
Defines functions edmondsOptimumBranching makeMaximalPlanar makeBiconnectedPlanar makeConnected isKuratowskiSubgraph isStraightLineDrawing chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing planarCanonicalOrdering planarFaceTraversal boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest maximumCycleRatio minimumCycleRatio lengauerTarjanDominatorTree sloanStartEndVertices dominatorTree graphGenerator clusteringCoefAppr transitivity clusteringCoef lambdaSets kCliques .maxClique is.triangulated astarSearch gursoyAtunLayout fruchtermanReingoldForceDirectedLayout randomGraphLayout kingOrdering articulationPoints biConnComp betweenness.centrality.clustering sloan.ordering minDegreeOrdering sequential.vertex.coloring cuthill.mckee.ordering isomorphism edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching kolmogorov.max.flow dag.sp bellman.ford.sp extractPath removeSelfLoops dijkstra.sp mstree.kruskal tsort

Documented in articulationPoints astarSearch bellman.ford.sp betweenness.centrality.clustering biConnComp boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing clusteringCoef clusteringCoefAppr cuthill.mckee.ordering dag.sp dijkstra.sp dominatorTree edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching edmondsOptimumBranching extractPath fruchtermanReingoldForceDirectedLayout graphGenerator gursoyAtunLayout isKuratowskiSubgraph isomorphism isStraightLineDrawing is.triangulated kCliques kingOrdering kolmogorov.max.flow lambdaSets lengauerTarjanDominatorTree makeBiconnectedPlanar makeConnected makeMaximalPlanar maximumCycleRatio minDegreeOrdering minimumCycleRatio mstree.kruskal planarCanonicalOrdering planarFaceTraversal randomGraphLayout removeSelfLoops sequential.vertex.coloring sloan.ordering sloanStartEndVertices transitivity tsort

tsort <- function(x) 
    if ( !isDirected(x) ) stop("requires directed graph")
    nv <- length(nodes(x))
    em <- edgeMatrix(x)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("BGL_tsort_D", 
	as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
    if ( any(ans != 0) ) ans <- nodes(x)[ans+1]
    else ans <- character(0)

mstree.kruskal <- function(x) 
    nv <- length(nodes(x))
    em <- edgeMatrix(x, duplicates=TRUE) # conform with edgeWeights unlisted
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(x))
    ans <- .Call("BGL_KMST_D",
      		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
      		as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),

    ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(x))
    rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
    rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
    names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
    ans$nodes <- nodes(x)


prim.minST <- function () 
    .Defunct("mstree.prim", "RBGL")

mstree.prim <- function ( g ) 
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g, duplicates=TRUE) # conform with edgeWeights unlisted
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

    ans <- .Call("BGL_PRIM_U", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
                as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 

    ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
    rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
    rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
    names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
    ans$nodes <- nodes(g)

  setGeneric("bfs", function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE) 

setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "missing", "missing"),
  function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
          bfs(object, nodes(object)[1], TRUE))

setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "missing", "logical"),
  function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
          bfs(object, nodes(object)[1], checkConn))

setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "missing"),
  function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
          bfs(object, node, TRUE))

setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
  function( object, node, checkConn)
          bfs(object, node, checkConn))

setMethod("bfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
    function (object, node = nodes(object)[1], checkConn = TRUE) 
    nodvec <- nodes(object)
    if (!checkConn) 
	warning("API is changing: checkConn is disregarded, connectivity always checked.")
    if (is.na(startind <- match(node, nodvec))) 
        stop("starting node not found in nodes of graph")
    if (length(ccc <- connectedComp(object)) > 1) 
        warning("graph is not connected; returning bfs applied to each connected component")
        alln <- lapply(ccc, function(x) nodes(subGraph(x, object)))
        hasStart <- sapply(alln, function(x) node %in% x)
        def <- lapply(ccc[-which(hasStart)], 
		      function(x) bfs(subGraph(x, object)))
	names(def) <- NULL
        wsta <- bfs(subGraph(ccc[[which(hasStart)]], object), node)
        return(c(list(wsta), def))
    nv <- length(nodvec)
    em <- edgeMatrix(object, duplicates = TRUE)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("BGL_bfs_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em - 1), 
		as.integer(rep(1, ne)), as.integer(startind - 1), 
    sapply((ans + 1), function(x, y) y[x], nodes(object))

