### compute overlap
overlap <- function(x1,x2,n){
r <- match(x1[1:n],x2[1:n])
overlapRanks <- pmax(r, 1:n)
tmp <- table(overlapRanks)
x <- integer(n)
x[as.integer(names(tmp))] <- tmp
x <- cumsum(x)
# helper functions for test statistics on matrices
check.test.args <- function(m, cl, paired) {
lbls <-unique(cl)
if (length(lbls) != 2)
stop("Exactly two labels needed, received instead: ", lbls)
if (ncol(m) != length(cl))
stop("Exactly one class label needed per column, received ", length(c),
" labels for ", ncol(m), " columns instead")
if (paired) {
if (sum(cl==lbls[1]) != sum(cl==lbls[2]))
stop("Groups must have same size in paired test, recieved ", sum(cl==lbls[1]), " ",
lbls[1], " samples and ", sum(cl==lbls[2]), " ", lbls[2], " samples instead")
test.fc <- function(m, cl, paired=FALSE) {
lbls <- check.test.args(m, cl, paired)
if (paired) fc <- rowMeans(m[,cl==lbls[1]] - m[,cl==lbls[2]])
else fc <- rowMeans(m[,cl==lbls[1]]) - rowMeans(m[,cl==lbls[2]])
test.t <- function(m, cl, paired=FALSE) {
lbls <- check.test.args(m, cl, paired)
cll <- integer(length(cl))
cll[cl==cl[1]] <- 1
t.stat <- twilight.teststat(xin=m, yin=cll, method="t", paired=paired)$observed
names(t.stat) <- rownames(m)
test.z <- function(m, cl, paired=FALSE) {
lbls <- check.test.args(m, cl, paired)
cll <- integer(length(cl))
cll[cl==cl[1]] <- 1
z.stat <- twilight.teststat(xin=m, yin=cll, method="z", paired=paired)$observed
names(z.stat) <- rownames(m)
# score rankings by test-statistic on sampled data
scoreOrderComparison <- function(exprs1, labels1, paired1, exprs2, labels2, paired2,
test.method=test.z, nn, bases, two.sided, empirical) {
# computes scores for matched direction only
x1 <- test.method(exprs1, labels1, paired1)
x2 <- test.method(exprs2, labels2, paired2)
r1 <- rank(x1)
r2 <- rank(x2)
s <- scoreRankings(r1, r2, nn, bases, two.sided)
if (!empirical){return(s)}
if (empirical){
r1 <- rownames(exprs1)[order(x1,decreasing=TRUE)]
r2 <- rownames(exprs2)[order(x2,decreasing=TRUE)]
scoreOrderComparisonBoth <- function(exprs1, labels1, paired1, exprs2, labels2, paired2,
test.method=test.z, nn, bases, two.sided, empirical) {
# computes scores for both, direct and reversed orders.
n <- nrow(exprs1)
x1 <- test.method(exprs1, labels1, paired1)
x2 <- test.method(exprs2, labels2, paired2)
r1 <- rank(x1)
r2 <- rank(x2)
s <- c(scoreRankings(r1, r2, nn, bases, two.sided),
scoreRankings(r1, n+1-r2, nn, bases, two.sided))
if (!empirical){return(s)}
if (empirical){
r1 <- rownames(exprs1)[order(x1,decreasing=TRUE)]
r2 <- rownames(exprs2)[order(x2,decreasing=TRUE)]
# compare lists with resampling
# -----------------------------
preparePermutations <- function(ids, paired, B, sample.ratio=0.8) {
# determine number of needed subsamples
nbad <- floor(sum(ids)*sample.ratio)
ngood <- floor(sum(1-ids)*sample.ratio)
# prepare matrices
if (paired){
yperm <- twilight.permute.pair(ids,B+1,bal=FALSE)
ysubs <- matrix(nrow=B,ncol=(2*nbad))
for (i in 1:B){
x <- sample(1:(sum(ids)),nbad)
ysubs[i,] <- c(x,sum(ids)+x)
} else { # not paired
yperm <- twilight.permute.unpair(ids,B+1,bal=FALSE)
ysubs <- matrix(nrow=B,ncol=(nbad+ngood))
for (i in 1:B){
x <- sample(1:(sum(ids)),nbad)
y <- sample((sum(ids)+1):(length(ids)),ngood)
ysubs[i,] <- c(x,y)
return(list(yperm=yperm, ysubs=ysubs))
OrderedList <- function(eset, B=1000, test="z", beta=1, percent=0.95, verbose=TRUE,
alpha=NULL, min.weight=1e-5, empirical=FALSE){
### check arguments
#if (class(eset)!="ExpressionSet"){
stop("Please prepare the input expression set with function 'prepareData'.")
