
Defines functions simulateContinuousDataSet

Documented in simulateContinuousDataSet

#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++   Simulate a data set  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++#

#' Simulate a data set for LinagePulse

#' Simulates a data set with genes with constant and impulse
#' expression traces. Expression strength and variation in impulse
#' like traces are parameterised and random. All temporary files
#' are saved into dirOutSimulation and only the objects necessary
#' for running LineagePulse (the count matrix and the continuous covariate
#' vector are returned). The remaining objects representing hidden
#' parameters can be used to evaluate parameter estimates. Cells
#' are distributed uniformly in the continuous covariate.
#' Set either vecGeneWiseDropoutRates or matDropoutModelExternal.
#' @seealso Called by separately by user.
#' @param scaNCells (scalar) Number of cells in data set.
#' @param scaNConst (scalar) Number of constant expression 
#' profiles (genes) in data set.
#' @param scaNLin (scalar) Number of linear expression 
#' profiles (genes) in data set.
#' @param scaNImp (scalar) Number of impulse model expression 
#' profiles (genes) in data set.
#' @param scaMumax (scalar) [Default 1000]
#' Maximum expression mean parameter to be used.
#' @param scaSDMuAmplitude (scalar) [Default 1]
#' Standard deviation of normal distribution form which the 
#' amplitude change within an impulse trace is drawn.
#' @param vecNormConstExternal (numeric vector number of cells)
#' [Default NULL]
#' Size factors for data set. Size factors are set to 1 if this is
#' not specified (NULL).
#' @param vecDispExternal (numeric vector number of genes)
#' [Default NULL]
#' Dispersion parameters per gene supplied by user.s
#' @param vecGeneWiseDropoutRates (numeric vector number of cells) 
#' [Default NULL] One drop-out rate per gene.
#' @param matDropoutModelExternal (numeric matrix cells x 2) 
#' [Default NULL] External drop-out model, has to have
#' one row for each simulated cell.
#' @return list (length 2)
#' \itemize{
#' \item continuous (numerical vector length number of cells)
#' Continuous covariates (1D) of cells. One scalar per cell.
#' This covariate could be pseudotime for example.'
#' \item counts (matrix genes x cells)
#' Sampled count data of all cells after drop-out.
#' }
#' @examples
#' lsSimulatedData <- simulateContinuousDataSet(
#'     scaNCells = 100,
#'     scaNConst = 10,
#'     scaNLin = 10,
#'     scaNImp = 10,
#'     scaMumax = 100,
#'     scaSDMuAmplitude = 3,
#'     vecNormConstExternal=NULL,
#'     vecDispExternal=rep(20, 30),
#'     vecGeneWiseDropoutRates = rep(0.1, 30))
#' plot(lsSimulatedData$annot$continuous, lsSimulatedData$counts[1,])
#' @author David Sebastian Fischer
#' @export
simulateContinuousDataSet <- function(
    # Internal functions
    # Evalute impulse model at time points
    evalImpulse <- function(t,beta,t1,t2,h0,h1,h2){
        return(1/h1* (h0+(h1-h0)*1/(1+exp(-beta*(t-t1))))*
    SCA_MIN_MU <- 10^(-5)
    ### 0. Check input
    if(!is.null(vecNormConstExternal)) {
        if(scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp != length(vecNormConstExternal)){
            stop("scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp has to be",
                 " length(vecNormConstExternal)")
    if(!is.null(vecDispExternal)) {
        if(scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp != length(vecDispExternal)){
            stop("scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp has to be",
                 " length(vecDispExternal)")
    if(!is.null(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates)) {
        if(scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp != length(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates)){
            stop("scaNConst + scaNLin + scaNImp has to be",
                 " length(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates)")
    if(!is.null(matDropoutModelExternal)) {
        if(scaNCells != dim(matDropoutModelExternal)[1]){
            stop("scaNCells has to be",
                 " dim(matDropoutModelExternal)[1]")
        if(dim(matDropoutModelExternal)[1] != 2){
            stop("dim(matDropoutModelExternal)[1] has to be",
                 " 2 (offsets and mean).")
    ### 1. Distribute cells across continuous covariate
    vecPT <- seq(0, 1, by=1/(scaNCells-1))
    names(vecPT) <- paste0("cell_",seq(1,scaNCells))
    dfAnnot <- data.frame(
        cell = names(vecPT),
        continuous = vecPT,
        row.names = names(vecPT),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ### 2. Create underlying count matrix
    message("Draw mean trajectories")
    if(scaNConst>0) {
        vecConstIDs <- paste0(rep("gene_", scaNConst),
    } else {
        vecConstIDs <- NULL
    if(scaNLin>0) {
        vecLinIDs <- paste0(rep("gene_",scaNLin), 
                            seq(scaNConst+1, scaNConst+scaNLin))
    } else {
        vecLinIDs <- NULL
    if(scaNImp>0) {
        vecImpulseIDs <- paste0(rep("gene_",scaNImp), 
    } else {
        vecImpulseIDs <- NULL
    ## Draw means from uniform (first half of genes): one mean per gene
    vecMuConstHidden <- runif(scaNConst)*scaMumax
    vecMuConstHidden[vecMuConstHidden < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
    matMuConstHidden <- matrix(vecMuConstHidden,
                               byrow=FALSE )
