papi <-
function(inputData, save = TRUE, folder, output = "papi_results", offline = TRUE, localDatabase = "default"){
## Function to check if file is CSV ##
isCSVdlg <- function(titleMSG, errorMSG){
t = 0
while (t == 0){
checkIfCsv <- dlgOpen(title = titleMSG, multiple = FALSE)$res
checkIfCsv2 <- basename(checkIfCsv)
checkIfCsv3 <- unlist(strsplit(checkIfCsv2, "\\."))
checkIfCsv4 <- checkIfCsv3[length(checkIfCsv3)]
if (checkIfCsv4 %in% c("CSV", "csv")){
t = 1
} else {
#### No dialog box ###
isCSV <- function(pathFile, errorMSG){
t = 0
checkIfCsv <- pathFile
checkIfCsv2 <- basename(checkIfCsv)
checkIfCsv3 <- unlist(strsplit(checkIfCsv2, "\\."))
checkIfCsv4 <- checkIfCsv3[length(checkIfCsv3)]
if (checkIfCsv4 %in% c("CSV", "csv")){
t = 1
} else {
#### Check if the OS is Widnows ###
OSsystem <-["sysname"]
if (OSsystem == "Windows"){
FolderDivisor <- "\\"
} else {
FolderDivisor <- "/"
################### Select database for a local analysis ###############
online <- 0
##### OFFLINE and localDatabase = "default" #######
if(offline == TRUE && localDatabase == "default"){
#### use the default database that comes with the package ####
#### Load COMPbase.csv #####
listOfComps <- try(read.csv(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/default/COMPbase.csv"), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfComps)){
dlgMessage("The compound's database could not be loaded. We will look for additional databases to be used.")$res
listOfDatabases <- try(list.files(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/")), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfDatabases)){
decision1 <- dlgMessage("We could not search for additional databases. The related error is printed on your screen. Press OK to apply PAPi online or CANCEL to stop the function.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision1 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
baseToUse <- select.list(listOfDatabases)
baseToUse <- paste(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/"), baseToUse, sep="")
listOfComps <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "COMPbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfComps)){
decision2 <- dlgMessage("The compound's database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision2 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
pathname <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "PATHbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pathname)){
decision3 <- dlgMessage("The pathways' database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision3 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
} else {
pathname <- try(read.csv(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/default/PATHbase.csv"), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pathname)){
dlgMessage("The pathways' database could not be loaded. We will look for additional databases to be used.")$res
listOfDatabases <- try(list.files(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/")), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfDatabases)){
decision1 <- dlgMessage("We could not search for additional databases. The related error is printed on your screen. Press OK to apply PAPi online or CANCEL to stop the function.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision1 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
baseToUse <- select.list(listOfDatabases)
baseToUse <- paste(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/"), baseToUse, sep="")
listOfComps <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "COMPbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfComps)){
decision2 <- dlgMessage("The compound's database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision2 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
pathname <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "PATHbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pathname)){
decision3 <- dlgMessage("The pathways' database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision3 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
##### OFFLINE and localDatabase = "choose" #######
if(offline == TRUE && localDatabase == "choose"){
listOfDatabases <- try(list.files(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/")), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfDatabases)){
decision1 <- dlgMessage("We could not search for databases. The related error is printed on your screen. Press OK to apply PAPi online or CANCEL to stop the function.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision1 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
baseToUse <- select.list(listOfDatabases, title = "Which database do you want to use?")
baseToUse <- paste(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/"), baseToUse, sep="")
listOfComps <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "COMPbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfComps)){
decision2 <- dlgMessage("The compound's database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision2 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
pathname <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "PATHbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pathname)){
decision3 <- dlgMessage("The pathways' database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision3 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
} else {
if (offline == TRUE){
###### If an specific database is defined #############
listOfDatabases <- try(list.files(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/")), TRUE)
if (localDatabase %in% listOfDatabases){
baseToUse <- paste(R.home("library/PAPi/databases/"), localDatabase, sep="")
listOfComps <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "COMPbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(listOfComps)){
decision2 <- dlgMessage("The compound's database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision2 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
} else {
pathname <- try(read.csv(paste(baseToUse, "/", "PATHbase.csv", sep=""), colClasses="character"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(pathname)){
decision3 <- dlgMessage("The pathways' database could not be loaded. Would you like to do this analysis online ?.", type = "okcancel")$res
if (decision3 == "cancel"){
stop("The process was stopped by the user. See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
} else {
online <- 1
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
} else {
stop("The selected database is not installed. Try to reapply the function using localDatabase = \"choose\". See ?buildDatabase for creating a local database.")
