Defines functions GSCAeda

Documented in GSCAeda

GSCAeda <- function(genedata,pattern,chipdata,SearchOutput,scaledata=F,Pval.co=0.05,Ordering="Average",Title=NULL,outputdir=NULL) {
      if(nrow(SearchOutput)==0) stop("No SearchOutput specified.")
      genedata[,1] <- as.character(genedata[,1])
      pattern[,1] <- as.character(pattern[,1])
      if (!is.null(outputdir)) {
            if (!grepl("/$",outputdir))
                  outputdir <- paste0(outputdir,"/")
            plotfilepath <- paste0(outputdir,"GSCAeda_plot.pdf")
            datafilepath <- paste0(outputdir,"GSCAeda_data.csv")
            resfilepath <- paste0(outputdir,"GSCAeda_result.csv")
      #setting path of data package
      path <- system.file("extdata",package=paste0("Affy",chipdata,"Expr"))
      #read in gene names
      #read in reference tables for given compendium
      if(chipdata == "hgu133a") {
            if (!require(Affyhgu133aExpr)) {
                  stop("Affyhgu133aExpr Package is not found")
            } else {
                  tab <- Affyhgu133aExprtab
      } else if(chipdata == "moe4302"){
            if (!require(Affymoe4302Expr)) {
                  stop("Affymoe4302Expr Package is not found")
            } else {
                  tab <- Affymoe4302Exprtab
      } else if(chipdata == "hgu133A2"){
            if (!require(Affyhgu133A2Expr)) {
                  stop("Affyhgu133A2Expr Package is not found")
            } else {
                  tab <- Affyhgu133A2Exprtab
      } else if(chipdata == "hgu133Plus2"){
            if (!require(Affyhgu133Plus2Expr)) {
                  stop("Affyhgu133Plus2Expr Package is not found")
            } else {
                  tab <- Affyhgu133Plus2Exprtab
      } else {
            stop("Please enter valid name for chipdata. Current Supported chipdata: 'hgu133a', 'moe4302', 'hgu133Plus2', 'hgu133A2'")
      tabsamplename <- tab$SampleID
      tab$SampleType <- substr(tab$SampleType,1,25)
      SearchOutput$SampleType <- substr(SearchOutput$SampleType,1,25)
      #check whether each geneset has at least one gene on the compendium
      genesetname <- NULL
      for (tmpgenesetname in unique(genedata[,1])) {
            if(sum(geneid %in% genedata[genedata[,1]==tmpgenesetname,2]) == 0) {
                  warning(paste("No matching target genes found on the compendium for gene set",tmpgenesetname))
            } else {
                  genesetname <- c(genesetname, tmpgenesetname)
      if (length(genesetname) == 0)
            stop("No matching target genes found on the compendium for all gene sets")
      selectsample <- 1:nrow(tab)
      activity <- matrix(0,nrow = length(genesetname),ncol = nrow(tab))
      rownames(activity) <- genesetname
      genesetcutoff <- genesettotalgenenum <- genesetmissinggene <- rep(0,length(genesetname))
      names(genesetcutoff) <- names(genesettotalgenenum) <- names(genesetmissinggene)  <- genesetname
      for (genesetid in 1:length(genesetname)) {
            ###Scoring geneset activity
            singlegeneset <- genesetname[genesetid]
            currentgeneset <- genedata[genedata[,1] == singlegeneset & genedata[,2] %in% geneid,]
            tmpgeneexpr <- t(h5read(paste0(path,"/data.h5"),"expr",index=list(NULL,match(currentgeneset[,2],geneid))))/1000
            if (scaledata)
                  tmpgeneexpr <- t(apply(tmpgeneexpr,1,scale))
            tmpgeneexpr <- sweep(tmpgeneexpr,1,currentgeneset[,3],"*")
            score <- colMeans(tmpgeneexpr)         
            activity[genesetid,] <- score
      for (genesetid in 1:length(genesetname)) {
            ###Scoring geneset activity
            score <- activity[genesetid,]
            singlegeneset <- genesetname[genesetid]
            missinggene <- setdiff(genedata[singlegeneset == genedata[,1],2],geneid)
            genesetmissinggene[genesetid] <- length(missinggene)
            genesettotalgenenum[genesetid] <- nrow(genedata)
            ###Find samples matching the given pattern
            singlepattern <- pattern[pattern[,1]==singlegeneset,]
            if (singlepattern[,3] == "Norm") {
                  if (singlepattern[,2] == "High") {
                        cutoff <- qnorm(1-singlepattern[,4],mean(score),sd(score))
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score >= cutoff))
                  } else if (singlepattern[,2] == "Low") {
                        cutoff <- qnorm(singlepattern[,4],mean(score),sd(score))
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score < cutoff))
                  } else {
                        stop(paste("Second Column of pattern in",singlegeneset,"is not correctly given"))
            } else if (singlepattern[,3] == "Quantile") {
                  if (singlepattern[,2] == "High") {
                        cutoff <- quantile(1-singlepattern[,4],mean(score),sd(score))
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score >= cutoff))
                  } else if (singlepattern[,2] == "Low") {
                        cutoff <- quantile(singlepattern[,4],mean(score),sd(score))
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score < cutoff))
                  } else {
