#' Calculate barcode ranks
#' Compute barcode rank statistics and identify the knee and inflection points on the total count curve.
#' @param m A numeric matrix-like object where columns represent barcoded droplets and rows represent genes.
#' @param lower A numeric scalar specifying the lower bound on the total UMI count,
#' at or below which all barcodes are assumed to correspond to empty droplets.
#' @param fit.bounds A numeric vector of length 2, specifying the lower and upper bounds on the total UMI count
#' from which to obtain a section of the curve for spline fitting.
#' @param exclude.from An integer scalar specifying the number of highest ranking barcodes to exclude from spline fitting.
#' Ignored if \code{fit.bounds} is specified.
#' @param df,... Further arguments to pass to \code{\link{smooth.spline}}.
#' @details
#' Analyses of droplet-based scRNA-seq data often show a plot of the log-total count against the log-rank of each barcode
#' where the highest ranks have the largest totals.
#' This is equivalent to a transposed empirical cumulative density plot with log-transformed axes,
#' which focuses on the barcodes with the largest counts.
#' To help create this plot, the \code{barcodeRanks} function will compute these ranks for all barcodes in \code{m}.
#' Barcodes with the same total count receive the same average rank to avoid problems with discrete runs of the same total.
#' The function will also identify the inflection and knee points on the curve for downstream use,
#' Both of these points correspond to a sharp transition between two components of the total count distribution,
#' presumably reflecting the difference between empty droplets with little RNA and cell-containing droplets with much more RNA.
#' \itemize{
#' \item The inflection point is computed as the point on the rank/total curve where the first derivative is minimized.
#' The derivative is computed directly from all points on the curve with total counts greater than \code{lower}.
#' This avoids issues with erratic behaviour of the curve at lower totals.
#' \item The knee point is defined as the point on the curve where the signed curvature is minimized.
#' This requires calculation of the second derivative, which is much more sensitive to noise in the curve.
#' To overcome this, a smooth spline is fitted to the log-total counts against the log-rank using \code{\link{smooth.spline}}.
#' Derivatives are then calculated from the fitted spline using \code{\link{predict}}.
#' }
#' @section Details on curve fitting:
#' We supply a relatively low default setting of \code{df} to avoid overfitting the spline,
#' as this results in unstability in the higher derivatives (and thus the curvature).
#' \code{df} and other arguments to \code{\link{smooth.spline}} can be tuned
#' if the estimated knee point is not at an appropriate location.
#' We also restrict the fit to lie within the bounds defined by \code{fit.bounds} to focus on the region containing the knee point.
#' This allows us to obtain an accurate fit with low \code{df} rather than attempting to model the entire curve.
#' If \code{fit.bounds} is not specified, the lower bound is automatically set to the inflection point
#' as this should lie below the knee point on typical curves.
#' The upper bound is set to the point at which the first derivative is closest to zero,
#' i.e., the \dQuote{plateau} region before the knee point.
#' The first \code{exclude.from} barcodes with the highest totals are ignored in this process
#' to avoid spuriously large numerical derivatives from unstable parts of the curve with low point density.
#' Note that only points with total counts above \code{lower} will be considered for curve fitting,
#' regardless of how \code{fit.bounds} is defined.
#' @return
#' A \linkS4class{DataFrame} where each row corresponds to a column of \code{m}, and containing the following fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{rank}:}{Numeric, the rank of each barcode (averaged across ties).}
#' \item{\code{total}:}{Numeric, the total counts for each barcode.}
#' \item{\code{fitted}:}{Numeric, the fitted value from the spline for each barcode.
#' This is \code{NA} for points with \code{x} outside of \code{fit.bounds}.}
#' }
#' The metadata contains \code{knee}, a numeric scalar containing the total count at the knee point;
#' and \code{inflection}, a numeric scalar containing the total count at the inflection point.
#' @author
#' Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' # Mocking up some data:
#' set.seed(2000)
#' my.counts <- DropletUtils:::simCounts()
#' # Computing barcode rank statistics:
#' br.out <- barcodeRanks(my.counts)
#' names(br.out)
#' # Making a plot.
#' plot(br.out$rank, br.out$total, log="xy", xlab="Rank", ylab="Total")
#' o <- order(br.out$rank)
#' lines(br.out$rank[o], br.out$fitted[o], col="red")
#' abline(h=metadata(br.out)$knee, col="dodgerblue", lty=2)
#' abline(h=metadata(br.out)$inflection, col="forestgreen", lty=2)
#' legend("bottomleft", lty=2, col=c("dodgerblue", "forestgreen"),
#' legend=c("knee", "inflection"))
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{emptyDrops}}, where this function is used.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats smooth.spline predict fitted
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata<-
barcodeRanks <- function(m, lower=100, fit.bounds=NULL, exclude.from=50, df=20, ...) {
totals <- unname(colSums(m))
o <- order(totals, decreasing=TRUE)
stuff <- rle(totals[o])
run.rank <- cumsum(stuff$lengths) - (stuff$lengths-1)/2 # Get mid-rank of each run.
run.totals <- stuff$values
keep <- run.totals > lower
if (sum(keep)<3) {
stop("insufficient unique points for computing knee/inflection points")
y <- log10(run.totals[keep])
x <- log10(run.rank[keep])
# Numerical differentiation to identify bounds for spline fitting.
edge.out <- .find_curve_bounds(x=x, y=y, exclude.from=exclude.from)
left.edge <- edge.out["left"]
right.edge <- edge.out["right"]
# As an aside: taking the right edge to get the total for the inflection point.
# We use the numerical derivative as the spline is optimized for the knee.
inflection <- 10^(y[right.edge])
# We restrict curve fitting to this region, thereby simplifying the shape of the curve.
# This allows us to get a decent fit with low df for stable differentiation.
if (is.null(fit.bounds)) {
new.keep <- left.edge:right.edge
} else {
new.keep <- y > log10(fit.bounds[1]) & y < log10(fit.bounds[2])
# Smoothing to avoid error multiplication upon differentiation.
# Minimizing the signed curvature and returning the total for the knee point.
fitted.vals <- rep(NA_real_, length(keep))
if (length(new.keep) >= 4) {
fit <- smooth.spline(x[new.keep], y[new.keep], df=df, ...)
fitted.vals[keep][new.keep] <- 10^fitted(fit)
d1 <- predict(fit, deriv=1)$y
d2 <- predict(fit, deriv=2)$y
curvature <- d2/(1 + d1^2)^1.5
knee <- 10^(y[new.keep][which.min(curvature)])
} else {
# Sane fallback upon overly aggressive filtering by 'exclude.from', 'lower'.
knee <- 10^(y[new.keep[1]])
# Returning a whole stack of useful stats.
out <- DataFrame(
rank=.reorder(run.rank, stuff$lengths, o),
total=.reorder(run.totals, stuff$lengths, o),
fitted=.reorder(fitted.vals, stuff$lengths, o)
rownames(out) <- colnames(m)
metadata(out) <- list(knee=knee, inflection=inflection)
.reorder <- function(vals, lens, o) {
out <- rep(vals, lens)
out[o] <- out
.find_curve_bounds <- function(x, y, exclude.from)
# The upper/lower bounds are defined at the plateau and inflection, respectively.
# Some exclusion of the LHS points avoids problems with discreteness.
d1n <- diff(y)/diff(x)
skip <- min(length(d1n) - 1, sum(x <= log10(exclude.from)))
d1n <- tail(d1n, length(d1n) - skip)
right.edge <- which.min(d1n)
left.edge <- which.max(d1n[seq_len(right.edge)])
c(left=left.edge, right=right.edge) + skip
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