                              optimARI, maxIter, newNumbers, nCores,
                              createOutput, logCenterSd) {
    if (plotDir != ".") {

    # Here, if the dataset is big, a subset of it is used to sample from. 
    # Here we have also introduced
    # the sampleSubset that makes it possible to balance a dataset so that each
    # individual gets an equal number of cells as input. 
    inDataFrameUsed <- inDataFrameScaled[samplingSubset,]
    if (nrow(inDataFrameUsed) > 1e+06) {
        sampleRows <- sample(seq_len(nrow(inDataFrameUsed)), 1e+06)
        inDataFrameUsed <- inDataFrameUsed[sampleRows, ]

    # Here, the sampleSize is set in cases it
    # is 'default'.
    if (sampleSize == "default") {
        if (nrow(inDataFrameUsed) <= 10000) {
            sampleSize <- nrow(inDataFrameUsed)
        } else {
            sampleSize <- 10000

    if (nCores == "default") {
        nCores <- floor(detectCores() * 0.875)
        if (nCores > 10) {
            nCores <- 10

    dOptPenaltyResult <- dOptPenalty(inDataFrameUsed,
        k = k, maxIter = maxIter,
        sampleSize = sampleSize,
        penalties = penalties,
        createOutput = createOutput,
        minARIImprovement = minARIImprovement,
        optimARI = optimARI, nCores = nCores,
        plotDir = plotDir

    # Now over to creating the final solution
    # Here, the selectionDataSet is created
    if (selectionSampleSize == "default") {
        selectionSampleSize <- sampleSize
    if (nrow(inDataFrameUsed) <= selectionSampleSize) {
        selectionDataSet <- inDataFrameUsed
    } else {
        selectionDataSet <-
                replace = TRUE
            ), ]

    # If the dataset is small, a new set of
    # seven clusterings are performed (on all
    # the data or on a subsample, depending
    # on the sample size), and the maximum
    # likelihood solution is returned as the
    # result
    if (nrow(inDataFrameUsed) < 10000) {
        penalty <- dOptPenaltyResult$bestPenalty
        depecheAllDataResult <-
                penalty = penalty, k = k,
                nCores = nCores
        clusterVector <- depecheAllDataResult[[1]]
        reducedClusterCenters <- depecheAllDataResult[[2]]
    } else {
        # Now, the best run amongst all the runs
        # with the largest sample size is
        # defined, by identifying the solution
        # that gives the highest mean f-measure
        # for all the others.  First, all
        # solutions are retrieved
        allSolutions <- dOptPenaltyResult[[3]]

        # Now, all clusterCenters are used to
        # allocate the selectionDataSet.
        allocationResultList <-
            lapply(allSolutions, function(x) {
                      inDataFrame = selectionDataSet, clusterCenters = x,
                      log2Off = TRUE, noZeroNum = FALSE

        # Here, the corrected Rand index with
        # each allocationResult as the first
        # vector vector and all the others as
        # individual second vectors is identified
        cl <- makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
        meanARIList <-
            foreach(i = seq_len(length(allocationResultList))) %dopar%
                FUN.VALUE = 0.5, rand_index,
                inds2 = allocationResultList[[i]], k = k
        meanARIVector <- unlist(meanARIList)

        # Now the solution being the most similar
        # to all the others is retrieved
        optimalClusterCenters <- unlist(allSolutions[[which(meanARIVector ==
        colnames(optimalClusterCenters) <- colnames(inDataFrameUsed)
        # Remove all rows and columns that do not
        # contain any information
        reducedClusterCenters <-
                which(rowSums(optimalClusterCenters) != 0),
                which(colSums(optimalClusterCenters) != 0)

        # In the specific case that only one row
        # is left, due to a high penalty, the
        # data needs to be converted back to a
        # matrix from a vector. The same is done
        # if the number of informative variables
        # is just one.
        if (length(which(rowSums(optimalClusterCenters) != 0)) == 1) {
            reducedClusterCenters <- t(reducedClusterCenters)
        } else if (length(which(colSums(optimalClusterCenters) != 0) == 1)) {
            reducedClusterCenters <- as.matrix(reducedClusterCenters)

        # And here, the optimal solution is
        # created with the full dataset
        clusterVector <- dAllocate(inDataFrameScaled,
            log2Off = TRUE, noZeroNum = FALSE