                        stop(paste("Second Column of pattern in",singlegeneset,"is not correctly given"))
            }  else if (singlepattern[,3] == "Exprs") {
                  if (singlepattern[,2] == "High") {
                        cutoff <- singlepattern[,4]
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score >= cutoff))
                  } else if (singlepattern[,2] == "Low") {
                        cutoff <- singlepattern[,4]
                        selectsample <- intersect(selectsample,which(score < cutoff))
                  } else {
                        stop(paste("Second Column of pattern in",singlegeneset,"is not correctly given"))
            } else {
                  stop(paste("Cutoff type pattern of geneset",singlegeneset,"is not correctly given"))
            genesetcutoff[genesetid] <- cutoff
      colnames(activity) <- tabsamplename
      ExpID <- tab[selectsample,"ExperimentID"]
      tmpTypes <- tab[selectsample,"SampleType"]           
      #### Plotting
      if (!is.null(outputdir)) pdf(plotfilepath)
      GSE <- unique(SearchOutput[,"ExperimentID"])
      GSE2 <- unique(unlist(strsplit(SearchOutput[,"ExperimentID"],";")))
      SampleNames <- unique(SearchOutput[,"SampleType"])
      #### Expression Plotting
      if(sum(tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE |
                   tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE2 |
                   tab$SampleType %in% SampleNames)==0)
            stop("No matching samples found.")
      tabdex <- tab[(tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE |
                           tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE2) &
                          tab$SampleType %in% SampleNames,]
      eact <- activity[,(tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE |
                               tab$ExperimentID %in% GSE2) &
                             tab$SampleType %in% SampleNames]
      ExpressionTab <- NULL
      ExpressionTab <- tab[tab$SampleID %in% colnames(eact),]
      ExpressionTab <- data.frame(ExpressionTab,t(eact))
      #### Choice of ordering (Default is average rank)
      if (length(unique(ExpressionTab$SampleType)) == 1) {
            Expressionorder <- unique(ExpressionTab$SampleType)
      } else {
            if(Ordering %in% genesetname) {
                  Expressionorder <- names(sort(tapply(ExpressionTab[,Ordering],ExpressionTab$SampleType,mean),decreasing=T))
            } else if(Ordering=="Average") {
                  Expressionorder <- rep(0,length(unique(ExpressionTab$SampleType)))
                  for (i in genesetname)
                        Expressionorder <- Expressionorder + scale(tapply(ExpressionTab[,i],ExpressionTab$SampleType,mean))
                  Expressionorder <- names(sort(Expressionorder[,1],decreasing=T))
            } else {
                  stop("No ordering specified. Must be one of the geneset name or 'Average'.")
      Expressionmelt <- melt(ExpressionTab[,-(1:2)],id.vars="SampleType")
      Expressionmelt$SampleType <- factor(Expressionmelt$SampleType,levels=Expressionorder)
      gboxplot <- ggplot(data = Expressionmelt, aes(x=variable, y=value)) + 
            geom_boxplot(aes(fill=SampleType))+facet_grid(.~SampleType) +
            labs(title=Title) + 
            theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
            theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank())
      #### Make Heatmap Plot
      if(is.null(outputdir)) par(ask = TRUE)
      myPalette <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")))
      alltmat <- NULL
      allpmat <- NULL
      for (geneset in genesetname) {
            pmat <- tmat <- matrix(0,length(Expressionorder),length(Expressionorder))
            colnames(pmat) <- colnames(tmat) <- rownames(pmat) <- rownames(tmat) <- Expressionorder
            for (i in 1:length(Expressionorder))
                  for (j in 1:length(Expressionorder)) {
                                 length(ExpressionTab[ExpressionTab$SampleType==Expressionorder[j],geneset])==1) {
                              tmat[i,j] <- NA
                              pmat[i,j] <- NA
                        } else {
                              ttestres <- t.test(ExpressionTab[ExpressionTab$SampleType==Expressionorder[i],geneset],ExpressionTab[ExpressionTab$SampleType==Expressionorder[j],geneset])
                              tmat[i,j] <- ttestres$statistic
                              pmat[i,j] <- ttestres$p.value
            eval(parse(text=paste0("alltmat$",geneset, "<- tmat")))
            eval(parse(text=paste0("allpmat$",geneset, "<- pmat")))
            #T test score heatmap
            if (!all(is.na(tmat))) {
                  tmatdata <- melt(tmat,value.name="t.stat")
                  tmatdata$Var1 <- factor(tmatdata$Var1,levels=Expressionorder)
                  tmatdata$Var2 <- factor(tmatdata$Var2,levels=Expressionorder)
                  tplot <- ggplot(tmatdata,aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = t.stat)) + 
                        geom_tile() + geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,size=1.25) + 
                        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = myPalette(10)) + 
