
Defines functions punion pintersect silent_select isOr checkTranscriptFormat convertToTranscripts importTranscripts rbindDfsWithoutRowNames checkIdenticalSummarizedExperiment calculateSizeFactor getCoveragePerSample getCoverage generateCompleteMessage generateWarningMessage makeCompleteMessage makeWarningMessage makeErrorMessage checkApplyResultsForErrors rbindListOfDFs plast pfirst reorderFeatures asGRangesList asGRanges splitCharacterList nextFrame exportFeatures uniqueFeatures expandUnstrandedRanges getBamInfoPerSample completeMcols dropMcols filterGa filterGap XS2strand propagateXS readGap pos2gr gr2pos pos2str co2gr gr2co co2str feature2name

Documented in exportFeatures importTranscripts

feature2name <- function(features, collapse_terminal = FALSE)

    if (is(features, "Features")) {

        features_type <- type(features)

    } else {

        features_type <- mcols(features)$type


    name <- rep(NA, length(features))

    if (collapse_terminal) {

        i <- which(features_type %in% c("J", "I", "U", "E"))
        name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2co(features[i]))
        i <- which(features_type %in% c("F", "L"))
        start <- ifelse(features_type[i] == "F", FALSE, TRUE)
        name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":",
            gr2co(flank(features[i], -1, start)))

    } else {

        i <- which(features_type %in% c("J", "I", "F", "L", "U", "E"))
        name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2co(features[i]))


    i <- which(features_type %in% c("D", "A"))
    name[i] <- paste0(features_type[i], ":", gr2pos(features[i]))



co2str <- function(seqlevel, start, end, strand)

    paste0(seqlevel, ":", start, "-", end, ":", strand)


gr2co <- function(x)

    if (length(x) == 0) {


    } else {

        co2str(seqnames(x), start(x), end(x), strand(x))



co2gr <- function(co)

    x <- strsplit(co, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
    r <- strsplit(vapply(x, "[", character(1), 2), split = "-", fixed = TRUE)
    sn <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 1)
    start <- as.integer(vapply(r, "[", character(1), 1))
    end <- as.integer(vapply(r, "[", character(1), 2))
    st <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 3)
    GRanges(sn, IRanges(start, end), st)


pos2str <- function(seqlevel, position, strand)

    paste0(seqlevel, ":", position, ":", strand)


gr2pos <- function(x)

    if (length(x) == 0) {


    } else {

        pos2str(seqnames(x), start(x), strand(x))



pos2gr <- function(x)

    x <- strsplit(x, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)
    sn <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 1)
    pos <- as.integer(vapply(x, "[", character(1), 2))
    st <- vapply(x, "[", character(1), 3)
    GRanges(sn, IRanges(pos, pos), st)


readGap <- function(file, paired_end, which, sample_name, verbose)

    if (length(which) != 1) {

        stop("which argument must have length 1")


    ## the following flags are set by functions
    ## readGAlignments and readGAlignmentPairs
    ## - isUnmappedQuery
    ## - isPaired
    ## - hasUnmappedMate

    flag <- scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE)
    param <- ScanBamParam(flag = flag, tag = "XS", which = which)

    if (paired_end) {

        gap <- suppressWarnings(readGAlignmentPairs(file = file,
            param = param))

        ## scanBam workaround start
        ## bamWhat(param) <- c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos")
        ## ga <- readGAlignments(file = file, use.names = TRUE, param = param)
        ## gap <- makeGAlignmentPairs(ga, use.names = TRUE, use.mcols = TRUE)
        ## names(gap) <- NULL
        ## scanBam workaround end

        gap <- propagateXS(gap)

    } else {

        gap <- suppressWarnings(readGAlignments(file = file, param = param))


    gap <- filterGap(gap)

    mcols(gap)$strand <- XS2strand(mcols(gap)$XS)

    gap <- gap[mcols(gap)$strand %in% c(as.character(strand(which)), "*")]

    frag_exonic <- reduce(ranges(grglist(gap, drop.D.ranges = TRUE)))
    frag_intron <- ranges(junctions(gap))

    if (paired_end) {

        diff <- setdiff(frag_exonic, frag_intron)
        excl <- which(sum(width(frag_exonic)) > sum(width(diff)))

        if (length(excl) > 0) {

            if (verbose) {

                msg <- paste(
                    "inconsistent paired alignments in",



            frag_exonic <- frag_exonic[-excl]
            frag_intron <- frag_intron[-excl]



    gap <- list(frag_exonic = frag_exonic, frag_intron = frag_intron)



propagateXS <- function(gap)

    first_xs <- mcols(first(gap))$XS
    last_xs <- mcols(last(gap))$XS
    xs <- first_xs
    xs[is.na(xs)] <- last_xs[is.na(xs)]
    mcols(gap)$XS <- xs


