# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 8 Feb 2011
# visualization utility for GRNs and expression data
#' GGEA graphs of consistency between regulation and expression
#' Gene graph enrichment analysis (GGEA) is a network-based enrichment analysis
#' method implemented in the EnrichmentBrowser package. The idea of GGEA is to
#' evaluate the consistency of known regulatory interactions with the observed
#' gene expression data. A GGEA graph for a gene set of interest displays the
#' consistency of each interaction in the network that involves a gene set
#' member. Nodes (genes) are colored according to expression
#' (up-/down-regulated) and edges (interactions) are colored according to
#' consistency, i.e. how well the interaction type (activation/inhibition) is
#' reflected in the correlation of the expression of both interaction partners.
#' @aliases ggea.graph ggea.graph.legend
#' @param gs Gene set under investigation. This should be a character vector
#' of gene IDs.
#' @param grn Gene regulatory network. Character matrix with exactly *THREE*
#' cols; 1st col = IDs of regulating genes; 2nd col = corresponding regulated
#' genes; 3rd col = regulation effect; Use '+' and '-' for
#' activation/inhibition.
#' @param se Expression data given as an object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param alpha Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param beta Log2 fold change significance level. Defaults to 1 (2-fold).
#' @param max.edges Maximum number of edges that should be displayed. Defaults
#' to 50.
#' @param cons.thresh Consistency threshold. Graphical parameter that
#' correspondingly increases line width of edges with a consistency above the
#' chosen threshold (defaults to 0.7).
#' @param show.scores Logical. Should consistency scores of the edges be
#' displayed? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return None, plots to a graphics device.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{nbea}} to perform network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\link{eaBrowse}} for exploration of resulting gene sets.
#' @examples
#' # (1) expression data:
#' # simulated expression values of 100 genes
#' # in two sample groups of 6 samples each
#' se <- makeExampleData(what="SE")
#' se <- deAna(se)
#' # (2) gene sets:
#' # draw 10 gene sets with 15-25 genes
#' gs <- makeExampleData(what="gs", gnames=names(se))
#' # (3) compiling artificial regulatory network
#' grn <- makeExampleData(what="grn", nodes=names(se))
#' # (4) plot consistency graph
#' ggeaGraph(gs=gs[[1]], grn=grn, se=se)
#' # (5) get legend
#' ggeaGraphLegend()
#' @export ggeaGraph
ggeaGraph <- function(gs, grn, se,
alpha=0.05, beta=1, max.edges=50, cons.thresh=0.7, show.scores=FALSE)
sgrn <- .queryGRN(gs, grn, index=FALSE)
g <- .constructGGEAGraph(grn=sgrn, se=se, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,
max.edges=max.edges, cons.thresh=cons.thresh)
.plotGGEAGraph(g, show.scores=show.scores)
## .plotGGEAGraph
## function plots a graph of a gene regulatory network
## that has been previously constructed via .constructGGEAGraph
.plotGGEAGraph <- function(graph, show.scores=FALSE, title="GGEA Graph")
graphRenderInfo(graph) <- list(main=title)
newLabels <- rep("", numEdges(graph))
names(newLabels) <- names(edgeRenderInfo(graph)$label)
edgeRenderInfo(graph)$label <- newLabels
# layout, render & plot graph
ncolor <- nodeRenderInfo(graph)$col
ecolor <- edgeRenderInfo(graph)$col
elwd <- edgeRenderInfo(graph)$lwd
graph <- Rgraphviz::layoutGraph(graph)
nodeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(col=ncolor)
edgeRenderInfo(graph) <- list(col=ecolor, lwd=elwd)
graph <- Rgraphviz::renderGraph(graph)
## .constructGGEAGraph
## function construct and renders a graph of a gene regulatory network
.constructGGEAGraph <- function(grn, se,
alpha=0.05, beta=1, max.edges=50, cons.thresh=0.7)
if(is(se, "ExpressionSet")) se <- as(se, "SummarizedExperiment")
# consistency
nodes <- intersect(names(se), grn[,1:2])
nr.nodes <- length(nodes)
node.grid <- seq_len(nr.nodes)
names(node.grid) <- nodes
grn <- .transformGRN(grn, node.grid)
if(nrow(grn) < 2) return(NULL)
fDat <- as.matrix(rowData(se)[nodes,
sapply(c("FC.COL", "ADJP.COL"), configEBrowser)])
de <- .compDE(fDat, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) <- cbind(de[grn[,1]], de[grn[,2]])
if(ncol(grn) > 2) <- cbind(, grn[,3])
edge.cons <- apply(, MARGIN=1, FUN=.isConsistent)
