
Defines functions importFct_fcCols

importFct_fcCols <- function(datDF, fcPrefix, labelSuffix){
  # Identify fold change columns in the imported data frame.
  # Fold change columns are composed of the string in 'fcPrefix' (prefix of 
  # every fold change column) and the strings contained in 'labelSuffix' (the 
  # TMT labels).
  colsFC    <- paste(fcPrefix, labelSuffix, sep="")
  fcColPos <- match(colsFC, colnames(datDF))
  if (any(is.na(fcColPos))){
    errormsg <- paste("Could not find column(s) '", 
                      paste(colsFC[is.na(fcColPos)], collapse="', '"), 
                      "'. Please specificy the correct fold change column prefix and isotope labels.", 
  } else {

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TPP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.