#' Compute column means of minus log10 of the data
#' @param x matrix
#' @return vector of column means of -log10(x)
#' @noRd
computeMLP <- function(x){
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (ncol(x) > 1){
retval <- c(nrow(x), colMeans(-log10(data.matrix(x))))
names(retval) <- c("n", paste("u", 1:ncol(x), sep = ""))
} else {
retval <- c(length(x), mean(-log10(x)))
names(retval) <- c("n", "u")
#' This function calculates the mean of the gene-statistic y[, 2] (the MLP statistic)
#' for each unique gene set in geneSetPValues.
#' @param geneSetPValues is a list of gene sets; each component of the list (i.e. each gene
#' set) contains a vector of p values for the genes in that gene set
#' respectively
#' @return data frame with two columns; first column contains the number of genes
#' in the gene set; the second column contains the MLP statistic (u) for the gene set.
#' @noRd
mlpStatistic <- function(geneSetPValues){
retval <- sapply(geneSetPValues, computeMLP)
#' Calculate all unique permutations for 1:n, with k = 2 in each group
#' (e.g. wild-type vs. knock-out) ; used for column permutations only
#' @param n TODO
#' @param k TODO
#' @noRd
permtwo <- function (n, k)
### From Javier 1/27/2006
x <- c(0, 1)
y <- NULL
for (i in 2:n) {
x <- rbind(cbind(x, 0), cbind(x, 1))
j <- c(x %*% rep(1, i))
jj <- j == k
if ((ni <- sum(jj)) > 0) {
xx <- matrix(0, ni, n)
xx[, 1:i] <- x[jj, ]
y <- rbind(y, xx)
x <- x[j < k & (j + n - i) >= k, ]
t(apply(y, 1, function(x) c((1:length(x))[x == 1], (1:length(x))[x ==
#' Calculate all permutations
#' (used for column permutations)
#' @param gr TODO
#' @noRd
permk <- function(gr)
### From Javier 1/27/2006
ff <- cumsum(gr)
ttt <- permtwo(ff[2],ff[1])
for(i in 3:length(gr))
tt <- ttt
tt1 <- permtwo(ff[i],ff[i-1])
ttt <- NULL
for(i in ff[i-1]+1:gr[i]) tt <- cbind(tt,i)
for(i in 1:nrow(tt1)) ttt <- rbind(ttt,cbind(tt,6,7)[,tt1[i,]])
###======================== MLP-CPERM===================================
#' Function that will replace all gene identifiers in a gene set with the p values associated to the gene identifiers
#' @param geneSet list of gene sets; each gene set (component of the list) is a character vector of gene identifiers
#' @param geneStatistic named vector; each name is a gene identifier and the corresponding element contains the p value
#' corresponding to its gene identifier
#' @return list of gene sets; each component of the list (gene set) is a numeric vector of p values; the names
#' of the numeric vector are the gene identifiers corresponding to the p values
#' @noRd
mapGeneSetStatistic <- function(geneSet, geneStatistic){
myfun <- function(x){
rv <- geneStatistic[row.names(geneStatistic) %in% x, ]
retval <- lapply(geneSet, myfun)
#' Function to convert probeset datasets to gene datasets
#' (deprecated)
#' TODO look for BioConductor based equivalent
#' @param xp input table of gene sets, probe.ids, and gene.ids, in that order.
#' @param yp input table of probe.ids and original and permuted probeset-statistics.
#' @return TODO fill out
#' @noRd
pp2g <- function(xp, yp){
x1 <- xp[, 1]
x2 <- xp[, 2]
x3 <- xp[, 3]
pid <- yp[, 1]
yp <- yp[, -1]
dimnames(yp)[[1]] <- pid # need for filtering for y downstream.
y2xp <- mapGeneSetStatistic(xp[,2], pid) # map p-values in yp to probesets in xp.
p1 <- data.frame(Probe.ID = pid[y2xp], P0 = yp[y2xp, 2])
# Create gene-statistic table; take min p-value for all probesets for a given gene.
x30 <- sort(unique(x3))
x30 <- x30[x30 != ""]
n30 <- length(x30)
p30 <- vector("character", n30)
for (j in 1:n30){
# p30[j] <- (min(p1[x3==x30[j],2], na.rm = TRUE) ) # min p-value
p30[j] <- p1[ p1[, 2] == min(p1[x3==x30[j], 2]), 1][1] # probe-set corr to min p-value
# need checksum if genes have multiple mins.
y <- data.frame(Gene.ID = I(x30), yp[p30, ])
# Create unique(GO.#, Gene.ID) combination table.
y2x3<- mapGeneSetStatistic(x3,x30)
x41 <- x1*10^10 + y2x3 # (GO number inflated + gene number)
n41 <- length(x41)
x40 <- sort(unique(x41)) # multiple probe-sets corr. to gene can cause duplication in x41.
