PCA.test <- function(Y,G1,G2,threshold=0.8,method="GenFreq"){
if (method=="GenFreq"){
tmp <- PCA.GenFreq(Y=Y,G1=G1,G2=G2,threshold=threshold)
tmp$ <- paste(deparse(substitute(Y))," and (",deparse(substitute(G1))," , ",deparse(substitute(G2)),")",sep="")
tmp$method <- paste(tmp$method,"-",method)
tmp$parameters <- c(tmp$parameters,threshold)
names(tmp$parameters) <- c("df","threshold")
} else if (method=="Std"){
tmp <- PCA.Std(Y=Y,G1=G1,G2=G2,threshold=threshold)
tmp$ <- paste(deparse(substitute(Y))," and (",deparse(substitute(G1))," , ",deparse(substitute(G2)),")",sep="")
tmp$method <- paste(tmp$method,"-",method)
tmp$parameters <- c(tmp$parameters,threshold)
names(tmp$parameters) <- c("df","threshold")
} else {
stop("method argument should be a character string either GenFreq or Std")
PCA.Std <- function(Y, G1, G2, threshold=0.8) {
if (!is.null(dim(Y))) {
Y <- Y[, 1]
# Arguments checks
if (!is.numeric(threshold)) {
stop("threshold argument should be a numeric.")
} else if (threshold < 0 | threshold > 1) {
stop("threshold argument shoud be comprised in [0, 1] interval.")
} else if (nlevels(as.factor(Y)) != 2) {
stop("response variable should be binary. (2 modes).")
} else if (!is(G1,"SnpMatrix") | !is(G2,"SnpMatrix")) {
stop("G1 and G2 arguments should be SnpMatrix objects.")
} else if (nrow(G1) != nrow(G2)) {
stop("G1 and G2 should have same rows count.")
} else if (length(Y) != nrow(G1) | length(Y) != nrow(G2)) {
stop("Response variable should be conformant with genes matrices rows number.")
} else if (sum(!=0) {
stop("The snpMatrix must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
} else if (sum(!=0) {
stop("The snpMatrix must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
} else if (sum( != 0) {
stop("The response variable vector must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
Y <- as.numeric(Y)
Y <- as.factor(Y)
# Threshold formatting
inertia.thresh <- threshold * 100
# SnpMatrix coerced into matrix to be compatible with FactoMineR::PCA
G1.num <- as(G1, "numeric")
G2.num <- as(G2, "numeric")
# PCA performed
G1.PCA <- FactoMineR::PCA(G1.num, ncp=NULL, graph=FALSE)
G2.PCA <- FactoMineR::PCA(G2.num, ncp=NULL, graph=FALSE)
# Genes are represented by PCA coords on enough dimensions to retrieve
# as much inertia as set by user.
G1.ncp <- which(G1.PCA$eig[, 3] > inertia.thresh)[1]
G2.ncp <- which(G2.PCA$eig[, 3] > inertia.thresh)[1]
if (G1.ncp == 1) {
G1.VarSynth <- data.frame(Dim.1 =G1.PCA$ind$coord[, seq_len(G1.ncp)])
} else {
G1.VarSynth <- G1.PCA$ind$coord[, seq_len(G1.ncp)]
if (G2.ncp == 1) {
G2.VarSynth <- data.frame(Dim.1 =G2.PCA$ind$coord[, seq_len(G2.ncp)])
} else {
G2.VarSynth <- G2.PCA$ind$coord[, seq_len(G2.ncp)]
G1.PCA <- list(VarSynth = G1.VarSynth, Inertia = G1.PCA$eig[seq_len(G1.ncp), 2])
G2.PCA <- list(VarSynth = G2.VarSynth, Inertia = G2.PCA$eig[seq_len(G2.ncp), 2])
# Interaction effects are tested
return(compare.PCA(Y, G1.PCA, G2.PCA))
#'@describeIn PCA.Std Standardization based on Hardy-Weinberg equilirum
PCA.GenFreq <- function(Y, G1, G2, threshold=0.8) {
if (!is.null(dim(Y))) {
Y <- Y[, 1]
# Arguments checks
if (!is.numeric(threshold)) {
stop("thresold argument should be a numeric.")