if (sum(names(pData(eset))%in%c("outcome","dataset","class","paired"))!=4){
stop("Please prepare the input expression set with function 'prepareData'.")
if (test == "fc") current.test <- test.fc
if (test == "t" ) current.test <- test.t
if (test == "z" ) current.test <- test.z
} else {
stop("'test' can only bet set to 'fc','t' or 'z'.")
if (!beta%in%c(1,0.5)){
stop("'beta' can only be set to 1 or 0.5.")
if ((percent<=0)|(percent>1)){
stop("'percent' has to be in the interval (0,1].")
if (!is.null(alpha)) {
if (any(!is.numeric(alpha)))
stop("Values for alpha must be numeric, received ", alpha[!is.numeric(alpha)],
" instead")
### store comparison label
pdata <- pData(eset)
pdata$dataset <- factor(pdata$dataset)
x <- levels(pdata$dataset)
label <- paste(x[1],x[2],sep="~")
### prepare input data
data1 <- pdata$dataset==x[1]
data2 <- pdata$dataset==x[2]
eset1 <- exprs(eset)[,data1]
eset2 <- exprs(eset)[,data2]
ngenes <- nrow(eset1)
probes <- rownames(eset1)
id1 <- as.character(pdata[data1,]$class)
id2 <- as.character(pdata[data2,]$class)
paired1 <- all(as.logical(as.character(pdata[data1,]$paired)))
paired2 <- all(as.logical(as.character(pdata[data2,]$paired)))
id1[id1=="bad"] <- 1
id2[id2=="bad"] <- 1
id1[id1=="good"] <- 0
id2[id2=="good"] <- 0
id1 <- as.numeric(id1)
id2 <- as.numeric(id2)
### prepare permutation matrices
samplings1 <- preparePermutations(id1, paired1, B)
samplings2 <- preparePermutations(id2, paired2, B)
### prepare weights
if (is.null(alpha)) {
nn <- c(100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500)
alpha <- -log(min.weight)/nn
else {
nn <- floor(-log(min.weight)/alpha)
select <- nn <= ngenes
alpha <- alpha[select]
nn <- nn[select]
if (length(nn)==0){
nn <- ngenes
alpha <- -log(min.weight)/nn
cat("Number of genes is too small.\nSelected alpha such that 'all' genes receive weights above min.weight.\n")
bases <- exp(-alpha)
nalpha <- length(alpha)
nmax <- max(nn)
if (beta == 0.5) scoreOrderComparison <- scoreOrderComparisonBoth
### score the actual orders
SIM.obs <- scoreOrderComparison(eset1, id1, paired1, eset2, id2, paired2,
current.test, nn, bases, TRUE, FALSE)
### compute distributions of alternative and null-scores
samplings1$yperm <- samplings1$yperm[-1,]
samplings2$yperm <- samplings2$yperm[-1,]
if (verbose) {
cat("\nSimulating score distributions...\n")
if (B < 50) cat(" 0%", rep(".",B-6), "100%\n", sep="")
else cat(" 0%.......:.........:.........:.........:......100%\n")
cat(" Random: ")
dotStep <- ceiling(B/50)
} else dotStep <- Inf
indirectScore <- function(i,yin1,xin1,paired1,yin2,xin2,paired2,
current.test, nn, bases, dotStep=Inf, empirical, verbose) {
if ((verbose)&((i %% dotStep)==0)) cat("-")
if ((verbose)&(empirical)&(i==nrow(yin1))) cat(" please wait...")