if (!isGeneric("dfs"))
   setGeneric("dfs", function(object,node,checkConn=TRUE)

setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "missing", "missing"),
          function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
          dfs(object, nodes(object)[1], TRUE))

setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "character", "missing"),
          function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE)
          dfs(object, node, TRUE))

setMethod("dfs",c("graph", "character", "logical"),
          function( object, node, checkConn=TRUE) {
    	  if (!checkConn) 
	     warning("API is changing: checkConn is disregarded, connectivity always checked.")
          nodvec <- nodes(object)
          if (is.na(startind <- match(node,nodvec)))
              warning("starting node not found in nodes of graph,\nnodes element 1 used")
              startind <- 1
        if (length(ccc <- connectedComp(object)) > 1) 
            warning("graph is not connected; returning dfs applied to each connected component")
            def <- lapply(ccc, function(x) dfs(subGraph(x, object)))
       	    names(def) <- NULL
          nv <- length(nodvec)
          em <- edgeMatrix(object,duplicates=TRUE)
          ne <- ncol(em)
          if (startind != 1)  # here we rearrange the node references in edgematrix
          {          # to reflect altered start index
            tem <- em
            em[tem == 1] <- startind
            em[tem == startind] <- 1
          ans <- .Call("BGL_dfs_D", 
			as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
               		as.integer(em-1), as.integer(rep(1,ne)),
          fixup <- function(x) 
             tm <- x;
             x[tm==(1-1)] <- startind-1
             x[tm==(startind-1)] <- (1-1)
          ans <- lapply(ans, fixup)
          names(ans) <- c("discovered", "finish")
          lapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(object))

dijkstra.sp <- function(g,start=nodes(g)[1], eW=unlist(edgeWeights(g))) 
    if (!is.character(start)) stop("start must be character")
    if (length(start) !=1 ) stop("start must have length 1")

    II <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)

    if ( II == 0 ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")

    if ( isDirected(g) )
            em <- edgeMatrix(g)
            em <- edgeMatrix(g,TRUE)

    if ( any(eW < 0, na.rm=TRUE) ) 
      stop("'dijkstra.sp' requires that all edge weights are nonnegative")

    nN <- nodes(g)
    nv <- length(nN)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("BGL_dijkstra_shortest_paths_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), as.integer(II - 1), 

    names(ans) <- c("distances", "penult")
    ans[["distances"]][ ans[["distances"]] == .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
    names(ans[["distances"]]) <- names(ans[["penult"]]) <- nN
    ans$penult <- ans$penult + 1
    ans[["start"]] <- II
    names(ans[["start"]]) <- nN[II]

connectedComp <- function (g)
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
        	as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)), 

strongComp <- function (g)
    if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    x <- .Call("BGL_strong_components_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
        	as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)), 

edgeConnectivity <- function (g)
    if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("BGL_edge_connectivity_U", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)), 
    mes <- ans[[2]]
    mes <- lapply(mes,function(x,y) y[x+1], nodes(g)) # +1 for zero-based BGL
    list(connectivity=ans[[1]], minDisconSet=mes)

minCut <- function (g)
    if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)

    ans <- .Call("BGL_min_cut_U", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)), 

    s_names <- sapply(ans[[2]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
    vs_names <- sapply(ans[[3]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

    if ( length(s_names) > length(vs_names) )
    {  temp <- s_names; s_names <- vs_names; vs_names <- temp }

    list(mincut=ans[[1]], "S"=s_names, "V-S"=vs_names)

removeSelfLoops <- function(g)
    g1 <- g
    for ( n in nodes(g) )
        if ( n %in% adj(g, n)[[1]] ) g1 <- removeEdge(n, n, g1)

highlyConnSG <- function (g, sat=3, ldv=c(3, 2, 1))
    lldv <- length(ldv)
    #x = ldv[1:lldv-1] - ldv[2:lldv]
    seq2use = seq_len(lldv-1)
    x = ldv[seq2use] - ldv[(seq2use+1)]
    if ( length(ldv) <= 1 ||
         length(ldv[ldv>0]) != length(ldv) || 
         length(x[x>0]) != length(x) )
       stop("ldv has to be decreasing sequence of positive integers")
    if ( sat <= 0 ) stop("sat has to be positive")

    if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

    for ( n in nodes(g) )
       if ( n %in% adj(g, n)[[1]] )
          stop("graph contains self-circle(s), use 'removeSelfLoops' first.")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)

    ans <- .Call("BGL_highly_conn_sg", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1.,ne)), 
                as.integer(sat), as.integer(lldv), as.integer(ldv),

    ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

extractPath <- function(s, f, pens) {
# use list of penultimates (from dijkstra.sp) to establish
# linear path from node s to node f
    path <- f
    maxl <- length(pens)
    i <- 0
    while (path[1] != s) {
        if (i > maxl)        # no path available
            path <- "NA" 
        path <- c(pens[f], path)
        f <- pens[f]
        i <- i+1

sp.between.scalar <- function (g, start, finish)
    stop("sp.between.scalar is obsolete, use sp.between instead")

sp.between <- function (g, start, finish, detail=TRUE)
    if ( length(start) <= 0 || length(finish) <= 0 )
       stop("missing starting or finishing nodes")

    nG = nodes(g)

    if ( !all(start %in% nG) )
       stop("all starting nodes have to be in the graph")

    if ( !all(finish %in% nG) )
       stop("all finishing nodes have to be in the graph")

    ##get the node index, given the name
    nodeind <- function(n) match(n, nG)

    tmp = cbind(start, finish)
    fl = split(tmp[,2], tmp[,1])

    ustart <- unique(start)
    ans <- list()
    ws <- list()

    if ( any(eWW < 0, na.rm=TRUE) ) 
      stop("'sp.between' requires that all edge weights are nonnegative")

    for (i in seq_len(length(ustart)))
        curdi <- dijkstra.sp(g, ustart[i], eWW)$penult
        thiss <- ustart[i]
        thisf <- fl[[thiss]]
        for (j in seq_len(length(thisf) ) )
             ans[[paste(thiss, thisf[j], sep = ":")]] <-
                   nG[extractPath(nodeind(thiss), nodeind(thisf[j]), curdi)]

    getw <- function(nl) 
         res <- NA

         # obtain weights in g for path of nodes in char vec nl
         if ( length(nl) > 1 )
            res <- rep(NA,length(nl)-1)   # only n-1 pairs
	    wstr <- eW[nl]
            #for (i in 1:(length(nl)-1))
            for (i in seq_len(length(nl)-1))
               res[i]<-wstr[[i]][nl[i+1]] # use numerical names of weights
	    names(res) <- paste(nl[-length(nl)], nl[-1],
    ws <- lapply(ans, function(x) getw(x))
    lens <- lapply(ws, sum)
    ans2 <- vector("list", length=length(ans))
    names(ans2) = names(ans)
    for (i in seq_len(length(ans)))
       if ( detail ) 
        ans2[[i]] <- list(length=lens[[i]],
        ans2[[i]] <- list(length=lens[[i]])

johnson.all.pairs.sp <- function (g) 
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    if (isDirected(g)) 
        em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
    ans <- .Call("BGL_johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), 
    tmp <- matrix(ans, nrow = length(nodes(g)))
    dimnames(tmp) <- list(nodes(g), nodes(g))
    tmp[ tmp >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf

floyd.warshall.all.pairs.sp <- function (g) 
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    if (isDirected(g)) 
        em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))
    ans <- .Call("BGL_floyd_warshall_all_pairs_shortest_paths_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), 
    tmp <- matrix(ans, nrow = length(nodes(g)))
    dimnames(tmp) <- list(nodes(g), nodes(g))
    tmp[ tmp >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf

bellman.ford.sp <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

    if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
    else s <- start 

    if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")

    ans <- .Call("BGL_bellman_ford_shortest_paths", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), as.integer(s-1), 

    ans[[2]][ ans[[2]] >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
    ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1

    names(ans[[2]]) <- names(ans[[3]]) <- nodes(g)

    list("all edges minimized"=ans[[1]], "distance"=ans[[2]], 
         "penult"=ans[[3]], "start"=nodes(g)[s])

dag.sp <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
    if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

    if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
    else s <- start

    if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")

