QDNAseq: Quantitative DNA Sequencing for Chromosomal Aberrations

Quantitative DNA sequencing for chromosomal aberrations. The genome is divided into non-overlapping fixed-sized bins, number of sequence reads in each counted, adjusted with a simultaneous two-dimensional loess correction for sequence mappability and GC content, and filtered to remove spurious regions in the genome. Downstream steps of segmentation and calling are also implemented via packages DNAcopy and CGHcall, respectively.

Package details

AuthorIlari Scheinin [aut], Daoud Sie [aut, cre], Henrik Bengtsson [aut], Erik van Dijk [ctb]
Bioconductor views CopyNumberVariation DNASeq Genetics GenomeAnnotation Preprocessing QualityControl Sequencing
MaintainerDaoud Sie <d.sie@vumc.nl>
URL https://github.com/ccagc/QDNAseq
Package repositoryView on Bioconductor
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


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QDNAseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:57 p.m.