scores <- scoreOrderComparison(xin1,yin1[i,], paired1, xin2,yin2[i,], paired2,
current.test, nn, bases, TRUE, empirical)
SIM.random <- t(sapply(1:B,indirectScore,samplings1$yperm,eset1,paired1,
if (empirical){
rank1 <- matrix(unlist(SIM.random[,"r1"]),nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)
SIM.random <- SIM.random[,c("score","r2")]
rank2 <- matrix(unlist(SIM.random[,"r2"]),nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)
SIM.random <- matrix(unlist(SIM.random[,"score"]),nrow=B,byrow=TRUE)
if (verbose) cat("\nObserved: ")
subsetScore <- function(i,index1,yin1,xin1,paired1,index2,yin2,xin2,paired2,
current.test, nn, bases, dotStep=Inf, verbose) {
if ((verbose)&((i %% dotStep)==0)) cat("-")
scores <- scoreOrderComparison(xin1[,index1[i,]],yin1[index1[i,]], paired1,
xin2[,index2[i,]],yin2[index2[i,]], paired2,
current.test, nn, bases, TRUE, FALSE)
SIM.observed <- t(sapply(1:B,subsetScore,samplings1$ysubs,id1,eset1,paired1,
if (verbose) cat("\n")
if (nalpha==1){
SIM.random <- matrix(SIM.random,ncol=1)
SIM.observed <- matrix(SIM.observed,ncol=1)
### compute pAUC scores of separability
pauc <- function(x,A,B){
n <- length(A)
o <- order(A, decreasing=TRUE)
r <- c(0, cumsum(B[o[-n]]))
t <- (0:(n-1)) - r
r <- r/sum(B)
t <- t/sum(1-B)
roc <- numeric(length(x))
for (i in 1:length(x)){
z <- which(t<=x[i])
z <- z[length(z)]
roc[i] <- r[z]
pAUC <- numeric(length(SIM.obs))
y <- c(rep(0,B),rep(1,B))
for (i in 1:length(SIM.obs)){
X <- c(SIM.random[,i],SIM.observed[,i])
pAUC[i] <- integrate(pauc,0,0.1,A=X,B=y,stop.on.error=FALSE)$value
### select optimal alpha and direction
xx <- which.max(pAUC)
alpha.opt <- alpha[ifelse(xx > nalpha, xx-nalpha, xx)]
direction <- ifelse(xx > nalpha, -1, 1)
### prepare output
res <- list()
res$SIM.observed <- SIM.obs[xx]
res$SIM.alternative <- SIM.observed[,xx]
res$SIM.random <- SIM.random[,xx]
res$subSample <- TRUE
pauc <- matrix(pAUC,ncol=nalpha, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(pauc) <- alpha
if (beta == 1) rownames(pauc) <- "direct"
else rownames(pauc) <- c("direct","reversed")
x1 <- current.test(eset1, id1, paired1)
x2 <- current.test(eset2, id2, paired2)
scores <- cbind(x1,x2)
colnames(scores) <- unlist(strsplit(label,"~"))
rownames(scores) <- rownames(eset1)
order1 <- rownames(eset1)[order(x1, decreasing=TRUE)]
order2 <- rownames(eset2)[order(x2, decreasing=TRUE)]
if (direction < 0) order2 <- rev(order2)
pp <- c(median(res$SIM.alternative),res$SIM.random)
pp <- rank(pp)
pvalue <- (length(pp)-pp[1]+1)/length(pp)
### retrieve intersecting probes
nn <- ifelse (direction > 0, nn[xx], nn[xx-nalpha])
ww <- exp(-alpha.opt*(1:nn))
rr <- ww*(overlap(order1, order2, nn) + overlap(rev(order1), rev(order2), nn))
y <- min(which(cumsum(rr) >= percent*sum(rr)-(1e-5)))
y1 <- intersect(order1[1:y], order2[1:y])
y2 <- intersect(order1[(ngenes-y+1):ngenes], order2[(ngenes-y+1):ngenes])
### compute random overlap empirically
if (empirical){
if (direction < 0){
rank2 <- t(apply(rank2,1,rev))
top <- function(i,r1,r2,n,dotStep=Inf,verbose){
if ((verbose)&((i %% dotStep)==0)) cat("-")
bottom <- function(i,r1,r2,n,dotstep=Inf,verbose){
if ((verbose)&((i %% dotStep)==0)) cat("-")
if (verbose) {
cat("\nComputing empirical confidence intervals...\n")
cat(" Top: ")
} <- sapply(1:B,top,rank1,rank2,nn,dotStep,verbose)
if (verbose) cat("\n Bottom: ")
emp.bottom <- sapply(1:B,bottom,rank1,rank2,nn,dotStep,verbose)
if (verbose) cat("\n") <- t(apply(emp.bottom,1,quantile,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))) <- t(apply(,1,quantile,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))) <- list(,
if (!empirical){ <- NULL}
### prepare final output
x <- list(n=ngenes,
class(x) <- "OrderedList"
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