XS2strand <- function(xs)

    s <- xs
    s[is.na(s)|s == "?"] <- "*"


filterGap <- function(gap)

    if (is(gap, "GAlignments")) {

        exclude <- filterGa(gap)

    if (is(gap, "GAlignmentPairs")) {

        exclude <- filterGa(first(gap)) | filterGa(last(gap))


    gap <- gap[!exclude]



filterGa <- function(ga)

    grepl("(\\d+D\\d+N)|(\\d+N\\d+D)", cigar(ga))


dropMcols <- function(x)

    mcols(x) <- NULL


completeMcols <- function(x, retain_coverage)

    mcol <- c("type", "N")

    if (retain_coverage) {

        mcol <- c(mcol, "N_splicesite", "coverage")


    for (m in setdiff(mcol, names(mcols(x)))) {

        if (m == "N") {

            mcols(x)[, m] <- NA_integer_

        } else if (m == "N_splicesite") {

            mcols(x)[, m] <- IntegerList(vector("list", length(x)))

        } else if (m == "coverage") {

            mcols(x)[, m] <- RleList(IntegerList(vector("list", length(x))))



    mcols(x) <- mcols(x)[, mcol, drop = FALSE]
    names(mcols(x)) <- mcol



getBamInfoPerSample <- function(file_bam, yieldSize, sample_name)

    if (is(file_bam, "BamFile")) {

        file_tmp <- file_bam

    } else {

        file_tmp <- BamFile(file_bam)


    if (!is.null(yieldSize)) {

        yieldSize(file_tmp) <- yieldSize


    flag <- scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE)
    what <- c("qname", "flag", "qwidth", "isize")
    param <- ScanBamParam(flag = flag, what = what, tag = "XS")
    bam <- scanBam(file = file_tmp, param = param)[[1]]

    XS <- !is.null(bam$tag$XS)
    paired_end <- any(bamFlagTest(bam$flag, "isPaired"))
    read_length <- median(bam$qwidth, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (paired_end) {

        isize <- bam$isize
        frag_length <- median(isize[which(isize > 0)], na.rm = TRUE)

    } else {

        frag_length <- NA_real_


    x <- data.frame(
        XS = XS,
        paired_end = paired_end,
        read_length = read_length,
        frag_length = frag_length,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (is.null(yieldSize)) {

        x$lib_size <- length(unique(bam$qname))





expandUnstrandedRanges <- function(x)

    i <- which(strand(x) == "*")

    if (length(i) > 0) {

        additional <- x[i]
        strand(additional) <- "-"
        strand(x)[i] <- "+"
        x <- c(x, additional)




uniqueFeatures <- function(features)

    i_duplicated <- vector()

    for (type in levels(type(features))) {

        i_type <- which(type(features) == type)
        i <- i_type[which(duplicated(features[i_type]))]
        i_duplicated <- c(i_duplicated, i)


    if (length(i_duplicated) > 0) {

        features <- features[-i_duplicated]




##' Export features to BED format. Splice sites are not included.
##' @title Export to BED format
##' @param features \code{TxFeatures} or \code{SGFeatures} object
##' @param file Character string specifying output file
##' @return \code{NULL}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' exportFeatures(txf_pred, "txf.bed")
##' exportFeatures(sgf_pred, "sgf.bed")
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

exportFeatures <- function(features, file)

    if (!is(features, "Features")) {

        stop("features must be a TxFeatures or SGFeatures object")


    features <- asGRanges(features)

    i_splicesite <- which(mcols(features)$type %in% c("D", "A"))

    if (length(i_splicesite) > 0) {

        features <- features[-i_splicesite]


    i_junction <- which(mcols(features)$type == "J")

    tmp <- features
    mcols(tmp) <- NULL
    bed <- split(tmp, seq_along(tmp))

    if (length(i_junction) > 0) {

        bed[i_junction] <- setdiff(
           split(tmp[i_junction], seq_along(i_junction)),
           split(tmp[i_junction] - 1, seq_along(i_junction)))


    if (!is.null(mcols(features)$color)) {

        itemRgb <- rgb(t(col2rgb(mcols(features)$color)), maxColorValue = 255)
        mcols(bed)$itemRgb <- itemRgb


    names(bed) <- feature2name(features)

    export(object = bed, con = file, format = "BED")



nextFrame <- function(f, w, prev = FALSE)

    if (is(f, "list") || is(f, "List")) {

        f_unlisted <- unlist(f)
        w_unlisted <- w[togroup0(f)]
        n_unlisted <- nextFrame(f_unlisted, w_unlisted, prev)
        n <- relist(n_unlisted, f)