n40 <- length(x40)
jj <- vector("numeric",n40)
for (j in 1:n40){
jj[j] <- (1:n41)[x41==x40[j]][1]
x <- data.frame(GO.Number=x1[jj],Gene.ID=I(x3[jj]))
out <- list(x = x, y = y)
#' Function to define the cutoffs to be used for each individual gene set statistic;
#' @param observedGeneSetStats dataframe as returned by mlpStatistic
#' @param permutationGeneSetStats output of MLP except for the gene set size column;
#' matrix of gene set statistics based on the permutation procedure
#' @return vector of p values for each gene set
#' @noRd
getIndividualPValues <- function(observedGeneSetStats, permutationGeneSetStats){
# individual cut-offs
w1 <- matrix(rep(observedGeneSetStats[, 2], ncol(permutationGeneSetStats)), nrow = nrow(observedGeneSetStats), ncol = ncol(permutationGeneSetStats))
dw0w1 <- ifelse(w1 - permutationGeneSetStats > 0, 1, 0)
pw0 <- 1 - rowMeans(dw0w1)
#' Function to define the smoothed monotonic cutoffs leveraging across gene sets of similar size;
#' it calls quantileCurves and ctpval1 to create smoothed quantile curves and calculate the corresponding
#' p values for the gene set.
#' @param observedGeneSetStats dataframe as returned by mlpStatistic
#' @param permutationGeneSetStats output of MLP except for the geneset size column;
#' matrix of gene set statistics based on the permutation procedure
#' @param q.cutoff vector of quantiles at which p values for each gene set are desired (to be
#' specified by the users)
#' @param df degrees of freedom used for the smoothing splines used to calculate the smoothed quantile curves; defaults to 9.
#' @return vector of p values for each gene set
#' @noRd
getSmoothedPValues <- function(observedGeneSetStats, permutationGeneSetStats, q.cutoff, df = 9){
### This imposes the decreasing criterion and has df =9
w1 <- cbind(rep(observedGeneSetStats[,1], ncol(permutationGeneSetStats[,])),
lqi <- NULL
hqi <- q.cutoff
work <- quantileCurves(x = sqrt(w1[, 1]), y = w1[, 2], x0 = sqrt(observedGeneSetStats[,1]), y0 = observedGeneSetStats[,2],
type = "dec", m = 20, lqi = lqi, hqi = hqi, sym = FALSE, flag = FALSE,
df = df, logtran = FALSE)
pval <- ctpval1(work, q.cutoff = q.cutoff)
attr(pval, "quantileCurveInformation") <- attr(work, "quantileCurveInformation")
#' Function used to calculate the quantile curves; the function is mainly used by ctpval1
#' @param x x coordinates of the points used to generate the smoothed quantile curves
#' @param y y coordinates of the points used to generate the smoothed quantile curves
#' @param x0 x coordinates for the observed data points; by default
#' @param y0 y coordinates for the observed data points
#' @param type constraints to the smoothed quantile curve, one of "none" (default), "dec" (decreasing) or
#' "inc" (increasing)
#' @param m block size for constructing the smoothed quantile curve (which defines the neighborhood
#' of the gene set); defaults to 20.
#' @param lqi vector of the percentiles at which the lower quantile curve is desired
#' @param hqi vector of the percentiles at which the upper quantile curve is desired
#' @param sym logical; should the curves be symmetric (TRUE) or not (FALSE); one does not expect it to
#' be symmetric, so the argument defaults to FALSE.
#' @param flag logical; if TRUE an alternative method is used to compute the quantiles which will be faster
#' but less accurate for large datasets than when using the apply function; defaults to FALSE.
#' @param df degrees of freedom for the smoothing spline
#' @param logtran whether whether or not to log-transform the x's and y's to calculate the smoothed
#' quantile curves
#' @return matrix with the y0 values in the first column, the quantiles at x0 (as many columns as is specified in lqi and hqi)
#' and the x0 values in the last column
#' @noRd
quantileCurves <- function(x, y, x0 = x, y0 = y, type = c("none", "dec", "inc"), m = 20, lqi = 0.05, hqi = 0.95,
sym = FALSE, flag = FALSE, df = 15, logtran = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (is.null(lqi) & is.null(hqi))
stop("Please provide at least one of 'lqi' or 'hqi'.")