#### If online analysis ######################
if(offline == FALSE){
###check if there is internet connection #####
testInternet <- try(keggList("pathway"), TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(testInternet)){
stop("We could not connect to KEGG database. You probably have no internet connection. Try to use a local database by reapplying papi using localDatabase = \"choose\".")
online <- 1
############### If online = 1, convert offline to FALSE ######
if (online == 1){
offline <- FALSE
print("Online analysis being performed...")
} else {
print("Offline analysis being performed...")
################## Start PAPi #############
######## Begin collecting arguments #######
print("PAPi in progess...")
if (missing(inputData)){
inputData <- isCSVdlg("Select the CSV file containing the input data", "The input file MUST be in the format of comma-separated value (csv). Please, choose an input file showing the extension .csv.") <- read.csv(inputData, colClasses = "character")
print("Input file loaded...")
} else {
if ( == TRUE){ <- inputData
print("Data frame loaded...")
} else {
if (is.character(inputData)){
checkIfCsv <- isCSV(inputData)
if (checkIfCsv == 1){
inputTest <- file.access(inputData, 0)
if(inputTest == 0){ = read.csv(inputData, colClasses = "character")
} else {
print("The input file specified is not accessible. Please, choose a valid CSV file to be used as input data.")
inputData <- isCSVdlg("Select the CSV file containing the input data", "The input file MUST be in the format of comma-separated value (csv). Please, choose an input file showing the extension .csv.") <- read.csv(inputData, colClasses = "character")
print("Input file loaded...")
} else {
print("The input file specified is not in CSV format. Please, choose a valid CSV file to be used as input data.")
inputData <- isCSVdlg("Select the CSV file containing the input data", "The input file MUST be in the format of comma-separated value (csv). Please, choose an input file showing the extension .csv.") <- read.csv(inputData, colClasses = "character")
print("Input file loaded...")
} else {
print("The path to the input data must be specified as character string. Please, choose a valid CSV file to be used as input data.")
inputData <- isCSVdlg("Select the CSV file containing the input data", "The input file MUST be in the format of comma-separated value (csv). Please, choose an input file showing the extension .csv.") <- read.csv(inputData, colClasses = "character")
print("Input file loaded...")
if (save == TRUE) {
if (missing(folder)){
print("No folder was defined to save the results.")
print("Please, point to the folder where the results should be saved.")
folder = dlgDir(title = "Select the folder where the output file will be saved.")$res
} else {
if (is.character(folder)){
isFolder <- file.access(as.character(folder), 0)
if (isFolder == 0){
isFolder <-
if (isFolder$isdir != TRUE){
print("The folder defined to save the results is not a valid path.")
print("Please, point to the folder where the results should be saved.")
folder = dlgDir(title = "Select the folder where the output file will be saved.")$res
} else {
print("The folder defined to save the results is not a valid path.")
print("Please, point to the folder where the results should be saved.")
folder = dlgDir(title = "Select the folder where the output file will be saved.")$res
} else {
print("The path to the folder where the results will be saved must be specified as character.")
print("Please, point to the folder where the results should be saved.")
