
#' perform the SIMLR feature ranking algorithm. This takes as input the original 
#' input data and the corresponding similarity matrix computed by SIMLR
#' @title SIMLR Feature Ranking
#' @examples
#' SIMLR_Feature_Ranking(A = BuettnerFlorian$results$S, X = BuettnerFlorian$in_X)
#' @param A an (n x n) similarity matrix by SIMLR
#' @param X an (m x n) data matrix of gene expression measurements of individual cells
#' @return a list of 2 elements: pvalues and ranking ordering over the n covariates 
#' as estimated by the method
#' @export SIMLR_Feature_Ranking
"SIMLR_Feature_Ranking" <- function( A, X ) {
    # traspose X
    X = t(X)
    # start the computation
    res = lapply(1:100,FUN=function( x ) {
        index = sample(1:nrow(A))
        index = index[1:round(nrow(A)*0.9)]
        Ai = A[index,index]
        Xi = X[index,]
        res = LaplacianScore(Xi,Ai)
    yscore = Reduce("rbind",res)

    yscore = 1 - yscore
    numerator = (t(yscore) - min(as.vector(yscore)) + .Machine$double.eps)
    denominator = (max(as.vector(yscore)) - min(as.vector(yscore)) + .Machine$double.eps)
    glist = numerator / denominator
    res = aggregateRanks(glist)
    res2 = sort(res$pval,index.return=TRUE)
    res = list(pval=res2$x,aggR=res2$ix)

"LaplacianScore" = function( X, W ) {
    nSmp = nrow(X)
    nFea = ncol(X)
    if(nrow(W) != nSmp) {
        stop('W is error')

    D = apply(W,MARGIN=1,FUN=sum)
    D = matrix(D,nrow=length(D),ncol=1)
    L = W

    allone = rep(1,nSmp)

    tmp1 = t(D) %*% X
    D_temp = array(0,c(length(D),length(D)))
    diag(D_temp) = D
    D = D_temp
    DPrime = colSums(t(t(X)%*%D)*X)-tmp1*tmp1/sum(diag(D))
    LPrime = colSums(t((t(X)%*%L))*X)-tmp1*tmp1/sum(diag(D))
    DPrime[DPrime < 1e-12] = 10000
    Y = LPrime/DPrime
    Y = t(Y)

"aggregateRanks" = function( R, N = NA, method = "RRA", complete = NA, topCutoff = NaN ) {
    if(is.null(R)) {
        stop('Input parameter R is missing!')
    if(is.na(complete)) {
        complete = 0
    if (all(apply(R,MARGIN=2,FUN=max)<=1) && all(apply(R,MARGIN=2,FUN=min)<=1)>0) {
        rmat = R
    else {
        stop('Columns of matrix R can only contain numbers from interval (0,1].')
    if(method=="RRA") {
        aggR = rhoScores(rmat,topCutoff)
        pval = aggR
    else {
        stop('Method should be one of:  "min", "geom.mean", "mean", "median" or "RRA"')

"rhoScores" = function( r, topCutoff = NaN ) {
    rho = rep(NaN,nrow(r))
    for(rInd in 1:nrow(r)) {
        r1 = r[rInd,]
        if(is.nan(topCutoff)) {
            x = betaScores(r1)
            rho[rInd] = correctBetaPvalues(min(x),length(which(!is.nan(x))))

"betaScores" = function( r ) {
    n = length(which(!is.nan(r)))
    p = rep(NA,length(r))
    r = sort(r)
    p[1:n] = pbeta(r[1:n],1:n,n:1)

"correctBetaPvalues" = function( p, k ) {
    pval = pbeta(p,1,k)

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SIMLR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.