} else if (threshold < 0 | threshold > 1) {
stop("threshold argument shoud be comprised in [0, 1] interval.")
} else if (nlevels(as.factor(Y)) != 2) {
stop("response variable should be binary. (2 modes).")
} else if (!is(G1,"SnpMatrix") | !is(G2,"SnpMatrix")) {
stop("G1 and G2 arguments should be SnpMatrix objects.")
} else if (nrow(G1) != nrow(G2)) {
stop("G1 and G2 should have same rows count.")
} else if (length(Y) != nrow(G1) | length(Y) != nrow(G2)) {
stop("Response variable should be conformant with genes matrices rows number.")
} else if (sum(!=0) {
stop("The snpMatrix must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
} else if (sum(!=0) {
stop("The snpMatrix must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
} else if (sum( != 0) {
stop("The response variable vector must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
Y <- as.numeric(Y)
Y <- as.factor(Y)
# Threshold formatting
inertia.thresh <- threshold * 100
G1.PCA <- get.PCA.res(G1)
G2.PCA <- get.PCA.res(G2)
# Genes are represented by PCA coords on enough dimensions to retrieve
# as much inertia as set by user.
G1.ncp <- which(cumsum(G1.PCA$Inertia) > inertia.thresh)[1]
G2.ncp <- which(cumsum(G2.PCA$Inertia) > inertia.thresh)[1]
G1.PCA <- list(VarSynth=G1.PCA$VarSynth[, seq_len(G1.ncp)], Inertia=G1.PCA$Inertia[seq_len(G1.ncp)])
G2.PCA <- list(VarSynth=G2.PCA$VarSynth[, seq_len(G2.ncp)], Inertia=G2.PCA$Inertia[seq_len(G2.ncp)])
if (G1.ncp == 1) {
G1.PCA$VarSynth <- data.frame(Dim.1 = G1.PCA$VarSynth)
if (G2.ncp == 1) {
G2.PCA$VarSynth <- data.frame(Dim.1 = G2.PCA$VarSynth)
# Interaction effects are tested
return(compare.PCA(Y, G1.PCA, G2.PCA))
## Function that retrieves Principal Components and Eigen Values
## of a SnpMatrix object.
get.PCA.res <- function(gene.matrix){
if (!is(gene.matrix,"SnpMatrix")) {
stop("gene.matrix argument should be SnpMatrix object.")
} else if (sum(!=0) {
stop("The snpMatrix must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
Id <- diag(ncol(gene.matrix))
# X'X matrix is calculated
G.XpX <- snpStats::snp.pre.multiply(gene.matrix, t(, Id)))
# Singular Values Decomposition is performed
G.eigen <- eigen(G.XpX, symmetric=TRUE)
# Individuals coordinates are calculated
G.PCA <-, G.eigen$vectors)
# Columns names are formatted (for comparison procedure)
colnames(G.PCA) <- paste("Dim", seq(1, ncol(G.PCA)), sep=".")
# Computes inertia percentages for all ordered eigen values
eigen.val <- 100*G.eigen$values/sum(G.eigen$values)
return(list(VarSynth=G.PCA, Inertia=eigen.val))
## Function that fits single effects model and interaction
## model and compare them.
compare.PCA <- function(Resp., G1.PCA, G2.PCA) {
# Arguments checks
if (nlevels(as.factor(Resp.)) != 2) {
stop("response variable should be binary. (2 modes).")
} else if (!is.list(G1.PCA) | !is.list(G2.PCA)) {
stop("G1.PCA and G2.PCA arguments should be list objects.")
} else if (length(G1.PCA) != 2 | length(G2.PCA) != 2) {
stop("G1.PCA and G2.PCA arguments should be of length 2: VarSynth and Inertia elements.")
} else if (nrow(G1.PCA$VarSynth) != nrow(G2.PCA$VarSynth)) {
stop("VarSynth elements of G1.PCA and G2.PCA should have same rows count.")
} else if (length(Resp.) != nrow(G1.PCA$VarSynth) | length(Resp.) != nrow(G2.PCA$VarSynth)) {
stop("Response variable should be conformant with genes matrices rows number.")