                        scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + 
                        coord_equal() + labs(title=paste(geneset,"t.stat heatmap")) + 
                        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
                        theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank())
                  #P value Heatmap
                  pmatdata <- melt(pmat,value.name="P.value")
                  pmatdata$Var1 <- factor(pmatdata$Var1,levels=Expressionorder)
                  pmatdata$Var2 <- factor(pmatdata$Var2,levels=Expressionorder)
                  pplot <- ggplot(pmatdata,aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = P.value)) + 
                        geom_tile() + geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,size=1.25) + 
                        scale_fill_gradientn(colours = myPalette(10),breaks=c(0.001,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)) + 
                        guides(fill = guide_legend(title.position = "top")) +
                        scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) + 
                        coord_equal() + labs(title=paste(geneset,"p.value heatmap")) + 
                        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
                        theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y=element_blank())
      #### GSCA Results with given contexts
      ttT <- table(tmpTypes)
      sT <- sum(ttT)
      bgT <- table(tab$SampleType)
      bgT <- bgT[names(ttT)]
      SCORE <- matrix(0, nrow = length(Expressionorder), ncol = 4)
      ExperimentID <- NULL; FIN <- NULL
      pvaldex <- NULL; fold.change <- NULL; active <- NULL; total <- NULL
      for (i in Expressionorder) {
            if(sum(names(ttT) %in% i) > 0 &
                     sum(tab$SampleType==i) > 2){
                  r1c1 <- ttT[names(ttT) %in% i]
                  r1c2 <- sT - ttT[names(ttT) %in% i]
                  r2c1 <- bgT[names(ttT) %in% i] - ttT[names(ttT) %in% i]
                  r2c2 <- length(tab$SampleType) - r1c1 - r1c2 - r2c1
                  tmpmat <- matrix(c(r1c1, r2c1, r1c2, r2c2), ncol = 2)
                  pval <- fisher.test(tmpmat, alternative = "greater")$p.value
                  adj.pval <- min(pval * sum(table(tab$SampleType) > 2),1)
                  adj.pval <- signif(adj.pval,3)
                  active <- c(active,as.numeric(ttT)[names(ttT) %in% i])
                  total <- c(total,as.numeric(bgT)[names(bgT) %in% i])
                  fold.change <- c(fold.change,round(
                        ((as.numeric(ttT)[names(ttT) %in% i]+
                                sT/length(tab$SampleType)) /
                               (as.numeric(bgT)[names(bgT) %in% i]+1)) /
                  pvaldex <- c(pvaldex,adj.pval)
                  ExperimentID <- c(ExperimentID,
                                          tab$ExperimentID[tab$SampleType %in%
                                                                 i], collapse = ";"), ";"))),
                                          collapse = ";"))
            } else {
                  active <- c(active,0)
                  total <- c(total,sum(tab$SampleType==i))
                  if(sum(tab$SampleType==i) > 2){
                        pvaldex <- c(pvaldex,1)
                  } else { pvaldex <- c(pvaldex,NA) }
                  fold.change <- c(fold.change,1)
                  ExperimentID <- c(ExperimentID,paste(unique(
                              paste(tab$ExperimentID[tab$SampleType %in%
                                                           i], collapse = ";"), ";"))),
                        collapse = ";"))
      if(!is.null(outputdir)) dev.off()
      if(is.null(outputdir)) par(ask = FALSE)
      FIN <- data.frame(active,total,fold.change,pvaldex,Expressionorder,ExperimentID)
      colnames(FIN) <- c("Active","Total","FoldChange","Adj.Pvalue","SampleType","ExperimentID")
      ExpressionSum <- NULL
      for(i in Expressionorder){
            tmpdat <- ExpressionTab[ExpressionTab$SampleType==i,]
            tmpsummary <- sum(ExpressionTab$SampleType==i)
            for (j in genedata[,1]) {
                  if (j %in% colnames(tmpdat))
                        tmpsummary <- c(tmpsummary,mean(tmpdat[,j]),sd(tmpdat[,j]))
            ExpressionSum <- rbind(ExpressionSum,tmpsummary)
      rownames(ExpressionSum) <- Expressionorder
      expplotcolname <- c("Sample Count")
      for (j in genedata[,1]) {
            if (j %in% genesetname)
                  expplotcolname <- c(expplotcolname,paste0("Mean_",j),paste0("Sd_",j))
      colnames(ExpressionSum) <- expplotcolname
      if(!is.null(outputdir)) {
            cat("\n Summary", file = resfilepath, append = TRUE)
            for (i in genesetname) {
                  cat(paste(i,"T statistics"), file = resfilepath, append = TRUE)
                  tmpout <- eval(parse(text=paste0("alltmat$",i)))
                  cat(paste(i,"P-values"), file = resfilepath, append = TRUE)
                  tmpout <- eval(parse(text=paste0("allpmat$",i)))
      } else {

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GSCA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.