#' @title Analyze a 2D-TPP experiment
#' @description Performs the whole analysis workflow for 2D-TPP experiment by invoking routines
#' for data import, data processing, fold change computation, median normalization,
#' TPP-CCR curve fitting, plotting and production of the result table.
#' @return A data frame in which the model results (slopes and pEC50 values) are
#' stored row-wise for each protein and administered temperatures.
#' @references Becher, I., Werner, T., Doce, C., Zaal, E. A., Berkers, C. R., T"ogel, I.,
#' Salzer, E., Bantscheff, M., Savitski, M. M. (2016)
#' Thermal profiling reveals phenylalanine hydroxylase as an off-target of panobinostat.
#' Nature Chemical Biology, 12(11), 908-910.
#' @details Invokes the following steps: \enumerate{ \item Import data using the
#' \code{\link{tpp2dImport}} function. \item Remove zero sumionarea values.
#' \item Compute fold changes from raw data (sumionarea)
#' \item Perform normalization by fold
#' change medians (optional) using the \code{\link{tpp2dNormalize}} function.
#' To perform normalization, set argument \code{normalize=TRUE}.}
#' \code{paletteName} specifies the color palette to be used by the \code{\link{brewer.pal}}
#' function from the \code{RColorBrewer} package to assign a separate color to
#' each concentration.
#' @examples
#' data(panobinostat_2DTPP_smallExample)
#' config_tpp2d <- panobinostat_2DTPP_config
#' data_tpp2d <- panobinostat_2DTPP_data
#' tpp2dResults <- analyze2DTPP(configTable = config_tpp2d,
#' data = data_tpp2d,
#' methods=c("doseResponse"),
#' createReport="none",
#' nCores=1,
#' idVar = "representative",
#' addCol = "clustername",
#' intensityStr = "sumionarea_protein_",
#' nonZeroCols = "qusm")
#' @param configTable dataframe, or character object with the path to a file,
#' that specifies important details of the 2D-TPP experiment. See Section
#' \code{details} for instructions how to create this object.
#' @param data single dataframe, containing fold change measurements and
#' additional annotation columns to be imported. Can be used instead of
#' specifying the file path in the \code{configTable} argument.
#' @param resultPath location where to store dose-response curve plots and
#' results table.
#' @param idVar character string indicating which data column provides the
#' unique identifiers for each protein.
#' @param fcStr character string indicating which columns contain the actual
#' fold change values. Those column names containing the prefix \code{fcStr}
#' will be regarded as containing fold change values. Only relevant if
#' \code{compFC = FALSE}.
#' @param intensityStr character string indicating which columns contain the actual
#' sumionarea values. Those column names containing the prefix \code{intensityStr}
#' will be regarded as containing sumionarea values.
#' @param fcTolerance tolerance for the fcCutoff parameter. See details.
#' @param naStrs character vector indicating missing values in the data table.
#' When reading data from file, this value will be passed on to the argument
#' \code{na.strings} in function \code{read.delim}.
#' @param methods vector of character strings that indicate which methods should be used
#' for the analysis (default: c("doseResponse"), alternative: c("splineFit") or
#' c("doseResponse", "splineFit"))
#' @param addCol character vector indicating which additional columns to include
#' from the input data
#' @param qualColName character string indicating which column can be used for
#' additional quality criteria when deciding between different non-unique
#' protein identifiers.
#' @param compFc boolean flag which indicates whether to perform fold change computation
#' regarding reference column from sumionareas (default: TRUE)
#' @param normalize perform median normalization (default: TRUE).
#' @param nCores either a numerical value given the desired number of CPUs, or
#' 'max' to automatically assign the maximum possible number (default).
#' @param nonZeroCols character string indicating a column that will be used for
#' filtering out zero values.
#' @param r2Cutoff Quality criterion on dose response curve fit.
#' @param fcCutoff Cutoff for highest compound concentration fold change.
#' @param slopeBounds Bounds on the slope parameter for dose response curve
#' fitting.
#' @param xlsxExport produce results table in xlsx format and store at the
#' location specified by the \code{resultPath} argument.
#' @param plotAll boolean value indicating whether all dose response curves should
#' be generated. Deactivating plotting decreases runtime.
#' @param plotAllR2 boolean value indicating whether all dose response curves which
#' fulfill the demanded criteria (Rsquared, maximum plateau) should be generated.
#' Deactivating plotting decreases runtime.
#' @param plotSingle boolean value indicating whether all dose response curves which
#' fulfill the demanded criteria (Rsquared, maximum plateau) should be generated.
#' Deactivating plotting decreases runtime.
#' @param fractAbund boolean variable, if set to TRUE additional information concerning
#' sumionarea fractional abundance and dmso1 vs. dmso2 of adjacent temperatures is
#' added to the output table
#' @param addInfo boolean variable, if set to TRUE additional information on counts of
#' stabilization and destabilization of each protein is added to the output table
#' @param trRef character string containing a valid system path to a previously generated TPP-TR
#' reference object
#' @param refFcStr character string indicating which columns in the reference data set contain
#' the fold change values
#' @param createReport character string indicating whether a markdown report should be created
#' and which format it have (default: "html_document", alternative: "pdf_document" or "none")
#' @param paletteName color palette (see details).
