
Defines functions untraceMethods traceMethods parseSignatures printWithNumbers convertMode setVNames subsetAsCharacter asSimpleVector

Documented in asSimpleVector convertMode printWithNumbers setVNames subsetAsCharacter traceMethods untraceMethods

asSimpleVector <- function(x, mode = "logical")
    if (!(mode %in% c("logical", "integer",
                      "numeric", "double",
                      "complex", "character")))
        stop("invalid mode ", mode)
    Dim <- dim(x)
    nDim <- length(Dim)
    Names <- names(x)
    if (nDim > 0)
        DimNames <- dimnames(x)
    x <- as.vector(x, mode)
    names(x) <- Names
    if (nDim > 0) {
        dim(x) <- Dim
        dimnames(x) <- DimNames

subsetAsCharacter <- function(x, i, j)
    if (nargs() == 3) {
        if (missing(i)) {
            if (missing(j))
                x <- x[ , ]
            else x <- x[, j]
        } else if (missing(j))
            x <- x[i, ]
        else x <- x[i, j]
    } else if (missing(i)) {
        x <- x[]
    } else {
        x <- x[i]
    asSimpleVector(x, "character")

setVNames <- function(x, nm)
    names(x) <- nm
    asSimpleVector(x, "numeric")

convertMode <- function(from, to)
    asSimpleVector(from, mode(to))

printWithNumbers = function(f) {
 if( !is.function(f) )
   stop("requires a function argument")

 if( is(f, "functionWithTrace") ) {
   warning("function is being traced, using original")
   f = f@original

 # fform = capture.output(f)
 lnos = as.list(body(f))
 if( lnos[[1]] != '{' )
     stop("only set line numbers for functions that use {")

 ##set the padding
 nlnos = length(lnos)
 if( nlnos >= 100 ) extras = "    "
 else if( nlnos >= 10 ) extras = "   "
 else extras = "  "

 fform = list() 
 fform[[1]] = deparse(args(f))[[1]]
 for(i in 1:nlnos) {
   if( nlnos >= 100 ) {
       if( i < 10 ) spaces = "  "
         else if( i < 100 ) spaces = " "
              else spaces = ""
       if (nlnos >= 10 ) {
          if(i < 10 ) spaces = " " else spaces = ""
       else spaces = ""
   tmp = deparse(lnos[[i]])
   nl = length(tmp)
   fform[[i+1]] = paste(c(paste(i,":", sep=""), rep("  ", nl-1)), 
                      deparse(lnos[[i]]), sep="")
 fform[[nlnos+2]] = "}"
 cat(unlist(fform), sep="\n")

 ##crappy little helper function to parse the value
 ##returned by showMethods
 ##for now, we will drop methods that are "inherited",
 parseSignatures <- function(input) {
   drop = grep("inherited", input)
   if( length(drop) )
       input = input[-drop]
   ##sometimes we get empty lines
   slens = nchar(input)
   in2 = input[slens > 0 ]
   return(paste("c(", in2, ")"))

 traceMethods <- function(generic, traceStrings, tracer) {
   if( is.character(generic) ) gendef = get(generic) else {
     gendef = generic
     generic = deparse(substitute(generic)) }
   if( !isGeneric(generic) ) stop("need a generic function")
   foo = showMethods(generic, printTo=FALSE)
   methSigs = parseSignatures(foo[-1])
   if(missing(traceStrings) )
     traceStrings = paste("in method", methSigs)
   for( i in 1:length(methSigs) ) {
     if( missing(tracer) )
       tracer = substitute(expression(print(foo)), list(foo=traceStrings[i]))
     do.call(trace, list(generic, 
                signature = eval(parse(text=methSigs[i])), tracer = tracer,

 untraceMethods <- function(generic, methodSigs) 
   for( i in methodSigs) untrace(generic, methodSigs[i])

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RBioinf documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:11 p.m.