ord <- order(abs(edge.cons), decreasing=TRUE)
edge.cons <- edge.cons[ord]
grn <- grn[ord,]
# restrict to c most consistent and i inconsistent edges,
# s.t. i + c = nr.edges
if(nrow(grn) > max.edges)
edge.cons <- head(edge.cons, max.edges)
grn <- head(grn, max.edges)
# rse to restricted representation
ind <- unique(as.vector(grn[,1:2]))
node.grid <- node.grid[ind]
nodes <- names(node.grid)
nr.nodes <- length(nodes)
fDat <- fDat[nodes,]
grn[,1] <- vapply(grn[,1],
function(x) which(node.grid == x),
grn[,2] <- vapply(grn[,2],
function(x) which(node.grid == x),
ord <-,
grn <- grn[ord,]
edge.cons <- edge.cons[ord]
node.grid <- seq_len(nr.nodes)
names(node.grid) <- nodes
# init graph: nodes and edge list
edgeL <- lapply(node.grid,
function(i) list(edges=as.integer(grn[which(grn[,1]==i), 2])))
names(edgeL) <- nodes
gr <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=edgeL, edgemode="directed")
# render graph
# (a) render nodes
nColor <- apply(fDat, 1, .determineNodeColor)
nLwd <- rep(3, nr.nodes)
names(nLwd) <- nodes
org <- metadata(se)$annotation
if(!length(org)) nLabel <- nodes
else nLabel <- .getKEGGDisplayName(nodes, org=org)
names(nLabel) <- nodes
nodeRenderInfo(gr) <- list(label=nLabel, col=nColor, lwd=nLwd)
# (b) render edges
nr.edges <- numEdges(gr)
edges <- sub("\\|", "~", names(edgeData(gr)))
# colors & lwds, etc
eLty <- rep("solid", nr.edges)
names(eLty) <- edges
eCol <- vapply(edge.cons, .determineEdgeColor, character(1))
names(eCol) <- edges
eLabel <- round(edge.cons, digits=1)
names(eLabel) <- edges
eLwd <- vapply(edge.cons,
function(e) .determineEdgeLwd(e, cons.thresh=cons.thresh),
names(eLwd) <- edges
edgeRenderInfo(gr) <-
list(lty=eLty, col=eCol, textCol=eCol, label=eLabel, lwd=eLwd)
if(ncol(grn) > 2)
eArrowhead <- ifelse(grn[,3] == 1, "open", "tee")
names(eArrowhead) <- edges
.getKEGGDisplayName <- function(, org)
entry <- KEGGREST::keggList(paste(org,, sep=":"))
dnames <- vapply(entry,
function(e) unlist(strsplit(e, "[,;] "))[1],
## .determineEdgeLwd
## function returns line width depending on edge consistency
.determineEdgeLwd <- function(edge.cons, cons.thresh=0.7)
ifelse(abs(edge.cons) > cons.thresh,
1 + (abs(edge.cons) - cons.thresh) * 10, 1)
## .determineEdgeColor
## function returns a color depending on edge consistency
.determineEdgeColor <- function(edge.cons)
ifelse(edge.cons < 0, rgb(0,0,abs(edge.cons)), rgb(abs(edge.cons),0,0))
## .determineNodeColor
## function returns a color depending on fc sign and significance
.determineNodeColor <- function(
color <- rgb(0,0,0)
if(any( return(color)
# intensity of color is 1 - P,
# i.e. the more significant, the more intense
intens <- 1 -[2]
# fold change positive, i.e. upregulated -> green
if(sign([1]) == 1) color <- rgb(0, intens, 0)
# fold change negative, i.e. downregulated -> red
else if(sign([1]) == -1) color <- rgb(intens, 0 , 0)
## ggeaGraphLegend
## function plots the legend for a ggeaGraph
#' @rdname ggeaGraph
#' @export
ggeaGraphLegend <- function()
opar <- par(mar=c(0,0,3,0), mgp=c(0,0,0))
## init plot
plot(1,1, type="n", xlim=c(0.2,2), ylim=c(0,12),
axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="GGEA graph legend")
text(0.8, 1, "inhibition", pos=2, cex=1.2)
segments(1, 1, 2, 1, col="black", lty=1)
text(1.97, 1, "|", pos=4, col="black")
text(0.8, 2, "activation", pos=2, cex=1.2)
segments(1,2, 2, 2, col="black", lty=1)
text(1.95, 2, ">", pos=4, col="black")
text(0.8, 3, "EDGE TYPES", pos=2, cex=1.5)
text(1.5, 4, "(the clearer the color appears, the more significant it is)")
## inconsistent edges
i = 5
text(0.8, i, "inconsistent (blue)", pos=2, cex=1.2)
segments(1,i,1.45,i,col="blue", lty=1)
text(1.4, i, ">", pos=4, col="blue")
segments(1.5,i,1.95,i, col="blue", lty=1)
text(1.915, i, "|", pos=4, col="blue")
## consistent edges
i = 6
text(0.8, i, "consistent (red)", pos=2, cex=1.2)
segments(1,i,1.45,i, col="red", lty=1)
text(1.4, i, ">", pos=4, col="red")
segments(1.5,i,1.95,i, col="red", lty=1)
text(1.915, i, "|", pos=4, col="red")
text(0.8, 7, "EDGE COLORS", pos=2, cex=1.5)
text(1.5, 8, "(the clearer the color appears, the more significant it is)")
i = 9
text(0.8, i, "down-regulated", pos=2, cex=1.2)
symbols(x=1.5, y=i, circles=0.025, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg="red", lwd=2)
i = 10
text(0.8, i, "up-regulated", pos=2, cex=1.2)
symbols(x=1.5, y=i, circles=0.025, inches=FALSE, add=TRUE, fg="green", lwd=2)
text(0.8, 11, "NODE COLORS", pos=2, cex=1.5)
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