    } else {

        if (prev) {

            n <- ifelse(f != -1, (f - w) %% 3, -1)

        } else {

            n <- ifelse(f != -1, (f + w) %% 3, -1)





splitCharacterList <- function(x, f)

    if (!is(f, "factor")) {

        stop("f must be a factor")


    x_unlisted <- setNames(unlist(x), NULL)
    f_unlisted <- f[togroup0(x)]
    y <- CharacterList(split(x_unlisted, f_unlisted))
    y <- unique(y)



asGRanges <- function(from)

    granges(from, use.mcols = TRUE)


asGRangesList <- function(from)

    as(from, "GRangesList")


reorderFeatures <- function(x)

    x_names <- names(x)
    x_mc <- mcols(x)
    features <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
    features_x <- togroup0(x)
    i_pos <- which(strand(features) == "+" | strand(features) == "*")
    i_neg <- which(strand(features) == "-")
    i_pos <- i_pos[order(features[i_pos])]
    i_neg <- i_neg[order(features[i_neg], decreasing = TRUE)]
    i_all <- c(i_pos, i_neg)
    x <- split(features[i_all], features_x[i_all])
    names(x) <- x_names
    mcols(x) <- x_mc



pfirst <- function(x, use_names = FALSE)

    unlist(heads(x, 1), use.names = use_names)


plast <- function(x, use_names = FALSE)

    unlist(tails(x, 1), use.names = use_names)


rbindListOfDFs <- function(x, cores)

    i_nonempty <- which(elementNROWS(x) > 0)

    if (length(i_nonempty) == 0) {


    } else {

        x <- x[i_nonempty]

    k <- names(x[[1]])

    df <- vector("list", length(k))

    for (j in seq_along(k)) {

        df[[j]] <- do.call(c, mclapply(x, "[[", j, mc.cores = cores))


    names(df) <- k

    df <- DataFrame(df, check.names = FALSE)



checkApplyResultsForErrors <- function(out, fun_name, items, error_class)

    failed <- vapply(out, is, logical(1), error_class)

    if (any(failed)) {

        i <- which(failed)
        err <- makeErrorMessage(fun_name, items[i], out[i])
        err <- paste0("\n", err)
        stop(err, call. = FALSE)



makeErrorMessage <- function(fun_name, items, msgs)

    msg <- paste0("Error in ", fun_name, " for ", items, ":", "\n", msgs)
    msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")



makeWarningMessage <- function(fun_name, items, msgs)

    msg <- paste0("Warning in ", fun_name, " for ", items, ":", "\n", msgs)
    msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n")



makeCompleteMessage <- function(item) {

    paste(item, "complete.")


generateWarningMessage <- function(fun_name, item, msg)

    message(makeWarningMessage(fun_name, item, msg))


generateCompleteMessage <- function(item)



getCoverage <- function(sample_info, which, sizefactor, cores)

    if (!is(which, "GRanges") || length(which) > 1) {

        stop("which must be a GRanges object of length 1")


    list_cov <- mcmapply(
        file_bam = sample_info$file_bam,
        paired_end = sample_info$paired_end,
        sample_name = sample_info$sample_name,
        sizefactor = sizefactor,
        MoreArgs = list(which = which),
        USE.NAMES = FALSE,
        mc.preschedule = setPreschedule(cores),
        mc.cores = cores)



getCoveragePerSample <- function(file_bam, paired_end, sample_name,
    sizefactor, which)

    gap <- readGap(file_bam, paired_end, which, sample_name, FALSE)
    cov <- coverage(unlist(gap$frag_exonic), width = end(which))
    cov <- cov / sizefactor



calculateSizeFactor <- function(sample_info)

    E <- rep(NA, nrow(sample_info))

    i_PE <- which(sample_info$paired_end)

    if (length(i_PE) > 0) {

        R_PE <- sample_info$read_length[i_PE]
        F_PE <- sample_info$frag_length[i_PE]
        I_PE <- F_PE - 2 * R_PE
        E[i_PE] <- F_PE - pmax(I_PE, 0)


    i_SE <- which(!sample_info$paired_end)

    if (length(i_SE) > 0) {

        E[i_SE] <- sample_info$read_length[i_SE]


    sizefactor <- sample_info$lib_size * E * 1e-9



checkIdenticalSummarizedExperiment <- function(target, current,
    check.colData = FALSE)

    checkTrue(is(target, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))
    checkTrue(is(current, "RangedSummarizedExperiment"))

    slots <- c(

    checkIdentical(slots, slotNames(target))
    checkIdentical(slots, slotNames(current))

    slots <- slots[slots != "assays"]

    if (!check.colData) {

        slots <- slots[slots != "colData"]


    for (s in slots) {

        a <- slot(target, s)
        b <- slot(current, s)
        ## a <- as.data.frame(a)
        ## b <- as.data.frame(b)
        checkIdentical(a, b)


    assays_target <- assayNames(target)
    assays_current <- assayNames(current)

    checkIdentical(assays_target, assays_current)

    for (a in assays_target) {

        checkIdentical(assay(target, a), assay(current, a))




rbindDfsWithoutRowNames <- function(...)

