# Title: findRuMi.R
# Author: Ian Gonzalez, 2/2014,
# Package: SemDist
# Packages required: GO.db
# Contains functions: loadIA, getIA, findRUMI, RUMIcurve, getPredicitons, getTrues
# This file contains code to access existing information accretion data about the ontology
# and compare the true terms to a given set of predicted terms for a protein using the
# remaining uncertainty and misinformation metrics (information content analogs to
# type 1 and type 2 errors).
## function to load information accretion data into the environment.
## Accepts single organism or a char vector of them
loadIA <- function(organism, ont) {
termcnt <- NULL
parentcnt <- NULL
if (length(organism) == 1) {
fname <- paste("Info_Accretion",
tryCatch(data(list=fname, envir=environment()))
IA <- get("IAccr")
org.ont.IA <- paste(organism,
} else {
for (i in 1:length(organism)) {
fname1 <- paste("Term_Count",
fname2 <- paste("Parent_Count",
tryCatch(data(list=fname1, envir=environment()))
tryCatch(data(list=fname2, envir=environment()))
if (i == 1) {
pcount <- parentcnt
tcount <- termcnt
} else {
pcount <- pcount + parentcnt
tcount <- tcount + termcnt
pcond <- tcount/pcount
IA <- -log2(pcond)
org.ont.IA <- paste(paste(organism, collapse=""),
## function to get information accretion data from the environment
## Accepts single organism or a char vector of them
getIA <- function(organism, ont) {
org.ont.IA <- paste(paste(organism, collapse=""),
if(!exists(org.ont.IA, envir=IAEnv)) {
loadIA(organism, ont)
IA <- get(org.ont.IA, envir=IAEnv)
## 2 functions to read in the predicted and true data from files.
getPredictions <- function(filename) {
predictions <- read.table(filename, colClasses = "character")
colnames(predictions) <- c("seqids","terms","scores")
predictions$scores <- as.numeric(predictions$scores)
predictions <- predictions[predictions$scores != 0,] #remove predictions with score 0
predictions <-
getTrues <- function(filename) {
trues <- read.table(filename, colClasses = "character")
trues <- trues[,1:2]
colnames(trues) <- c("seqids", "terms")
trues <-
## findRUMI will take a file of predicted terms (1 column each for sequences, terms, and scores from 0-1),
## a threshold value, the relevant ontological info (ont/organism) and return a data frame containing
## RU and MI for each sequence whose terms were predicted. Alternatively, if fromfile is set to false,
## the function will take the predIDs and trueIDs as data frams with seqids, terms, and scores data columns.
## If seqtrueIAs is set to a vector of values >= 0, the function will treat these as the sums of the true
## terms for each sequence (otherwise it will calculate this on its own).
findRUMI <- function(ont, organism, threshold = 0.05,
truefile="", predfile="", IAccr=NULL) {
trueIDs <- getTrues(truefile) ##Read in data from given files
predIDs <- getPredictions(predfile)
seqs <- unique(append(predIDs$seqids,trueIDs$seqids)) ##Get list of sequences whose annotations have been predicted
predIDs <- predIDs[predIDs$scores > threshold,] ## Remove predictions below the threshold
if (is.null(IAccr)) {
IA <- getIA(organism, ont)
} else {
IA <- IAccr
## Get all GO term ancestors for later propagation step:
Ancestor <- as.list(.getAncestors(ont))
Ancestor <- Ancestor[!]
## For each sequence, find its true and predicted terms, find their intersection,
## and find the sum of information accretion over each of these three domains.
## RU is calculated by subtracting the intersection from the true IA and MI is
## calculated by subtracting the intersection from the pred IA.
seqtrues <- split(trueIDs$terms, f = factor(trueIDs$seqids, seqs))
## Propagate all the true terms with all ancestors up to the root:
seqtrues <- lapply(seqtrues,function(terms){
unique(c(terms, unlist(Ancestor[terms], use.names=FALSE)))
seqtrues <- lapply(seqtrues, function(x) x[x != "all"])
message("Getting true IAs\n")
# Helper function to sum IA over a sequence's term set:
IA_sum <- function(idx) sum(na.omit(IA[idx]))
trueIA <- sapply(seqtrues, IA_sum)
names(trueIA) <- seqs
message("Getting sequence predicted terms.\n")
seqpreds <- split(predIDs$terms, f = factor(predIDs$seqids, seqs))
message("Getting IA values for predicted terms.\n")
predIA <- sapply(seqpreds, IA_sum)
message("Doing the same for the intersect.\n")
crossover <- Map(intersect, seqtrues, seqpreds)
crossoverIA <- sapply(crossover, IA_sum)
message("Calculating RU, MI\n")
RU <- trueIA - crossoverIA
MI <- predIA - crossoverIA
answers <- data.frame(RU=RU,MI=MI)
## These values are returned in a data frame with RU in first col, MI second.
## RUMIcurve is function that takes in a function predictors predictions, the true annotations,
## and information about which ontology to use and outputs a set of remaining uncertainty/misinformation
## data points that can be used to plot changes in RU/MI as the decision threshold changes.
## Thresholds are tried from 0 to 1 in steps indicated by increment. The add options allow for more
## indicators (weighted RUMI, prec/recall) to be output if needed.
RUMIcurve <- function(ont, organism, increment = 0.05, truefile, predfiles,
IAccr = NULL, add.weighted = FALSE,
add.prec.rec = FALSE) {
thresholds <- seq(1-increment, increment, -1*increment) ## Create the sequence of thresholds to loop over
trueIDs <- getTrues(truefile) ## Read in data from given files if from file
#Get IA data, from R and getIA function if IAfile is null,
#from specified .rda file otherwise. Must be called "IA" or "IAccr"
if (is.null(IAccr)) {
IA <- getIA(organism, ont)
} else {
IA <- IAccr
output <- list()
## Get all GO term ancestors for later propagation step:
Ancestor <- as.list(.getAncestors(ont))
Ancestor <- Ancestor[!]