    ans <- .Call("BGL_dag_shortest_paths", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
            	as.integer(em - 1), as.double(eW), as.integer(s-1), 
    ans[[1]][ ans[[1]] >= .Machine$double.xmax ] <- Inf
    ans[[2]] <- ans[[2]] + 1

    names(ans[[1]]) <- names(ans[[2]]) <- nodes(g)

    list("distance"=ans[[1]], "penult"=ans[[2]], "start"=nodes(g)[s])

transitive.closure <- function (g) 
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    if (isDirected(g)) 
        em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    else em <- edgeMatrix(g, TRUE)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("BGL_transitive_closure_D", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em - 1), 
    v_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
    nv <- length(v_names)

    ans[[2]] <- ans[[2]] + 1
    ne <- ncol(ans[[2]])

    edL <- vector("list", length=nv)
    names(edL) <- v_names
    for(i in seq_len(nv)) edL[[i]] <- list(edges=ans[[2]][2,][which(ans[[2]][1,]==i)])

    g <- new("graphNEL", nodes=v_names, edgeL=edL, edgemode=edgemode(g))



max.flow.internal <- function (g, source, sink, method="Edmonds.Karp")
    if (!isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to directed graphs")

    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

    if ( is.character(source) ) s <- match(source, nodes(g), 0)
    else s <- source
    if ( is.character(sink) ) t <- match(sink, nodes(g), 0)
    else t <- sink

    if ( s <= 0 || s > nv || t <= 0 || t > nv )
       stop("both source and sink need to be nodes in the graph")

    # nodes are numbered from 1 in R graph, but from 0 in BGL graph
    if ( method == "Push.Relabel" )
         ans <- .Call("BGL_push_relabel_max_flow", 
                 as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
                 as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 
                 as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1), 
    else  if ( method == "Edmonds.Karp" ) 
         ans <- .Call("BGL_edmonds_karp_max_flow", 
                 as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
                 as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 
                 as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1), 
    else if ( method == "Kolmogorov")
         ans <- .Call("BGL_kolmogorov_max_flow", 
                 as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
                 as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 
                 as.integer(s-1), as.integer(t-1), 
	stop("unknown method")

    rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("from", "to")
    rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("flow")
    f_names <- sapply(ans[[2]][1,]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
    t_names <- sapply(ans[[2]][2,]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
    ans[[2]][1,] <- f_names
    ans[[2]][2,] <- t_names

    list("maxflow"=ans[[1]], "edges"=ans[[2]], "flows"=ans[[3]])

edmonds.karp.max.flow <- function (g, source, sink)
    max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Edmonds.Karp")

push.relabel.max.flow <- function (g, source, sink)
    max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Push.Relabel")

kolmogorov.max.flow <- function(g, source, sink)
    max.flow.internal(g, source, sink, "Kolmogorov")

edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching <- function(g)
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)

    ans <- .Call("edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching", 
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),

    ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
    ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )
    rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("vertex", "matched vertex")
    names(ans) <- c("Is max matching: ", "Matching: ")


isomorphism <- function(g1, g2)
   nv1 <- length(nodes(g1))
   em1 <- edgeMatrix(g1)
   ne1 <- ncol(em1)

   nv2 <- length(nodes(g2))
   em2 <- edgeMatrix(g2)
   ne2 <- ncol(em2)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_isomorphism", 
	        as.integer(nv1), as.integer(ne1), as.integer(em1-1), 
                as.integer(nv2), as.integer(ne2), as.integer(em2-1), 


cuthill.mckee.ordering <- function(g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_cuthill_mckee_ordering", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   r_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

   list("reverse cuthill.mckee.ordering"=r_names,
 	"original bandwidth"=ans[[2]], "new bandwidth"=ans[[3]])

sequential.vertex.coloring <- function(g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_sequential_vertex_coloring", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),

   names(ans[[2]]) = nodes(g)
   list("no. of colors needed"=ans[[1]], "colors of nodes"=ans[[2]])

minDegreeOrdering <- function(g, delta=0)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_min_degree_ordering", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), as.integer(delta),

    ip_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })
    p_names <- sapply(ans[[2]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

   list("inverse_permutation"=ip_names, "permutation"=p_names)

sloan.ordering <- function(g, w1=1, w2=2)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_sloan_ordering", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), w1, w2,