qi <- if (!is.null(lqi)) c(sort(lqi), sort(hqi)) else sort(hqi)
if (logtran){
x <- log(x)
x0 <- log(x0)
y <- log(y)
y0 <- log(y0)
if (sym) {
qi <- unique(sort(pmax(qi, 1-qi)))
lqi <- NULL
y1 <- abs(y)
} else {
y1 <- y
n <- length(x)
n1 <- n %/% m
n0 <- m * n1
i <- sort(sample(n, n0))
i <- sort.list(x)[i]
xsp2 <- array(x[i], c(m, n1))
xt2 <- array(y1[i], c(m, n1))
if (sym)
xt2 <- abs(xt2)
zz <- csort(xt2)
if (flag)
xq2 <- zz[round(qi * m), ]
else xq2 <- apply(xt2, 2, quantile,qi)
xp2 <- colMeans(xsp2)
if(!sym) {
xmed <- zz[round(m/2), ]
xq2 <- t(t(xq2) - xmed)
ymed <- predict(smooth.spline(xp2,xmed,df=df), x)$y
y1 <- y1-ymed
} else {
xmed <- rep(0, ncol(zz))
ymed <- rep(0, n)
tt <- function(xq, qq) {
xxtp <- smooth.spline(xp2,xq,df=df)
w <- predict(xxtp,x)$y
kc <- quantile(y1/w, if(qq>0.5) qq else 1-qq)
w <- predict(xxtp, x)$y * kc + ymed
as.matrix(predict(smooth.spline(x,w), x0)$y)
vv <- function(xq, qq) {
xxtp <- smooth.spline(xp2,xq+xmed,df=df)
w <- smdecreasing1(xxtp,x,decreasing=down)
kc <- quantile((y1)/(w-ymed),if(qq>0.5) qq else 1-qq)
zz <- (w-ymed)*kc+ymed
w <- zz+ quantile(-zz+y1+ymed,qq)
if (type == "none"){
if (length(qi) == 1){
xtp <- tt(xq2, qi)
} else {
xtp <- tt(c(xq2[1,]),qi[1])
for(i in 2:length(qi))
xtp <- cbind(xtp, tt(c(xq2[i,]), qi[i]))
} else {
if (type == "inc") down <- FALSE
else if(type=="dec") down <- TRUE
if (length(qi) == 1) {
xtp <- vv(xq2, qi)
} else {
xtp <- vv(c(xq2[1,]), qi[1])
for (i in 2:length(qi))
xtp <- cbind(xtp, vv(c(xq2[i,]), qi[i]))
if (logtran){
xtp <- exp(xtp)
x0 <- exp(x0)
y0 <- exp(y0)
dimnames(xtp) <- list(dimnames(xtp)[[1]], paste("Curve", qi, sep=""))
quantileCurveInformation <- list(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, xtp = xtp, qi = qi,
lqi = lqi) # sym argument to be part of plot function
returnValue <- cbind(T = c(y0), xtp, Sp = x0)
attr(returnValue, "quantileCurveInformation") <- quantileCurveInformation
# TODO: clarify the 'Extrapolations are linear' comment (and include in a Details section of the help page)
#' This function is used by quantileCurves when its type argument specifies monotonic non-increasing curves or
#' monotonic non-decreasing curves.
#' @param z output of smooth.spline with x component sorted; if z is a plain vector, w is used as the
#' y variable. The y component of z must be non-increasing, if not the function will make it non-increasing
#' @param w vector of y values in case z is a plain vector of x values
#' @param decreasing logical; if TRUE, specifies the curve to be non-increasing, if FALSE specifies the
#' curve to be non-decreasing
#' @return vector of y values with the monotonicity constraint imposed
#' @noRd
smdecreasing1 <- function(z, w, decreasing = TRUE) {
x <- z$x
if(decreasing) y <- z$y else y <- (-z$y)
rx <- range(x)
rw <- range(w)
n <- length(x)
while (any(diff(y) > 0))
y <- pmax(y, y[c(2:n,n)])
i1 <- (w < rx[1])
i2 <- (w > rx[2])
i <- !(i1|i2)
w1 <- w
if (any(i)) w1[i] <- approx(x, y, w[i])$y
if (any(i1)) {
m1 <- lsfit(x[1:20],y[1:20])$coef[2]
w1[i1] <- approx( c(rw[1],x[1]),c(y[1]-m1*(x[1]-rw[1]),y[1]),w[i1])$y
if (any(i2)) {
m2 <- lsfit(x[n-0:19],y[n-0:19])$coef[2]
w1[i2] <- approx( c(x[n],rw[2]),c(y[n],y[n]-m2*(x[n]-rw[2])),w[i2])$y
if (decreasing) w1 else -w1
#' Function for column sorting of a matrix x
#' @param x matrix
#' @return sorted matrix
#' @noRd
csort <- function(x) {
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
rx <- range(x)
z <- (x - rx[1])/(rx[2]-rx[1])*0.99
k <- rep(1:p,rep(n,p))
z <- x[sort.list(z + k)]
dim(z) <- dim(x)
#' This function interpolates between the smoothed quantile curves to determine the p value for a given geneset
#' @param x.ct output of quantileCurves, i.e. the curves of the contours for the different quantiles
#' @param q.cutoff critical values
#' @return actual p values for each gene set
#' @noRd
ctpval1 <- function(x.ct, q.cutoff) {
p <- ncol(x.ct)
pr <- 2:(p-1)
x <- log(x.ct[,pr])
n <- nrow(x.ct)
p2 <- p-2
u <- q.cutoff # as.numeric(substring(dimnames(x.ct)[[2]][pr], nch))
y <- log(-log(1-u))
xm <- c(x %*% rep(1,p2)/p2)
x2 <- (x-xm)^2 %*% rep(1,p2)
xy <- (x-xm) %*% (y-mean(y))
b <- xy / x2
m <- mean(y) - b*xm
exp(-exp(m + b*log(abs(x.ct[,1]))))
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