eqtlEstimates = function (smlSet, rhs = ~1 - 1, runname = "fooe", targdir = "fooe",
geneApply = lapply, chromApply = lapply, shortfac = 100,
checkValid = TRUE, saveSummaries = TRUE, uncert = TRUE, family,
genegran = 50, prefilter = dropMonomorphies, ...)
theCall =
if (is.function(prefilter))
smlSet = prefilter(smlSet)
if (checkValid) {
tmp = validObject(smlSet)
if (missing(family))
family = "gaussian"
geneindex <- 1
sess = sessionInfo()
fnhead = paste(targdir, "/", runname, "_", sep = "")
geneNames = featureNames(smlSet)
chrNames = names(smList(smlSet))
ngenes = length(geneNames)
nchr = length(chrNames)
if (!file.exists(targdir))
summfflist = list()
if (saveSummaries) {
sumfn = paste(fnhead, chrNames, "_summ.ff", sep = "")
summfflist = geneApply(1:length(chrNames), # this is hokey, but geneApply is likely to be a reasonable
function(i) ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]], # concurrent function
sumfn[i], fac = shortfac))
else {
for (i in 1:length(sumfn)) summfflist[[chrNames[i]]] = ffSnpSummary(smList(smlSet)[[i]],
cres = chromApply(chrNames, function(chr) {
snpdata = smList(smlSet)[[chr]]
targff = paste(fnhead, "chr", chr, ".ff", sep = "")
snpnames = colnames(snpdata)
nsnps = ncol(snpdata)
if (file.exists(targff))
cat("attempting to overwrite ", targff, "...")
store = ff(initdata = 0, dim = c(nsnps, ngenes, 2), dimnames = list(snpnames,
geneNames, c("est.", "s.e.")), vmode = "short", filename = targff)
geneApply(geneNames, function(gene) {
if (options()$verbose & geneindex%%genegran == 0)
cat(gene, "..")
geneindex <- geneindex + 1
if (options()$verbose & geneindex%%8 * genegran ==
ex = exprs(smlSet)[gene, ]
fmla = formula(paste("ex", paste(as.character(rhs),
collapse = ""), collapse = " "))
numans.full = snp.rhs.estimates(fmla, = snpdata,
data = pData(smlSet), family = family, uncertain = uncert,
numans = sapply(numans.full, "[[", "beta")
if (any(badests <- sapply(numans, is.null))) {
numans[badests] = NA
numans = unlist(numans)
} = sapply(numans.full, "[[", "Var.beta")
if (any(badses <- sapply(, is.null))) {[badses] = NA = sqrt(unlist(
store[, gene, 1, add = TRUE] = shortfac * numans
store[, gene, 2, add = TRUE] = shortfac *
names(cres) = chrNames
exdate = date()
new("eqtlEstimatesManager", fflist = cres, call = theCall,
sess = sess, exdate = exdate, shortfac = shortfac, geneanno = annotation(smlSet),
df = 1, summaryList = summfflist)
setMethod("[", "eqtlEstimatesManager", function(x, i, j, k, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# ultimately this may not be exposed, serving only for deep
# testing, because a director database may be required for every
# manager
if (!(k %in% c(1L,2L))) stop("3rd index must be 1L (for estimates) or 2L (for s.e.s)")
m1 = snpIdMap( as(i, "character"), x )
# do not rebind i here
ans = lapply(1:length(m1), function(mapi) fflist(x)[[names(m1)[mapi]]][ m1[[mapi]],
as(j, "character"), k, drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x))
names(ans) = names(m1)
setMethod("[", c("eqtlEstimatesManager"),
function(x, i, j, k,..., drop=FALSE) {
if (!missing(i) & !missing(j) & !missing(k)) {
if (!is(i, "rsid")) stop("index i must be rsid instance")
if (!is(j, "probeId")) stop("index j must be probeId instance")
if (!is(k, "integer")) stop("index k must be integer")
m1 = snpIdMap( as(i, "character"), x )
ans = lapply(1:length(m1), function(mind) fflist(x)[[names(m1)[mind]]][ m1[[mind]],
as(j, "character"), k, drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x))
else if (missing(i) & !missing(j) & !missing(k)) {
if (!is(j, "probeId")) stop("index j must be probeId instance")
if (!is(k, "integer")) stop("index k must be integer")
ans = lapply(1:length(fflist(x)), function(mind) fflist(x)[[mind]][ ,
as(j, "character"), k, drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x))
else stop("one of i (rsid instance), j (probeId instance) must be present along with k in (1L, 2L)")
names(ans) = names(fflist(x))
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