   s_names <- sapply(ans[[1]]+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

   list("sloan.ordering"=s_names, "bandwidth"=ans[[2]], 
	"profile"=ans[[3]], "maxWavefront"=ans[[4]], 
	"aver.wavefront"=ans[[5]], "rms.wavefront"=ans[[6]])

bandwidth <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_bandwidth", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 


gprofile <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_profile", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 


ith.wavefront <- function (g, start=nodes(g)[1])
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

    if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
    else s <- start

    if ( s <= 0 || s > nv )
       stop("starting node needs to be from the graph")

   ans <- .Call("BGL_ith_wavefront", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em-1), as.integer(s-1),


maxWavefront <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_max_wavefront", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 


aver.wavefront <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_aver_wavefront", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 


rms.wavefront <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_rms_wavefront", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 


init.incremental.components <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_init_incremental_components", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   ans[-1] <- lapply(nodes(g), function(x)x) # ans[-1], function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
   names(ans[[1]]) = "no. of initial components"

incremental.components <- function (g)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_incremental_components", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   ans[-1] <- lapply(ans[-1], function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
   names(ans[[1]]) = "no. of connected components"

same.component <- function (g, node1, node2)
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

    if ( is.character(node1) ) v1 <- match(node1, nodes(g), 0)
    else v1 <- node1

    if ( is.character(node2) ) v2 <- match(node2, nodes(g), 0)
    else v2 <- node2

    if ( v1 <= 0 || v1 > nv || v2 <= 0 || v2 > nv )
       stop("nodes need to be from the graph")

   ans <- .Call("BGL_same_component", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
	        as.integer(v1-1), as.integer(v2-1),


circle.layout <- function ( g, radius=1 )
   warning("API is changed: use circleLayout instead.")
   circleLayout(g, radius)

circleLayout <- function ( g, radius=1 )
   if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

   if ( radius < 0 ) stop("requires: radius > 0 ")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_circle_layout", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
   colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)

kamada.kawai.spring.layout <- function ( g, edge_or_side=1, es_length=1 )
   warning("API is changed: use kamadaKawaiSpringLayout instead.")
   kamadaKawaiSpringLayout(g, edge_or_side, es_length)

kamadaKawaiSpringLayout <- function ( g, edge_or_side=1, es_length=1 )
   if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

   if ( edge_or_side <= 0 ) stop("requires: es_length > 0")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   ans <- .Call("BGL_kamada_kawai_spring_layout", 
	       as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
	       as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),
	       as.logical(edge_or_side), as.double(es_length),

   rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
   colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)

brandes.betweenness.centrality <- function ( g )
   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   if ( any(eW <= 0, na.rm=TRUE) ) 
      stop("'brandes.betweenness.centrality' requires that all edge weights are positive")

   ans <- .Call("BGL_brandes_betweenness_centrality", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   colnames(ans[[1]]) <- nodes(g)
   colnames(ans[[3]]) <- nodes(g)

   rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("centrality")
   rownames(ans[[5]]) <- c("from", "to")
   ans[[5]] <- apply(ans[[5]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))


betweenness.centrality.clustering <- function(g, threshold=-1, normalize=TRUE )

#  errmsg <- paste0("This function has been withdrawn due to a LLVM C++ library incompatibility; ",
#	    "See the manual for a workaround for non-LLVM systems")
#  stop(errmsg)

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   ans <- .Call("BGL_betweenness_centrality_clustering", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
		as.double(eW), as.double(threshold), as.logical(normalize),

   if ( ans[[1]] > 0 )
      ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
      rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("from", "to")
      rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("centrality")
   list("no.of.edges" = ans[[1]], 

biConnComp <- function(g)
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <-.Call("BGL_biconnected_components_U", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
        	as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)), 

    ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
    ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1    # comp no. starts from 1

    r <- vector("list", ans[[1]])
    for ( i in seq_len(ans[[1]]))
        r[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(ans[[2]][,which(ans[[3]]==i)]))


articulationPoints <- function(g)
    nv <- length(nodes(g))
    em <- edgeMatrix(g)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <-.Call("BGL_articulation_points_U", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
        	as.integer(em-1), as.double(rep(1,ne)), 

    ans <- sapply(ans+1, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

kingOrdering <- function(g)
   list("kingOrdering is not implemented yet")

randomGraphLayout<- function(g, minX=0, maxX=1, minY=0, maxY=1)
   if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

   if ( minX >= maxX || minY >= maxY )
      stop("requires: minX < maxX and minY < maxY ")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_random_layout", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
		as.double(minX), as.double(maxX),
		as.double(minY), as.double(maxY),

   rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
   colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)

fruchtermanReingoldForceDirectedLayout<- function(g, width=1, height=1)
   if (isDirected(g)) stop("only applicable to undirected graphs")

   if ( length(connComp(g)) > 1 ) 
      warning("This implementation doesn't handle disconnected graphs well.")

   if ( width <= 0 || height <= 0 )
      stop("requires: width > 0 and height > 0 ")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_FRFD_layout", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
		as.double(width), as.double(height),

   rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")
   colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)

gursoyAtunLayout <- function(g)
   list("gursoyAtunLayout is not implemented yet")

astarSearch <- function(g)
   list("astarSearch is not implemented yet")

is.triangulated <- function(g)
   if( isDirected(g) ) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("isTriangulated", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   if(ans[1] == 0 ) FALSE else TRUE

maxClique <- function (g, nodes=NULL, edgeMat=NULL) {
# new version allows omission of g and direct hand-in of nodes and edgeMat
    if (!missing(g) && isDirected(g))
        stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")
    if (!(missing(g)) & (!is.null(nodes) | !is.null(edgeMat)))
        stop("if g is supplied, must not supply nodes or edgeMat")
    if (is.null(nodes)) gn = g@nodes else gn = nodes
    if (is.null(edgeMat)) em <- edgeMatrix(g) else em = edgeMat
    nv <- length(gn)
    ne <- ncol(em)
    ans <- .Call("maxClique", as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
        as.integer(em - 1), PACKAGE = "RBGL")
    ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) {
    list(maxCliques = ans_names)

.maxClique <- function(g)
# old version, requires internal computation of nodes and edgeMatrix
   if (isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("maxClique", 
	        as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   ans_names <- lapply(ans, function(x) { nodes(g)[x] })

kCliques <- function(g)
   if( isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   ans <- .Call("kCliques", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 

   if ( length(ans) > 0 )
      gn1 <- function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] }
      gn2 <- function(x) { lapply(x, gn1) }
      ans_names <- lapply(ans, gn2)
      names(ans_names) <- paste(seq_len(length(ans_names)), "-cliques", sep="")
      ans_names <- ans


lambdaSets <- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   ans <- .Call("lambdaSets", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), 
		as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW), 

   makelist <- function(y)
      z <- table(y) > 1
      z <- names(z[z])
      ans <- vector("list", length=length(z))
      for ( i in seq_len(length(z)) )
          ans[i] <- list(names(y[y==z[i]]))

   colnames(ans[[2]]) <- nodes(g)
   t <- vector("list", length=nrow(ans[[2]]))
   names(t) <- paste("lambda-", 0:(nrow(ans[[2]])-1), " sets", sep="")
   for ( i in seq_len(nrow(ans[[2]]) ))
       t[i] <- makelist(ans[[2]][i,])

   list("max edge connectivity" = ans[[1]], t)

clusteringCoef <- function(g, Weighted=FALSE, vW=degree(g))
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   if ( nv != length(vW) )
      stop("length(vW) is not equal to number of nodes in the graph")

   ans <- .Call("clusteringCoef", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
		as.integer(Weighted), as.double(vW), 

   list("clustering coefficient" = ans)

transitivity <- function(g) 
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("transitivity", 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 

   list("transitivity" = ans)

clusteringCoefAppr <- function(g, k=length(nodes(g)), Weighted=FALSE, vW=degree(g))
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   if ( nv != length(vW) )
      stop("length(vW) is not equal to number of nodes in the graph")

   ans <- .Call("clusteringCoefAppr", as.integer(k), 
		as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1), 
		as.integer(Weighted), as.double(vW), 

   list("clustering coefficient" = ans)

graphGenerator <- function(n, d, o)
   if ( n < 3 )
      stop("Number of nodes (n) should be at least 3.")

   if ( d < 2 )
      stop("Degree of nodes (d) should be at least 2.")

