# futuristic use of self-reference for a feature, for performance analysis
probeGen = setRefClass("probe",
fields=list(probename="character", annodbname="character"),
location=function() {
require(annodbname, character.only=TRUE)
stem = gsub(".db", "", annodbname)
stenv = get(paste(stem, "CHRLOC", sep=""))
enenv = get(paste(stem, "CHRLOCEND", sep=""))
st= get(probename, stenv)
en= get(probename, enenv)
chr = names(st)[1]
GRanges(seqnames=chr, IRanges(st,en))
chr = function() {
require(annodbname, character.only=TRUE)
stem = gsub(".db", "", annodbname)
stenv = get(paste(stem, "CHR", sep=""))
get(probename, stenv)[1]
# bread and butter location support
probeChromosomes = function(sms) {
fn = featureNames(sms)
stem = gsub(".db", "", annotation(sms))
stenv = get(paste(stem, "CHR", sep=""))
chrs = mget(fn, stenv, ifnotfound=NA)
sapply(chrs, "[", 1)
probeLocations = function(sms, extend=0) {
fn = featureNames(sms)
stem = gsub(".db", "", annotation(sms))
stenv = get(paste(stem, "CHRLOC", sep=""))
st = mget(fn, stenv, ifnotfound=NA)
st1 = sapply(st, "[", 1)
bad = which(
ch1 = lapply(st, function(x)names(x)[1]) # will be list for later subsetting
enenv = get(paste(stem, "CHRLOCEND", sep=""))
en = mget(fn, enenv, ifnotfound=NA)
en1 = sapply(en, "[", 1)
bad = union(bad, which(
if (any(bad)) {
warning(paste("dropped ", length(bad), " with no location"))
st1 = st1[-bad]
en1 = en1[-bad]
ch1 = unlist(ch1[-bad])
} else ch1 = unlist(ch1)
strand = ifelse(st1<0, "-", "+")
vec2rle = function(x) Rle(factor(x), rep(1, length(x)))
ans = GRanges(seqnames=vec2rle(ch1), IRanges(abs(st1), abs(en1))+extend, strand=vec2rle(strand))
if (length(bad) > 0) names(ans) = fn[-bad]
else names(ans) = fn
probeSequences = function(sms) {
fn = featureNames(sms)
stem = gsub(".db", "", annotation(sms))
stenv = try(get(lkps <- paste(stem, "PROBESEQUENCE", sep="")))
if (inherits(stenv, "try-error")) stop(paste(lkps, "not available ... only for illuminaHumanv...?"))
mget(fn, stenv, ifnotfound=NA)
snpLocations = function(sms, snpLocGRanges, grsnpid = "RefSNP_id" ) {
slc = names(smList(sms))
sqn = seqlevels(snpLocGRanges)
if (!all(slc %in% sqn)) stop(paste(
"names(smList(sms)) [",
paste(sQuote(names(smList(sms))), collapse=","),
"] returns values not found in seqlevels(snpLocGRanges). Please reconcile."))
locl = list()
for (i in 1:length(slc)) {
tsn = colnames(smList(sms)[[i]])
tsn = gsub("rs", "", tsn)
ma = na.omit(match(tsn, elementMetadata(snpLocGRanges)[[grsnpid]]))
locl[[i]] = snpLocGRanges[ma,]
names(locl) = slc
proximityList = function(sms, smlind=1, snpLocGRanges, grsnpid = "RefSNP_id", probeLocExtend=0,
glocTransform = function(x)x) {
gloc = glocTransform(probeLocations(sms,extend=probeLocExtend))
sloc = snpLocations(sms=sms, snpLocGRanges=snpLocGRanges, grsnpid=grsnpid)[[smlind]]
snames = paste("rs", elementMetadata(sloc)[[grsnpid]], sep="")
ov = matchMatrix(findOverlaps(gloc, sloc))
snpsmatched = snames[ov[,2]]
probesmatched = names(gloc)[ov[,1]]
getGene2SnpList = function(sms, chr, genome, radius=50000,
additionalSNPGR=NULL, useTxDb=FALSE) {
# will return list named with probe names; each probe has a vector
# of associated SNP names
# based on the bioconductor annotations
# note that "imputed" SNP in the sms may need additionalSNPGR info
# comments: return GRanges for genes and then a GRangesList for snp
# consider a generalization of GRangesList so that queries can be
# against list node elements
# first acquire the SNP locations
if (length(chr)>1) stop("chr must be scalar")
chr = as.character(chr)
if (!(chr %in% as.character(1:22))) stop("chr must be in as.character(1:22)")
if (genome == "hg18") spack = "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20090506"
else if (genome == "hg19") spack = "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20100427"
else stop("only using hg18 and hg19 to select SNPlocs")
require(spack, character.only=TRUE)
if (packageVersion(spack) < package_version("0.99.6")) stop(
"please install SNPlocs package with version at least 0.99.6 [these have GRanges conversion built in]")
seqn =":::", list(spack, "SEQNAMES")) #
# here we will assume that prefix of seqn is either "ch" or "chr"
nseqn = gsub("ch", "", gsub("chr", "", seqn))
seqnToUseInd = which(nseqn == chr)
if (length(seqnToUseInd)==0) stop(paste("no match of chr submitted in call to SEQNAMES of", spack))
seqnToUse = seqn[seqnToUseInd]