    rbind(..., make.row.names = FALSE)


##' Import GFF file and generate a \code{GRangesList} of transcripts
##' suitable as input for functions \code{convertToTxFeatures} or
##' \code{predictVariantEffects}.
##' @title Import transcripts from GFF file
##' @param file Character string specifying input GFF file
##' @param tag_tx GFF attribute tag for transcript identifier
##' @param tag_gene GFF attribute tag for gene identifier
##' @return \code{GRangesList} of exons grouped by transcipts with
##'   metadata columns txName, geneName, cdsStart, cdsEnd.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' tx <- importTranscripts(file)
##' }
##' NULL
##' @author Leonard Goldstein

importTranscripts <- function(file, tag_tx = "transcript_id",
    tag_gene = "gene_id")

  gff <- import(file)
  exons <- gff[mcols(gff)$type == "exon", ]
  df <- unique(data.frame(mcols(exons)[c(tag_tx, tag_gene)]))
  tx <- split(exons, mcols(exons)[[tag_tx]])
  cds <- gff[mcols(gff)$type == "CDS"]
  cds <- split(cds, mcols(cds)[[tag_tx]])
  cds <- unlist(range(cds))
  mcols(tx)$txName <- names(tx)
  mcols(tx)$geneName <- df[match(names(tx), df[, 1]), 2]
  mcols(tx)$cdsStart <- start(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
  mcols(tx)$cdsEnd <- end(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
  rownames(mcols(tx)) <- NULL



convertToTranscripts <- function(txdb)

    tx <- exonsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names = TRUE)
    mcols(tx)$txName <- names(tx)
    df <- silent_select(txdb, names(tx), "GENEID", "TXNAME")
    mcols(tx)$geneName <- df$GENEID[match(names(tx), df$TXNAME)]
    cds <- unlist(range(cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names = TRUE)))
    cdsLeft(tx) <- start(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
    cdsRight(tx) <- end(cds)[match(names(tx), names(cds))]
    rownames(mcols(tx)) <- NULL



checkTranscriptFormat <- function(x)

    if (!exonsOnSameChromAndStrand(x)) {

        msg <- "All exons for the same transcript must\n
            be on the same chromosome and strand"
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)


    mcol_type <- c(
        txName = "character",
        geneName = "character",
        cdsStart = "integer",
        cdsEnd = "integer")

    msg <- validMcols(x, mcol_type)

    if (!is.null(msg)) {

        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)


    if (any(mcols(x)$cdsStart > mcols(x)$cdsEnd, na.rm = TRUE)) {

        msg <- "All coding transcripts must have cdsStart < cdsEnd"
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)



## Starting with IRanges 2.5.31, togroup() does not work on an arbitrary
## object anymore, only on a ManyToOneGrouping object.
## S4Vectors:::quick_togroup() is a replacement for the old togroup() that
## works on any object.

togroup0 <- S4Vectors:::quick_togroup

isOr <- function(object, class2)

    any(vapply(class2, is, logical(1), object = object))


silent_select <- function(...)



pintersect <- function(x, y)

    n <- length(x)
    if (length(unlist(x)) == 0) i_x <- character()
    else i_x <- paste0(togroup0(x), ":", unlist(x))
    if (length(unlist(y)) == 0) i_y <- character()
    else i_y <- paste0(togroup0(y), ":", unlist(y))
    i_x <- i_x[i_x %in% i_y]
    i <- factor(as.integer(sub(":\\S+$", "", i_x)), seq_len(n))
    x <- sub("^\\S+:", "", i_x)
    o <- order(x)
    z <- split(x[o], i[o])
    names(z) <- NULL



punion <- function(x, y)

  if (length(unlist(x)) == 0 && length(unlist(y)) == 0) return(x)
  n <- length(x)
  z <- c(unlist(x), unlist(y))
  i <- c(togroup0(x), togroup0(y))
  i <- factor(i, seq_len(n))
  o <- order(z)
  z <- as.list(tapply(z[o], i[o], unique, simplify = FALSE))
  names(z) <- NULL


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