   if ( o <= 0 )
      stop("Parameter (o) should be positive.")

   ans <- .Call("graphGenerator", 
		as.integer(n), as.integer(d), as.integer(o), 

   # convert node indexes: from 0-based in C to 1-based in R
   ans[[3]] <- ans[[3]] + 1
   rownames(ans[[3]]) <- c("from", "to")
   list("no. of nodes" = ans[[1]], "no.of edges" = ans[[2]], "edges"=ans[[3]])

dominatorTree <- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
   if ( length(start) !=1 ) stop("start must have length 1")

   if ( is.character(start) ) s <- match(start, nodes(g), 0)
   else s <- start 

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   if ( s <= 0 || s > nv ) stop("start not found in nodes of g")

   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("BGL_dominator_tree", 
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne), as.integer(em-1),

   gn1 <- function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] }
   ans <- sapply(ans, gn1)
   names(ans) <- nodes(g)

sloanStartEndVertices<- function(g)
   list("this is a helper-function for sloan-ordering, used explicitly" )

lengauerTarjanDominatorTree<- function(g, start=nodes(g)[1])
   dominatorTree(g, start)

minimumCycleRatio<- function(g)
   list("This function is not implemented yet")

maximumCycleRatio<- function(g)
   list("This function is not implemented yet")

boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")


planarFaceTraversal<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("planarFaceTraversal",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   ans <- sapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))


planarCanonicalOrdering<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("planarCanonicalOrdering",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   ans <- sapply(ans, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))

chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   colnames(ans) <- nodes(g)
   rownames(ans) <- c("x", "y")


isStraightLineDrawing<- function(g, drawing)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   if ( !is.matrix(drawing) || nrow(drawing) != 2 || ncol(drawing) != nv ) 
      stop("needs 2xm matrix for coordinates")

   ans <- .Call("isStraightLineDrawing",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), as.integer(drawing),


isKuratowskiSubgraph<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("isKuratowskiSubgraph",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])
   ans[[2]] <- as.logical(ans[[2]])
   ans[[3]] <- apply(ans[[3]], 2, function(x) nodes(g)[x+1])
   rownames(ans[[3]]) = c("from", "to")

   list("Is planar: " = ans[[1]], 
	"Is there a Kuratowski Subgraph: " = ans[[2]], 
	"Edges of Kuratowski Subgraph: " = ans[[3]])

makeConnected<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("makeConnected",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   ans <- apply(ans, 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )

   gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
   gn <- addEdge(ans[1,], ans[2, ], gn)


makeBiconnectedPlanar<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("makeBiconnectedPlanar",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   names(ans) <- c("Is planar: ", "new graph")
   ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])

   if ( ans[[1]] )
      ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )

      gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
      gn <- addEdge(ans[[2]][1,], ans[[2]][2, ], gn)

      ans[[2]] <- gn 


makeMaximalPlanar<- function(g)
   if(isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for undirected graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)

   ans <- .Call("makeMaximalPlanar",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), PACKAGE="RBGL")

   names(ans) <- c("Is planar: ", "new graph")
   ans[[1]] <- as.logical(ans[[1]])

   if ( ans[[1]] )
      ans[[2]] <- apply(ans[[2]], 2, function(x) { nodes(g)[x+1] } )

      gn = new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes(g), edgemode="undirected")
      gn <- addEdge(ans[[2]][1,], ans[[2]][2, ], gn)

      ans[[2]] <- gn 


edmondsOptimumBranching <- function(g)
   if(!isDirected(g)) stop("only appropriate for directed graphs")

   nv <- length(nodes(g))
   em <- edgeMatrix(g)
   ne <- ncol(em)
   eW <- unlist(edgeWeights(g))

   ans <- .Call("edmondsOptimumBranching",
                as.integer(nv), as.integer(ne),
                as.integer(em-1), as.double(eW),

    ans[[1]] <- apply(ans[[1]], 2, function(x, y) y[x+1], nodes(g))
    rownames(ans[[1]]) <- c("from", "to")
    rownames(ans[[2]]) <- c("weight")
    names(ans) <- c("edgeList", "weights")
    ans$nodes <- unique(as.vector(ans[[1]]))


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RBGL documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5 p.m.