} else if (length(G1.PCA$Inertia) > ncol(G1.PCA$VarSynth) | length(G2.PCA$Inertia) > ncol(G2.PCA$VarSynth)){
stop("Inertia elements of G1.PCA and G2.PCA can't be of greater length than ncol(VarSynth)")
} else if (sum( != 0) {
stop("The response variable vector must be complete. No NAs are allowed.")
G1.inertia <- G1.PCA$Inertia
G2.inertia <- G2.PCA$Inertia
G1.PCA <- G1.PCA$VarSynth
G2.PCA <- G2.PCA$VarSynth
# Effects' names
colnames(G1.PCA) <- paste("G1", colnames(G1.PCA), sep=".")
colnames(G2.PCA) <- paste("G2", colnames(G2.PCA), sep=".")
# Iterating until model is fitted
# Less informant component is removed each time fitting is impossible.
keep.on <- TRUE
trimmed <- FALSE
while (keep.on) {
data <- data.frame(Resp., G1.PCA, G2.PCA)
# Effects set up
single.effects <- paste(colnames(G1.PCA), colnames(G2.PCA), sep="+", collapse="+")
# Creating all possible pairs
inter.effects <- expand.grid(colnames(G1.PCA), colnames(G2.PCA))
# Creating a string with all interactions
inter.effects <- paste(inter.effects[, 1], inter.effects[, 2], sep=":", collapse="+")
inter.formula <- as.formula(paste("Resp.~", single.effects, "+", inter.effects, sep=""))
null.formula <- as.formula(paste("Resp.", single.effects, sep="~"))
# Trying to fit the largest model
inter.mod <- tryCatch(glm(inter.formula, data=data, family = "binomial"),
warning = function(w){"warning"},
error = function(e){"error"})
# If succeeded end the process
if (any(is(inter.mod,"glm"))){
keep.on <- FALSE
null.mod <- glm(null.formula, data=data, family = "binomial")
comp.res <- anova(null.mod, inter.mod, test="Chisq")
# If model coulnd't be fitted then a component is removed
} else {
trimmed <- TRUE
# Looking for the less informant component
if (G1.inertia[length(G1.inertia)] < G2.inertia[length(G2.inertia)]) {
# If less informant component is one of the two first PC of the gene
# then a PC is removed from the other gene instead.
if (length(G1.inertia) > 2) {
G1.inertia <- G1.inertia[-length(G1.inertia)]
G1.PCA <- G1.PCA[, -ncol(G1.PCA)]
} else if (length(G2.inertia) > 2){
G2.inertia <- G2.inertia[-length(G2.inertia)]
G2.PCA <- G2.PCA[, -ncol(G2.PCA)]
# If both genes are only described by their first two PC then an error is issued.
} else {
stop("Genes too correlated to fit glm model.")
} else {
if (length(G2.inertia) > 2) {
G2.inertia <- G2.inertia[-length(G2.inertia)]
G2.PCA <- G2.PCA[, -ncol(G2.PCA)]
} else if (length(G1.inertia) > 2){
G1.inertia <- G1.inertia[-length(G1.inertia)]
G1.PCA <- G1.PCA[, -ncol(G1.PCA)]
} else {
stop("Genes too correlated to fit glm model.")
# When PC had to be removed, a warning is issued to inform the user of
# inertia loss.
if (trimmed) {
warn.str <- paste("Less principal components had to be kept to fit glm model: ",
round(max(cumsum(G1.inertia)),2), "% of inertia was kept for G1 & ",
round(max(cumsum(G2.inertia)),2), "% of inertia was kept for G2.", sep="")
pval <- comp.res$'Pr(>Chi)'[2]
stat <- comp.res$'Deviance'[2]
df <- comp.res$'Df'[2]
null.value <- 0
names(null.value) <- "deviance"
estimate <- c(comp.res$"Resid. Dev"[1],comp.res$"Resid. Dev"[2])
names(estimate) <- c("Deviance without interaction","Deviance with interaction")
res <- list(
method="Gene-based interaction based on Principal Component Analysis",
estimate= estimate,"d",
class(res) <- "htest"
# return(comp.res$'Pr(>Chi)'[2])
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