folder = dlgDir(title = "Select the folder where the output file will be saved.")$res
## Finish collecting arguments ##
if ([1, 1] %in% c("Replicates", "Replicate", "replicates", "replicate")) {
replicates <- as.character([1, ]) <-[-1, ]
rep <- 1
reps <- factor(replicates[-1])
} else {
rep <- 0
############## If offlineAnalysis <- FALSE #####################
if (online == 1){
## Function to go to KEGG and collect pathways related to each compound
getcomp <- function(x){
comp <- try(keggGet(x), TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(comp)){
comp <- 0
} else {
comp <- comp[[1]]$PATHWAY
comp <- data.frame(comp)
names(comp)[1] <- "value"
## Function to go to KEGG and collect compounds playing part in each pathway
numbcomp <- function(x){
compounds <- try(keggGet(x), TRUE)
if("try-error" %in% class(compounds)){
compounds <- 0
} else {
compounds <- data.frame(compounds[[1]]$COMPOUND)
names(compounds)[1] <- "value"
compounds <- nrow(compounds)
pathname <- data.frame(keggList("pathway"))
pathname[2] <- row.names(pathname)
row.names(pathname) <- 1:nrow(pathname)
names(pathname)[c(1,2)] <- c("pathwayname", "idpathway")
pathname[2] <- gsub("path:map", "ko", pathname[,2])
} else {
## Function to go to KEGG and collect pathways related to each compound
getcomp <- function(x){
comp <- which(listOfComps[2] == x)
if (length(comp) > 0){
comp <- listOfComps[comp[1], 3]
comp <- gsub("map", "ko", comp)
comp <- data.frame(unlist(strsplit(comp, ";")))
pathwaysFound <- which(pathname[,2] %in% comp[,1])
if (length(pathwaysFound) > 0){
pathwaysFound <- pathname[pathwaysFound,]
row.names(pathwaysFound) <- pathwaysFound[,2]
pathwaysFound <- pathwaysFound[1]
names(pathwaysFound)[1] <- "value"
} else {
pathwaysFound <- 0
} else {
pathwaysFound <- 0
## Function to go to KEGG and collect compounds playing part in each pathway
numbcomp <- function(x){
compounds <- which(pathname[2] == x)
if (length(compounds) > 0){
compounds <- as.numeric(pathname[compounds[1], 3])
} else {
compounds <- 0
## Apply PAPi for each column of the input data
## Starts the progress bar
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(, style = 3, width=50)
papi.frame <- numeric()
for(j in 2:ncol({
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
## Prepare the list of compunds that will be searched in KEGG
data.df <-[,c(1,j)]
data.df <- subset(data.df, ![2]))
complist <- as.character(data.df[,1])
complist <- gsub("C", "cpd:C", complist, = TRUE)
## Give to pathways the abundance of the related metabolite <- numeric()
for (i in 1:length(complist)){
getpath <- getcomp(complist[i])
if (getpath != 0){
if(length( == 0){
getpath$rate <- as.numeric(data.df[i,2]) <- getpath
} else {
getpath$rate <- as.numeric(data.df[i,2]) <- rbind(getpath,
} else {
## Calculate rates ###$rate <- as.numeric(as.character($rate))
res.arr <- with(, tapply(rate, value, sum))
res.df <- data.frame(pathwayname = names(res.arr), rate = res.arr)
rownames(res.df) <- NULL
pathwayfreq <- data.frame(table($value))
names(pathwayfreq)[1] <- "pathwayname"
names(pathname)[c(1,2)] <- c("pathwayname", "idpathway")
freqname <- merge(pathwayfreq, pathname)
freqname$idpathway <- gsub("path:map", "ko", freqname$idpathway)
total <- nrow(pathwayfreq)
## Starts the final calculations - Normalization <- numeric()
for (i in 1:nrow(res.df)){
selecrow <- freqname[i,]
numberCompounds <- try(numbcomp(selecrow$idpathway), silent = TRUE)
if ("try-error" %in% class(numberCompounds)){
selecrow$percentage <- 1
} else {
if (numberCompounds != 0){
selecrow$percentage <- (selecrow$Freq/numberCompounds)
} else {
selecrow$percentage <- 1
if(i == 1){ <- selecrow
} else { <- rbind(, selecrow)
if (online == 1){ <-[,-c(2,3)]
} else { <-[,-c(2,3,4)]
final2.df <- merge(, res.df)
final2.df[2] <- final2.df$rate/final2.df$percentage
names(final2.df)[2] <- names(data.df)[2]
final2.df[3] <- NULL
if(j == 2){
papi.frame <- final2.df
} else {
papi.frame <- merge(papi.frame, final2.df, all = TRUE)
## Finish PAPi algorithm
papi.frame <- papi.frame[order(papi.frame[,2], decreasing = T),]
papi.frame[1] <- as.character(papi.frame[,1])
if (rep == 1) {
papi.frame <- rbind(c(replicates), papi.frame)
## Save it in the specified folder
if (save == TRUE) {
sheet <- output
store <- paste(folder, FolderDivisor, sheet, ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(papi.frame, file = store, row.names = FALSE)
print(paste("The file ", output, ".csv", " was saved in the folder ", folder, sep=""))
} else {
print("No file was saved because the argument save was set as FALSE")
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