getter ="::", list(spack, "getSNPlocs")) # for multiple SNPlocs on searchlist
snpgr = getter( seqnToUse, as.GRanges=TRUE ) # LAST USE of seqnToUse, reset to chr prefix below
elementMetadata(snpgr)$RefSNP_id = paste("rs", elementMetadata(snpgr)$RefSNP_id, sep="")
# deal with possible additional snpGR for imputed loci
# force chr prefix
nnsl = gsub("[^0-9]", "", seqlevels(snpgr)) # numeric only
seqlevels(snpgr) = make.names(paste("chr", nnsl, sep=""),unique=TRUE)
if (!is.null(additionalSNPGR)) {
emn = names(elementMetadata(additionalSNPGR))
if (!all.equal(emn, names(elementMetadata(snpgr)))) stop(paste("need elementMetadata on additionalSNPGR to have columns", paste(names(elementMetadata(snpgr)), collapse=", ")))
snpgr = c(snpgr, additionalSNPGR)
# deal with gene location
# first determine chromosome residence
ganno = annotation(sms)
require(ganno, character.only=TRUE)
mapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "CHR", sep=""))
ponc = get(chr, revmap(mapper))
ponc = intersect(featureNames(sms), ponc)
# code added here to deal with an inconsistency in lumiHumanAll, 11 dec 2011
locmapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "CHRLOC", sep = ""))
chk = mget(ponc, locmapper)
chk = sapply(chk, function(x) names(x)[1])
drp = which(chk != chr)
if (length(drp) > 0)
ponc = ponc[-drp]
if (length(ponc) == 0) stop(paste("sms contains no probes on chromosome ", chr))
# now obtain coordinates
if (!useTxDb) { # will use bioc chip annotation location data -- typically hg19 for
# current R
if (!(genome == "hg19")) warning("you are using bioconductor locations; current are hg19-based")
locmapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "CHRLOC", sep=""))
lenmapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "CHRLENGTHS", sep=""))
locendmapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "CHRLOCEND", sep=""))
pstart = abs(sapply(mget(ponc, locmapper, ifnotfound=NA), "[", 1))
pend = abs(sapply(mget(ponc, locendmapper, ifnotfound=NA), "[", 1))
if (any(,pend)))) {
bad = union( which(, which(
pstart = pstart[-bad]
pend = pend[-bad]
ponc = ponc[-bad]
genelocs = GRanges(seqnames=paste("chr", chr, sep=""), IRanges(pstart,pend))
maxlen = lenmapper[chr]
} else {
# using TxDb
egmapper = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", ganno), "ENTREZID", sep=""))
egids = sapply(mget(ponc, egmapper, ifnotfound=NA), "[", 1)
if (any( {
badp = which(
ponc = ponc[-badp]
egids = egids[-badp]
dupeg = which(duplicated(egids))
if (length(dupeg)>0) egids = egids[-dupeg]
TxDb2get = paste("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC", genome, "knownGene", sep=".")
require(TxDb2get, character.only=TRUE)
dbobj = get(TxDb2get)
#txseqn = names(isActiveSeq(dbobj))
#toset = (txseqn == paste("chr", chr, sep="")) # crucial filtering
#names(toset) = txseqn
#isActiveSeq(dbobj) = toset
setSoloSeq = function(tx, ind) {
curactive = isActiveSeq(tx)
kpns = names(curactive)
curactive[] = FALSE
curactive[ind] = TRUE
names(curactive) = kpns
isActiveSeq(tx) = curactive
dbobj = setSoloSeq(dbobj, paste("chr", chr, sep=""))
tx = transcriptsBy(dbobj, "gene")
egwaddr = names(tx)
badeg = which(!(egids %in% egwaddr))
if (length(badeg)>0) {
egids = egids[-badeg]
ponc = ponc[-badeg]
txok = reduce(tx[egids])
alll = elementNROWS(txok)
if (any(alll != 1)) {
warning("some entrez genes selected in TxDb had disjoint transcripts; picking first for addressing")
txok = txok[-which(alll != 1)]
egnames = names(txok)
genelocs = IRanges::unlist(txok) #unlist(GRangesList(txok))
# expand to probes
pids = try(mget(egnames, revmap(egmapper) )) # should not have NA
if (inherits(pids, "try-error")) stop("unexpected NA in EG lookup, bug.")
repv = sapply(pids, length)
ponc = unlist(pids)
genelocs = rep(genelocs,repv)
strand(genelocs) = "*"
maxlen = seqlengths(txok)
# add radius extension
exlocs = ranges(genelocs) + radius
hasnonp = which(start(exlocs)<1)
if (length(hasnonp) > 0) start(exlocs[hasnonp]) = 1
hasoverhang = which(end(exlocs)>maxlen)
if (length(hasoverhang) > 0) end(exlocs[hasoverhang]) = maxlen
ranges(genelocs) = exlocs
ol = findOverlaps(genelocs, snpgr)
mmol = matchMatrix(ol)
g2use = unique(mmol[,1])
ponc = ponc[g2use]
snpinds = split(mmol[,2], mmol[,1])
snid = elementMetadata(snpgr)$RefSNP_id
ans = lapply(snpinds, function(x) snid[x])
names(ans) = ponc
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