
#' Get transcript sequences
#' Extract the DNA sequences of all exons of transcript models and concatenate to one sequence per
#' transcript. This is basically a wrapper for \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{extractTranscriptSeqs}},
#' which makes sure that the exons are correctly sorted according to their position in the
#' transcript (3' to 5').
#' @param transcripts A \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} or
#'   \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}} object containing exons of
#'   transcripts for which sequences should be extracted. All exons in a \code{GRanges} object are
#'   assumed to belong to the same transcript. Multiple transcripts can be provided in a
#'   \code{GRangesList} object.
#' @param  genome A \code{\link[BSgenome:BSgenome-class]{BSgenome}} or
#'   \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{DNAStringSet}} object containing chromosome sequences
#'   which should be used to extract transcript sequences. Although using a \code{BSgenome} object
#'   is the easiest way, the genome sequence could also be loaded from a FASTA file using
#'   \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-io]{readDNAStringSet}}.
#' @return A \code{\link[Biostrings:DNAString-class]{DNAString}} or
#'   \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{DNAStringSet}} object containing the transcript
#'   sequence(s).
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome)
#' # protein-coding exons of transcripts within chr11 region
#' data("chr11_genes")
#' target_txs <- split(chr11_genes, f = chr11_genes$transcript_id)
#' # human genome (hg38) BSgenome object (needs to be installed separately from Bioconductor)
#' hg38 <- getBSgenome("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38")
#' # get sequences for all target transcripts on chr11
#' txs_seqs <- getTxsSeq(target_txs, genome = hg38)
#' @export
setGeneric("getTxsSeq", function(transcripts, genome) standardGeneric("getTxsSeq") )

#' @describeIn getTxsSeq Obtain transcript sequence from \code{GRangesList} input
#' @export
setMethod("getTxsSeq", "GRangesList", function(transcripts, genome) {

  # abort if genome is not a BSgenome or DNAStringSet object
  if (!is(genome, "BSgenome") & !is(genome, "DNAStringSet")) {
    stop("genome must be of class BSgenome or DNAStringSet!", call. = FALSE)

  # make sure that all chromosomes in transcripts are found in genome
  txs_chrs <- as.character(unique(seqnames(unlist(transcripts))))
  if (length(setdiff(txs_chrs, names(genome))) > 0) {
    stop("Not all chromosomes in transcripts found in genome object!", call. = FALSE)

  # get indices of transcripts on positive and negative strand
  txs_pos <- which(all(strand(transcripts) == "+"))
  txs_neg <- which(all(strand(transcripts) == "-"))

  # get transcripts with incorrect or conflicting strand information
  bad_txs <- setdiff(seq_along(transcripts), sort(c(txs_pos, txs_neg)))

  # abort if any are found
  if (length(bad_txs) > 0) {
    if (!is.null(names(transcripts))) {
      stop("Incorrect strand information in transcripts! ",
           "Strand of all exons per transcript must be '+' or '-' ('*' is not allowed).\n",
           "Check strand for transcript(s): ",
           paste(names(transcripts)[bad_txs], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      stop("Incorrect strand information in transcripts! ",
           "Strand of all exons per transcript must be '+' or '-' ('*' is not allowed).",
           call. = FALSE)

  # order exons of each transcript according to order in transcript (5' -> 3')
  transcripts[txs_pos] <- sort(transcripts[txs_pos], decreasing = FALSE)
  transcripts[txs_neg] <- sort(transcripts[txs_neg], decreasing = TRUE)

  # get sequences of transcripts
  extractTranscriptSeqs(genome, transcripts = transcripts)


#' @describeIn getTxsSeq Obtain transcript sequence from \code{GRanges} input
#' @export
setMethod("getTxsSeq", "GRanges", function(transcripts, genome) {

  # transform transcripts to GRangesList
  transcripts <- GRangesList(transcripts)

  # obtain transcript sequence
  seq <- getTxsSeq(transcripts, genome = genome)

  # return transcript sequence as DNAString


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TAPseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:51 p.m.