#' Primary dis-regulation: Pathway analysis approach based on the unexplained dis-regulation of genes
#' @param x named vector of log fold changes for the differentially expressed genes; \code{names(x)} must use the same id's as \code{ref} and the nodes of the \code{graphs}
#' @param graphs list of pathway graphs as objects of type \code{graph} (e.g., \code{\link{graphNEL}}); the graphs must be weighted graphs (i.e., have an attribute \code{weight} for both nodes and edges)
#' @param ref the reference vector for all genes in the analysis; if the reference is not provided or it is identical to \code{names(x)} a cut-off free analysis is performed
#' @param nboot number of bootstrap iterations
#' @param verbose print progress output
#' @param cluster a cluster object created by makeCluster for parallel computations
#' @param seed an integer value passed to set.seed() during the boostrap permutations
#' @details
#' See details in the cited articles.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{\link{pDisRes-class}}.
#' @author
#' Calin Voichita, Sahar Ansari and Sorin Draghici
#' @references
#' Voichita C., Donato M., Draghici S.: "Incorporating gene significance in the impact analysis of signaling pathways", IEEE Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2012 11th International Conference on, Vol. 1, p.126-131, 2012
#' Ansari, S., Voichita, C., Donato, M., Tagett, R., & Draghici, S. A Novel Pathway Analysis Approach Based on the Unexplained Disregulation of Genes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Summary}},
#' \code{\link{keggPathwayGraphs}}, \code{\link{setNodeWeights}}, \code{\link{setEdgeWeights}}
#' @examples
#' # load a multiple sclerosis study (public data available in Array Express
#' # ID: E-GEOD-21942)
#' # This file contains the top table, produced by the limma package with
#' # added gene information. All the probe sets with no gene associate to them,
#' # have been removed. Only the most significant probe set for each gene has been
#' # kept (the table is already ordered by p-value)
#' # The table contains the expression fold change and signficance of each
#' # probe set in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from 12 MS patients
#' # and 15 controls.
#' load(system.file("extdata/E-GEOD-21942.topTable.RData", package = "ROntoTools"))
#' head(top)
#' # select differentially expressed genes at 1% and save their fold change in a
#' # vector fc and their p-values in a vector pv
#' fc <- top$logFC[top$adj.P.Val <= .01]
#' names(fc) <- top$entrez[top$adj.P.Val <= .01]
#' pv <- top$P.Value[top$adj.P.Val <= .01]
#' names(pv) <- top$entrez[top$adj.P.Val <= .01]
#' # alternativly use all the genes for the analysis
#' # NOT RUN:
#' # fc <- top$logFC
#' # names(fc) <- top$entrez
#' # pv <- top$P.Value
#' # names(pv) <- top$entrez
#' # get the reference
#' ref <- top$entrez
#' # load the set of pathways
#' kpg <- keggPathwayGraphs("hsa")
#' # set the beta information (see the citated documents for meaning of beta)
#' kpg <- setEdgeWeights(kpg)
#' # inlcude the significance information in the analysis (see Voichita:2012
#' # for more information)
#' # set the alpha information based on the pv with one of the predefined methods
#' kpg <- setNodeWeights(kpg, weights = alphaMLG(pv), defaultWeight = 1)
#' # perform the pathway analysis
#' # in order to obtain accurate results the number of boostraps, nboot, should
#' # be increase to a number like 2000
#' pDisRes <- pDis(fc, graphs = kpg, ref = ref, nboot = 100, verbose = TRUE)
#' # obtain summary of results
#' head(Summary(pDisRes))
#' @export
pDis <- function(x, graphs, ref = NULL, nboot = 2000, verbose = TRUE, cluster = NULL, seed = NULL)
cutOffFree <- FALSE
if (is.null(ref))
ref <- names(x)
cutOffFree <- TRUE
if (!any(,names(x)))))
warning("All the reference IDs are part of the input. Cut-off free analysis is performed.")
ref <- names(x)
cutOffFree <- TRUE
preservedSeed <- NULL
if (exists(".Random.seed"))
preservedSeed <- .Random.seed
if (any(, ref))))
warning("There are input IDs not available in the reference. These will be excluded from analysis.")
x <- x[!, ref))]
pDisRes <- pDis.helper(x = x, ref = ref, graphs = graphs, nboot = nboot, verbose = verbose, cluster = cluster, seed = seed)
pDisRes@cutOffFree <- cutOffFree
.Random.seed <- preservedSeed
#' @import parallel
pDis.helper <- function(x, graphs, ref = NULL, nboot = 2000, verbose = TRUE, cluster = NULL, seed = NULL)
message("Performing pathway analysis...")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(graphs), style = 3)
t1 <- Sys.time()
if (is.null(cluster))
allBoot <- lapply(graphs, function(g, seed) {
ret <- pDis.boot(g, x = x, ref = ref, nboot = nboot)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1)
}, seed = seed)
clusterExport(cluster, c("pDis.boot", "compute.inverse", "compute.B_pDis"))
clusterEvalQ(cluster, library(ROntoTools))
allBoot <- parLapply(cluster, graphs, function(g, seed) {
ret <- pDis.boot(g, x = x, ref = ref, nboot = nboot)
}, seed = seed)
t2 <- Sys.time()
message("Analysis completed in ", format(t2-t1), ".")
allBoot <- allBoot[!sapply(allBoot, is.null)]
pDisRes <- new("pDisRes", pathways = allBoot, input = x, ref = ref)
#' @import boot
#' @keywords internal
pDis.boot <- function(g, x, ref, nboot, all.genes = F)
inv <- (compute.B_pDis(g))
pDisPath <- new("pDisPathway",
map = g,
input = x[names(x) %in% nodes(g)],
ref = ref[ref %in% nodes(g)])
if (length(pDisPath@input) == 0)
if (is.null(inv))
pDisPath@asGS <- TRUE
# same number of DE genes at any position in the pathway
# (given by the gene from the pathway in the reference) <- function(x, l) {
y <- sample(l$fc, length(x))
names(y) <- sample(l$ref, length(x))
pDisPath@boot <- boot(pDisPath@input,
function(x, inv) {
xx <- rep(0, nrow(inv)); names(xx) <- rownames(inv);
xx[names(x)] <- x
xx <- xx * nodeWeights(pDisPath@map, names(xx))
tt = inv %*% xx;
ret <- c(sum(abs(tt)))
names(ret) <- c("tpDis")
"parametric", ran.gen =, mle = list(ref = pDisPath@ref, fc = as.numeric(x)),
inv = inv
colnames(pDisPath@boot$t) <- names(pDisPath@boot$t0)
xx <- rep(0, nrow(inv))
names(xx) <- rownames(inv)
xx[names(pDisPath@input)] <- pDisPath@input
pDisPath@pDis = (inv %*% xx)[,1];
pDisPath@asGS <- FALSE
compute.B_pDis <- function(g, = TRUE)
if (
# number of downstream genes (like in SPIA)
nds <- sapply(edgeWeights(g), function(x) sum(x != 0 ))
nds <- sapply(edges(g), length)
# add 1 for all genes that do not have downstream genes to avoid division by 0
# this does not affect the computation
nds[nds == 0] <- 1
# compute B = (I - beta/nds)
#B <- t(diag(length(nodes(g))) - as(g, "matrix") / nds)
B <- diag(length(nodes(g))) - t(as(g, "matrix")) / matrix(nds, byrow=TRUE, nrow = length(nds), ncol = length(nds))
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