#' @param configFile DEPRECATED
#' @export
analyze2DTPP <- function(configTable,
data = NULL,
resultPath = NULL,
idVar = "gene_name",
fcStr = NULL,
intensityStr = "signal_sum_",
naStrs = c("NA", "n/d", "NaN", "<NA>"),
methods = "doseResponse",
qualColName = "qupm",
compFc = TRUE,
normalize = TRUE,
addCol = NULL,
nCores = 1,
nonZeroCols = "qssm",
fcTolerance = 0.1,
r2Cutoff = 0.8,
fcCutoff = 1.5,
slopeBounds = c(1,50),
fractAbund = FALSE,
xlsxExport = TRUE,
plotAll = FALSE,
plotAllR2 = FALSE,
plotSingle = FALSE,
trRef = NULL,
addInfo = FALSE,
createReport = "none",
paletteName = "Spectral",
configFile) {
message("This is TPP version ", packageVersion("TPP"),".")
if (!missing(configFile)){
warning("`configFile` is deprecated. Use 'configTable' instead.", call. = FALSE)
configTable <- configFile
# # Check for missing function arguments
# checkFunctionArgs(, c("configTable"))
# import data
datIn <- tpp2dImport(configTable=configTable, data=data,
idVar=idVar, addCol=addCol, intensityStr=intensityStr,
qualColName=qualColName, nonZeroCols = nonZeroCols,
## Extract directory from the filenames in config table, if specified:
confgFields <- suppressMessages(
importCheckConfigTable(infoTable=configTable, type="2D")
files <- suppressWarnings(confgFields$Path)
outDirList <- importFct_makeOutputDirs(outDir=resultPath, fNames=files)
flagDoWrite <- outDirList$doWrite
resultPath <- outDirList$outDir
if (!flagDoWrite) xlsxExport = plotAll = plotAllR2 = plotSingle <- FALSE
# compute fold changes if requested
if (compFc){
fcStr <- "rel_fc_protein_"
datIn <- tpp2dComputeFoldChanges(data = datIn, newFcStr = fcStr)
# do median normalization of fold changes
if (normalize){
NormData2d <- tpp2dNormalize(data = datIn)
NormData2d <- datIn
# Make sure the TPP-CCR routine uses the correct columns, when there was
# normalization before:
fcStrUpdated <- attr(NormData2d, "importSettings")$fcStrNorm
# filter out row with no quality information
if (length(which([[qualColName[1]]])))!=0){ # to do: shift this code into the curve fitting function to make it available for curve fitting outside this wrapper
NormData2d <- NormData2d[-which([[qualColName[1]]])),]
# filter out proteins that have duplicated unique_ID to prevent crash
if (length(which(duplicated(NormData2d$unique_ID)))!=0){
message("There are duplicated proteins in your experimental conditions! These are filtered out to run this analysis!
Please check your data quality and consider pre-filtering!")
NormData2d <- NormData2d[-which(duplicated(NormData2d$unique_ID)),]
# calculate fractioncal abundance per curve
if (fractAbund){
NormData2d <- tpp2dCalcFractAbundance(data = NormData2d)
if ("doseResponse" %in% methods){
# run TPP-CCR
analysisResults <- tpp2dCurveFit(data = NormData2d,
nCores = nCores,
r2Cutoff = r2Cutoff,
fcCutoff = fcCutoff,
slopeBounds = slopeBounds,
fcTolerance = fcTolerance)
if (plotAll){
# generate joint plots for all proteins detected
plotList <- tpp2dCreateDRplots(data = analysisResults, type = "all",
verbose = TRUE, paletteName = paletteName)
# write output file with plots
tpp2dExportPlots(plotList = plotList, resultPath = resultPath, type = "all")
if (plotAllR2){
# generate joint plots for all proteins detected with sufficient R2
plotGoodList <- tpp2dCreateDRplots(data = analysisResults, type = "good",
verbose = TRUE, paletteName = paletteName)
# write output file with plots
tpp2dExportPlots(plotList = plotGoodList, resultPath = resultPath, type = "good")
if (plotSingle){
# generate single plots for all protein in each condition fitted with sufficient R2
plotSingleList <- tpp2dCreateDRplots(data = analysisResults, type = "single", verbose = TRUE)
# write output file with plots
tpp2dExportPlots(plotList = plotSingleList, resultPath = resultPath, type = "single")
analysisResults <- NormData2d
# do spline fit over tpp-tr reference
if (("splineFit" %in% methods) && !is.null(trRef)){
# do f-test for splines fit
analysisResults <- tpp2dSplineFitAndTest(data = analysisResults,
dataRef = trRef,
refIDVar = "Protein_ID",
refFcStr = "norm_rel_fc_",
resultPath = resultPath,
doPlot = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
nCores = nCores)
}else if("splineFit" %in% methods){
message("The spline fit and corresponding f-Test could not be performed, as no TPP-TR reference dataset was specified!
Please check the file path you have specified for trRef!")
# add additional information e.g. how often protein was stabilized/destabilized if desired
if (addInfo){
analysisResults <- tpp2dAddAdditionalInfo(data = analysisResults,
idVar = idVar)
# add TR reference columns to result table
if (!is.null(trRef) && file.exists(trRef)){
analysisResults <-tpp2dMerge2dRef(data = analysisResults,
trRef = trRef, idVar = idVar)
# export results
if (!is.null(resultPath) & xlsxExport){
addPlotColumns <- any(c(plotAll, plotAllR2, plotSingle, !is.null(trRef)))
tpp2dExport(tab = analysisResults,
outPath = resultPath,
addCol = addCol, addPlotColumns = addPlotColumns,
trRef = trRef)
# create markdown report
if ((createReport!="none") && !is.null(resultPath)){
tpp2dCreateReport(resultPath = resultPath,
configFile = configTable,
normalize = normalize,
configTable = configTable,
data = analysisResults,
idVar = "Protein_ID",
fcStr = fcStr,
fcStrUpdated = fcStrUpdated,
documentType = createReport,
intensityStr = intensityStr,
addCol = addCol,
fcTolerance = fcTolerance,
r2Cutoff = r2Cutoff,
fcCutoff = fcCutoff,
slopeBounds = slopeBounds,
trRef = trRef)
# return output table
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