    rownames(matMuConstHidden) <- vecConstIDs
    colnames(matMuConstHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ## Draw means from linear model
    vecMuLinStart <- runif(scaNLin)*scaMumax
    vecMuLinStart[vecMuLinStart < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
    vecMuLinEnd <- vecMuLinStart * abs(1+rnorm(n=scaNLin, 
    vecMuLinEnd[vecMuLinEnd < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
    matMuLinHidden <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_len(scaNLin), function(i) {
        vecMuLinStart[i] + vecPT/max(vecPT)*(vecMuLinEnd[i] - vecMuLinStart[i])
    rownames(matMuLinHidden) <- vecLinIDs
    colnames(matMuLinHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ## Draw means from impulse model
    beta <- runif(scaNImp)*2+0.5
    ta <- runif(scaNImp)
    tb <- runif(scaNImp)
    t1 <- ta
    t1[tb < ta] <- tb[tb < ta]
    t2 <- tb
    t2[tb < ta] <- ta[tb < ta]
    h0 <- runif(scaNImp)*scaMumax
    h1 <- h0 * abs(1+rnorm(n=scaNImp, mean=0,sd=scaSDMuAmplitude))
    h2 <- h0 * abs(1+rnorm(n=scaNImp, mean=0,sd=scaSDMuAmplitude))
    h0[h0 < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
    h1[h1 < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
    h2[h2 < SCA_MIN_MU] <- SCA_MIN_MU
        lsMuImpulseHidden <- lapply(seq_len(scaNImp), function(gene){
    } else { lsMuImpulseHidden <- list(matrix(0, nrow=0, ncol=scaNCells)) }
    matImpulseModelHidden <- cbind(beta, h0, h1, h2, t1, t2)
    matMuImpulseHidden <- do.call(rbind, lsMuImpulseHidden)
    rownames(matImpulseModelHidden) <- vecImpulseIDs
    rownames(matMuImpulseHidden) <- vecImpulseIDs
    colnames(matMuImpulseHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ## Merge data
    matMuHidden <- do.call(rbind, list(matMuConstHidden, 
    ## Add size factors
        message("Setting size factors uniformly =1")
        vecNormConstHidden <- array(1, dim(matMuHidden)[2])
    } else {
        message("Use externally supplied size factors.")
        if(length(vecNormConstExternal) != scaNCells){
            stop("vecNormConstExternal has to be",
                 " of the length of the number of cells scaNCells.")
        vecNormConstHidden <- vecNormConstExternal
    names(vecNormConstHidden) <- colnames(matMuImpulseHidden)
    matMuHidden <- matMuHidden*matrix(vecNormConstHidden,
                                      ncol=dim(matMuHidden)[2], byrow=TRUE)
    ## draw dispersions by gene
    message("Draw dispersion")
    if(is.null(vecDispExternal)) {
        vecDispHidden <- 3 + rnorm(n = dim(matMuHidden)[1], mean = 0, sd = 0.5)
        vecDispHidden[vecDispHidden < 0.05] <- 0.05
    } else {
        vecDispHidden <- vecDispExternal
    matDispHidden <- matrix(vecDispHidden,nrow=dim(matMuHidden)[1],
                            ncol=dim(matMuHidden)[2], byrow=FALSE)
    rownames(matDispHidden) <- rownames(matMuHidden)
    colnames(matDispHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ## add noise - draw from negative binomial
    message("Simulate negative binomial noise")
    matSampledDataHidden <- do.call(rbind, lapply(
        seq_len(nrow(matMuHidden)), function(gene){
            sapply(seq_len(scaNCells), function(cell){
                rnbinom(n=1, mu=matMuHidden[gene,cell], size=vecDispHidden[gene])
    rownames(matSampledDataHidden) <- rownames(matMuHidden)
    colnames(matSampledDataHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ### 3. Apply drop out
    message("Simulate drop-out")
    ## Generate underlying drop-out rate matrix
    if(!is.null(matDropoutModelExternal) & !is.null(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates)) {
        stop("Supply either matDropoutModelExternal",
             " or vecGeneWiseDropoutRates.")
        lsDropoutRatesHidden <- lapply(seq_len(scaNCells), function(cell){
                lsDropModelGlobal=list(strDropModel = "logistic_ofMu",
                                       scaNumCells = scaNCells))
        matDropoutRatesHidden <- do.call(cbind, lsDropoutRatesHidden)
        rownames(matDropoutRatesHidden) <- rownames(matMuHidden)
        colnames(matDropoutRatesHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    } else if(!is.null(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates)) {
        matDropoutRatesHidden <- matrix(
            nrow = length(vecGeneWiseDropoutRates), 
            ncol = dim(matMuHidden)[2], byrow = FALSE)
    } else {
        stop("Supply either matDropoutModelExternal",
             " or vecGeneWiseDropoutRates.")
    ## Draw drop-outs from rates: Bernoulli experiments
    lsDropoutsHidden <- lapply(
        seq_len(nrow(matDropoutRatesHidden)), function(i){
            rbinom(n=rep(1, dim(matDropoutRatesHidden)[2]), 
                   size=rep(1, dim(matDropoutRatesHidden)[2]),
    matDropoutsHidden <- do.call(rbind, lsDropoutsHidden)
    rownames(matDropoutsHidden) <- rownames(matMuHidden)
    colnames(matDropoutsHidden) <- names(vecPT)
    ## Create observed data: merge hidden data with drop-outs
    matSampledDataObserved <- matSampledDataHidden
    matSampledDataObserved[matDropoutsHidden==1] <- 0
    ## Round to counts
    matSampledCountsObserved <- round(matSampledDataObserved)
    return(list( annot=dfAnnot,
                 counts=matSampledCountsObserved ))

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LineagePulse documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:01 p.m.