## For each file given in predfiles:
## Get the predicted IDs from the file and generate a list of the IA sum for the true annotations
## for each relevant sequence (since this only needs to be computed once).
for (file in predfiles) {
message("Working on data for file: ", file, "\n")
predIDs <- getPredictions(file)
predIDs <- predIDs[predIDs$scores != 0,]
seqs <- unique(append(predIDs$seqids,trueIDs$seqids))
seqs <- sort(seqs)
message("Getting true terms\n")
seqtrues <- split(trueIDs$terms, f = factor(trueIDs$seqids, seqs))
## Propagate all the true terms with all ancestors up to the root:
seqtrues <- lapply(seqtrues,function(terms){
unique(c(terms, unlist(Ancestor[terms], use.names=FALSE)))
seqtrues <- lapply(seqtrues, function(x) x[x != "all"])
# Helper function to sum IA for a sequence's terms
IA_sum <- function(idx) sum(na.omit(IA[idx]))
message("Getting true IAs\n")
trueIA <- sapply(seqtrues, IA_sum)
names(trueIA) <- seqs
totalI <- sum(trueIA)
## Initialize data strctures to hold predicted terms for each sequence and output frame
seqpreds <- as.list(rep("",length(seqs)))
seqpreds <- lapply(seqpreds, function(x) x[x != ""])
names(seqpreds) <- seqs
if (!add.weighted) {
answers <- data.frame(threshold = thresholds,
RU = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
MI = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
SS = rep(0,length(thresholds)))
} else if (!add.prec.rec) {
answers <- data.frame(threshold = thresholds,
RU = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
MI = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
SS = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WRU = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WMI = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WSS = rep(0,length(thresholds)))
} else {
answers <- data.frame(threshold = thresholds,
RU = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
MI = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
SS = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WRU = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WMI = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
WSS = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
precision = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
recall = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
specificity = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
Wprecision = rep(0,length(thresholds)),
Wrecall = rep(0,length(thresholds)))
## For each threshold, add the predicted terms to the list corresponding to
## their sequence, calc IA, RU, MI, (and other requested values) and put in output frame
for (thresh in thresholds) {
message("Now working on threshold: ", thresh, "\n")
message("Getting sequence predicted terms.\n")
# Get ONLY the new predicted IDs for this threshold range:
newpreds <- predIDs[(predIDs$scores > thresh &
predIDs$scores <= thresh + increment),]
# if there aren't any, just return the last RUMI values that were calculated
# or 0 if this is the first thresh being looked at
if (length(newpreds$seqids) < 1) {
answers$RU[answers$threshold == thresh] <- mean(RU)
answers$MI[answers$threshold == thresh] <- mean(MI)
# Then add them to the seqpreds list of lists.
# This step also propagates all the new terms to the root:
newpreds <- split(newpreds$terms, f = factor(newpreds$seqids, seqs))
seqpreds <- Map(union, seqpreds, newpreds)
seqpreds <- Map(union, seqpreds, lapply(newpreds, function(x) unlist(Ancestor[x], use.names=FALSE)))
seqpreds <- lapply(seqpreds, function(x) x[x != "all"])
message("Getting IA values for predicted terms.\n")
predIA <- sapply(seqpreds, IA_sum)
message("Doing the same for the intersect.\n")
crossover <- Map(intersect, seqtrues, seqpreds)
crossoverIA <- sapply(crossover, IA_sum)
RU <- trueIA - crossoverIA
MI <- predIA - crossoverIA
SS <- crossoverIA
message("RU: ", mean(RU), ", MI: ", mean(MI), "\n")
answers$RU[answers$threshold == thresh] <- mean(RU)
answers$MI[answers$threshold == thresh] <- mean(MI)
answers$SS[answers$thresholds == thresh] <- mean(SS)
if (add.weighted) {
WRU <- sum(RU * trueIA)/totalI ## for wwprecision replace RU
WMI <- sum(MI * trueIA)/totalI ## with Wprecision
WSS <- sum(MI * trueIA)/totalI
answers$WRU[answers$threshold == thresh] <- WRU
answers$WMI[answers$threshold == thresh] <- WMI
answers$WSS[answers$thresholds == thresh] <- WSS
if (add.prec.rec) {
precision <- sum(sapply(crossover, length)) / sum(sapply(seqpreds, length))
recall <- sum(sapply(crossover, length)) / sum(sapply(seqtrues, length))
Wprecision <- SS / predIA
Wrecall <- SS / trueIA
TN <- sum(sapply(seqtrues, function(x) length(seqs) - length(x)))
specificity <- TN/(TN + sum(sapply(seqs, function(x) length(seqpreds[[x]]) - length(crossover[[x]]))))
answers$precision[answers$threshold == thresh] <- precision
answers$recall[answers$threshold == thresh] <- recall
answers$specificity[answers$thresholds == thresh] <- specificity
answers$Wprecision[answers$threshold == thresh] <- Wprecision
answers$Wrecall[answers$thresholds == thresh] <- Wrecall
output <- append(output, list(answers))
names(output) <- predfiles
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