    # Now, the clusters are ordered according to their size, and re-numbered
    clusterSizeNums <- as.numeric(names(sort(table(clusterVector),
        decreasing = TRUE
    nClust <- length(clusterSizeNums)
    newNums <- seq(firstClusterNumber, firstClusterNumber + (nClust - 1))
    clusterVectorNewNums <- clusterVector
    sortedClustSizeNums <- sort(clusterSizeNums)
    row.names(reducedClusterCenters) <- sortedClustSizeNums
    for (i in seq_len(nClust)) {
        localNum <- clusterSizeNums[i]
        clusterVectorNewNums[clusterVector == localNum] <- newNums[i]
        row.names(reducedClusterCenters)[sortedClustSizeNums == localNum] <-

    # And here, the rows of the reducedClusterCenters are reordered
    reducedClusterCenters <- reducedClusterCenters[

    # Here, the optPenalty information is
    # retrieved from the optimal sample size
    # run.
    optPenalty <- list("bestPenalty" = dOptPenaltyResult[[1]], 
                       "allPenalties" = dOptPenaltyResult[[2]])

    # Here, a cluster center matrix is
    # created that relates its values to the
    # original, indata variables, which
    # increases the interpretability vastly.
    # First, the cluster centers are
    # multiplied by the standar deviation of
    # the data
    clusterCentersMultSd <- reducedClusterCenters * logCenterSd[[3]]

    # Then, the center term is added to all
    # variables separately
    if (is.logical(logCenterSd[[2]]) == FALSE) {
        correctClusterCentersList <- list()
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(clusterCentersMultSd))) {
            focusMean <- logCenterSd[[2]][which(names(logCenterSd[[2]]) %in%
            correctClusterCentersList[[i]] <- clusterCentersMultSd[, i]
        correctClusterCenters <- do.call("cbind", correctClusterCentersList)
        colnames(correctClusterCenters) <- colnames(reducedClusterCenters)
    } else {
        correctClusterCenters <- clusterCentersMultSd
        colnames(correctClusterCenters) <- colnames(reducedClusterCenters)

    # Here, a list of the essential elements for each cluster is generated.
    essenceElementList <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(reducedClusterCenters)), 
                                 function(x) {
            reducedClusterCenters)[which(reducedClusterCenters[x, ] != 0)])

    # Here, a heatmap over the cluster
    # centers is saved. Only true if the
    # number of clusters exceeds one.
    if (ncol(reducedClusterCenters) > 500) {
        message("As the number of variables in the result exceeds 500, ",
                "it is not meaningful to produce a cluster center heatmap, ",
                "so it is omitted")
    } else if (nrow(reducedClusterCenters) > 1 &&
        ncol(reducedClusterCenters) > 1) {
        graphicClusterCenters <- reducedClusterCenters
        # Here we scale each center value to the
        # range between the lowest and highest
        # permille of the observations in the
        # inDataScaled for that variable
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(graphicClusterCenters))) {
            scaledFocus <-
                inDataFrameUsed[, colnames(inDataFrameUsed) ==
            graphicClusterCenters[, i] <- dScale(reducedClusterCenters[, i],
                robustVarScale = FALSE,
                center = FALSE,
                truncate = TRUE

        # Here, the order of the columns are changed, so that the
        # most similar ones are the closest to each other
        colOrder <-

        graphicClusterCenters[reducedClusterCenters == 0] <- NA

        graphicClusterCenters <- graphicClusterCenters[, colOrder]

        colorLadder <- dColorVector(seq_len(11),
            colorScale = c(
                "#0D0887FF", "#6A00A8FF", "#900DA4FF", "#B12A90FF",
                "#CC4678FF", "#E16462FF", "#F1844BFF", "#FCA636FF",

        if (createOutput) {
            # First, the name is defined, depending on two criteria: if the data
            # was log transformed, and if a directory should be created or not.
            logOrNoLogName <- ifelse(logCenterSd[[1]] == FALSE, "Cluster",
            clusterCenterName <- file.path(plotDir, paste0(
                Rowv = FALSE,
                Colv = FALSE, dendrogram = "none", scale = "none",
                col = colorLadder, breaks = seq(0, 1, length.out = 12),
                trace = "none", keysize = 1.5, density.info = "none",
                key.xlab =
                    "0=no expression, 1=high expression\ngrey=penalized",
                na.color = "#A2A2A2"

    # And now, the result that should be
    # returned is compiled
    depecheResult <- list(
        clusterVectorNewNums, correctClusterCenters,
        essenceElementList, optPenalty
    names(depecheResult) <- c(
        "clusterVector", "clusterCenters",
        "essenceElementList", "penaltyOptList"
    if (logCenterSd[[1]]) {
        names(depecheResult)[2] <- "log2ClusterCenters"


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DepecheR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.